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Coworker sniffed my lunch. I made him buy a new one. Am I being unfair?

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I don't believe he made a big deal he simply told him to buy him another which is completely justified. Idk maybe he could've brought it up to him after work or something but it definetly had to be addressed.

Completely justified in bizarro world maybe. He sniffed some air from above the food. He didn't fucking dip his balls in the stuff. Goddamn you people are weird.
I love the fact that according to the title you 'made him' buy you lunch but in reality he just said fuck that and then you bought another.

Yeah it's werid smelling food but your reaction isn't normal to me.


This sounds like a situation like Larry David would get into.

And like most episodes of Curb, Larry's often in the right, but he's also often a huge asshole about it.

The dude was out of line and sounds like the typical office weirdo that's way too personal and clingy. Which is annoying, but not harmful generally. You overreacted.

Apologize but set up some boundaries with him. Tell him you don't like the massages and close talking and touching your food.
Yeah, it probably would've bugged me too but you overreacted. Leaving the food on his desk after the fact seems pretty theatrical.
Yeah thats some real passive aggressive shit.Arnold should keep his hands off people's food and OP needs to not go 0 to 100 over a minor agitation.


1) It's definitely odd to pick up someone else's food to smell it, especially since the odor was filling the office enough for him to already smell it (more on that in a sec)

2) You clearly over-reacted, as others have said.

3) I actually think it's a bit rude to bring strong smelling food into the office, since it basically makes the entire area smell what you are eating. Office logistics etc. may make this more passable, but at least where I work we try not to do that. One person with a strong smelling lunch can fill the entire corner of the office building; not everyone wants to know what you eating for lunch.


Good job selectively choosing one of the few posts agreeing with you in order to justify your actions while ignoring all the ones telling you you overreacted like a petulant brat.

Typical GAF advice thread. OP, you overreacted. Apologize to him and buy him lunch.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Your coworker shouldn't have touched your lunch, but you overreacted to it. You both screwed up but I think you overreacting to it is worse than him touching your lunch.
The only time this would have been slightly acceptable is if it was a repeated offense. He obviously didn't know you were like this about your food so I would have mentioned it in more friendly manner, and only resorted to what you did if they did it once more after I talked about it.


I guess this guy thought he could consider you someone he could pal around with. I am sure he won't make that mistake again.
Completely justified in bizarro world maybe. He sniffed some air from above the food. He didn't fucking dip his balls in the stuff. Goddamn you people are weird.
Good to know you're fine with people randomly picking up your food and smelling it. Lol NeoGaf sure is something.
1) It's definitely odd to pick up someone else's food to smell it, especially since the odor was filling the office enough for him to already smell it (more on that in a sec)

2) You clearly over-reacted, as others have said.

3) I actually think it's a bit rude to bring strong smelling food into the office, since it basically makes the entire area smell what you are eating. Office logistics etc. may make this more passable, but at least where I work we try not to do that. One person with a strong smelling lunch can fill the entire corner of the office building; not everyone wants to know what you eating for lunch.

This is a really good point.


Watch out tomorrow. He is going to be waiting for you when you come in with lunch.



Rapid Response Threadmaker
It's like this.

I don't think most people are mad at you being upset and not eating the food, but was the sum of the meal worth it to cause strife? Do you expect him to actually pay for it? You realize this shit is going to be awkward as fuck because the guy isn't going to know if he should pay for it or you are still expecting him to.

Are you full vocal aggressive about a lot of things? I'd generally expect this from someone being an asshole or "Alpha Bro". Then again some people would say throwing away the food and silently getting more would be "Beta", so who knows.
I like how the OP found the single post that agreed with him, then quoted it and responded to it like, "Yeah I knew you guys would agree with me!!!" Particularly when the entire point of the thread was supposedly to get feedback about if he was being unreasonable.


The fuck is your problem dude. He sniffed your food, he didn't masturbaate in it.

At some point you are going to have to admit to yourself that your germaphobia is causing you genuine issues in everyday life and social situations.

Explain to him that you're ridiculously anal about food and germs, and that you didn't appreciate the completely innocuous thing he did because of it. This is on you.


Guys, Arnold picked his food up. You don't handle someone else's food. Super weird.

It was in a to go container, it's not a big deal. People acting like food their food some untainted gift that was created in a replicator and came nowhere close to being interacted with by other humans before they receive it is more weird.

Man, at first I was like, "Fuck OP" and than I pictured it in my head.

Yea, hell to the fuck no. I may not have told him off, but if I saw that I would definitely not be happy. I may just go get another one. I have a hard time believing anyone here would "not care" (as in literally feel nothing) in that kind of situation.

Anyways,OP, passive aggressive is not the same as being polite.

So you pictured someone sniffing food in your head and it somehow became worse than when you had just read about it (and apparently not formed a picture of it in your head while reading it?), naw it's still not a big. Telling someone off for sniffing their food jesus christ.

Thank you. Matter of fact he wiped his hands on his slacks because he had grease/sauce from the chicken on them. Of all the time I've worked with people, that's was probably the most invaded I ever felt. I don't know whether he washes his hands or is sick. He snorts occasionally and blames 'allergies'. He digs in his ears at his desk. I wouldn't touch anything of his, so why did he feel compelled to pick up and finesse and caress my food? I'm very particular about my food. I would hope most people are.

I didn't 'Fly off the handle'. I said it in a half-joking way. He didn't even think I was being serious, and it was definitely said too low for anyone else around to hear. We even briefly talked about something else in the same exchange after I told him to get me another one and he told me he ate.

People just expect the story teller to be the absolute worst, and I guess thats as expected seeing previous topics...

Great job selectively finding one of the few posts that agree with what you did when 95% of the rest of the thread is calling you out for being extremely rude.

"People expect the story teller to be the absolute worst"... dude did you read your OP? Guy sniffed your food and you MADE HIM BUY YOU A NEW LUNCH.

Get off your high horse and take the lose, you dun fucked up.

Edit: and to clarify, no there is nothing wrong with being upset that someone sniffed your food and there is nothing wrong with expressing that to the person in a normal manner. Insisting that they buy you a new lunch to the point of creating awkwardness around the office? Bit too far.

Edit2: "I'm very particular about my food, I would hope most people are" why? Why should I be particular about my food? Is there some issue going on with people regularly preparing food in an unacceptable manner?

I mean I get not wanting to eat "nose hair boogers etc" (rollin my eyes here) but that's not something that happens regularly if really at all with any frequency outside of random instances or specific cases. Anything else my immune system will take care of so no, I am not very particular about my food and I hope you can understand why as I can clearly understand why you are.


i get it, but society would not. certain things are valued, group dynamics are one of them, and his sniffing of your food got trumped by your bitching him out in front of his co-workers. So...now you kind of look bad.

But I get it. I would just say quietly, "dude, boundaries." and explain to him. And give him his lunch. And get another one. I'd also probably convince him to buy me another sometime, but in a friendly way. Like next week we go and he covers me since he owes me, and he understands, and we didn't have a big scene.

especially if you're the new guy, and he's an old guy, and well liked, and you'll be gone soon and he won't be.
You obviously should have just eaten the food and then about two hours later just straight up farted in his face and asked if he still thought it smelled good. That's clearly the only reasonable course of action no matter what GAF tells you.
Maintaining peace and fitting in at the work place is worth more than a single lunch. Sure, what the guy did was a bit weird, but it's one of those things you suck up and move on from. The OP is going to be the office pariah now.

I agree, which is why I said I wouldn't have used that particular wording.

The offending party seems to have problems respecting boundaries and personal space. If OP has germ issues, it shouldn't be his responsibility to pussyfoot around the offender to make them feel comfortable when they're in the wrong.

Again, I don't know any world where this is acceptable. If something like that happened in my place of business, the person would, at the very least, be having a not nice conversation with a superior. Don't touch other people's food. Ever! It's not hard to figure out.


Good to know you're fine with people randomly picking up your food and smelling it. Lol NeoGaf sure is something.

If the guy was just being (overly) friendly as a co-worker and interested in my meal, then i'd consider it a bit strange if he'd actually go and smell my food. I'd probably comment on it with a joke like that he shouldn't put his entire nose into it or something and leave it at that.

Coworker laughs, you laugh, you eat your fucking lunch and you actually don't antagonise half your coworkers by making a big scene about it. Interacting with other people must be like pulling teeth for germaphobes.
Buy him a nice meal. Hell, you probably hurt his feelings. The guy sounds harmless; just a little socially awkward (which could be a culture thing.)


I'm curious as to how many of the people who are saying OP overreacted will go on to post/have posted nasty ass hygiene threads. OP you were absolutely not overreacting. He picked up your food, brought it up to his face and sniffed it? Fuck no. And to all the people saying "well someone else was closer", well "someone else" had regulations about how clean they have to be to prepare that food.

You people are just cementing me on never going to a GAF meetup.


I'm actually A bit of a germaphobe and OCD about it myself, but I still am aware when it's my issues acting up and not another person's problem.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'd never talk to you again if you were just some guy from the office. I'd guess something is wrong with you.


Good to know you're fine with people randomly picking up your food and smelling it. Lol NeoGaf sure is something.

That's not the problem. Most people is not thrilled about it of course, but deciding to act over it in a kind of passive-aggressive manner... means you have an easy trigger. That is what OP's other college considers unprofessional and can bring him problems.

D i Z

Sounds like Arnold is the kind of guy that comes from a place where closeness isn't so much of an issue as it is for you. You could have explained to him that he crossed a couple of social norms and he should be more aware, even learned something about him and why he is like that so that you know what to expect from him. But nope. You had to take it to another level with demands and leave it on his desk as some sort of passive aggressive statement. Well done on handling that one like an adult.


Have you ever been out with family or friends and smelled what they were having after they ordered something delicious? Not exactly uncommon.
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