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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


erotic butter maelstrom
Blizzard said:
Why do people want the quicksave option, allowing you to retry every game decision and instantly undo nearly every mistake you make fighting enemies etc.?

There are some games, say like ~totally off topic~ Demon's Souls, where it makes sense that you can't save on a whim. You can either scrape by/master that part, or give up. In cases like that, the lack of quick save is an intentional design decision and I can under stand it.

On the other hand, I think that it should be an option in most games. The emphasis is on 'option', to have the choice to choose when I can save a point and return to it. For starters, it encourages experimentation in a game like this since I don't have to worry about being forced to replay a pain in the ass section because I wanted to see what happens when I drive a jeep off a cliff. Secondly, and most importantly, it's about being able to choose for myself when I can save and leave, or die and respawn, rather than leaving it up to the developer's judgment. Maybe it'll make the game too easy, but that would be my own damn fault. Ultimately, choice is the most important thing and that's why I think an option like quick save should be essential unless it goes entirely against the design of the game.


WHOAguitarninja said:
I'm torn on this one. While it does ramp up the tension dramatically on the higher difficulties (reminds me a bit of Alien vs Predator before they patched in a save function), it has proved frustrating at times when checkpoints aren't where i expect them to be.

I haven't seen any checkpoints placed before boring shit. Yet.
Mrbob said:
Finally able to get my Crysis 2 serial key working and played a couple matches online. Very addicting. First FPS game in a long time I can see myself playing awhile online.
Same here. I don't see what upcoming shooter can take its place in the near future either. Maybe Brink in May...still a couple months and that's co-op. We should have a Crysis 2 online meetup thread
perineumlick said:
Call me crazy, but the further into the game I get, the uglier it gets (360). Things looked very nice in the early going, but now the stress of the engine trying to do so much at once seems to be showing through. Enemies vanishing into thin air, a clanging sound that started around the 10th level and hasn't really stopped. Ugly textures, crushed blacks, my gun disappearing. Still looks good, but not "best looking console game" good.
Call me crazy but I've experienced the exact opposite. The first third of the game looked pretty good, but I couldn't tell what all the fuss was about. Once I started hitting some areas that weren't in broad daylight, the visuals really came into their own, and I had to stop and stare more than once. Its only gotten better as the game progresses.

Gotta say I also like the mixture of semi-linearity and open battle spaces. This game will reward replays.

My only negative so far is that I wish I could get the suit to shut up at times. I don't need to be reminded of my objectives and tactical opportunities all the time, and this is exactly the kind of thing I'd love to be able to shut off. That and one nitpick: I'd like to be able to see the C4 I plant more easily - I toss it and it just blends into the environment too easily and then I worry I'm going to blow myself up by accident. Maybe having it lit up in the binocular view would work.

TL;DR: This is a great fucking game, and has the kind of single player campaign I've almost given up hope of having on the consoles again. Meaty, and based upon player choice. Its set the bar for best shooter campaigns this year without a doubt.


Tain said:
it is your skill that is so weak


Seriously, that's, like, the absolute clearest improvement that this game has over Crysis. The checkpoints are awesome and so much better than the old f-key safety net.
Not sure if srs


erotic butter maelstrom
NullPointer said:
TL;DR: This is a great fucking game, and has the kind of single player campaign I've almost given up hope of having on the consoles again. Meaty, and based upon player choice. Its set the bar for best shooter campaigns this year without a doubt.

Have you played Bulletstorm?

Either way, when I do play this game (when it's not SIXTY DOLLARS), hopefully I'll feel the same.
Pimpbaa said:
Yes. It's like dull white paint was just thrown on the environment. Didn't look realistic at all. Probably some mods or config files that make it look better, but using default settings it just looked dull. Was the same across multiple systems with different video cards and in both Crysis 1 and Warhead.
Sorry for off-topic but you know what that reminded me of... Uncharted 2 has the best snow tech (I guess it's tech?) ever. The way Drake walks through the thick snow and it deforming dynamically with every step looks so awesome and realistic. No other game has done it better. Would love to see that in Crysis with the 3rd person mod on.

Snuggler said:
Have you played Bulletstorm?

Either way, when I do play this game (when it's not SIXTY DOLLARS), hopefully I'll feel the same.

$37 after the $15 credit :D
I got the retail box version for $47 after credit. Wish I had just got the download


Crunched said:
But, the original Crysis had checkpoints as well. You weren't forced to use quick save. It was simply an option.

An option that the game suggests and that guarantees that the developers didn't need to think about checkpoint pacing. A player can't be positive that all of the encounters were designed around checkpoints, and the whole point is to choose the options that let you win, so it's only natural to use the shit out of them.

Of course, I can play Crysis only using the checkpoints. I haven't tried. For all I know, they could be paced fine, but I'm not betting on it! Thankfully, with Crysis 2, I don't even need to worry about it. I'm given very clear challenges to overcome and I don't need to play Game Designer.


Tain said:
An option that the game suggests and that guarantees that the developers didn't need to think about checkpoint pacing. A player can't be positive that all of the encounters were designed around checkpoints, and the whole point is to choose the options that let you win, so it's only natural to use the shit out of them.

Of course, I can play Crysis only using the checkpoints. I haven't tried. For all I know, they could be paced fine, but I'm not betting on it! Now I don't even need to worry about it; I'm given very clear challenges to overcome and I don't need to play Game Designer.
Uh, okay. I'll say I disagree and that you should try playing with only checkpoints sometime. It's paced perfectly fine.


I'm on level 13 or 14 and so far the checkpoints have been adequate. Couple bugs that I have stumbled onto is the can't pick up nano dust bug and sometimes I can't pickup the rocket launcher. They both seem to go away after a checkpoint though. AI can be dumb as fuck sometimes and other time the AI is good.


Multiplayer is great fun in this game, been playing it for hours.love the level design, love the unlock and dog tag system. My only complaint are the few bugs that I hope will be ironed out and the garbage matchmaking.

The Single Player however is pretty damn shitty through and through, played it for around 2 hours and well, it has easily the worst AI of a blockbuster title I have ever seen and to think things couldn't get worse well they do...........the voice acting. It makes Killzone 3 sound like an oscar winning performance from the entire cast, so damn monotone urgh.

Visuals are great, the lighting engine in particular, but to call it the best looking game ever is pushing it.

Still a keeper, just for the multiplayer.
Snuggler said:
Have you played Bulletstorm?

Either way, when I do play this game (when it's not SIXTY DOLLARS), hopefully I'll feel the same.
Not yet no, but if its got a great campaign then I'll give it a shot at some point. I've mentally filed that game away as a good co-op game, but based upon getting points for special moves. Maybe I've read the game wrong, but I figure its to regular shooters what Devil May Cry is to other fighting games - meaning its not about the fury of the combat itself, but how you score from mixing and matching stunt moves. But hey, I'll give anything a try if its fun.


Question, I got a 360 but am planning to get a gaming PC some time in the second half of this year. Is the PC version worth the wait or do I go ahead with the 360 one now?
ElyrionX said:
Question, I got a 360 but am planning to get a gaming PC some time in the second half of this year. Is the PC version worth the wait or do I go ahead with the 360 one now?

Wait - by then the problems will be fixed, and may even have DX11 so it'll be a great experience.

Graphics are important, I enjoy this game FAR more because of the graphics and interactivity.


erotic butter maelstrom
NullPointer said:
Not yet no, but if its got a great campaign then I'll give it a shot at some point. I've mentally filed that game away as a good co-op game, but based upon getting points for special moves. Maybe I've read the game wrong, but I figure its to regular shooters what Devil May Cry is to other fighting games - meaning its not about the fury of the combat itself, but how you score from mixing and matching stunt moves. But hey, I'll give anything a try if its fun.

You're close there, but it's a fucking awesome game, trust me. I'll just leave it at that since this isn't the right thread, but it's one of the best single player FPS games I've played.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Lol so I started the game over on Super difficulty with my Stealth perk and just ran through the first 3 levels killing like 5 enemies. Level 3 can be beaten killing only the one alien to continue the level.


So I picked this up today and I gotta say I'm really liking it. I did play a bit of the original, however once the aliens showed up in Crysis 1 it kinda killed my interest, and the ice they brought with them kinda killed my graphics card. I think Crysis 2 is waaaaay better then the original.

I'm playing on the PC and this is the first PC FPS I've played in a long while that either a. isn't focused solely on multi and b. has an awesome campaign. I'm really digging the combat, it is super challenging. I feel like most games today sort of just take you on a ride and as long as you're pushing buttons you're gonna get to the end. I'm playing Crysis 2 on normal (or whatever the second difficulty was) and it really makes you earn every checkpoint. I've gotten to the point in the campaign where
all of the enemies are aliens now
and it's a bitch! You can go down pretty quickly if you're not using your stealth/armor/melee smartly. Not to mention all the different options you have in the way of weapons and leveling up your abilities. It seems like the game has constantly got weapons lying around so your never stuck with something you don't like. And at the same time the cost and variety of suit power ups really create some tough choices.

There are two things I can think of right now about it that I don't like though: 1. For a game that has a stealth suit as a primary mechanic they really should have made the enemy AI react better when you enter in and out of stealth. The normal soldiers seem to just forget you ever existed and the aliens just keeping coming right after you like were standing out in the open. It doesn't really take away from the challenge of the combat as much as it kind sucks you outta the experience and reminds you that they're all just robots. And 2. For some reason sometimes when I push keys they don't register... maybe it's just me but I have a hell of a time switching to my under barrel shotgun/grenade launcher in combat.. like I jam on the button and nothing happens.

I understand the criticism the game gets for being "lol CoD clone", but it's not. You could say that they've departed from the original aswell as the Far Cry lagacy in general, but it's more like they refined what they had into something really really good. It doesn't have the huge open world esque level design, but the levels are definitely not railroad tracks through a shooting gallery like CoD. You get some large playing areas that when combined with good level design and solid enemy AI allow you the freedom to explore the game mechanics in fun ways. I don't feel like it's lost the cool "do it your way" feel of the original, it just presents those scenarios to you instead of you having to go out and find them.

It's an excellent game, do not skip it!


Played 40mins in, I find it awesome and ridiculous how great the pistol is, has anyone found a way to change the general gun size yet tho? thats bugging me.

How long do you think it will be before Crysis 1 is ported as a mod to Crysis 2 :)


Unlimited Capacity
This game is making people lose their minds. Someone on the HardOCP boards just said that Half-Life 2 looks better


hmm how do you turn the stupid ready brek style red glow off around the enemies, its still there on post human wtf?
Sh1ner said:
Played 40mins in, I find it awesome and ridiculous how great the pistol is, has anyone found a way to change the general gun size yet tho? thats bugging me.

How long do you think it will be before Crysis 1 is ported as a mod to Crysis 2 :)

r_DrawNearFoV = 74

I type that into the console to pull the gun away, just use different values until it looks good to you. Unfortunately I can't get it to save - it resets if you use a turret or binoculars. I even put it into the autoexec.cfg and it won't work.


PaddyOCanager said:
r_DrawNearFoV = 74

I type that into the console to pull the gun away, just use different values until it looks good to you. Unfortunately I can't get it to save - it resets if you use a turret or binoculars. I even put it into the autoexec.cfg and it won't work.

Yea dynamic FOV changes are a bitch to deal with. I am also playing at 16:10 widescreen and it looks zoomed in generally. I am gonna have to replay this once theres a dedicated thread out there that PCfies the game some more.

Any news if the ingame editor comes with the game? I didn't have chance to check and I won't be at my PC for about 6 days.


CozMick said:
Multiplayer is great fun in this game, been playing it for hours.love the level design, love the unlock and dog tag system. My only complaint are the few bugs that I hope will be ironed out and the garbage matchmaking.

The Single Player however is pretty damn shitty through and through, played it for around 2 hours and well, it has easily the worst AI of a blockbuster title I have ever seen and to think things couldn't get worse well they do...........the voice acting. It makes Killzone 3 sound like an oscar winning performance from the entire cast, so damn monotone urgh.

Visuals are great, the lighting engine in particular, but to call it the best looking game ever is pushing it.

Still a keeper, just for the multiplayer.

I think it's certainly up there with the best of them,very impressed so far.I'm also enjoying the multiplayer,very fun although lag seems to be a bit of an issue at the moment,hope it gets sorted.


How come the game tells me that I 'Can't carry more' whenever I find a rocket launcher, but I don't already have one? I haven't been able to pick one up yet...


Here is the autoconfig.cfg I am using. I use the mod program to alter settings. I have all forms of AA turned off because at 2560x1600 the sheer pixel density provides a form of "built-in" AA.
I have also disabled motion blur. Shadows are at Medium. All other settings are at High.

The screenshots below is what the game looks like with those settings except I have downsampled them slightly from 1600p to 1200p to make them less gargantuan.

Crysis 2 is supposed to arrive today, and my 360 Phat, which has slowly being dying for months, is now, as of last night, on its last breath, only running for 20 minutes at a time before I get a crash or a disc read error, or an E71 error. Talk about sod's law, eh?

Looks like I may be picking up a slim this weekend...


erotic butter maelstrom
Pretty good shots, Dennis. But honestly I enjoyed the STALKER shots more, these are just kinda "nice" but boring to look at. Amazing detail though.

sad to read about the slow children, though, hopefully they were all wisped away in a little bus before Crysis 2 dude wrecked shit


Snuggler said:
Pretty good shots, Dennis. But honestly I enjoyed the STALKER shots more, these are just kinda "nice" but boring to look at. Amazing detail though.

sad to read about the slow children, though, hopefully they were all wisped away in a little bus before Crysis 2 dude wrecked shit
I agree that Crysis 2 doesn't have the super "wow" factor that Crysis had when it came out.

CryTek goofed up in a couple of places:

1. Massively downgraded water

2. Bad textures

3. HDR looks somewhat unnatural

4. Huge gun takes up to much screen space

5. Atrocious shadow quality

All things that Crysis did better (except maybe textures) so there is no doubt that we now 3 years later get a somewhat downgraded game due to a) consoles and b) bitching PC gamers who whined when they couldn't max out Crysis.


Loves Robotech S1
Dennis have you even left the park at the beginning of the game yet?

I love your shots and all, but what you've got is borderline dementia. :p
Here is the autoconfig.cfg I am using. I use the mod program to alter settings. I have all forms of AA turned off because at 2560x1600 the sheer pixel density provides a form of "built-in" AA.
I have also disabled motion blur. Shadows are at Medium. All other settings are at High.

Are the shadows at medium by choice or because the framerate takes too much of a hit otherwise? You seem like the kind of guy who has a beastly rig.


PaddyOCanager said:
r_DrawNearFoV = 74

I type that into the console to pull the gun away, just use different values until it looks good to you. Unfortunately I can't get it to save - it resets if you use a turret or binoculars. I even put it into the autoexec.cfg and it won't work.
how do I bring up the console?

Do I have to add something to the autoexec.cfg ?


ThoseDeafMutes said:
Are the shadows at medium by choice or because the framerate takes too much of a hit otherwise? You seem like the kind of guy who has a beastly rig.
Choice. I like the way the shadows look better on Medium. They are way too washed out and diffuse on High.

Matter of preference, I guess.


Dennis have you applied sharpening at all? Your pics seem to show quite strong edge enhancement and I can't imagine it'd be in-game. That said, they're decent, but again, I'm still yet to really be blown away by the games visuals. There's a lot of detail, but something about it still looks too messy and dull to me. The lighting just ins't as lifelike or vibrant. Tree's and foliage don't seem as good as Crysis (1) and the geometry isn't complex. On the buildings and towers in the distance, they look like little more than textured simple blocks.


erotic butter maelstrom
nib95 said:
Dennis have you applied sharpening at all? Your pics seem to show quite strong edge enhancement and I can't imagine it'd be in-game.

I maybe be messing up my terms, but I believe that he's downsampling from his 1600p display.

I'll definitely need to do a little tweaking when I get this game. I usually downgrade shadows first when I'm not getting 60fps, too bad I can't just flip a switch in the menu like I can in other games SUCH AS Crysis. It'll probably be a really fun game though.


nib95 said:
Dennis have you applied sharpening at all? Your pics seem to show quite strong edge enhancement and I can't imagine it'd be in-game. That said, they're decent, but again, I'm still yet to really be blown away by the games visuals. There's a lot of detail, but something about it still looks too messy and dull to me. The lighting just ins't as lifelike or vibrant. Tree's and foliage don't seem as good as Crysis (1) and the geometry isn't complex. On the buildings and towers in the distance, they look like little more than textured simple blocks.
No, there is no sharpening applied. That is what the game looks like when you remove all Edge AA etc. There is downsampling from resizing which will reduce aliasing.

The only thing altered about the screenshots are a reduction in size in Photoshop (Bicubic - for smother gradients, setting) frm 1600p to 1200p and then saved as JPEGs with maximum quality.

Took this with the same settings as the video I posted a few pages back. It's been compressed a little, but looks no where near as sharp as Dennis' pics. What kind of voodoo trickery are you using man? :p
Appollowexx said:

Took this with the same settings as the video I posted a few pages back. It's been compressed a little, but looks no where near as sharp as Dennis' pics. What kind of voodoo trickery are you using man? :P[/QUOTE]

Custom settings and extreme resolution.
I have everything set to full bar Edge AA and am running in 1080p. That picture is far more compressed than on my desktop - I wouldn't have posted it if I knew it would look like that. Still the game doesn't look as sharp in any shots as in Dennis'.


This is what it looks like running on extreme on my rig. I'll post some more interesting footage tonight after work.
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