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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


im trying to get a few extra fps out of my pc. running on a e8400 and 9800GTX at 1280x960. its playable as is but dropping the res to 1152x864 makes it run consistently smooth. i rather have the resolution so im going to drop the AA if possible and maybe lower something else. what options are best to lower with the biggest performance gains but with little to no visual impact?


For being the second highest difficulty, veteran is pretty easy.

I wouldn't of thought twice if they made veteran 'Normal Mode"

Having a lot of fun, at level 11. Game really picks up
when you have to break in CELL's headquarters in Wall Street.


I now feel that this thread is nothing more than a custom config orgy with the odd screenshot of said config :(

Is this what PC gaming is all about? watching your fps and posting the best looking screenies?


CozMick said:
I now feel that this thread is nothing more than a custom config orgy with the odd screenshot of said config :(

Is this what PC gaming is all about? watching your fps and posting the best looking screenies?

Is console gaming all about arguing over which version looks ever so slightly better?


Ysiadmihi said:
Is console gaming all about arguing over which version looks ever so slightly better?

Not anymore :(

A certain respectable website spoiled the fun for everyone now we're stuck actually playing the game.
This game runs fine on Veryhigh with my 9600gt but I was thinking of upgrading to the GTX460, seemed like a nice card for it's some what low price, (don't have much to spend anyway).
Has anyone used this or a similar card with Crysis2?, was hoping to be able to run it on extreme, and I'm only able to game at 720p.


CadaveriaIX said:
This game runs fine on Veryhigh with my 9600gt but I was thinking of upgrading to the GTX460, seemed like a nice card for it's some what low price, (don't have much to spend anyway).
Has anyone used this or a similar card with Crysis2?, was hoping to be able to run it on extreme, and I'm only able to game at 720p.
I have a GTX460 and play on 1080P, didn't play much yet but the game always stays above 30fps for sure. (maxed the game with the advanced graphics options program) I think it'll probably do 60fps on 720.

L0st Id3ntity said:
I'm almost disappointed that I can max out the game 1080p 60fps with my 480gtx :lol.
Yup, I hope they port that crazy FX mod and make some high res texture mod. Those will eat FPS for sure.


L0st Id3ntity said:
I'm almost disappointed that I can max out the game 1080p 60fps with my 480gtx :lol.
You should be disappointed. I know I am.

I wish they had dared include a Super-Extreme-Hardcore graphical option to give us a game that, like the first Crysis, really stands in a league of its own.

Sadly, they didn't dare.Probably because
a) It would show up the console versions too much.
b) Make some PC whiners upset that their uber-rigs couldn't max out the game.

Anyways, at least the game turned out great. Loving it.


CozMick said:
I now feel that this thread is nothing more than a custom config orgy with the odd screenshot of said config :(

Is this what PC gaming is all about? watching your fps and posting the best looking screenies?
It's a Crysis game.
DennisK4 said:
You should be disappointed. I know I am.

I wish they had dared include a Super-Extreme-Hardcore graphical option to give us a game that, like the first Crysis, really stands in a league of its own.

Sadly, they didn't dare.Probably because
a) It would show up the console versions too much.
b) Make some PC whiners upset that their uber-rigs couldn't max out the game.

Anyways, at least the game turned out great. Loving it.

If they do bring out a DX11 patch, there's hope that it will come with an Extreme+ setting catered to the 600/7000 series GPUs.



Hey, what is Nvidia going to do, branding wise, in 4-5 years from now? They can't really go 1000-2000 etc series since they already had those. GeForce 20 sounds too small. Hmm.
The detail levels were chosen pretty well, my venerable 4890 can run extreme just at 30fps. I get slowdowns here and there, but it's plenty good for single player. For mp I just go down one notch and enjoy the 40+fps.

The campaign is really meaty, and it's refreshing to once again have a shooter that feels like a proper game and not just a glorified rollercoaster. The level design is properly robust with all the alternative routes and such. I'm loving it when I panic in a bad firefight and accidentally stumble across a sewer grate that takes me to the other side of the battlefield.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
FINNISH GET. Campaign is done. Pros and cons while it's still fresh. Giant post incoming.

TLDR; Videogames are fun.


- For most part I thought the new nanosuit worked well. Not perfect, but well. They've got the right idea. Streamlining many of the strength options into movement makes a lot of sense, and didn't feel restrictive. I loved being able to quickly jump high without having to switch to anything. Grappling ledges was a nice addition too. Armor and cloak were similar to the first game so no real issue there. For most of the game I didn't feel "THIS IS DUMBED DOWN SUIT WAA". As said, it's not perfect (see cons), but Crytek are on the right track to creating a nice balance of options, power, and accessibility.

- Great weapons and gunplay. There's a good variety, attachments are okay, and they sound really meaty and powerful. Getting kills, headshots, and whatever were all really satisfying. I liked that the enemy animations reacted better to shots than Crytek's previous games, with tripping and rolling and what have you. Bigger enemies were fun to fight, and balance of damage/ammo and all that seemed quite polished. Action was often really exciting, yet I always felt in control. I like that it accomplished this without falling back on infinite respawning waves and one-hit-kill mooks like certain other games.

- Utterly insane graphics, thanks to Crytek's powerful engine mixed with gorgeous art. I'll say it; the urban setting made for a more visually impressive package than the jungle. Maybe not initially, as goddamn that jungle is pretty, but the urban setting allowed Crytek to do a lot more creative and interesting things. Maxed out on PC my performance was rock solid, and I said 'wow' out loud on more than one occasion. Crytek's best art yet in my opinion.

- Accompanying the above, the stage variety and diversity was better here than any of Crytek's work. Again, one of my biggest issues with Crysis was how repetitive the environments and levels got, and the issues with chosing a naturalistic environment for level design. Where Crysis' levels blurred together, here each level had a unique feel and visual style. Thanks to the setting Crytek could mix in the best of all styles (ferna, urban, destruction, alien, etc) for some really creative set pieces that almost always felt really unique. It wasn't restricted by trying to be realistic.

- Enemy variety, praise the Ceth. Crytek finally get mutants/aliens right. They were so much fun to fight here (when the AI kicked into gear), and a combination of the human enemies and aliens made for some pretty solid variety throughout the game. Again, unlike Crysis, I didn't feel myself getting bored or tired of the same enemies repeating over and over. The aliens changed the pace, but offered a new challange. I loved how their fast movements often forced you to make use of your suits and powers, as they'd hunt you out and climb after you.

- At it's best, the level design was fantastic. The more open levels were particularly impressive, as they didn't fall into the trappings of being boring or getting the player lost, while still offered plenty of openess to chose how you want to play. Most of the levels were really great, and had really solid pacing from encounter to encounter, as well as a great sense of progression. The bigger battles with more open areas had a great mix of cover, places to climb, and ammo/weapons.

- Campaign seemed to last quite a while. It's crazy! A first person shooter with a long campaign? My stars! My Steam profile says it only took me ~10 hours, so that doesn't seem long, but the game felt long. One big adventure. That's a good feeling.


- It didn't really feel like a true sequel to Crysis. It's not a question of quality, but style. This is my first con, but it wont be a con for everybody. Simply put, Crytek chose to streamline and focus the experience. It still plays like a unique game, but a lot of the foundations behind Crysis' design were stripped down or removed completely. Some of the cons that will follow will reference these things. I'm not the biggest Crysis fan, but even some of the little things here and there disappointed me.

- Vehicles pretty much removed. Very, very disppointed with that. I guess it was necessary considering the new style of the game, but it's a big chunk of Crysis gone. The 'sandbox' vehicle style of Crysis, where you'd see a vehicle, hope in, and go wild, is replaced with very specific use of vehicles are very specific times. It feels much more artificial. The lack of a first person vehicle camera at will really sucked, and the forced rail driven vehicle levels, while short, were pretty nasty blemishes. They were lame in how they pulled the game back into generic territory. Thankfully, as said, they didn't last long.

- Some of the suit streamlining didn't work for the better. Strength is great for jumping on the fly, but is a bit clumsy for punching and throwing, which was something I did a lot of in Crysis but nearly never did here. Speed was removed as well, which is a bit sad. They said it's now 'sprint', but the sprint that is here is 100% identical to sprint in any other game. It's a standard sprinting speed, and energy might as well be called 'stamina'. I would have liked a true 'speed' power, perhaps that allowed you to do a short charge, or slide across the ground briefly like something out of Vanquish. I think that would have fit in and still made speed a relevant power, as opposed to stripping it from the game entirely.

- While I really enjoyed most of the levels, a few fell flat. The rail stages as mentioned above were crap, and so were any of the levels that killed the openess of other stages in favour of a more streamlined experience (read: bridge level can screw off). Same goes for the tutorial level, which dragged on faaar too long. Crysis 2 has plenty to seperate it from other games out there, and it is in these conservative levels that it loses a lot of what makes it special in favour of generic design.

- Questionable AI at times, as in, dog shit stupid. When it worked it was great, but by the end I had lost track of how many times an enemy had walked past me, walked into a wall, totally ignored a shot from a distance, or simply didn't bother shooter. It worked most of the time, but other times it was really easy to exploit the AI stupidity. AI should be reactive, so when I hit you with a round from a distance I expect you to dive for cover, your friends too. I dont expect you to literally not move and take the second killing shot without a flinch, and then have your friend two meters to your right think it's no big deal.

- Why does every bloody game need QTEs? Screw off already. LIFT YOUR RIGHT ARM. LIFT YOUR LEFT ARM. YOU'RE NEARLY DEAD. GOD THIS IS SO MOVING I FEEL FOR MY CHARACTER. This happened, what, four or five times? Seriously. Like, four or five times, it did the whole "YOU'RE NEARLY DEAD FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL". Just get to the point already.

- Story was pretty rubbish for most part, and having an open ending makes it feel unfinished. It's not much different from Crysis really. Boring, cookie cut characters, stupid conspiracy nonsenes, rarr rarr. Everybody just shut up and give me aliens to shoot and stuff to explode. Stop bloating the excuse as to why I'm doing it. I only need to know one thing; Where. They. Are. *pew*

- It's sad this isn't the technical showpiece that it could have been. It's because it's multiplatform, and it is the way it is, and it's still a great game, but it's still a bit disappointing to not have some of the options that even the original Crysis had (eg: parallax mapping). Texture resolution could have been higher, it could have done with some modern rendering techniques, or really anything to push modern PCs a little further. As is, if you can run Crysis you'll be able to run this, and get better framerates to boot. It's less technically ambitious, I guess would be the way to put it. It would be a lovely surprised if a DX11 patch came out with some extra bells and whistles. Tessellation in particular, used right, would turn Crysis 2 from a gorgeous game into another piece of benchmarking software for modern harwdare.


For me personally, Crysis 2 is probably my favourite of the three big games from Crytek, simply because I think Crytek finally got a lot of things 'right'. Far Cry set the scene, but was hurt by repetition and mutants ruining the fun. Crysis took what Far Cry established and made it ten times better, especially thanks to the nano suit which was a HUGE contribution, but still fell into some trappings of repetition and a lack of variety. Crysis 2 solves all the variety and repetition problems while really nailing level and encounter design, but at the cost of being a game truly like the two before it, as well as failing to live up to the technical expectations. It really feels like a more polished yet more compartmentalised Crysis, almost as if it is a spin-off that took as much inspiration as necessary while still doing its own things, all with top class presentation and polish.

As a while, I think Crysis 2 is the best game they've made, even if it is the least ambitious. Outside of a few duds, I found the campaign to be really impressive and quite exciting, with great gameplay thanks to relatively open level design, solid gunplay, and enjoyable encounters. I walked away from it feeling like it was a polished shooter that made sure I was always in control, and that the focus was on fun over trying to create Hollywood 'The Game' (even if it did dip into this now and then).

I can totally see, and in some cases agree, why others can and will be disappointment. It's not 'Crysis 2' in the way that many were expecting. Not just technologically, but also in design. It's more restricted, and less ambitious. But it's still a hell of a lot of fun, and was well worth the price of admission.

Honestly, I'm pretty surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did. I've been a fan of Crytek since Far Cry, but also heavily criticised them for what I considered some glaring gameplay issues. I had a lot of fun with Far Cry and Crysis but by the end also had a lot of complaints, and also had to push myself through to completion. Crysis 2, on the other hand, I was eager to keep playing and finish, and now that it's done I'll probably give it a second run through straight away, as well as take the multiplayer for a spin.

Crysis 2 gets the EatChildren stamp of approval for being one of the more polished, well designed, and meaty first person shooters on the market. Stop buying crap games and buy this instead.


Long ass shooter game for this day and age, too.

10-12 hours but really much more for a slow poke like me who like to get a good look at everything plus dying lots (Super Soldier or bust).

Edit: damn my post got upstaged by EatChildren!
Just had my mind semi-blown. The aliens are cephalopods. How did I not realize this sooner.

Also, the highest difficulty (I forgot if it's called Supersoldier of Posthuman) is pretty much an excercise in navigating playspaces using cloak mode, at least in my experience. I only fight when I absolutely have to, like with the gunship. :lol

Just saw the PC-version still has that 'radial menu' the original had, too. That's pretty cool.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Just about to start the campaign but wanted to know how super soldier difficulty is. Fancied doing it on first playthrough but a few concerns:

1) is it too hard/frustrating/unfair to actually be fun as opposed to challenging/satisfying?
2) since unlocks stack on repeat playthroughs is it possible to unlock everything in one play or am I supposed to unlock some on normal and take them with me into supersoldier replay?
3) are the achievements glitched? I'm hearing multiple reports of people doing super soldier right off the bat and not getting the achievements for it. Anyone had any troubles?
kaizoku said:
Just about to start the campaign but wanted to know how super soldier difficulty is. Fancied doing it on first playthrough but a few concerns:

1) is it too hard/frustrating/unfair to actually be fun as opposed to challenging/satisfying?
2) since unlocks stack on repeat playthroughs is it possible to unlock everything in one play or am I supposed to unlock some on normal and take them with me into supersoldier replay?
3) are the achievements glitched? I'm hearing multiple reports of people doing super soldier right off the bat and not getting the achievements for it. Anyone had any troubles?
In my experience, it's not that hard, as long as you avoid fighting. Enemies can kill you very rapidly, and they're pretty aware of their surroundings, but if you use your camo expertly, you can kill a lot of them quietly, or just bypass them alltogether.

I played everything on the Soldier difficulty first (though actually, I started on Soldier, but the game kicked itself down to Recruit for some reason, probably glitched) and unlocked all suit upgrades. I haven't found every weapon attachment yet, though. It may be advisable to go through the game on an easier difficulty first, if you want to make Supersoldier easier.

I hope the achievements aren't glitched, I'm going through Supersoldier right now. :lol

That "Gate Keepers" chapter desperately needs another checkpoint closer to the action, though. I keep getting killed during the first encounter, but then I have to do an entire rooftop section again. There's no enemies there, but it's annoying.


kaizoku said:
Just about to start the campaign but wanted to know how super soldier difficulty is. Fancied doing it on first playthrough but a few concerns:

1) is it too hard/frustrating/unfair to actually be fun as opposed to challenging/satisfying?
2) since unlocks stack on repeat playthroughs is it possible to unlock everything in one play or am I supposed to unlock some on normal and take them with me into supersoldier replay?
3) are the achievements glitched? I'm hearing multiple reports of people doing super soldier right off the bat and not getting the achievements for it. Anyone had any troubles?
1) No, not unfair at all. If you're good at shooters super-soldier shouldn't give you too much trouble, and you can always stealth through sections if you feel like it.
2) You level up your suit by collecting the nano-catalysts and I didn't fully unlock my suit until about 25% into my second playthrough. Unlocking suit abilities in normal and then playing on super-soldier would make super-soldier even easier. I personally played super-soldier first.
3) None of the achievements glitched for me and I have all of the single player achievements complete, just MP ones left.


Dilly said:
I don't get the story

Why are the aliens and their machines suddenly red instead of blue like in the first one?
Just because Crytek is classy like that.

Seriously, I have no idea what they were thinking. I want to read the book just to see how much essential information they left out of the game.


I am officially loving this game now, even on post-human. Level design is top notch and the game IS more open. The urban environment just makes it feel more closed because the jungle setting had the huge view distance and so on.
Have not met many aliens yet, but they are sweet to fight, very menacing if you let them hunt you.

And oh, I actually like the vanilla look of the game. Removing the edge-aa makes it somehow sterile.

Screw the checkpoints though, some are just stupidly set.


Always-honest said:
sometimes i get a tiny bit of Half Life 2 feel. Can't be the only one.. am i?
I did get that at times certainly, the pacing is very different, but structurally they still separate encounters and traversal a lot, and you do seem to cover a vast distance over the course of the game. The encounter in that lab with the helicopter outside and the guys coming in is very HL2.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
First game of multiplayer, I immediately got a 7 kilkstreak and deployed that big laser thing and killed myself :( then I forgot about my other reward and didn't use it! Annoyed.

Game rocks though. This is my new go to shooter.
big_z said:
im trying to get a few extra fps out of my pc. running on a e8400 and 9800GTX at 1280x960. its playable as is but dropping the res to 1152x864 makes it run consistently smooth. i rather have the resolution so im going to drop the AA if possible and maybe lower something else. what options are best to lower with the biggest performance gains but with little to no visual impact?

Why not cap it at 30fps, it should make it appear much smoother.


Neo Member
Insane, but i completed this game three time since it came out. This game is sooo good IMO best shooter i played so addictive and the visual/Graphic is out of this world for an 360 game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Honestly, after playing Crysis 2, I'd love to see a mod for the original Crysis that brings the mechanics of the second game to the first. I went back to Crysis yesterday and it feels so much more clunky to me. I didn't realize how useful being able to super jump while cloaked was, for instance.


My game looks like this:

What the hell is wrong with it? I also downloaded the Crysis 2 Advanced Graphics Options thing, but it doesn't seem to help. Running on the highest setting, 1920x1200 getting a solid 25+ fps. Could someone maybe repost some of those settings because I don't feel like going through the whole thread for them.


dark10x said:
Honestly, after playing Crysis 2, I'd love to see a mod for the original Crysis that brings the mechanics of the second game to the first. I went back to Crysis yesterday and it feels so much more clunky to me. I didn't realize how useful being able to super jump while cloaked was, for instance.
I really thought for a while there was going to be a flashback level to Crysis 1 in 2, would have been so awesome.


PC version is turning me into a PC gamer. HELP !
Even an old 8800 GT is enough to make consoles look so bad in comparison and with next gen being 2 years away i might just upgrade my GPU by the time Battlefield 3 comes out and start giving PC gaming more credit.

I am really starting to think of building a reasonably small sized PC to use as game / media center only machine to hook to my hdtv and marantz receiver, next to my consoles.


eso76 said:
PC version is turning me into a PC gamer. HELP ! Even an old 8800 GT is enough to make consoles look so bad in comparison and with next gen being 2 years away i might just upgrade my GPU by the time Battlefield 3 comes out and start giving PC gaming more credit.

I am really starting to think of building a reasonably small sized PC to use as game / media center only machine to hook to my hdtv and marantz receiver, next to my consoles.

Don't fight it; just let it happen.
brain_stew said:
Does the MSAA setting in that tweak program refer to the "post MSAA" then?
Yeah, but what exactly is post MSAA? How is it different from regular MSAA? All of the other AA options just create blurriness with some smoothing, correct?
dark10x said:
Honestly, after playing Crysis 2, I'd love to see a mod for the original Crysis that brings the mechanics of the second game to the first. I went back to Crysis yesterday and it feels so much more clunky to me. I didn't realize how useful being able to super jump while cloaked was, for instance.
Uncloak jump cloack. Yes its a bit more clunky but it still takes about a second to do it.
StuBurns said:
I did get that at times certainly, the pacing is very different, but structurally they still separate encounters and traversal a lot, and you do seem to cover a vast distance over the course of the game. The encounter in that lab with the helicopter outside and the guys coming in is very HL2.
That is the exact part I was going to mention in reply to him. Very HL2ish

By the way, I'm 100% sure the game doesn't count your deaths and retries when it calculates your play time. If you're playing on Veteran or Post-Human your real time will be hours more.

kaizoku said:
Just about to start the campaign but wanted to know how super soldier difficulty is. Fancied doing it on first playthrough but a few concerns:

1) is it too hard/frustrating/unfair to actually be fun as opposed to challenging/satisfying?
There are many times in Veteran where I have to abuse stealth + silencer + cover to survive. I haven't played Post-human but I'm sure you'll have to rely on cloak even more. Veteran might give the best balance between stealth and all out action.

Lostconfused said:
Uncloak jump cloack. Yes its a bit more clunky but it still takes about a second to do it.
Maybe if you're NanoSuitNinja. Takes way longer than a second for me. Also, you're able to be detected since you're going out of cloak, even if it's just a second.


Bought this last night, I only buy maybe 4 games a year at most because I just gamefly everything, and man this game is so good. Its a beautiful game on 360, just stunning in 1080p. I put a 2-3 hours so far into the single player and I love the combat options available to you, reminds me a lot of Halo in that regard. Its exciting to play a FPS and not know what is going to happen next.

I've played a bit of multiplayer and I do enjoy what I've played so far, don't know if it'll pull me away from BC2 or Halo Reach long term, but it is fun so far and runs smooth.
Heavy said:
Maybe if you're NanoSuitNinja. Takes way longer than a second for me. Also, you're able to be detected since you're going out of cloak, even if it's just a second.
Didn't happen to me on delta. Don't know what to say.
Yeah, but what exactly is post MSAA? How is it different from regular MSAA? All of the other AA options just create blurriness with some smoothing, correct?

It accumulates over time and works for shader and alpha based aliasing which makes it cheap and more general purpose (giving results similar to SSAA instead of MSAA when it works) but isn't applied to foreground objects as they move around screen space a lot more.

The highest edgeAA setting (FXAA) is a lot more complex than a simple blur and is Nvidia's alternative to MLAA, though I'm not sure if its working on AMD GPUs.

I need to try the game out for myself first (still downloading) but I'm pretty impressed with their AA solution, especially given the restrictions they had (DX9, deferred rendering, insanely low overhead etc.)
So you can turn on strength mode -> jump -> cloak in a second? Is this with the power wheel or double tapping the keys? I just don't see how that's possible. Whatever the case, it's far less clunky for most of us in the sequel being able to just hold the spacebar.


btw am i the only one who noticed a "2013" flashing during the ending sequence exactly when it's implied there's going to be a sequel ?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lostconfused said:
Uncloak jump cloack. Yes its a bit more clunky but it still takes about a second to do it.
Is there a way to assign the suit powers to specific keys? I'm sure it can be done, but the in game menu does not offer a way to do this.
Heavy said:
So you can turn on strength mode -> jump -> cloak in a second? Is this with the power wheel or double tapping the keys? I just don't see how that's possible. Whatever the case, it's far less clunky for most of us in the sequel being able to just hold the spacebar.
Suit shortcuts. You are already cloacked before you hit the apex of the jump. Yes its less clunky but the point is you aren't getting any new functionality here, you can do the same thing in Crysis if you want to.
dark10x said:
Is there a way to assign the suit powers to specific keys? I'm sure it can be done, but the in game menu does not offer a way to do this.

supposedly yes.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Gave the multiplayer a whirl. It's fun and polished but I cant see myself sticking around for too long. At it's core it really is little more than another Call of Duty clone. Everything is there; perks, killstreaks, experience points, loadouts, and insta-kill gunplay. I like the Crysis-esque additions that are there, and as said it's still fun, but it does pretty much nothing to differentiate itself from the style of multiplayer shooter that has utterly dominated this generation.
Lostconfused said:
Suit shortcuts. You are already cloacked before you hit the apex of the jump. Yes its less clunky but the point is you aren't getting any new functionality here, you can do the same thing in Crysis if you want to.
Problem is you have to do this every time you want to simply super jump while cloaked. In the sequel you don't even have to think about it, you just hold spacebar.

Might be able to do the same thing in Crysis but it's much more intuitive and natural here. I think that was dark10x's point.
Heavy said:
So you can turn on strength mode -> jump -> cloak in a second? Is this with the power wheel or double tapping the keys? I just don't see how that's possible. Whatever the case, it's far less clunky for most of us in the sequel being able to just hold the spacebar.
Yes. It isn't hard. Space bar, let go of mouse button 3. How can that take more than a second, particularly if you know what you're doing?
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