I'm about halfway in the 360 version by now :
If I could sum up the game in one word it would be "compromise". It's a very unfortunate way for the successor of Crysis to end up.
On one hand you got the game on the console, looks pretty decent but the compromise is that it's virtually unplayable. On the other hand you have the pcversion that gives the impression of being your "run of the mill" console --> pc conversion. I.e higher res, more details, better everything but still not utilizing modern tech to the fullest ( like crysis 1 ). You could argue that C2 is more "optimized", but what is that really? There's no lever/slider in the devs software that's labeled "optimization", you gotta make compromises. And in the case of C2 there seem to have been too many made.
It's a shame that enthusiasts have to rely on the community to make a tool just in order to be able to change the visual settings to your hearts content. And , imo, if pc-gaming is going to keep advancing we need to get away from the " go to system.cfg and type... " scenarios, the options should be there from the get go. Sadly I can't help to think what would've happened if : a) Crytek actually made a console-exclusive cryis and b ) subsequently made a dedicated C2 for the pcplatform.
In the end everything feels like a clusterfuck, remove just the title of "Crysis 2" and the cloak-effect and you wouldn't even know this was a crysis game you were playing. Horrible A.I takes away from any potential sense of immersion. You also got your CoD-copy paste MP part, which I think is absolutely horrendous on the consoleversion.
I don't know what went wrong really, I was under the impression that Crysis 1 sold well even though it had the "you need a pc from the future"-stigma. I reckon that had C2 truly been able to shine on the pc then maybe they thought nobody would want a "gimped" consoleport, but that would be silly if true so who knows. I wonder, which upcoming game is going to be the next "technical/visual" crownjewel of pc-gaming, because Crysis 2 definitely missed that boat.