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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


[Nintex] said:
What the hell does this even mean, like what seriously.

LOL, I knew one response would come. They work with traditional architecture. You think they just took 3 years out of their lives to code for the PS3 and specifically for its advanced architecture. Yeah, right. They port that code straight from wherever they are getting it these days (PC or 360?). They just have better porters. I mean, to think they just said, "Hey let's take 20 guys and have them build this specific PS3 engine to make things glorious", and it ends up like what we have here is fucking preposterous. It's a good port of a game that needs more power from devs that are used to having more power.
Spookie said:
Corrected. ;)

NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Is there any word on whether the story in the game is any good or whether Morgan fucked up?
From what I've heard, the story is terrible.


MalboroRed said:
LOL R2 is definitely not doing 60 fps, not unless we're dealing with some imaginary world of unicorns and roaming gnomes.

No, but it is super smooth. Maybe cuz I haven't played a shooter game that smooth since I mistakenly thought it was 60 FPS. It certainly is more smooth than just about any shooter I have played in recent memory. I don't play CoD so would not know. I did hate R2 by the way. It's not like the difference is you living and you dead with 30 and 60 FPS as many games have drops that blend the difference. On PC sure I give you that but I am talking consoles.


Spookie said:

Well to be fair I never remembered Crysis for it's razor sharp dialogue and plot twists. At least it looks like it sets the game up for some batshit crazy set pieces.

No shit, soon some small part of GAF will be talking of a pulitzer.

Seriously, though, fuck setpieces. I am tired of killing people with no consequence and no good reason. This goes for all my beloved shooter type games. Shit needs to grow up and get real.
Khronikos said:
No, but it is super smooth. Maybe cuz I haven't played a shooter game that smooth since I mistakenly thought it was 60 FPS. It certainly is more smooth than just about any shooter I have played in recent memory. I don't play CoD so would not know. I did hate R2 by the way. It's not like the difference is you living and you dead with 30 and 60 FPS as many games have drops that blend the difference. On PC sure I give you that but I am talking consoles.

Smooth or not R2 graphics isn't even in the same universe, framerate and resolution complaints aside Crysis 2 is pretty good in terms of graphical features for a console FPS, maybe framerate performance and overall image quality could have been better, I didn't like the MP demo at all but judging on graphics alone it's a pretty game, you make it sound like it's an overhyped pile of crap.
Khronikos said:
Seriously, though, fuck setpieces. I am tired of killing people with no consequence and no good reason. This goes for all my beloved shooter type games. Shit needs to grow up and get real.
Co-signed. (I agree.)
By the way, people comparing this game to others need to keep in mind the size and scope. Many shooters these days consist of a bunch of corridors and thats why they can push high fidelity in their models and textures than a game like Grand Theft Auto 4 which is open world. God of War 3 has it's camera on rails so they know what is being rendered at all times and can optimize for that. I don't know how open ended Crysis 2 will be, but at the very least it looks like it will have a Halo-like scale for it's levels.


Khronikos said:
No shit, soon some small part of GAF will be talking of a pulitzer.

Seriously, though, fuck setpieces. I am tired of killing people with no consequence and no good reason. This goes for all my beloved shooter type games. Shit needs to grow up and get real.


We're talking about you, right?


MalboroRed said:
Smooth or not R2 graphics isn't even in the same universe, framerate and resolution complaints aside Crysis 2 is pretty good in terms of graphical features for a console FPS, maybe framerate performance and overall image quality could have been better, I didn't like the MP demo at all but judging on graphics alone it's a pretty game.

No, I agree on some things but this game ain' t pretty and that is my opinion. The R2 quote should be somewhat obvious. I though R2's graphics were in fact dumbed down to be 60 FPS or some blend between like GoW but I guess not though it was super smooth. As is the game is below par for 30 FPS but they also work on strict timelines and multiple games as apparently now do the KZ3 devs. I remember them saying something about putting their games to 30FPS to save memory, etc. I guess it happened faster than I thought. It doesn't look bad and I am NOT going to say it's not in the same universe.

Did you play the PS3 demo? That demo was NOT in the same universe as KZ3 and if you call that pretty we have differences. That looked like shit to me. 360 included. I appreciate some of their tech and 'rhetoric' but it doesn't add up for me at all. Not when they run their mouths to boot. I don't particularly like devs that run their mouths and disparage other superior devs however so slightly or not. Turn 10 made this a sin and I have plenty to say about GT5, though it still looks plenty better than anything Forza 3 did.


scitek said:

We're talking about you, right?

Anytime you want to go fuck yourself you let me know so I can watch, eh? What a puerile little comment followed by another. We can do this... all day. Why don't you PM me with your concerns so the mods don't have to deal with your off topic bullshit.


Why is that? Why is the ban hammer dropped on discussion and critical discussion at that of a game. Because I was on topic talking about this game where another comes in to berate me for my opinion? I have done nothing wrong. All I see is people getting worked up over other people who do not like Crytek's way of presenting their game. Their lies in general. Again, I have only stated my opinions. Any comments directed at anybody were only the one above where I was directly offended by someone totally off topic. Why must you people always talk of the ban hammer. Why cannot a civil argument be had here without some snide comment to someone personally?


Khronikos said:
Why is that? Why is the ban hammer dropped on discussion and critical discussion at that of a game. Because I was on topic talking about this game where another comes in to berate me for my opinion? I have done nothing wrong. All I see is people getting worked up over other people who do not like Crytek's way of presenting their game. Their lies in general. Again, I have only stated my opinions. Any comments directed at anybody were only the one above where I was directly offended by someone totally off topic. Why must you people always talk of the ban hammer. Why cannot a civil argument be had here without some snide comment to someone personally?

Critical discussion is cool, but the discussion crossed into personal attacks/insults.
Khronikos said:
Why is that? Why is the ban hammer dropped on discussion and critical discussion at that of a game. Because I was on topic talking about this game where another comes in to berate me for my opinion? I have done nothing wrong. All I see is people getting worked up over other people who do not like Crytek's way of presenting their game. Their lies in general. Again, I have only stated my opinions. Any comments directed at anybody were only the one above where I was directly offended by someone totally off topic. Why must you people always talk of the ban hammer. Why cannot a civil argument be had here without some snide comment to someone personally?
Your just trolling. STFU already.


LiquidMetal14 said:
So now we have direct capture 360 and shitty off screen PS3 footage. This thread is getting stupid/entertaining fast.
Crytek playing Crysis 2 live (next 4 hours, or not??, is offline already) and answering questions, did we have that one yet? ;)

Crysis 2 - Live Broadcast at Xfire/EA

•Dennis Schwarz - Game Designer
•Tom Ebsworth - Community Manager

Question about eyefinity support; "oops whe are not allowed to talk about that" :p


I attacked no one and you will see that from my posts. I am the one getting snide remarks because of the way I feel about Crytek and their way of presenting the PS3 audience with their game. So I swing a remark back. I would not if they were immediately modded for their own remark. If their remark stands so will mine. I will leave if that will satisfy. I have no problem with that and I have said my peace. I hope people enjoy this game that get it but I can't let Crytek escape with their lies. It's getting to the point that more devs are using these lies and fooling people. Some day it has to stop.

You missed that contraction Metroid. Trolling is meant to incite flames. I am inciting no one except those diehard enough not to see criticism. You will see me in plenty of threads of my own favorite games doing the same, notably with KZ3.
Khronikos said:
Why is that? Why is the ban hammer dropped on discussion and critical discussion at that of a game. Because I was on topic talking about this game where another comes in to berate me for my opinion? I have done nothing wrong. All I see is people getting worked up over other people who do not like Crytek's way of presenting their game. Their lies in general. Again, I have only stated my opinions. Any comments directed at anybody were only the one above where I was directly offended by someone totally off topic. Why must you people always talk of the ban hammer. Why cannot a civil argument be had here without some snide comment to someone personally?

You said this looks a gen behind. It's one thing to claim it doesn't look anywhere near K3 and Uncharted, but to say it looks a gen behind is just trolling.
Khronikos said:
I attacked no one and you will see that from my posts. I am the one getting snide remarks because of the way I feel about Crytek and their way of presenting the PS3 audience with their game. So I swing a remark back. I would not if they were immediately modded for their own remark. If their remark stands so will mine. I will leave if that will satisfy. I have no problem with that and I have said my peace. I hope people enjoy this game that get it but I can't let Crytek escape with their lies. It's getting to the point that more devs are using these lies and fooling people. Some day it has to stop.

"This game is a generation or more behind KZ3 or U2. "

That's trolling.
plagiarize said:
again you fail at reading comprehension. start reading what i write or stop responding because so long as you keep responding to things i never said, or presuming things about me counter to information i have already given you, i will keep patronising you.

i have never said the game is a justifiable purchase for your money. i have never said you have to buy it at any price. i have never said you have to like it.

i asked that you could judge the game based on what it is, not on how it fails to meet your expectations, and you replied saying...

And I am judging the game on what IT IS. It is a game that Crytek couldn't care less to offer the basic ingredients that help define what PC gaming is and what it always has been. For multiplayer games on the 360 one of the key ingredients is the multiplayer aspects with Xbox Live. With the Nintendo Wii we define it by how well it works with the Wii mote. The fact is that for PC games its judged partially on how many options that are to customize it based on your own hardware and preferences. That is a CORE part of PC gaming and Crysis 2 fails in that department. So get off your 'judge it based on what it is' horse as though I am not doing exactly that.

plagiarize said:
never have i said it is only fair to Crytek. i couldn't give a shit how they feel about it. i think refusing to judge a game fairly because it hasn't got graphics customisation menus is stupid.

i think refusing to judge a game fairly for any reason is immature.

asking you to judge the game fairly, as i've repeated time and again (and been ignored time and again) is not asking you to do anything but JUDGE the game. not to like it. not to buy it. none of that shit.

you accusations of 'straw man' is amusing to me. i've seen this behaviour a lot in debating. criticise the other person of what you're doing yourself first, so that if they try and criticise you back for it they'll sound stupid.

from wiki:

show me where i have done that. show me where i have misrepresented your argument. i may have lampooned it, but i don't believe i've ever misrepresented it.

your argument as i see it is essentially this:

if Crytek can't be bothered to put in the minimal effort to offer me the options i am used to, why should i be bothered to pay any attention to anything else.

you seem to think mine is:

Crysis 2 is still an awesome game even though it has these flaws, and you should totally buy it!

i wonder why.

You continue to argue this magical and relative point of basing the game on what it is and not what it isn't or could have been. It's as though you continue to ignore what people in this thread have said from Go. Customization IS. A. PART. OF. PC. GAMING. How about this, when Zelda Wii comes out let me know if how it interacts with the Wii mote is an important ingredient to how one should judge it. Perhaps people should just ignore that key feature and judge it on what Zelda Wii is. Focus on the game play, the visuals, the enjoyment right? OH WAIT. The Wii mote's interaction with the Wii mote is a key ingredient to the game itself.


Watched about 5 minutes of that 360 live feed. Can't wait to pick this up. Think I might double dip on this game. I'll get the 360 version first and wait around for a steam sale.


I was feeling sorry Krunkalicious or whatever his name is, but then I read his posts from the previous page....Damn.

Just a little advice: If you're gonna make some bold statements like that, then be prepared to 1) back them up with empirical, concrete evidence, and 2) be able to deal with any shit talking you may receive.

Anyway, I think it looks good, on consoles that is. Performance may not be butter smooth, but it can definitely compete with the high tier graphic beasts (eg: Killzone, Uncharted, Gears, ect). In due time, on PC, with proper DX11 support and user mods, this game will look amazing.


Khronikos said:
I attacked no one and you will see that from my posts. I am the one getting snide remarks because of the way I feel about Crytek and their way of presenting the PS3 audience with their game. So I swing a remark back. I would not if they were immediately modded for their own remark. If their remark stands so will mine. I will leave if that will satisfy. I have no problem with that and I have said my peace. I hope people enjoy this game that get it but I can't let Crytek escape with their lies. It's getting to the point that more devs are using these lies and fooling people. Some day it has to stop.

You literally just proved you couldn't tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps. Who's going to take your opinion on tech seriously after that?


Metroid-Squadron said:
"This game is a generation or more behind KZ3 or U2. "

That's trolling.

Dude, seriously, get a hold on your language. In my opinion as well as others this game is a generation behind KZ3. Meaning one generation of this console behind. It doesn't look any better than KZ2. It is sub 720p with framerate problems and jaggies galore as well as pop-in that is not so pleasing. That is nowhere near trolling. That is truth.... Despite KZ3's framerate at times it's on a different scale. This isn't system wars on N4G. I simply don't like the game. Am I supposed to make a new topic?


hide your water-based mammals
TheSeks said:
This is stupid reasoning.
Why so sharp? I am holding reservation on the PS3 and PC until retail builds are properly viewable and not some crappy youtube video. It's rational, not stupid.

Khronikos said:
Dude, seriously, get a hold on your language. In my opinion as well as others this game is a generation behind KZ3. Meaning one generation of this console behind. It doesn't look any better than KZ2. It is sub 720p with framerate problems and jaggies galore as well as pop-in that is not so pleasing. That is nowhere near trolling. That is truth.... Despite KZ3's framerate at times it's on a different scale. This isn't system wars on N4G. I simply don't like the game. Am I supposed to make a new topic?
Well, at least this is a more thought out response. I agree with you more for now. Crysis 2 on consoles is lacking some things that make the likes of GoW3, UC2, and KZ3 tech beasts on consoles.


markao said:
Crytek playing Crysis 2 live (next 4 hours, or not??, is offline already) and answering questions, did we have that one yet? ;)

Did they answer any questions about the PS3 version beyond some meaningful differences qualifier or did they just stay clear of it?


Khronikos said:
Dude, seriously, get a hold on your language. In my opinion as well as others this game is a generation behind KZ3. Meaning one generation of this console behind. It doesn't look any better than KZ2. It is sub 720p with framerate problems and jaggies galore as well as pop-in that is not so pleasing. That is nowhere near trolling. That is truth.... Despite KZ3's framerate at times it's on a different scale. This isn't system wars on N4G. I simply don't like the game. Am I supposed to make a new topic?

So you're saying Crysis 2 looks like a PS2/ Xbox 1 game? Yeah, okay...

Also, who else said that?


scitek said:
You literally just proved you couldn't tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps. Who's going to take your opinion on tech seriously after that?

Did I legitimately prove this? How? Because of a sentence. I played R2 for about 5 minutes. Tech has a lot more than framerate in it. The polish of the end picture is what I look at. You act like any random on GAF knows the ins and outs of C++ and can randomly generate games out of their arse. Uhh, no. It's a simple mistake. I don't mistake KZ3 for being 60 FPS. R2 is much more smooth and so is CoD which I haven't played much either though I have spent time on a PC at 60 FPS and it did not feel THAT different from what little of R2 I played. Little is the key word.

The whole point of this was that the demo was supremely underwhelming. Apparently, the people with criticism drop out before they are personally berated and attacked for their opinions by the love it all the time every time crowd. So later I guess until I see the final game.
Lostconfused said:
Episode 2 had great set pieces
Haha. It did! I don't really mind set-pieces, honestly. The Half-Life 2 series has some of the best, if not the best. This is mainly due to the evolution of the setting as you progress through the game. It's a really important thing to keep in mind. I dislike it when games just launch you into a setting without providing some actual growth to the experience.


-PXG- said:
So you're saying Crysis 2 looks like a PS2/ Xbox 1 game? Yeah, okay...

Also, who else said that?

No no, while I don't necessarily agree with that poster, he meant the games look like the previous round of system-selling software. (i.e. he mentioned KZ2 instead of KZ3). Each hardware cycle has different "maturity levels" to their software/engines. i.e. launch/mid/late gen software. I think this was what he was getting at.


sleepykyo said:
Did they answer any questions about the PS3 version beyond some meaningful differences qualifier or did they just stay clear of it?
I missed most of it, sorry m8.

I thought it was a 5 hour gameplay and question event, like they tweeted earlier, but that was obvious a mistake (CET/PMT timing). So I tuned in when it was already almost done, so I cannot help you with that question.


LiquidMetal14 said:
Well, at least this is a more thought out response. I agree with you more for now. Crysis 2 on consoles is lacking some things that make the likes of GoW3, UC2, and KZ3 tech beasts on consoles.
This... Doesn't make any sense.
Khronikos said:
Dude, seriously, get a hold on your language. In my opinion as well as others this game is a generation behind KZ3.

Meaning one generation of this console behind. It doesn't look any better than KZ2. It is sub 720p with framerate problems and jaggies galore as well as pop-in that is not so pleasing. That is nowhere near trolling. That is truth.... Despite KZ3's framerate at times it's on a different scale. This isn't system wars on N4G. I simply don't like the game. Am I supposed to make a new topic?
Contrary to popular belief, opinions can be wrong, specifically those consisting of factual statements like the one you wrote. Lighting alone is an order of magnitude superior to KZ2/3 (100% realtime vs lightmaps, HDR vs LDR, GI vs no GI, IBL vs diffuse ambient). Shading is as well with quite the diversity in materials unlike KZ2/3's. Playing space is also far bigger with non-scripted AI, with lots of interactive physicalized props (those cars that you can blow up even have basic suspension systems), etc...


hide your water-based mammals
TUROK said:
This... Doesn't make any sense.
I did type it in a language you understand right?

Comprendes que digo en esta idioma?

Come on now, what doesn't make sense (?) so I can answer your query.


-PXG- said:
I was feeling sorry Krunkalicious or whatever his name is, but then I read his posts from the previous page....Damn.

Just a little advice: If you're gonna make some bold statements like that, then be prepared to 1) back them up with empirical, concrete evidence, and 2) be able to deal with any shit talking you may receive.

Anyway, I think it looks good, on consoles that is. Performance may not be butter smooth, but it can definitely compete with the high tier graphic beasts (eg: Killzone, Uncharted, Gears, ect). In due time, on PC, with proper DX11 support and user mods, this game will look amazing.

Hmm. Posts like this make me weep. Gee, what do you want me to do that hasn't already been done? The game drops frames badly, is in major sub 720p territory on the PS3, with significant draw-in and jaggies that make you want to turn off the TV. The game is blurrier than some PSN shooters I have played. What the fuck do you want with empirical evidence. A fucking diagram of the engine code work compared to Naughty Dog's where we can sit here and examine how efficient their codebase is with the SPU's against traditional architecture that favors a more linear approach which Cry is obviously using. Jesus fuck man. Already, quit commenting on my comments and I will bow out and leave you people to worship if that is what you please or don't please. I'm having a beer.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
So uh, my brother convinced me to get the game (I was gonna hold off, but he has no money and begged for it). Is anyone else here getting it on PC despite the obvious downsides?


hide your water-based mammals
Stallion Free said:
So uh, my brother convinced me to get the game (I was gonna hold off, but he has no money and begged for it). Is anyone else here getting it on PC despite the obvious downsides?
I really am waiting until I see something more relevant. I'm sure it will be good action but everything else on the PC side has left a bad taste.
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