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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


Khronikos said:
Here. I'll try again. Don't respond to this post and we will be done. The end. Go on loving Crysis 2 despite all the comments that negate this positive attitude, that are critical for various reasons. Negative and positive must be kept in check or we end up with the Wii. Ha. Haha. Joke?

Advice for you, for free.

If you have PS3,play some AAA multiplatform titles then your hyperbole on PS3 exclusives will be soon changed.
360 version if that is truly it in video looks pretty nice, gives me hope for the PC version. Though hard to tell how well it plays, the AI seems very static in the game


TUROK said:
Where are the deforming meshes, volumetric clouds, and particle-based fluid systems in Killzone 2 or 3?
My point was GG never say they were going to be in there where as Crytec did. And deforming meshes are in KZ2/3 via way of piliars and other destructible environments.
plagiarize said:
the answer to this question is simple.

if the game offers at least $60 worth of fun.

if you've happily paid $60 for a given amount of fun before on a console, and if crysis 2 offers that same amount of fun (which is yet to be seen), you are letting your expectations get in the way of something you might enjoy.

that's all i'm trying to show you.

there isn't anything wrong with being disappointed that Crysis 2 doesn't meet the expectations you had for it. i just hope you can distance yourself from your expectations in order to make a fair judgement.

you haven't spent a penny on Crysis 2 yet. even if you've pre-ordered it you can get that back one way or another. whatever your expectations were, you now know not to expect customisation from it.

if you can still enjoy a console game, you can still enjoy Crysis 2. not saying you would, or will of course.

again i think your expectations are reasonable. i shared them and am disappointed too... but since i have happily enjoyed hundreds of games on consoles AND ON PC that offered minimal or no customisation, i know that lack of customisation is not something that prevents a game being fun.

But to me it isn't just about the fun part. That is where you and I part ways. I have no problem paying $60 to a developer who I know treats the PC crowd like gold. Even if there are games I may not see as all that fun, if I feel that the developer took their time and truly included all the bells and whistles for the PC crowd I will support them anyways. Its that important to me.

Will Crysis 2 be worth $60 of fun? Possibly. But again, why am I going to give $60 to a developer who offered less features compared to a developer who included such features in their $60 worth of fun? Its one of the reasons that I support Valve as much as I do. Their games may not look as technically impressive as say Crysis but they're relationship with the PC community never falters. They continually show their appreciation to the crowd that got them to where they are today. Same with Blizzard. The company behind Witcher is another. Again, it comes down to who deserves my $60 more if all things are equal in terms of the fun factor and right now, Crytek doesn't deserve my $60 with their lack of options.


Khronikos said:
Ahh, this again. I see this frequently. As if some sort of membership quota must be fulfilled for me to be accepted into the list of disciples. Altogether quite eerie. Nevermind I am older than god knows how many people on here or that I have been through schooling and whatever else you must dictate to that special place Americans, etc. like to call success in their insipid material fantasy. Yes, you are a full member. And yes, there MUST be a designation made. For if I were a full member, as if I was not before?, then by all means this shit would be fancy. Good god.

Here. I'll try again. Don't respond to this post and we will be done. The end. Go on loving Crysis 2 despite all the comments that negate this positive attitude, that are critical for various reasons. Negative and positive must be kept in check or we end up with the Wii. Ha. Haha. Joke?

And really, U2 being 2009. You is joking, right? I am not going to bother to offend that poster. But it is quite obvious I am not the only one who has problems with this game, especially the mp demo for the PS3. So pretty much what I have said stands firm. Disappointing but will wait for PC release to rectify the wrong.
This thread is fun. Just fun!
LiquidMetal14 said:
It's also pulling a lot of other tricks in the fray but every game has it's own implementation of techniques. Again, God of War 3 is impressive for many other things and that includes the frame rate as well as the resolution. Of course it's a smaller scale game in terms of open-ness but that doesn't make it less impressive. Metro 2033 on PC's is a corridor shooter in a lot of parts but it's still one of the best looking games ever. Better than Crysis 2 thus far I would say.
Those games look great, but the scale does matter. If Metro 2033 had levels like Crysis 2 (not only big, but full of interactive physical props and plenty of AI running at once) it would certainly wouldn't look as good.

pixelbox said:
As i said before you don't know if that is true or not. KZ shadows are a mix between baked and RT, Their AO is baked for example, I'm sure, with more time it would of been in there RT but as we know it was rushed.
Yes we do know it's true. There's even leaked documentation for CryEngine 3 (including console stuff) at Beyond 3D.


Also, why do we need to use all this rhetoric when discussing how a game looks. It's pretty fucking obvious to me how the game looks on my professionally calibrated 42 inch local dimmer. I don't need to know specifically about meshes or anything of the sort to see the Vast difference and gulf between this and KZ3. It's damn obvious. What this looks like on PC is a different story and one that I am interested in.


hide your water-based mammals
Metroid-Squadron said:
Those games look great, but the scale does matter. If Metro 2033 had levels like Crysis 2 (not only big, but full of interactive physical props and plenty of AI running at once) it would certainly wouldn't look as good..
You would need the best HW around but these titles still get put on the top shelf for a reason. Metro uses the fanciest effects possible on PC and it shows. It's impressive despite the smaller scale in comparison to Crysis. I think I'm done talking about graphics comparisons and all that though is this thread should be free of that back and forth.
The hell is going on in here, i´m so lost, now we are talking about UC2, KZ3 and GOW3 against a multiplatform game that everyone knows that CRYTEK is a PC base developer, ok keep it rolling.
LiquidMetal14 said:
You would need the best HW around but these titles still get put on the top shelf for a reason. Metro uses the fanciest effects possible on PC and it shows. It's impressive despite the smaller scale in comparison to Crysis. I think I'm done talking about graphics comparisons and all that though is this thread should be free of that back and forth.
Crysis 2 certainly doesn't lag behind in the least bit. No other title on the market applies as much advanced effects neither on consoles or PC (with the exception of LBP2).


pixelbox said:
My point was GG never say they were going to be in there where as Crytec did. And deforming meshes are in KZ2/3 via way of piliars and other destructible environments.
Those aren't deforming meshes. In Killzone 3 the individual chunks of granite that come off are already modeled into the pillar. Killzone 2 used a procedural system, I think. Deforming meshes would be like being able to dent a barrel with the butt of your gun.


hide your water-based mammals
arnoldocastillo2003 said:
The hell is going on in here, i´m so lost, now we are talking about UC2, KZ3 and GOW3 against a multiplatform game that everyone knows that CRYTEK is a PC base developer, ok keep it rolling.
It started off by some already claiming this as the better than KZ3 and then we were off.


Jadedx said:
Anyone want to claim that UC2 looks better? KZ3? UC3?

Nothing wrong with claiming those games look better, artistic tastes come into play as well when judging a game on it's visuals. Some people, understandably, prefer one of those games you mentioned.

What raises my eyebrows though, is when people downplay C2's on consoles graphical achievements saying it looks no better than call of duty or worse yet a generation behind KZ3/UC2. It's especially suspicious when they happen to have ps3 themed avatars.


LiquidMetal14 said:
You would need the best HW around but these titles still get put on the top shelf for a reason. Metro uses the fanciest effects possible on PC and it shows. It's impressive despite the smaller scale in comparison to Crysis. I think I'm done talking about graphics comparisons and all that though is this thread should be free of that back and forth.

I agree. Why can we not have more pics of what THIS game does right and wrong so we ALL can better understand what is going on in the various versions? I suppose after single becomes available but certainly someone has some more pics from the mp demo.


Metroid-Squadron said:
Those games look great, but the scale does matter. If Metro 2033 had levels like Crysis 2 (not only big, but full of interactive physical props and plenty of AI running at once) it would certainly wouldn't look as good.

Yes we do know it's true. There's even leaked documentation for CryEngine 3 (including console stuff) at Beyond 3D.
Then you should know that the "leaked doc" came from the leaked game which is an old build. Many things could happen in a short amount of time. Their GI method is not interactive with objects, so what does that tell you? Move a RED barrow near a brown wall with GI and you should get the radiosity effect, that doesn't happen so what kind of GI do they have? Something is fishy there...


Just a heads up: Crysis 1 and Warhead are on sale on the EA Store right now. 14.95 and 9.99 respectively.

I'm getting Crysis 2. I enjoyed what I played of the demo, it ran well and looked good too.


LiquidMetal14 said:
You would need the best HW around but these titles still get put on the top shelf for a reason. Metro uses the fanciest effects possible on PC and it shows. It's impressive despite the smaller scale in comparison to Crysis. I think I'm done talking about graphics comparisons and all that though is this thread should be free of that back and forth.
plagiarize said:
how a game controls is central to the gameplay.

Crysis 2 can still be customised, just not as much as you'd like to be able to customise it through the menus. that's it.

customisation is something PC gamers expect, myself included, but not having it doesn't prevent the game from being good. it doesn't preclude the game from being worth a given price.

i've never ignored it. i even suggested a reason as to why not having it doesn't bother me.

when you are customising your game, you aren't playing your game. they're two seperate things. it's nice to be able to customise it, but that's it. it's external to the game, quite literally in many cases. if you can enjoy a game that doesn't have customisation options on any platform, you should be able to enjoy a game that doesn't have customisation options on EVERY platform.

and again, one more time, you CAN customise it. you just can't do it by clicking on pretty buttons.

in order to make Crysis 1 look acceptable to me i had to edit ini files. that i'll have to do that again potentially doesn't really upset me at all. did you never edit your ini files or use custom configs or whatever for the first game?

if you did, why is the thought of doing that again so insulting to you?

Dude!! First you have to be on our side (the customer) and not on Crytek side, because greed is what made them take the choices we are upset about! I guess it's a good thing to pursue a company growth but there are better ways to achieve it and I can't stop thinking that EA are the responsibles in indulging them with the choices they took.

Anyway, the first bolded part is one of the things that I debate about Crysis 2 in comparison to Crysis 1. Crysis 2 control's are streamlined and basic than what Crysis 1 had. I know you can feel like a superheroe easily in this one and it feels great but it also gimps any other attempt at trying to do something radical and different because here things are limitedly mixed up and you cannot change the combination while con Crysis 1 you could combine the ways you moved and attacked how you wanted it to because you had better controls of your abilities.

Second, Crysis 2 can still be customize but dude... they took away the BASIC customization features most if not ALL PC games (excluding poor console ports) have. You need them there, because that justifies a PC game purchase... the CUSTOMIZATION in game and out of the game. Why? because PC's are different and we all have different settings and we want to be able to set it running up the best way we can for the HW we own, i.e. Why won't they let me choose EXTREME TEXTURES when I have 2 AMD 6970 Crossfired and have to withstand their default setting for textures? Or maybe I have 2 ATI 3870 and I know that I can turn textures to MAX but have to lower AA and maybe AF but not dissing the shaders so I can get the game running HOW I WANTED!! I mean, the first one allowed it, why does the second one doesn't!?!?!?! it's like the stupid things Sony is doing with the PS3... removing FEATURES. I mean, if it is an upgrade it shouldn't downgrade the GOOD things. IT WASN'T BROKEN! Why did they screw it up it's beyond me. Sure maybe you could do it with ".ini"s but they even made that even more difficult this time around! and people have to figure ways to make them work because apparently one of the great FEATURES the first one had, now we cannot have them because consoles can't either?!?!? WTF!

As it is right now, Crysis 2 for PC looks like a console port when it should've been the other way around! It's still going to be a great game, and an enjoyable one but it could've been even better and they decided to gimp it for their own reasons.
Veal said:
Just a heads up: Crysis 1 and Warhead are on sale on the EA Store right now. 14.95 and 9.99 respectively.

I'm getting Crysis 2. I enjoyed what I played of the demo, it ran well and looked good too.
anywhere we can get it on PC for less than $60?


What raises my eyebrows though, is when people downplay C2's on consoles graphical achievements saying it looks no better than call of duty or worse yet a generation behind KZ3/UC2. It's especially suspicious when they happen to have ps3 themed avatars.[/QUOTE]

Or right back the other way. Fanboys that cannot handle this game isn't what it was talked up to be. It's all kind of a mess these days. But to put this in the same league as KZ3 is honestly not right imho. That offends some people but I have no idea why IF they own both consoles and/or a PC.
pixelbox said:
Then you should know that the "leaked doc" came from the leaked game which is an old build. Many things could happen in a short amount of time. Their GI method is not interactive with objects, so what does that tell you? Move a RED barrow near a brown wall with GI and you should get the radiosity effect, that doesn't happen so what kind of GI do they have? Something is fishy there...
That's completely FALSE. Light bounces off any type of objects, static and dynamic. Also, a red barrel next to a brown wall? Couldn't pick a worse example?
Since I'll be playing this on my notebook, I'm hoping there's a config to lock the framerate to 30fps ( fixed_time_step=-0.0335 ) like in Crysis....

Still debating whether I wanna go KB/Mouse first time around or 360 controller


iam220 said:
Nothing wrong with claiming those games look better, artistic tastes come into play as well when judging a game on it's visuals. Some people, understandably, prefer one of those games you mentioned.

What raises my eyebrows though, is when people downplay C2's on consoles graphical achievements saying it looks no better than call of duty or worse yet a generation behind KZ3/UC2. It's especially suspicious when they happen to have ps3 themed avatars.
I understand artistic taste but the fact that I've seen some people say that UC2 and even UC1 looks better just makes me laugh.


Khronikos said:
Or right back the other way. Fanboys that cannot handle this game isn't what it was talked up to be. It's all kind of a mess these days. But to put this in the same league as KZ3 is honestly not right imho. That offends some people but I have no idea why IF they own both consoles and/or a PC.

That's pretty much what I'm referring to. Not in the same league? really?


Khronikos said:

chillout dude


aegies said:
It's definitely the 360 version.
i know you are under an embargo but can you say something about the framerate?
the mp beta demo on 360 was fine, the new mp demo has an awful framerate.


Metroid-Squadron said:
That's completely FALSE. Light bounces off any type of objects, static and dynamic. Also, a red barrel next to a brown wall? Couldn't pick a worse example?
Then, if it does indeed bounce off of everything then why the confusion over there?
"I doubt they dropped it,thats one of their "flagship" features."-Ruskie


pixelbox said:
Then, if it does indeed bounce off of everything then why the confusion over there?
"I doubt they dropped it,thats one of their "flagship" features."-Ruskie
That would mean a complete failure of the entire engine. Seriously, this is just silly. Trying to discern bounced lighting from all these crappy captures (compressed + gamma issues) is a bad idea and should be left to GAF. - AlStrong



AgentOtaku said:
Since I'll be playing this on my notebook, I'm hoping there's a config to lock the framerate to 30fps ( fixed_time_step=-0.0335 ) like in Crysis....

Still debating whether I wanna go KB/Mouse first time around or 360 controller

In the MP demo you just have to add "+sys_maxfps=30" to the command line.
Necronomikon said:
Dude!! First you have to be on our side (the customer) and not on Crytek side, because greed is what made them take the choices we are upset about! I guess it's a good thing to pursue a company growth but there are better ways to achieve it and I can't stop thinking that EA are the responsibles in indulging them with the choices they took.
i'm not taking Crytek's side. i can't fathom for the life of me why they throught this would be a good idea. i think it's incredibly stupid because it really doesn't take much to keep PC gamers sensitive to these things happy.

i just think some people are overreacting to it. like you say, it *could* have been better had it been aimed at the PC exclusively, but it looks like it *is* still a great game, i just focus more on that last part than the first part.

i'll compare it to other games on the shelves (including Crysis) rather than what i dreamed Crysis 2 would be.
TUROK said:
That would mean a complete failure of the entire engine. Seriously, this is just silly. Trying to discern bounced lighting from all these crappy captures (compressed + gamma issues) is a bad idea and should be left to GAF. - AlStrong

LOL indeed.

Also, all the new videos we're getting from youtube and streams show a lot of bounced light everywhere.
Uncharted 2, KZ3, GoW3? Fuck outta here with console games. I dont give a fuck how they compare to versions of Crysis 2 I wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole.


theignoramus said:
Uncharted 2, KZ3, GoW3? Fuck outta here with console games. I dont give a fuck how they compare to versions of Crysis 2 I wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole.

Didn't you get the memo? no-one is buying the PC version, this is now a Crysis 2 console thread.


theignoramus said:
Uncharted 2, KZ3, GoW3? Fuck outta here with console games. I dont give a fuck how they compare to versions of Crysis 2 I wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole.

You're as bad as freaking Khronikos minus the ranting.


theignoramus said:
Uncharted 2, KZ3, GoW3? Fuck outta here with console games. I dont give a fuck how they compare to versions of Crysis 2 I wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole.

To be fair, if you hate console games you probably shouldn't touch Crysis 2 PC either.

I was going to say maybe it's PC footage being played with a 360 pad.
Maybe it is?


That 360 footage looks pretty good. I was going to say maybe it's PC footage being played with a 360 pad.
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