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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


belier said:
Link you...


They claim it's 360 version

Wow, 360 version you say? This looks about as good, if not better than what crysis 1 looks on my 4850. Quite the achievement for a 360 IMO. If I get that quality and framerates on said 4850 I'd be very happy.

This is without a doubt the best looking, most technically impressive console game I've seen. Well done crytek, now just release dx11 and allow custom configs to please the people with the high end rigs.


Khronikos said:
Hmm. Posts like this make me weep. Gee, what do you want me to do that hasn't already been done? The game drops frames badly, is in major sub 720p territory on the PS3, with significant draw-in and jaggies that make you want to turn off the TV. The game is blurrier than some PSN shooters I have played. What the fuck do you want with empirical evidence. A fucking diagram of the engine code work compared to Naughty Dog's where we can sit here and examine how efficient their codebase is with the SPU's against traditional architecture that favors a more linear approach which Cry is obviously using. Jesus fuck man. Already, quit commenting on my comments and I will bow out and leave you people to worship.

I suggest you stop posting and making a fool of yourself. But by all means, continue.
LovingSteam said:
You continue to argue this magical and relative point of basing the game on what it is and not what it isn't or could have been. It's as though you continue to ignore what people in this thread have said from Go. Customization IS. A. PART. OF. PC. GAMING. How about this, when Zelda Wii comes out let me know if how it interacts with the Wii mote is an important ingredient to how one should judge it. Perhaps people should just ignore that key feature and judge it on what Zelda Wii is. Focus on the game play, the visuals, the enjoyment right? OH WAIT. The Wii mote's interaction with the Wii mote is a key ingredient to the game itself.
how a game controls is central to the gameplay.

Crysis 2 can still be customised, just not as much as you'd like to be able to customise it through the menus. that's it.

customisation is something PC gamers expect, myself included, but not having it doesn't prevent the game from being good. it doesn't preclude the game from being worth a given price.

i've never ignored it. i even suggested a reason as to why not having it doesn't bother me.

when you are customising your game, you aren't playing your game. they're two seperate things. it's nice to be able to customise it, but that's it. it's external to the game, quite literally in many cases. if you can enjoy a game that doesn't have customisation options on any platform, you should be able to enjoy a game that doesn't have customisation options on EVERY platform.

and again, one more time, you CAN customise it. you just can't do it by clicking on pretty buttons.

in order to make Crysis 1 look acceptable to me i had to edit ini files. that i'll have to do that again potentially doesn't really upset me at all. did you never edit your ini files or use custom configs or whatever for the first game?

if you did, why is the thought of doing that again so insulting to you?


Khronikos said:
Did I legitimately prove this? How? Because of a sentence. I played R2 for about 5 minutes. Tech has a lot more than framerate in it. The polish of the end picture is what I look at. You act like any random on GAF knows the ins and outs of C++ and can randomly generate games out of their arse. Uhh, no. It's a simple mistake. I don't mistake KZ3 for being 60 FPS. R2 is much more smooth and so is CoD which I haven't played much either though I have spent time on a PC at 60 FPS and it did not feel THAT different from what little of R2 I played. Little is the key word.

The whole point of this was that the demo was supremely underwhelming. Apparently, the people with criticism drop out before they are personally berated and attacked for their opinions by the love it all the time every time crowd. So later I guess until I see the final game.

The point was that, and you admit it, you're dragging in examples you're not even sure are correct to back up your argument. That's not how you debate something. Use facts or you're just being a fanboy.
Stallion Free said:
So uh, my brother convinced me to get the game (I was gonna hold off, but he has no money and begged for it). Is anyone else here getting it on PC despite the obvious downsides?

Already pre-ordered the Nano edition at a discounted price many months ago. I think it plays better on a gamepad (lol) so I will be using that.


LiquidMetal14 said:
I really am waiting until I see something more relevant. I'm sure it will be good action but everything else on the PC side has left a bad taste.


Would really help if Crytek announced something about a DX11 patch or option unlocking.


LiquidMetal14 said:
I did type it in a language you understand right?

Comprendes que digo en esta idioma?

Come on now, what doesn't make sense (?) so I can answer your query.
Crysis 2 does practically everything the "tech beast" games do and then some. SSAO, HDR, real-time GI, VMB, OMB, and so on and so forth.

Hell, Killzone 3, the supposed graphics king, doesn't even have HDR or SSAO (in gameplay).


JoeBoy101 said:

Would really help if Crytek announced something about a DX11 patch or option unlocking.

Has Crytek actually confirmed that there will be no DX11 on launch or is this still speculation that we're now taking as fact?


-PXG- said:
I suggest you stop posting and making a fool of yourself. But by all means, continue.

No, you see, right there, you should be modded. That shit should not be acceptable. Not only are you galvanizing the whole thing you don't even make any fucking sense. Don't just state shit out of your ass trying to be cool. How am I looking the fool? Make some observations. Everything I have stated is basically truth no matter how much the fanboys cringe. What is foolish? That their demo was a complete and utter mediocre experience. That is an opinion with empirical fact to back it up as I have done.

So you make a list and get back to me with your off topic comments and fucking PM me so this thread may carry on.


hide your water-based mammals
iam220 said:
Wow, 360 version you say? This looks about as good, if not better than what crysis 1 looks on my 4850. Quite the achievement for a 360 IMO. If I get that quality and framerates on said 4850 I'd be very happy.

This is without a doubt the best looking, most technically impressive console game I've seen. Well done crytek, now just release dx11 and allow custom configs to please the people with the high end rigs.
It won't look as impressive until we see distances you can look at in Crysis 1. It looks nice but also running at a lower res as other games which it may get compared to on consoles.

TUROK said:
Crysis 2 does practically everything the "tech beast" games do and then some. SSAO, HDR, real-time GI, VMB, OMB, and so on and so forth.

Hell, Killzone 3, the supposed graphics king, doesn't even have HDR or SSAO (in gameplay).
It's all a matter of opinion but again, games like God of War 3, KZ3, and UC2 all run at higher resolution while doing some raw calculations.
Stallion Free said:
So uh, my brother convinced me to get the game (I was gonna hold off, but he has no money and begged for it). Is anyone else here getting it on PC despite the obvious downsides?

*raises hand*

I'm looking forward to it too.


Stallion Free said:
So uh, my brother convinced me to get the game (I was gonna hold off, but he has no money and begged for it). Is anyone else here getting it on PC despite the obvious downsides?

I am, but I got in on the D2D pre-order for $45 a month or so back. That's pretty much why.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Already pre-ordered the Nano edition at a discounted price many months ago. I think it plays better on a gamepad (lol) so I will be using that.
Same lol. I preferred pad in the demo because of how MKB felt.

StevieP said:
Does the PC version support the 360 pad? (i.e. is it a trustworthy source)
The demo did and the pad actually felt pretty great. About one million times better than how the DS3 felt on the PS3 demo and slightly better than the MKB which felt off.


scitek said:
The point was that, and you admit it, you're dragging in examples you're not even sure are correct to back up your argument. That's not how you debate something. Use facts or you're just being a fanboy.

You are taking one piddly small example that doesn't even matter! Bullshit I call it I smell it. Your fear that is. Your fear that this game sucks.

I gave you my games: KZ2, KZ3 by a country mile, B2 and Halo Reach. All games that look better than this game in many ways. Halo Reach is sub HD but it certainly doesn't look as half-assed as this game. That is my opinion. Can you not handle that? We didn't drag in examples of CoD or R2 so just cool down and delete them from you memory. I added those as an as if.... as if they were doing 60FPS and looking decent. They had nothing to do with the 3 games I was supposed to list. NOTHING. At the least R2 doesn't drop frames and that is STILL something to be proud of at least in my playtime.

So please, YOU are dragging in stuff that doesn't matter and people cannot let it go because we are still here and I have offered to leave multiple times.
plagiarize said:
how a game controls is central to the gameplay.

Crysis 2 can still be customised, just not as much as you'd like to be able to customise it through the menus. that's it.

customisation is something PC gamers expect, myself included, but not having it doesn't prevent the game from being good. it doesn't preclude the game from being worth a given price.

i've never ignored it. i even suggested a reason as to why not having it doesn't bother me.

when you are customising your game, you aren't playing your game. they're two seperate things. it's nice to be able to customise it, but that's it. it's external to the game, quite literally in many cases. if you can enjoy a game that doesn't have customisation options on any platform, you should be able to enjoy a game that doesn't have customisation options on EVERY platform.

and again, one more time, you CAN customise it. you just can't do it by clicking on pretty buttons.

in order to make Crysis 1 look acceptable to me i had to edit ini files. that i'll have to do that again potentially doesn't really upset me at all. did you never edit your ini files or use custom configs or whatever for the first game?

if you did, why is the thought of doing that again so insulting to you?

I have owned every console this generation. When I play on the consoles I know what to expect. I don't expect customization since its a closed platform so the expectations aren't there. I don't expect Crytek to offer the type of customizations for a closed system but when Indie developers offer such customizations for their games at 1/20th the budget while Crytek doesn't? That is insulting. Have I said at all that the game isn't going to be fun? Nope. Have I said its going to look like crap? Nope. Why should I give $60 to a developer who has chosen to not include what is truly basic options on PC games?

At this point we don't know if the Ini files will be encrypted and sure, even if they are they'll be unlocked someway but that isn't the point for me. I look at spending $60 on a new game the way I look at buying a car. I have the money that the developer/dealership wants. If they're not willing to offer me what countless other dealerships will for less money why should I buy from them at the full price? With Red Orchestra 2, Witcher 2, BF3, Portal 2, even Assassins Creed Brotherhood on the horizon for the same amount or less money with more key features to the PC crowd, why should I place my $60 on Crytek's table?

Will I buy Crysis 2 eventually? Of course. If Crytek were to include customizations on day 1 than I'd buy it day 1. If they'd offer customizations day 30 I'd buy it day 30. If they never include such customizations I'll buy it on a Steam sale for $15-20. It isn't asking for much to offer what the vast majority of other developers do.


hide your water-based mammals
Yes. Native support. Source: Multiplayer demo.
I play Crysis with a pad and went to 2 with a pad as well. Seems the sequel is more catered towards that oddly. I know almost everyone who plays on PC says the KB/M way is the best whenever I play online though.

LovingSteam said:
It isn't asking for much to offer what the vast majority of other developers do.
That's been the crutch on a lot of my opinions of Crysis 2.


Khronikos said:
You are taking one piddly small example that doesn't even matter! Bullshit I call it I smell it. Your fear that is. Your fear that this game sucks.

I gave you my games: KZ2, KZ3 by a country mile, B2 and Halo Reach. All games that look better than this game in many ways. Halo Reach is sub HD but it certainly doesn't look as half-assed as this game. That is my opinion. Can you not handle that? We didn't drag in examples of CoD or R2 so just cool down and delete them from you memory. I added those as an as if.... as if they were doing 60FPS and looking decent. They had nothing to do with the 3 games I was supposed to list. NOTHING. At the least R2 doesn't drop frames and that is STILL something to be proud of at least in my playtime.

So please, YOU are dragging in stuff that doesn't matter and people cannot let it go because we are still here and I have offered to leave multiple times.

Not really, I think that opinion's ludicrous.


Khronikos said:
No, you see, right there, you should be modded. That shit should not be acceptable. Not only are you galvanizing the whole thing you don't even make any fucking sense. Don't just state shit out of your ass trying to be cool. How am I looking the fool? Make some observations. Everything I have stated is basically truth no matter how much the fanboys cringe. What is foolish? That their demo was a complete and utter mediocre experience. That is an opinion with empirical fact to back it up as I have done.

So you make a list and get back to me with your off topic comments and fucking PM me so this thread may carry on.



hide your water-based mammals
-PXG- said:
My understanding is his opinion is impartial but his delivery is off? I don't know, it's getting to crazy in here.

MrCompletely said:
newsflash, junior shits up perfectly good thread.
There are others around here spewing the opposite opinion in different forms though. He's just louder than the rest. Not that I totally agree with him but hey!


Metroid-Squadron said:
Contrary to popular belief, opinions can be wrong, specifically those consisting of factual statements like the one you wrote. Lighting alone is an order of magnitude superior to KZ2/3 (100% realtime vs lightmaps, HDR vs LDR, GI vs no GI, IBL vs diffuse ambient). Shading is as well with quite the diversity in materials unlike KZ2/3's. Playing space is also far bigger with non-scripted AI, with lots of interactive physicalized props (those cars that you can blow up even have basic suspension systems), etc...
Don't believe everything you hear. First off, 100% realtime shadows=false, the HDR is pretty much the same type as MS1/2/3, UC1/2 Heavenly sword, IBL have been done on the PS2 if i'm not mistaken, capturing surrounding area's image then placing it on a poly, and the verdict is still out on GI. C2 also doesn't incorporate POM either, which KZ3 uses in abundence. Particle do not interact with geometry nor does it interact with any wind systems. Materials GG chosen are strictly design decisions, and as for hard body physics they are not calculated as accurate as in none of the Killzones and the Killzones has more in any given environment. The A.I. statement is also completely wrong, the A.I. presented in KZ2/3 are completely dynamic and is well documented, some of the best in gaming. Ask yourself this, where are the deforming meshes, fluid based particle systems, volumetric clouds, and the per bullet hit detection? Unless there is writen docs on how it was done then it didn't happen in my eyes. And lastly, C2 uses a shader based motion blur for objects and screen. Killzone uses a per pixel based motion blur as did C1. the former is alot taxing on the hardware. All and all they use the system in different ways.


purple cobra said:
Any PS3 singleplayer footage around to see if it's as much of a disaster as the MP demo?
should be up soon (i hope). wouldnt be surprised if 360 and ps3 versions are really close in sp.


hide your water-based mammals
pixelbox said:
Don't believe everything you hear. First off, 100% realtime shadows=false, the HDR is pretty much the same type as MS1/2/3, UC1/2 Heavenly sword, IBL have been done on the PS2 if i'm not mistaken, capturing surrounding area's image then placing it on a poly, and the verdict is still out on GI. C2 also doesn't incorporate POM either, which KZ3 uses in abundence. Particle do not interact with geometry nor does it interact with any wind systems. Materials GG chosen are strictly design decisions, and as for hard body physics they are not calculated as accurate as in none of the Killzones and the Killzones has more in any given environment. The A.I. statement is also completely wrong, the A.I. presented in KZ2/3 are completely dynamic and is well documented, some of the best in gaming. Ask yourself this, where are the deforming meshes, fluid based particle systems, volumetric clouds, and the per bullet hit detection? Unless there is writen docs on how it was done then it didn't happen in my eyes. And lastly, C2 uses a shader based motion blur for objects and screen. Killzone uses a per pixel based motion blur as did C1. the former is alot taxing on the hardware. All and all they use the system in different ways.
I think this kind of stuff that people ignore or simply don't account for. These other consoles games (KZ3 in your example) are well documented and show the why their respective engine/s on consoles stand above stuff like Crysis 2.


LiquidMetal14 said:
It looks nice but also running at a lower res as other games which it may get compared to on consoles.

True, but 10% less pixels is not THAT big of a deal, no where near as bad as 1024x640 for example.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
Confirmed by the first PC review.

LovingSteam said:
Why should I give $60 to a developer who has chosen to not include what is truly basic options on PC games?
the answer to this question is simple.

if the game offers at least $60 worth of fun.

if you've happily paid $60 for a given amount of fun before on a console, and if crysis 2 offers that same amount of fun (which is yet to be seen), you are letting your expectations get in the way of something you might enjoy.

that's all i'm trying to show you.

there isn't anything wrong with being disappointed that Crysis 2 doesn't meet the expectations you had for it. i just hope you can distance yourself from your expectations in order to make a fair judgement.

you haven't spent a penny on Crysis 2 yet. even if you've pre-ordered it you can get that back one way or another. whatever your expectations were, you now know not to expect customisation from it.

if you can still enjoy a console game, you can still enjoy Crysis 2. not saying you would, or will of course.

again i think your expectations are reasonable. i shared them and am disappointed too... but since i have happily enjoyed hundreds of games on consoles AND ON PC that offered minimal or no customisation, i know that lack of customisation is not something that prevents a game being fun.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
LiquidMetal14 said:
I play Crysis with a pad and went to 2 with a pad as well. Seems the sequel is more catered towards that oddly. I know almost everyone who plays on PC says the KB/M way is the best whenever I play online though.
My friends and I were topping the score board consistently in the demo with pads. Normally I would say MKB is the way to go in PC FPS MP, but it wasn't the case here.


formerly sane
Stallion Free said:
So uh, my brother convinced me to get the game (I was gonna hold off, but he has no money and begged for it). Is anyone else here getting it on PC despite the obvious downsides?

Yes but when it drops in price. I liked the demo due to the smooth performance once I tweaked it and my pc isn't even that great. SP shouldn't be bad but this time the MP has already snagged my main time long interests and hopefully we get mods like the first.


lol @ one generation behind comment.

Uncharted 2 is so 2009,please face the truth rather than put too much hyperbole on to visual achievement.


Stallion Free said:
So uh, my brother convinced me to get the game (I was gonna hold off, but he has no money and begged for it). Is anyone else here getting it on PC despite the obvious downsides?

Add me to the +1. Managed to find it for £15/$30 mark so I though for that price the SP is at least worth that small amount of money....

Right? :(

iam220 said:
Has Crytek actually confirmed that there will be no DX11 on launch or is this still speculation that we're now taking as fact?

Edit: Beaten like a sex slave. :(


hide your water-based mammals
Stallion Free said:
My friends and I were topping the score board consistently in the demo with pads. Normally I would say MKB is the way to go in PC FPS MP, but it wasn't the case here.
The main problem for me has been the cheaters on specific servers, annoying.

iam220 said:
True, but 10% less pixels is not THAT big of a deal, no where near as bad as 640p for example.
It's not something to be ignored though. On PC this argument is less because the HW can make up that difference but to be doing that on closed HW like consoles, you have to consider that a bigger win since it's rendering more pixels per second. Bigger fill rates need more raw processing power and stuff like KZ3/ UC2, and GoW3 do pull this off with great frame rates and res.
LiquidMetal14 said:
It's all a matter of opinion but again, games like God of War 3, KZ3, and UC2 all run at higher resolution while doing some raw calculations.
Raw calculations? What do you mean? GoW3 does have full realtime lighting (AFAIK) but it's direct lighting only, the other two actually preabake most of their environment lighting, unlike C2 which is 100% realtime.


LiquidMetal14 said:
I think this kind of stuff that people ignore or simply don't account for. These other consoles games (KZ3 in your example) are well documented and show the why their respective engine/s on consoles stand above stuff like Crysis 2.
Then they need to STFU about tech stuff for which they do not understand. I really could go on and on about the differences and i my in the future but there is just so much...I'm more interested in the Frostbite 2 engine since they were so kind as to document the advances.


hide your water-based mammals
Metroid-Squadron said:
Raw calculations? What do you mean? GoW3 does have full realtime lighting (AFAIK) but it's direct lighting only, the other two actually preabake most of their environment lighting, unlike C2 which is 100% realtime.
It's also pulling a lot of other tricks in the fray but every game has it's own implementation of techniques. Again, God of War 3 is impressive for many other things and that includes the frame rate as well as the resolution. Of course it's a smaller scale game in terms of open-ness but that doesn't make it less impressive. Metro 2033 on PC's is a corridor shooter in a lot of parts but it's still one of the best looking games ever. Better than Crysis 2 thus far I would say.

pixelbox said:
Then they need to STFU about tech stuff for which they do not understand. I really could go on and on about the differences and i my in the future but there is just so much...I'm more interested in the Frostbite 2 engine since they were so kind as to document the advances.
That helps a lot. Instead of forum goers looking at video on the internet and making that same call you just made but without facts and spec sheet analysis.


MrCompletely said:
newsflash, junior shits up perfectly good thread.

Ahh, this again. I see this frequently. As if some sort of membership quota must be fulfilled for me to be accepted into the list of disciples. Altogether quite eerie. Nevermind I am older than god knows how many people on here or that I have been through schooling and whatever else you must dictate to that special place Americans, etc. like to call success in their insipid material fantasy. Yes, you are a full member. And yes, there MUST be a designation made. For if I were a full member, as if I was not before?, then by all means this shit would be fancy. Good god.

Here. I'll try again. Don't respond to this post and we will be done. The end. Go on loving Crysis 2 despite all the comments that negate this positive attitude, that are critical for various reasons. Negative and positive must be kept in check or we end up with the Wii. Ha. Haha. Joke?

And really, U2 being 2009. You is joking, right? I am not going to bother to offend that poster. But it is quite obvious I am not the only one who has problems with this game, especially the mp demo for the PS3. So pretty much what I have said stands firm. Disappointing but will wait for PC release to rectify the wrong.


pixelbox said:
Ask yourself this, where are the deforming meshes, fluid based particle systems, volumetric clouds, and the per bullet hit detection? Unless there is writen docs on how it was done then it didn't happen in my eyes. And lastly, C2 uses a shader based motion blur for objects and screen. Killzone uses a per pixel based motion blur as did C1. the former is alot taxing on the hardware. All and all they use the system in different ways.
Where are the deforming meshes, volumetric clouds, and particle-based fluid systems in Killzone 2 or 3?


Metroid-Squadron said:
Raw calculations? What do you mean? GoW3 does have full realtime lighting (AFAIK) but it's direct lighting only, the other two actually preabake most of their environment lighting, unlike C2 which is 100% realtime.
As i said before you don't know if that is true or not. KZ shadows are a mix between baked and RT, Their AO is baked for example, I'm sure, with more time it would of been in there RT but as we know it was rushed.


LiquidMetal14 said:
It's not something to be ignored though.

Right, it's something to take into account but that point alone does not stand up to why c2 might be graphically inferior to what is currently considered the "best".
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