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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...

Heavy said:
Thank you, I think, lol. :p Don't work for Crytek or anything, I really love the game and they're my favourite current developer by far.
I agree the game is great. They screwed up a lot of things but it is still better than most other FPS out there. The AI is pretty laughable, at least it makes hunting Jellys really fun with the Shotgun. The levels started out impressive with all the different approaches you could take but a lot of the game is linear. Graphics are amazing and the optimization is incredible for PC. Story is better but it jumps around too much. Alcatraz covers too much ground without us in control, feels really jarring. Also would have loved for Psycho to be involved after enjoying Warhead so much. I suppose it is because they brought a new writer on he didn't want to use much of the first games story.
evil solrac v3.0 said:
can you please stop trying to sound like an authority on everything crysis? it's really annoying. people, a lot of people, liked psycho and nomad for a reason. deal with it.
What makes me sound like an authority on anything, let alone this game? I'm a newbie; they're just my opinions. I've criticized the game many times too, btw.

reptilescorpio said:
I agree the game is great. They screwed up a lot of things but it is still better than most other FPS out there. The AI is pretty laughable, at least it makes hunting Jellys really fun with the Shotgun. The levels started out impressive with all the different approaches you could take but a lot of the game is linear. Graphics are amazing and the optimization is incredible for PC. Story is better but it jumps around too much. Alcatraz covers too much ground without us in control, feels really jarring. Also would have loved for Psycho to be involved after enjoying Warhead so much. I suppose it is because they brought a new writer on he didn't want to use much of the first games story.
Yeah, the transitions are really bad. Feels like little chunks of the game are missing at times. I rather have real cut scenes than that voiced over loading screen map with Goooold.
kamspy said:
The Nova 12 is the best pistol in the history of FPS. I glossed over it in favor of machine guns in my first run, but in my second I've been going almost Nova only. If you haven't tried it, do so. On humans. It's nothing special against the aliens. But against humans it's the greatest virtual firearm ever fired. you can even get a few silenced shots off without breaking cloak!
Absolutely. In the last encounter with the Cell troops I went through that entire area just using the silenced Nova.


Holy fuck my entire game is bugged to shit.

I can't move. Every time I load it up and try to play, I keep getting the sound like my shit's being disconnected and reconnected to the USB ports, but they're not. At first I thought it was my keyboard messing up (my mouse is new) but it types fine, and I can navigate the menus without a problem, and then I tried playing with the 360 controller, and it fucks up with that too.

I've tried playing several other games and they've all worked fine. I even reinstalled C2 and it's still bugged. WTF?


I am really loving this game. It's so refreshing to play a quality FPS campaign that actually has some meat on its bones. At my current pace, it should take me 13 - 14 hours to complete. I'm already looking forward to replaying it.

I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying battling the aliens - in most games I much prefer human foes and groan when the scary space monsters show up, but taking on the aliens in Crysis 2 still manages to be quite satisfying.

Speaking of which - I'm currently in Chapter 9 (Train to Catch) - will I encounter human enemies again, or is it all aliens from this point forward?
Zomba13 said:
That's what I want to know too. I'm halfway through Dead Man Walking so I've fought some aliens. They were muuuuch cooler (lol) when they could freeze shit and were glowing blue and were big flying squids with cool giant mech tank things. Also, what's up with infecting people? Can't they be happy just flash freezing the world flying around with super cool squid suits?

I know. One of the levels has you going into a tunnel by the church and I saw a stealthed alien in there that ran off so I assumed there would be an underground tunnel level that had these stealthed aliens in it stalking you or something but nope, next level starts on top of a building.

I just got to this part and it seriously bugged the ever-living shit outta me. A little level in the tunnels would have been nice :/

I'm also starting to get a little ticked off at the lack of quick-save. It makes me feel I have to plan everything out, sure, but then I feel compelled to tag everyone again each time.


Took me 12 hours to finish the game on normal. Despite its problems I'm just glad Crytek made a FPS that was longer than 5 hours.


I want to know about Nomad and Psycho because Crytek ended the game on a cliffhanger where those characters return to the island to save Prophet. In Crysis 2, it's like they never existed and Prophet is the only one with a nanosuit.

Like mentioned before, the blue aliens flash freezing the earth and with their blue glowing robots felt cooler than biowar red aliens.


Beat the game. Haven't played a full FPS run since MW2. I had fun with it. More fun screwing around with the AI by throwing shit at them, running around cloaked and what not. Really felt like I was playing some sort of first person Metal Gear Solid game. With codecs coming in, talk talk, go here, blah blah. Just no voice of responding which I though was really lame. But I'll bite for the next one. Curious where the series will go.


NotTarts said:
Does anyone else think that Crysis actually had better dialogue/voice actors than Crysis 2, eg:

When Prophet says 'Stand back now, I'm gonna vaporize', there's actually some pretty strong emotion in his voice, something I haven't really seen in C2.

Yes they did, they got everything right, the right voices for the characters, dialogues, etc. Whether you like them or not is up to you but that doesn't mean they are bad, they are perfect.

People bitching at their dialogues, lack of personality, etc, are crazy lol, this is a FPS not a RPG.

However that does not mean make a character that can't even speak for his own, Alcatraz is retarded as most characters in Crysis 2, sometimes I feel im playing as the Nanosuit not him, all of this really has a huge impact in the overall game, not because it makes it bad (although it does to a certain extent) but because of how awesome it could have been if they had gotten it right.

An example of this would be the scene where you meet up with Gould the first time, that's when it really hit me how shockingly bad is the fact your main character can't talk for shit and how all of this takes you away from the immersion/experience.

Alcatraz sucks.
Nekrono said:
People bitching at their dialogues, lack of personality, etc, are crazy lol, this is a FPS not a RPG.
I dunno, I think games have evolved. So many of them are trying to be like Hollywood movies and for that to happen, the plot, characterization and dialogue have to improve, dramatically. Both Crysis and Crysis 2 shit the bed in all those facets, but the same can be said for pretty much every other FPS ever made, unfortunately. Bioshock is the only one that comes to mind which sort of breaks the mold, a lot of which has to do with Rapture.
ThoseDeafMutes said:
Voiceless protagonists suck. Nomad managed to be a blank slate despite having a (competent) voice actor to deliver lines when appropriate.

Though they gave the (crappy) explanation of Alcatraz essentially being a walking corpse which is why he didn't talk... but somehow Prophet spoke through Alcatraz? Uh... okay
Nekrono said:
Yes they did, they got everything right, the right voices for the characters, dialogues, etc. Whether you like them or not is up to you but that doesn't mean they are bad, they are perfect.

People bitching at their dialogues, lack of personality, etc, are crazy lol, this is a FPS not a RPG.

However that does not mean make a character that can't even speak for his own, Alcatraz is retarded as most characters in Crysis 2, sometimes I feel im playing as the Nanosuit not him, all of this really has a huge impact in the overall game, not because it makes it bad (although it does to a certain extent) but because of how awesome it could have been if they had gotten it right.

An example of this would be the scene where you meet up with Gould the first time, that's when it really hit me how shockingly bad is the fact your main character can't talk for shit and how all of this takes you away from the immersion/experience.

Alcatraz sucks.

its funny since it makes the "Be the Weapon" trailer kinda misleading



Dilly said:
I want to know about Nomad and Psycho because Crytek ended the game on a cliffhanger where those characters return to the island to save Prophet. In Crysis 2, it's like they never existed and Prophet is the only one with a nanosuit.

Like mentioned before, the blue aliens flash freezing the earth and with their blue glowing robots felt cooler than biowar red aliens.
Nomad should have been the main character in the first place. There were way too many callbacks to the original game for this to have been a fresh start for those who didn't play Crysis 1.
Tara Strickland, daughter of throwaway character General Strickland from Crysis 1, who I had completely forgotten about until Crysis 2 decided to beat me over the head with the name shows this.


Heavy said:
I dunno, I think games have evolved. So many of them are trying to be like Hollywood movies and for that to happen, the plot, characterization and dialogue have to improve, dramatically. Both Crysis and Crysis 2 shit the bed in all those facets, but the same can be said for pretty much every other FPS ever made, unfortunately. Bioshock is the only one that comes to mind which sort of breaks the mold, a lot of which has to do with Rapture.

And this is exactly what they're doing wrong, why does everything need to be Hollywood-like nowadays? It's so lame, especially when it's obvious that they're trying so hard to get there.

When it's natural is a thousand times better, like Crysis, Half Life, etc.


Nekrono said:
Yes they did, they got everything right, the right voices for the characters, dialogues, etc. Whether you like them or not is up to you but that doesn't mean they are bad, they are perfect.

People bitching at their dialogues, lack of personality, etc, are crazy lol, this is a FPS not a RPG.

However that does not mean make a character that can't even speak for his own, Alcatraz is retarded as most characters in Crysis 2, sometimes I feel im playing as the Nanosuit not him, all of this really has a huge impact in the overall game, not because it makes it bad (although it does to a certain extent) but because of how awesome it could have been if they had gotten it right.

An example of this would be the scene where you meet up with Gould the first time, that's when it really hit me how shockingly bad is the fact your main character can't talk for shit and how all of this takes you away from the immersion/experience.

Alcatraz sucks.
It only becomes an issue for me when I start to get completely disconnected with the game because of things that characters say. If they're going to force a story onto you, it would be nice if they attempted to make the characters seem like real human beings, instead of ruining the immersion by talking and acting like no real person would. I guess I'm just more sensitive to it than others.


NotTarts said:
It only becomes an issue for me when I start to get completely disconnected with the game because of things that characters say. If they're going to force a story onto you, it would be nice if they attempted to make the characters seem like real human beings, instead of ruining the immersion by talking and acting like no real person would. I guess I'm just more sensitive to it than others.

And that is exactly what happens when you get to scenes like the one i mentioned earlier when you meet up with Gould the first time, as the scene played all i could think of was how good this could have been if you could actually talk or say a few words at least!.

Especially when (in that scene) there's a 'moment of silence' which really hurts the experience since that would be the appropriate time for Alcatraz to say something, even Gould takes a while just looking at you without saying anything (kinda like waiting) .... and waiting... and waiting.... and then what happens? THE FUCKING SUIT TALKS FOR YOU! LOL.



Nekrono said:
Especially when (in that scene) there's a 'moment of silence' which really hurts the experience since that would be the appropriate time for Alcatraz to say something, even Gould takes a while just looking at you without saying anything (kinda like waiting) .... and waiting... and waiting.... and then what happens? THE FUCKING SUIT TALKS FOR YOU! LOL.
Well, the suit is
Prophet. Or at least the AI is.
finished the game yesterday.

story wise, well...... Crytek should stick to making games instead of lite movies with non-entity main characters who turn to another dude by the end. well, whatever. video game stories are only a vehicle to give you an objective to get to the next stage. that is why they are video GAMES and not movies.

gameplay was really well done the last third where you are have enough points (lol) to really open up your nanosuit as it should have been from the very beginning.
I don't know if it's because of consoles and limiting everything (i suspect it is) or just simply Crytek trying something else, it didn't benefit the game to hamstring the player like that. next time Crytek, make it like part one and let me truly be the suit. ditch the RPG crap.

and graphics wise it really looked better the last third again so let's hope DX10 or 11 really makes the game sing.

but this game really so different from when you fight the Humans to when you fight aliens exclusively it's not even funny. it's night and day graphics and gameplay wise.


Infinite Justice said:
its funny since it makes the "Be the Weapon" trailer kinda misleading


Having seen that trailer again makes me realize that whoever that voice actor is it could have been very decent if not good to fit Alcatraz voice.

What the fuck were you thinking Crytek? lol. I mean you go through the hassle of finding someone that fits the trailer and represent the main character but yet in the final game you make him completely silent? :lol
Nekrono said:
And this is exactly what they're doing wrong, why does everything need to be Hollywood-like nowadays? It's so lame, especially when it's obvious that they're trying so hard to get there.

When it's natural is a thousand times better, like Crysis, Half Life, etc.
I didn't think either Crysis was natural... the actual voice-acting is natural if that's what you mean (Psycho in 1, Hargreave in 2 are both good examples) but there's little substance there, if any. If these games were made into films they'd get like a 10% fresh rating on Rottentomatoes. The dialogue, characters, and plot would get totally picked apart. I love the big budget blockbuster type of games but I doubt they're good for the industry. It's like a $30-40 million dollar gamble...jesus lol. Homefront cost 40 or 50 million including the marketing, what a joke. This is a topic for another thread though, my bad.
evil solrac v3.0 said:
Crytek should stick to making games instead of lite movies with non-entity main characters who
turn to another dude by the end.
Sigh, thanks for being inconsiderate. I figured as much but still, would it have killed you spoiler that.


Heavy said:
I didn't think either Crysis was natural... the actual voice-acting is natural if that's what you mean (Psycho in 1, Hargreave in 2 are both good examples) but there's little substance there, if any. If these games were made into films they'd get like a 10% fresh rating on Rottentomatoes. The dialogue, characters, and plot would get totally picked apart. I love the big budget blockbuster type of games but I doubt they're good for the industry. It's like a $30-40 million dollar gamble...jesus lol. Homefront cost 40 or 50 million including the marketing, what a joke. This is a topic for another thread though, my bad.

Exactly, except these are not movies and they shouldn't try to be one, Im not saying they shouldn't be good, epic or have a good storyline, good characters, etc, but they should not be trying to fit a movie-like format.

They are games, if they can pull off all the above without trying to hard or making it obvious at least then that's awesome. It's like everyone is trying to imitate the Call of Duty formula and sometimes it works when it's done right but when it doesn't ... well, this happens, they try to fill the game with over the top situations, scenes, etc, that im sorry but just because it worked for one game doesn't mean every single one should have it., you don't need it for the game to be good.


Just wrapped it up. It's a good game (especially early on), but I could have done without the entire section where you're assisting marines. I said it before, but it felt like any other modern FPS trying to replicate Call of Duty during those levels.

I really liked the changes to the suit, but the change to speed was just dumb. Not much to say cause almost everyone agrees on that.

The graphics were just incredible. I really am sorry I doubted Crytek on this front. The textures could have been better, sure, but it doesn't feel at all like the PC version was compromised visually for consoles, especially given how the console versions run. It's even optimized well enough that I was able to run the game at 1080p on extreme settings with v-sync enabled and still get 30fps through most of the campaign on my aging GTX 260. The sound was great too, especially in 5.1.

Overall, I don't think it matches the best parts of Crysis 1 and it's not even in the same league as Warhead, but it's alright for what it is. If they trimmed some of the boring marine sections and spent more time on the AI, I think we would be seeing a much better game though.

Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention that cloak is STILL too good.
Question is there anyway to improve the gaming experience on PC. I've seen ppl messed with some codes on this thread and seen some improvement. How would I go about doing this?!


I used the config from the first page of this thread and forced 2x2SSAA using Nvidia Inspector.

What kind of improvement are you after?
Heavy said:
...and others are determined to criticize every aspect about it. I'm serious about the plot, though. Crysis 2's plot is weak but the nostalgic call backs asking for Nomad and Psycho just seem weird considering they were characters with no personality or back story, at all. Nothing about the aliens was explained in the original, either. They just showed up. Barely got any detail about the Koreans as well. This is pure nostalgia at work.

I dunno, I love having a story in games. I can't even play a platformer anymore because I find it pointless. I tried playing the new Donkey Kong Wii game over a girlfriend's house last week and couldn't even be bothered to finish the second level. I need a plot... some semblance of presentation and back story, even if it's bad. Maybe I'm in the minority...

Yeah, that's what I mean. I've come to be the complete opposite of that as I've gotten older, I dunno why exactly.

You're Terrible, next you'll be telling us you watch porno for the riveting storyline.


I glad there wasn't some bullshit cliffhanger ending tho. It genuinely felt satisfying - something rare in FPS or any game for that matter these days.
Kyaw said:
I used the config from the first page of this thread and forced 2x2SSAA using Nvidia Inspector.

What kind of improvement are you after?

well overall graphics improvement really. I want that eye candy everyone been having. I saw a pic on an earlier page where someone posted the detail of the one of the marine's face. I'm not getting that detail or so it looks to me.


Teleporting, disconnections, having to re-unlock everything, XP points not being added, cheaters, ...

Well... Multiplayer is crap...sis...


spiderman123 said:
well overall graphics improvement really. I want that eye candy everyone been having. I saw a pic on an earlier page where someone posted the detail of the one of the marine's face. I'm not getting that detail or so it looks to me.

What settings are you using atm?
Okay... so Something has happened - I seem to not be able to collect nano catalysts or some shit.

When I get them, my count stays at 0 which means I can't upgrade my suit? Wtf am I meant to do?

I just took down
that giant walker
and it dropped 2k or 5k nano's or something but my nano's are at zero!?! WTF!!?!
Kyaw said:
What settings are you using atm?

I did a search on google and got an app from steam forums where I set everything on high and my game on advance (high). I don't know if I did something wrong but there seems to be no change in visual experience.

edit: I mean with the app there is no change or so it seems. So I'm guessing I gotta tinker with the code.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Tarin02543 said:
One of the voice actors is that same dude that voices the black captain in BC2.

The second I read this sentence I hear Prophet yelling out "Sweetwater!" in my head. Heh.
KingOfKong said:
i prefer it the way it is. makes it more rewarding when you get passed it. i hate when games hold your hand the whole way through.
Same here. In a world where regenerating health is the norm, and the fact that you're provided with nigh unlimited stealth + damage absorption at the press of a button, the checkpoint system is the only way to provide any sense of difficulty.

Quick-Save is kind of a relic imho.

Sinatar said:
The second I read this sentence I hear Prophet yelling out "Sweetwater!" in my head. Heh.
I don't think its Prophet though. BC2 sarge is definitely used for random Cell troops, and maybe marines as well.


Any debate about level-size compared to the first game aside, this game is the best Single-player FPS experience of any recent game. Long game too.

Great stuff and quite challenging on Post-human difficulty.

CryTek have done a damn fine job creating a game that is workable within the constraints demanded by being on the consoles while still crafting a SP gameplay experience well above the likes of CoD, MoH etc. on PC.

Hoping for a Warhead style spin-off or fast work on Crysis 3. I'l bet my ass they already have a studio like the one in Budapest working on reusing the assets for a quick follow-up game. I'l buy.


I approve of the Warhead style reuse of game assets.

Creating all that work just for a 8-10 hour game?

Seems perfectly reasonable and fair to be to give gamers the option of getting another 10 hour game with a fast sequel. Tired of the visuals already? Don't buy the follow-up then.
DennisK4 said:
I approve of the Warhead style reuse of game assets.

Creating all that work just for a 8-10 hour game?

Seems perfectly reasonable and fair to be to give gamers the option of getting another 10 hour game with a fast sequel. Tired of the visuals already? Don't buy the follow-up then.

I'd rather them reuse Crysis 1 assets again for a 5 hour "What happened after they ran back to the island" expansion.


DennisK4 said:
Any debate about level-size compared to the first game aside, this game is the best Single-player FPS experience of any recent game. Long game too.

Great stuff and quite challenging on Post-human difficulty.

CryTek have done a damn fine job creating a game that is workable within the constraints demanded by being on the consoles while still crafting a SP gameplay experience well above the likes of CoD, MoH etc. on PC.

Hoping for a Warhead style spin-off or fast work on Crysis 3. I'l bet my ass they already have a studio like the one in Budapest working on reusing the assets for a quick follow-up game. I'l buy.
Actually, Crytek's new structure involves them rolling their extra staff onto the next major project when one finishes up.

Presumably extra staff are moving onto Kingdoms now while Crysis 3 and whatever Crytek London is making are prototyped.

There's also that MMO they're making in Kiev which will likely need more people soon.


Nirolak said:
Actually, Crytek's new structure involves them rolling their extra staff onto the next major project when one finishes up.

Presumably extra staff are moving onto Kingdoms now while Crysis 3 and whatever Crytek London is making are prototyped.

There's also that MMO they're making in Kiev which will likely need more people soon.
Crytek Budapest is working on Kingdoms, AFAIK.
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