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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...

Just past the Times Square part, graphics are just insane, mostly to do with the lighting and explosions, its jaw dropping stuff.

Please tell me theres some more "open" areas ahead though, because the previous 2 levels were corridor style stuff :/


scently said:
We get it, it is the worst looking game on consoles and comes nowhere near the holy order that is UC2,GOW3,KZ2,3 and whatever the hell else you want to put on that list. You can sleep easy. Now can we move along?

Forget that crap. This isn't about what looks better. It's about what we as gamers should deem acceptable performance wise. I don't think we should get in to the habit of being woo'ed at visuals at the expense of performance (same way in recent times Treyarch should be lambasted for PS3 Blops). I actually think the game looks gorgeous, better than the majority of games out there. But in reality, given the performance and IQ, I think it should look better, or run better, one of the two.

My gut feeling is that it was probably just a question of needing more time in to cooker. But who knows, guess we'll wait and see. Could just be Mass Effect all over. That would be awesome.
Ogs said:
Just past the Times Square part, graphics are just insane, mostly to do with the lighting and explosions, its jaw dropping stuff.

Please tell me theres some more "open" areas ahead though, because the previous 2 levels were corridor style stuff :/
Unfortunately doesn't get any more open :(.


Trucker Sexologist
Foliorum Viridum said:
Cheers, Dennis.

That aliasing isn't actually too bad. Preferably you could have that clarity with AA, though.
It's mostly noticeable on the tops of objects. And the only other alternative is the blur. It's the kind of thing that makes me wish that PC monitors had unsharpen filters like HDTVs.
SapientWolf said:
It's mostly noticeable on the tops of objects. And the only other alternative is the blur. It's the kind of thing that makes me wish that PC monitors had unsharpen filters like HDTVs.
It's certainly ugly in screenshots, but it's not so noticable that it could be ignored in motion.

I'm getting my new card on Tuesday so I'm trying to figure out how I want to play it, haha.


This was definitely my favorite FPS campaign since Bioshock I think. The story went right over my head to be honest, but it was a blast to play. My major complaint about the game is that I played through on super soldier and was not challenged in the slightest. It felt like playing a Call of Duty on very easy/easy.

Anyone care to give me the 4-1-1 on WTF the story was about towards the end?


nib95 said:
Forget that crap. This isn't about what looks better. It's about what we as gamers should deem acceptable performance wise. I don't think we should get in to the habit of being woo'ed at visuals at the expense of performance (same way in recent times Treyarch should be lambasted for PS3 Blops). I actually think the game looks gorgeous, better than the majority of games out there. But in reality, given the performance and IQ, I think it should look better, or run better, one of the two.

My gut feeling is that it was probably just a question of needing more time in to cooker. But who knows, guess we'll wait and see. Could just be Mass Effect all over. That would be awesome.

When you start naming KZ3 in your statement in reference to what you consider a performance ballpark or benchmark then yes, you are making a comparison and arguing which looks better, forgetting that that KZ3 performance is what somebody else might consider unacceptable.

I have seen the game and I accept the way it looks and the performance has not interfered with that. As this gen comes to a close more and more compromises will be made to produce what the developers have in mind. These console are REALLY old, there is only so much you can do with them. You ought to take a look at their tech papers, most of the effects they use in their engine cost very little in terms of performance compared to the way they were done before, not to mention the amount of techniques they have pioneered.You have to understand that they are trying to sell and engine here, this is a sort of advertisement like "hey look, our engine can push all this effect".

Look I get what you are saying with regards to the mass effect situation, but this is the situation when it comes to console gaming, and IMO the game looks spectacular and a drop here and there does not impact my enjoyment of the game. If I wanted better, I would have built myself a bleeding edge PC.


Ergh Crytek

What fucking VIDEO COMPRESSION DID YOU USE ... Jesus christ ...

When I read in someones impressions or a review 'bad video compression' I was like 'wtf kind of criticism is that? Then it comes to the end video and ERGH ARTIFACTS EVERYWHERE.

Are all the versions blessed with such horrendous in game videos or is it just the direct download ones?

Amazing game though, story was a bit 'wtf' but I got the general idea. Graphics althought not as revolutionary and advanced as Crysis still put half the companies out there to shame.


DennisK4 said:
Gawd I love how the design of the suit just oozes detail, from the hexagonal bumpmapped pattern to it's diffuse reflective surface... :O

In fact, it feels like Crytek have put a LOT of thought into both the design AND technical aspect of each art asset and it amazes me how much detail they've put into the game. It's gun models are some of the most detailed I've ever seen. Streets, rooftops, building interiors are LITTERED with objects. The levels in general are very complex in design and it's easy to forget that despite the dense and typically claustrophobic urban setting, they actually offer a fuckton of freedom compared to other shooters. In terms of aesthetics, one of the most impressive areas was that one near the beginning where you witness the destruction caused by an alien ship that crashed down through the street, exposing a building's multi-level underground garage as a result. Any other developer would've probably been contented with just having the downed ship and a simple trail of rubble on the street. Speaking of which, much of the rubble and rocks in this game has actual polygon mesh detail rather than simple flat texture. Cars and pools of water on the road with reflection maps of the specific environment they're in. Leaves exhibiting some translucency when the sun shines through it (I doubt it's actual subsurface scattering at work here, especially in the 360 version). Windows, pipes, picture frames, floor, etc basically ANYTHING that has a reflective surface exhibit specular properties from gun flares, fire, energy mortar rounds, etc. And in the rain, wet surfaces actually reflect the surround environments/objects somewhat accurately (throw an object on the road and you can see its faint reflection).

Crysis 2 is more visually impressive to me than other games that get away from having stylized/completely fictional locales with tons of weather effects/impressive skybox thrown in, rather than showing off detail through clutter (individual objects mind you, not just texture variety) which is probably why I prefer the aesthetics of Uncharted 2 to Killzone3/Gears (it helps that the former actually has HDR as well) so I can understand why some people would claim that Crysis 2 is the best looking game on any console =D
nib95 said:
Forget that crap. This isn't about what looks better. It's about what we as gamers should deem acceptable performance wise. I don't think we should get in to the habit of being woo'ed at visuals at the expense of performance (same way in recent times Treyarch should be lambasted for PS3 Blops). I actually think the game looks gorgeous, better than the majority of games out there. But in reality, given the performance and IQ, I think it should look better, or run better, one of the two.

My gut feeling is that it was probably just a question of needing more time in to cooker. But who knows, guess we'll wait and see. Could just be Mass Effect all over. That would be awesome.

Oh god no. You're that rabid PS3 fanboy from the IGN Boards. I can't escape you.

I'm not a graphics whore, and I don't game on PCs so I can't compare their games, but this is far and away the most impressive looking game I've played on my consoles (Wii, PS3, 360) ever. 360 version, btw. Not just because it looks great, but because it looks great while running really well, and is pretty wide open at times and not forcing me down a corridor at all times like UC2 and GoW3 did. That's why it's most impressive to me. It also has the added benefit of being really awesome. Bulletstorm was my favorite FPS I've played in the past 6 months or so, but this is right up there with it.
[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

My best effort, trying to match Dennis.


Eye of the Storm was such a cool level. I think this game portrays being a super human better than any other FPS at least. I'm up to the last level (or two) I think and I've turned it off so I have something to look forward to tomorrow night. Fucking mondays...

There have been a couple or poor levels (mainly the ones that are just fighting your way through a straight path) but thankfully they are few. It's a shame the MIKE weapon comes so late in the game (unless I missed it earlier on?), loads of fun!


Hey guys, just found out of another config tool program, this one seems much more complete and with more options. This guy seems to have more experience as well. He has been working on this since the demo and v5 is out for the retail game.


Configurable Options:

Object Detail
Post Processing
Game Effects
Volumetric Effects
Crouch Toggle
Zoom Toggle
Mouse Acceleration
Mouse Sensitivity
Mouse Smoothing
Mouse Invert
HDR / Bloom Settings - sets multiple Cvars
Motion Blur
Multi GPU
Multi Core CPU
Hit Player Sound Feedback
Sound Quality
Skip Intro
Full Screen
Skip Login



Credit goes to RJayW.


adelante said:
Yep...even better than, dare I say, the Halo games
The funny thing is that both games are more fun when played in higher difficulty. You die so fast though that there is no more super-human element left to enjoy.


Pancho said:
Has anyone's fan gone crazy while playing this game on the PS3? Anytime I start to play this game the fan goes crazy high and noisy. It scares the crap out of me since I've already gone through a YLOD with my first PS3. My current PS3 is a slim, anyone else's fans doing the same thing? A friend of mine has a fatty and his PS3 does the same thing when he plays Crysis2.
Yeah, it's the upscaling the game has to do to bring it to "720p". GTA4 did this also and it's a sign of a dying PS3. Start backing-up.


Blizzard said:
Well, if this is out and DX11 is included for both ATI and nVidia cards, then take that, people saying there may not be a patch or advanced settings options. :D

Thing is there never should have been a patch for these features, they should have come with the game at it's release, especially considering is Crysis 2 and a Crytek game, but a patch is better than nothing :p

I'm only hoping it's not DX11 ala Dragon Age 2 that runs like shit and the differences are minimal.


DieH@rd said:
Im nearing the end of the SP campaign. SO GOOD.

But what's it about?

I asked earlier if anyone can actually give me the summary of WTF I just played through story wise. Great game to play through, but I hate when a game basically has a plot I have to look up online to figure out wtf just happened. Doesn't happen often, but some games just have poor explanation.
Kinspiracy said:
Oh god no. You're that rabid PS3 fanboy from the IGN Boards. I can't escape you.

I'm not a graphics whore, and I don't game on PCs so I can't compare their games, but this is far and away the most impressive looking game I've played on my consoles (Wii, PS3, 360) ever. 360 version, btw. Not just because it looks great, but because it looks great while running really well, and is pretty wide open at times and not forcing me down a corridor at all times like UC2 and GoW3 did. That's why it's most impressive to me. It also has the added benefit of being really awesome. Bulletstorm was my favorite FPS I've played in the past 6 months or so, but this is right up there with it.

Well, no, just no.

When the framerate goes down to 14 or even lower in a game, you can´t say that runs "very well" because it´s not true at all.

Visually impressive? yes, but at high cost in the performance.
the furthar along I get in this game it is becoming quite clear to me that Killzone 3 is no longer the best looking console game. Crysis 2 takes the crown
until Uncharted 3 gets here!
. As for the actual game, it is easily amongst the top first person campaigns I have played. It is very fun! Multiplayer has potential but it just seems the netcode is way off or something and makes everything too laggy to feel like you can be precise with your shots.


Not only is Crysis 2 the best looking game ever made, the performance is ridiculous.

I can't believe I am getting 30 fps at 2560 x 1600 with all settings at maximum with those visuals.....and this with a 2 year old graphics card.

Truly stunning accomplishment by CryTek. I hope CryEngine 3 gets sold a lot so that we get some different types of game RPGs etc. out of this engine.


KingOfKong said:
the furthar along I get in this game it is becoming quite clear to me that Killzone 3 is no longer the best looking console game. Crysis 2 takes the crown
until Uncharted 3 gets here!
. As for the actual game, it is easily amongst the top first person campaigns I have played. It is very fun!
I thought Killzone 3 wasn't all that. Best looking game on Ps3 is U2. I only got Crysis 2 on PC so i can't really speak about how it looks on ps3.
_tetsuo_ said:
I seriously doubt this.

Crytek employee said:
Cooking some great bits for C2 DX11 tech fans, be patient guys. All I can say, is that we have 16 ms or more to have fun with pc hardware... 26 minutes ago via web All I can say, is that we have 16 ms or more to have fun with pc hardware ... 26 minutes ago via web

We will see
-GOUKI- said:
I thought Killzone 3 wasn't all that. Best looking game on Ps3 is U2. I only got Crysis 2 on PC so i can't really speak about how it looks on ps3.

I agree that U2 is one of the best looking games on a console as well but it is hard to compare it with Killzone 3 and Crysis 2 because it is a totally different art style. I guess I would rate both Crysis 2 and Uncharted 2 as the best looking games but it is hard to put the up against eachother because of their differences. Does that make sense or am I just rambling?
-GOUKI- said:
I thought Killzone 3 wasn't all that. Best looking game on Ps3 is U2. I only got Crysis 2 on PC so i can't really speak about how it looks on ps3.
I love this shit. Killzone 3 is fucking gorgeous. It's even better looking than U2, especially the arctic environments.


KingOfKong said:
I agree that U2 is one of the best looking games on a console as well but it is hard to compare it with Killzone 3 and Crysis 2 because it is a totally different art style. I guess I would rate both Crysis 2 and Uncharted 2 as the best looking games but it is hard to put the up against eachother because of their differences. Does that make sense or am I just rambling?

No, what you are saying makes perfect sense.
Hunter-Zero said:
Well, no, just no.

When the framerate goes down to 14 or even lower in a game, you can´t say that runs "very well" because it´s not true at all.

Visually impressive? yes, but at high cost in the performance.

Rare enough that I dont view it as a distraction. Torchlight crawls to 2 or 3 frames per second and I still love it (visually and gameplay). As I stated though, I'm not a graphics whore. I'll suffer some frame issues for great gameplay in return.


Hunter-Zero said:
Well, no, just no.

When the framerate goes down to 14 or even lower in a game, you can´t say that runs "very well" because it´s not true at all.

Visually impressive? yes, but at high cost in the performance.
Maybe for him it never got that low, just because it can under some circumstances doesn't mean it does for everyone, and if it didn't for him, that doesn't make his experience any less valid.

I've heard a lot of complaints about the framerate, and on PS3 I've played it thru fully once and more than half way again and I've not hit anything terrible, certainly mid twenties at times, but nothing that hurts my ability to play.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
it's not coming out tommorow

or I'll eat two sticks of RAM

Principal R&D Graphics Programmer at Crytek said:
Cooking some great DX11 tech bits for C2 fans, be patient guys. All I can say, is that we have 16 ms or more to have fun with pc hardware...

this was posted today.


Kinspiracy said:
Rare enough that I dont view it as a distraction. Torchlight crawls to 2 or 3 frames per second and I still love it (visually and gameplay). As I stated though, I'm not a graphics whore. I'll suffer some frame issues for great gameplay in return.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
traveler said:
Got a C2D 3.0 processor, 8800GTX, and 4GB of RAM. I assume this is going to look/perform better on my PC than my PS3?

I tried this on my secondary system, C2D 2.6, 9800gt, 4gb and I really wasn't happy with the performance @ 1680x1050, even when I dropped it down to 720p it still didn't feel very smooth.

I'd honestly go the console version with those specs.

TheExodu5 said:

ummm, perhaps I was being fussy then :-\, I honestly couldn't play it comfortable with those specs.
Crunched said:

Torchlight on XBLA chugs on certain occasions. Doesn't make the game bad overall and doesn't lessen how I feel about the game's graphics. I just got Crysis 2 and quite frankly was expecting the framerate to be a nightmare based on certain posts here, but it's not bad at all. And then I remembered that many here are overly harsh and omigod-the-sky-is-falling dramatic. The posts about the story being shit were definitely not overstated, though. Wow you spend all that time making the best looking game on the planet and there's no money left over to pay even a halfway decent writer?
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