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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


Re-playing on post human difficulty. A.I. appears to be exactly the same, you just die faster...so essentially it's the same game really if you play it stealthy like me.

Still really really fun though. I never bothered replaying Crysis, too many annoying and poorly designed sections for me there.


Trucker Sexologist
Wren said:
Really enjoyed single player but I have to say I wish Crysis' multiplayer didn't try so hard to be a COD clone. Between being able to turn invisible, increase armor, and do crazy stuff like fling cars and ground pound enemies it really had the potential to be something special. Instead everything just seems to fall kind of flat. You have this crazy super suit that gives you all these awesome powers, yet I feel like I'm never able to use any of them to their full potential because I die in such a low number of hits.

Armor mode is probably the best example of this. You greatly sacrifice mobility and turn into a giant glowing shoot me sign for the ability to shrug off some damage, yet I barely notice the effect at all. I can drop out of cloak directly in front of someone already armored up and drop them before they even have a chance to react. It also makes me wonder why you would even bother to unlock or use the weapons/attachments like the electrostatic pellet gun or gauss option that sacrifice damage for the ability to drain energy when normal bullets accomplish the same task.

I honestly think multiplayer would be much better off if you had a significantly increased health pool. They turned Crysis into COD without giving you any of the survivability options that it had such as prone or lean. Granted I see tons of people enjoying it so maybe I'm missing something.
I don't know if extra health would help. Most of my multi deaths have been headshots. PC gamers are ruthless.


Wren said:
Really enjoyed single player but I have to say I wish Crysis' multiplayer didn't try so hard to be a COD clone. Between being able to turn invisible, increase armor, and do crazy stuff like fling cars and ground pound enemies it really had the potential to be something special. Instead everything just seems to fall kind of flat. You have this crazy super suit that gives you all these awesome powers, yet I feel like I'm never able to use any of them to their full potential because I die in such a low number of hits.

Armor mode is probably the best example of this. You greatly sacrifice mobility and turn into a giant glowing shoot me sign for the ability to shrug off some damage, yet I barely notice the effect at all. I can drop out of cloak directly in front of someone already armored up and drop them before they even have a chance to react. It also makes me wonder why you would even bother to unlock or use the weapons/attachments like the electrostatic pellet gun or gauss option that sacrifice damage for the ability to drain energy when normal bullets accomplish the same task.

I honestly think multiplayer would be much better off if you had a significantly increased health pool. They turned Crysis into COD without giving you any of the survivability options that it had such as prone or lean. Granted I see tons of people enjoying it so maybe I'm missing something.
After spending about 12+ hrs with mp on 360, I feel that the suit at least gives you the options to survive in a firefight when someone gets the drop on you, unlike other mp games. Using armor mode or sprinting, sliding, and jumping away with cloak gives you alot more options other than just getting shot in the back and dying immediately.


I'd be in the dick
purple cobra said:
I noticed this as well. The framerate seems to hold up better in the later areas. The game's still plenty playable but I do wish it was a locked 30fps 99.99% of the time.

What sensitivities are you guys on PS3/360 playing at? It seems like there's a slight acceleration in the right stick. I'm playing at 90% so that as soon as I hit the stick to turn it's instant.
I'm playing at 100%. Ever since playing KZ3 with Move I'd pretty much had to max every single dual analogue FPS sensitivity.
Just beat it. 14 hours. Enjoyable, but not without flaws.

Dennis, are you using the settings in the OP?

jett said:
Re-playing on post human difficulty. A.I. appears to be exactly the same, you just die faster...so essentially it's the same game really if you play it stealthy like me.

Still really really fun though. I never bothered replaying Crysis, too many annoying and poorly designed sections for me there.
Yeah, I'm just going to wait and see if the modding community can do anything about the game's flaws before replaying. It would be nice if Crytek did something about it, but I highly doubt that's going to happen.


I'd be in the dick
Holy fucking shit at that .gif, Dennis. I have the PS3 version running in front of me right now since my roommate is playing but seeing it in motion like that is on a whole other level.

The M.O.B

jett said:
Re-playing on post human difficulty. A.I. appears to be exactly the same, you just die faster...so essentially it's the same game really if you play it stealthy like me.

Still really really fun though. I never bothered replaying Crysis, too many annoying and poorly designed sections for me there.

Yeah most games do it this way (Farcry too I believe), it sucks but A.I is an terribly complex thing. When you make them too smart, the players think the A.I "cheats", when you make them dumb it become call of duty.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but didn't FEAR have the A.I increase with the difficulty level?
@DennisK4: niiiiice.

Can't wait to see some night shots in motion.

The M.O.B said:
Yeah most games do it this way (Farcry too I believe), it sucks but A.I is an terribly complex thing. When you make them too smart, the players think the A.I "cheats", when you make them dumb it become call of duty.
What you need is what Halo has (except for the tanks): the ability to fool the AI. Give them each their senses of awareness, but build it in such a way that the AI's inner sense of the world can differ from reality. That and the big mistakes most games make is to give all of the enemies some kind of hive knowledge, where you alert one person and then everybody is alerted and knows exactly where you are.

That and Crysis 2 does cheat in the sense that you can completely stealth your way into a complex only to hear all the soldiers give an announcement that you're on the premises. At the Church, if you go into the security trailer you'll hear some ghostly Cell trooper announcing that you're in the trailer and calling on all troops to converge on the spot. Bullshit like that has no place in any game, especially so for ones with a heavy emphasis on stealth. Luckily it didn't detract from the experience overall, but it is flagrant and cheap, and invalidates a player's choice of tactics.
traveler said:
Got a C2D 3.0 processor, 8800GTX, and 4GB of RAM. I assume this is going to look/perform better on my PC than my PS3?

You'll manage extreme settings at a mostly locked 30fps in HD (720p). The PS3 is below "high" (which itself is two notches below extreme) settings, doesn't even run in HD and will give you a worse framerate.


Better AI at harder levels is insane to me, if you could have better AI, you should, on all difficulties, increase the players health and decrease the enemy health don't make them less intelligent, that doesn't make sense to me.


Kinspiracy said:
Oh god no. You're that rabid PS3 fanboy from the IGN Boards. I can't escape you.

I'm not a graphics whore, and I don't game on PCs so I can't compare their games, but this is far and away the most impressive looking game I've played on my consoles (Wii, PS3, 360) ever. 360 version, btw. Not just because it looks great, but because it looks great while running really well, and is pretty wide open at times and not forcing me down a corridor at all times like UC2 and GoW3 did. That's why it's most impressive to me. It also has the added benefit of being really awesome. Bulletstorm was my favorite FPS I've played in the past 6 months or so, but this is right up there with it.

Kinspiracy said:
Rare enough that I dont view it as a distraction. Torchlight crawls to 2 or 3 frames per second and I still love it (visually and gameplay). As I stated though, I'm not a graphics whore. I'll suffer some frame issues for great gameplay in return.

You have a lot to learn Junior...Lol.

Also, amazing standards you have there.

StuBurns said:
Maybe for him it never got that low, just because it can under some circumstances doesn't mean it does for everyone, and if it didn't for him, that doesn't make his experience any less valid.

I've heard a lot of complaints about the framerate, and on PS3 I've played it thru fully once and more than half way again and I've not hit anything terrible, certainly mid twenties at times, but nothing that hurts my ability to play.

I only own the 360 and PC versions of the game. Based on the DF analysis, the PS3 has a lower overall average frame rate, but less severe drops when it gets hectic. Which might explain why you haven't experienced any such severe drops.


Just beat it. 14 hours. Enjoyable, but not without flaws.

Dennis, are you using the settings in the OP?

Yeah, I'm just going to wait and see if the modding community can do anything about the game's flaws before replaying. It would be nice if Crytek did something about it, but I highly doubt that's going to happen.
No, not exactly.

I am using the config program that auto-generates the necessary autoexec.cfg file.

I am playing with all settings set to maximum except shadows which are at medium.

I have Edge-AA disabled.

If I am going to record video with FRAPS I also have MSAA disabled.

When just playing, I can use 4xMSAA but still don't use Edge-AA.


Loves Robotech S1
StuBurns said:
Better AI at harder levels is insane to me, if you could have better AI, you should, on all difficulties, increase the players health and decrease the enemy health don't make them less intelligent, that doesn't make sense to me.
Yeah, this really never happens despite what people seem to think. AI seems dumber on lower difficulties because you can basically steamroll them and don't worry as much about repercussions. Higher difficulties force you to play more methodically and it's then that you notice the AI actually branching out more and reacting differently, for better or worse.
The artshots thread will be gratuitously porning it for the next few days if you want wallpapers.


With regards to speed, the video compared multiplayer speeds, which is all fine, but the MP speed of Crysis was a lot slower than the SP speed.
Aaaaand now ive completed it. Just under 7 hours apparently, dont think that includes deaths (i had many, mainly down to "oooh lets try this, o wait FUCK bad idea"), ending was quite abrupt (just like the 1st one), and come on Crytek, a low-res FMV ? Sheeeet.

Loved it, not sure yet on wether i prefer C1 or 2, i just know that this game was shit hot.

1 thing i didnt do enough of was throwing people, mainly because the throwing them never seemed to have some consistancy to it (they seem to be thrown from... under the player ?), i dunno, more playthroughs coming up (bring on the DX11 patch) and im hoping they hurry up and fix the MyCrysis login problem, because then i will hit MP.


StuBurns said:
Better AI at harder levels is insane to me, if you could have better AI, you should, on all difficulties, increase the players health and decrease the enemy health don't make them less intelligent, that doesn't make sense to me.

The problem is that the AI in C2 borderline retarded.


Why are all the lights blown out? It's an impressive lighting system without all those awful glares. Can that be disabled?

Anyone else agree? Could be my preference. I tend to like darks more anyway.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Darkflight said:
r_multithreaded=1 is a huge help for framerates, made my minimum approx. 45 from 20

Ok this seems to be a false alarm, sorry for the confusion guys. I was certain it was better after loading a few levels but it seems that all the beginnings of the levels I tried were fairly optimised to begin with, it's only later phases that get worse... Sorry, I fell for it too :(
Well I just downloaded FRAPS and took a couple random screens. This is where I am in the campaign. Can't wait to go back and take some insane action shots of "Unsafe Haven". What do you think of these pics? They are 1080p, extreme settings, no downsampling.

Quick question: See that blur around his helmet in the second pic? I'm assuming that's due to the motion blur... so if I turned that completely off would my pics be even clearer? I think they're pretty clear anyway




I'd be in the dick
Crunched said:
Why are all the lights blown out? It's an impressive lighting system without all those awful glares. Can that be disabled?

Anyone else agree? Could be my preference. I tend to like darks more anyway.
I like that effect a lot. It was cool in Mass Effect and I think it's meant to show how the lights would look coming through your visor in this.


I have warmed up to this game after finishing it. Dx11 or no, this game looks fantastic.
apart from that nano bug the only thing that bothers me is that the AI is broken.
It is not stupid, but it is very clear that the "cloak" ability isn't invisibility as much as it is an anti engagement field. It seems that the AI always knows ere you are even while cloaked, they just have to pretend not to see you.

Shoot someone, cloak and retreat across the map. Even if the AI didn't see which way you went they will still be homing in on your current location. Move in turns and you will see the AI trailing you, even if they can't see you.

The other problem is that the AI's field of view is broken, occasionally they will spot you through walls. This makes playing purely in stealth mode a pain.

Aside from this I really enjoyed the game.
Heavy said:
Quick question: See that blur around his helmet in the second pic? I'm assuming that's due to the motion blur... so if I turned that completely off would my pics be even clearer? I think they're pretty clear anyway
Nice screens.

Isn't that blur that sort of indicator halo the suit throws on anything in immediate focus? Such as when you want to pick up / strangle something?
I started the game earlier today and got up to the part where the freeway / bridge collapses.

I must say that i'm thoroughly enjoying the game so far and think I was premature in saying it had been totally consol-ised. It's not quite as open as the original, but i've still found there are lots of different ways to tackle each scenario. Even on the first level of the game there is a good network of routes through the Cell camp. The game controls really beautifully on a gamepad too, unlike the original game which felt like it was mapped by a hardcore PC developer who had never touched a controller before.

The graphics are really jaw dropping (thankfully that little program by Wasdie which removes TAA fixes my only minor complaint). It's not as interesting as the jungle setting, and I don't know if they have any tricks up their sleeve yet like covering the world in ice, but for what it's worth it's probably the best looking "city" environment i've ever seen. I can't wait to see this engine used in an open world game. The lighting in particular is just gorgeous. And of course it runs incredibly well on my PC - looks like I won't have to upgrade this year after all.

My only complaints have been that the constant reminders from the suit that there are "tactical options available" gets really annoying, because I almost never use them. It feels too much like hand holding when I just want to blaze my own trail. I also didn't like how the suit powers got gradually introduced - I want to feel badass from the very start, like in the first Crysis. The suit upgrades add more depth to the game (shock), but i'm not liking how you have to collect alien 'currency' to unlock them, as sometimes I can't actually find it on the ground, and the whole system just seems a little cumbersome. I suppose they are trying to make it more like BioShock (and what with the radio logs you find and the piano zings you hear, to a nearby listener it certainly could be), but that isn't what Crysis is about.


I'd be in the dick
Heavy said:
Well I just downloaded FRAPS and took a couple random screens. This is where I am in the campaign. Can't wait to go back and take some insane action shots of "Unsafe Haven". What do you think of these pics? They are 1080p, extreme settings, no downsampling.

Quick question: See that blur around his helmet in the second pic? I'm assuming that's due to the motion blur... so if I turned that completely off would my pics be even clearer? I think they're pretty clear anyway

I think that is due to the lighting. I've seen it a few times is spaces with similar lighting.


Heavy said:
Well I just downloaded FRAPS and took a couple random screens. This is where I am in the campaign. Can't wait to go back and take some insane action shots of "Unsafe Haven". What do you think of these pics? They are 1080p, extreme settings, no downsampling.

Quick question: See that blur around his helmet in the second pic? I'm assuming that's due to the motion blur... so if I turned that completely off would my pics be even clearer? I think they're pretty clear anyway


No, that is actually the ghosting TAA creates, by turning it off your pictures would become clearer though, jaggier but definitely clearer.


RoboPlato said:
I like that effect a lot. It was cool in Mass Effect and I think it's meant to show how the lights would look coming through your visor in this.
I mean, it looks fine occasionally, but off of everything? You're getting bloom off the blue plastic in that medical tent to the point where it looks like things are glowing. What are those spots hovering near the bottom of the screen meant to be? Flares? I'd prefer things to look a bit flatter light-wise so there aren't as many under/overexposed areas. More dynamic range, I guess, so there's more visual info to work with.

I haven't played more than the multiplayer demo so far, so I don't know if it's better while playing the campaign. But even in multi, it's very disorienting for me alternating between the dark and well-lit areas, like the player character's eyes aren't doing a good job at adjusting. To me, it seems forced.

In short, it's cool, but I think it's too much. The medical tent and night shots above exemplify what I'm talking about. So much of the screen is colored by or obscured by lighting effects, which in my opinion takes away more than it adds (because of its prominence). Seems very showy, like Crytek demonstrating what the engine can do, but how does it improve the experience?
Winterblink said:
Nice screens.

Isn't that blur that sort of indicator halo the suit throws on anything in immediate focus? Such as when you want to pick up / strangle something?
Thanks, if people like the quality of them I'll take more. Just don't wanna shit up the thread with crappy pics.

Yeah I don't know what type of blur it is tbh... pretty sure it's not suit-related. Could be regular motion blur or radial blur or object motion blur or masturbating blur... wait what?

Nekrono said:
No, that is actually the ghosting TAA creates, by turning it off your pictures would become clearer though, jaggier but definitely clearer.
How would I go about doing that? I have the following AA-related stuff set like this:

Alextended said:

Put that shit in the OP, it works!

Why wasn't this on by default Crytek?! Why why why?! It would have made the experience so much better for my first playthrough (I wanted all the eye candy on for the first time). I can confirm it works wonders and I only have a dual core CPU, maybe it works even better for you super computer lot. I've finished the game and went back to levels I had major frame rate issues previously using this command and it's much much smoother now. Much! Thanks for finding this Darkflight and FU Crytek for not having this on!

where did you guys put this command? It doesnt seem to work in the console?


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I put it in the autoexec.cfg like all the others. I imagine it's hard for it to function after the thing has started up? I dunno. It definitely makes a difference for me.


Kabuki Waq said:
where did you guys put this command? It doesnt seem to work in the console?

Put it in your 'system.cfg' file or in your 'autoexec.cfg' if you are using the config tool from a few pages back.


Lingitiz said:
After spending about 12+ hrs with mp on 360, I feel that the suit at least gives you the options to survive in a firefight when someone gets the drop on you, unlike other mp games. Using armor mode or sprinting, sliding, and jumping away with cloak gives you alot more options other than just getting shot in the back and dying immediately.

I'm only level twenty-three at the moment, so maybe its just my lack of experience, but getting shot in the back and dying immediately is exactly what seems to happen for me though. Getting the drop on someone always results in a kill and vice versa.

I don't work for Crytek, so I obviously have no idea what their intentions for multiplayer were; but to me it seems like everything was designed with a specific counter that nobody really bothers to use because of the COD style of gameplay.


Alextended said:

Put that shit in the OP, it works!

Why wasn't this on by default Crytek?! Why why why?! It would have made the experience so much better for my first playthrough (I wanted all the eye candy on for the first time). I can confirm it works wonders and I only have a dual core CPU, maybe it works even better for you super computer lot. I've finished the game and went back to levels I had major frame rate issues previously using this command and it's much much smoother now. Much! Thanks for finding this Darkflight and FU Crytek for not having this on!

Uh, that command doesn't do anything? I get this when I boot the game, check the console:


"unknown command"
What the hell? Is it me or did those pics I posted above just get considerably darker?

By the way, the multithreaded command says unknown command for me too, as does FSAA and that soundhit thing:



The M.O.B said:
Yeah most games do it this way (Farcry too I believe), it sucks but A.I is an terribly complex thing. When you make them too smart, the players think the A.I "cheats", when you make them dumb it become call of duty.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but didn't FEAR have the A.I increase with the difficulty level?

F.E.A.R. had great A.I. on the highest level. Halo is really good for proper A.I. increases as well. Shame to hear post human warrior is just enemies with super bullets.
Wow, the weirdest thing just happened. I loaded up Crysis 2 then alt-tabbed to read the thread and those pics looked way darker than I remembered. Sure enough, exited out of the game and they're back to normal. Any idea?
Sorry to bring this to the thread, but I have no demos to go by.

CPU: 2.4 C2duo E6600
Ram: 4 gigs
GPU: GTX 480 1 gig.

Or Xbox 360 (or PS3...)

I actually bought warhead cheap so I guess I can see how that runs on my PC if it would be any gauge. My processor burned me on Black Ops PC, and I don't know if my heart can take it any more.


Class_A_Ninja said:
Sorry to bring this to the thread, but I have no demos to go by.

CPU: 2.4 C2duo E6600
Ram: 4 gigs
GPU: GTX 480 1 gig.

Or Xbox 360 (or PS3...)

I actually bought warhead cheap so I guess I can see how that runs on my PC if it would be any gauge. My processor burned me on Black Ops PC, and I don't know if my heart can take it any more.

Crysis 2 runs way better than crysis warhead in any case.
Class_A_Ninja said:
Sorry to bring this to the thread, but I have no demos to go by.

CPU: 2.4 C2duo E6600
Ram: 4 gigs
GPU: GTX 480 1 gig.

Or Xbox 360 (or PS3...)

I actually bought warhead cheap so I guess I can see how that runs on my PC if it would be any gauge. My processor burned me on Black Ops PC, and I don't know if my heart can take it any more.
You'll be fine.


Class_A_Ninja said:
Sorry to bring this to the thread, but I have no demos to go by.

CPU: 2.4 C2duo E6600
Ram: 4 gigs
GPU: GTX 480 1 gig.

Or Xbox 360 (or PS3...)

I actually bought warhead cheap so I guess I can see how that runs on my PC if it would be any gauge. My processor burned me on Black Ops PC, and I don't know if my heart can take it any more.
You would be crazy not to get it for PC with those specs.


Class_A_Ninja said:
Sorry to bring this to the thread, but I have no demos to go by.

CPU: 2.4 C2duo E6600
Ram: 4 gigs
GPU: GTX 480 1 gig.

Or Xbox 360 (or PS3...)

I actually bought warhead cheap so I guess I can see how that runs on my PC if it would be any gauge. My processor burned me on Black Ops PC, and I don't know if my heart can take it any more.

Your processor will be your bottleneck but still will be fine.
Class_A_Ninja said:
Sorry to bring this to the thread, but I have no demos to go by.

CPU: 2.4 C2duo E6600
Ram: 4 gigs
GPU: GTX 480 1 gig.

Or Xbox 360 (or PS3...)

I actually bought warhead cheap so I guess I can see how that runs on my PC if it would be any gauge. My processor burned me on Black Ops PC, and I don't know if my heart can take it any more.

Crysis 2 isn't heavy on the CPU really but do yourself a favour and OC that processor. If you can't afford an upgrade atm that's understandable but you'll be able to get to 3ghz even with stock cooling.

You should never have bought that 480 without some sort of plan to upgrade your CPU (a cheap second hand Q6600 will do just fine once OCed), you're crippling that thing. If you can afford to buy the most expensive GPU you could buy at the time then surely $100-$200 spent on the CPU can be justified?
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