Tryckser said:
For me:
Difficulty = fun
Cheap = no fun
CoD on Veteran = cheap -> no fun
Um I haven't played much if the crysis campaign but why is COD cheap and crysis not? In fact what games dint have cheap enemies on hard?
This whole backlash against COD does my head in and is completely inconsistent and unjustified in most cases. It's just a bandwagon people jump on and the myth self perpetuates.
Yes it's heavily scripted and has many corridors, but that is at least more realistic than an enemy standing still until I prompt him to react in some way. He's just cannon fodder waiting to die, versus COD where he's an 'actor' playing his part in a scripted battle.
In crysis the bad guys can seemingly spot you from miles away as soon as you pop your head out. If they dont see you they just stand there doing nothing.
In Halo the bad guys magically know when your cross hairs are on them and start ducking and diving in a ridiculous fashion. They can also hit you from miles away and see you the instant you pop your head out as well.
I suppose gears of war had decent enemies, I never felt like they were overly cheap, scripted or stupid.
COD was only super hard when you were swamped with inadequate cover. Which is probably quite realistic.
But you guys make it sound like the norm is to have good AI and games like COD are the best examples of getting it wrong. What games are you referring to when you talk about this awesome AI that isn't cheap or awesome gunplay that isn't overly scripted?