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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...

plagiarize said:
you seem emotional. perhaps this is clouding your judgement somewhat.

i haven't seen anything suggesting Crysis 2 is Dragon Age 2 bad.

there's a long distance between 'not as good as the first' and Dragon Age 2 bad. i have my concerns. i think they've made some misteps, but that doesn't magically make it garbage.

the MP in the original wasn't exactly good. it ran a lot worse than the single player for one as i recall, and it wasn't remotely interesting. i don't see how anyone thinks they can judge the full version based on that demo.

feel free to judge the MP based on that demo if you want though.

i'm expecting another Fear 2 situation where the sequel wasn't as good as the original, but was still definately worth my time.
I am just calling it like I see it. Crysis and Dragon Age Origins were both PC centric games, that have been consoled down to appeal to a wider audience, Crysis 2 especially so.

Complete lack of graphics options for the graphics champion of PC games alone is a huge blow to the game. Take away suit powers and add in the huge influence of COD to the multiplayer and that is just bad news to me. Throw in the $60 EA premium price and I have no hesitation in calling this game a Shit Mountain.
Heavy said:
Why not wait till we get a chance to play the campaign before making these types of conclusions, instead of a couple of crappy multi-player maps? The art style and colors could be much improved.

I believe that for many it isn't about the actual technical issue of whether Crysis 2 is superior but rather about the care that Crytek put into the PC version. Look at the number of customizations in the sequel. For me that is more important than whether the game looks better technically.

Angry Fork

Heavy said:
:::incoming Crysis fanboy rage:::

And what have we lost?

Crysis 2 has better graphics than Crysis 1, no question about it. Just look how incredible the globally illuminated lighting looks in comparison. Also the textures (pretty bad in Crysis), the huge improvement in foliage compared to Crysis, the game looks better and is more technically impressive, period, even in DX9. Imagine it in DX11 which (hopefully) we won't have to wait TOO long for.

And we've only played a multi-player demo, not even the single-player.

Oh and guess what? The multi-player is ten times better than Crysis Wars. It's an actual multi-player suite with tons of content, options and progression. Crysis Wars was awful. Almost nobody played it. So that crossed out "innovative multi-player" line implying Crysis Wars was this underrated gem is simply not fair.

It just irks me how the game is getting torn apart. Did we get sort of shafted by the focus on consoles? Yes, but it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

DX11 will arrive eventually and it will be glorious. The graphics are a big improvement. A couple of the suit powers being gimped (mainly just Speed) is not going to ruin the game. Also, Crysis was linear for 50% of the campaign, but that's always ignored. And we haven't even played the campaign in Crysis 2 yet so maybe there is a bit more free form gameplay than expected? How about giving the game a chance instead of damning for eternity over a multi-player demo?

:::end rage:::

EDIT! This post isn't specifically directed at you, I NEED SCISSORS. Just a rant in general...
Not having DX11 at launch is inexcusable, especially when the previous game had DX10 and was a showcase on PC for years. This is also ignoring the fact that it doesn't have half of the settings the first game had which should be standard on PC games by now. And Crytek likely wouldn't of been able to make a sequel in the first place without the support PC players gave to Crysis. "We'll get DX11 eventually" isn't the point. People don't want to pay 60$ (10 more than it should be) to get something eventually or maybe down the road. It's 4 years after Crysis and PC players got less than what was launched in 2007.

It's ridiculous and the game deserves all the hate it gets. Launching with DX9 in 2011 for CRYSIS 2 is atrocious, period. That's not even including the whole BS about graphical ceiling and all that for consoles when it ends up having meh IQ and 20fps. You spend a year hyping your game up and acting like it's going to be the end-all for everything and it doesn't reach that, then that's your ass and you're going to get a shit storm of hate.

If it was too much work for them or they spread their resources too thin then they should've just shut their mouths and let it launch without the hype and people wouldn't be bitching as much, they'd have lower expectations.


DennisK4 said:

Caveat: I obviously haven't played the game because its not out. But judging from MP plus trailers....no.

I haven't been able to take a single good screenshot of Crysis 2 MP.

Well, I don't think vanilla Crysis looks too hot in screens either thanks to the aliasing.


Everybody seems to forget that reports about the beta version concerning graphics were extremely positive, and that the beta SP looks way better than the MP demo.

Just sain', but I think that Crytek will unleash a massive "owned" to some gamers when the game launches next week.
felipepl said:
Everybody seems to forget that reports about the beta version concerning graphics were extremely positive, and that the beta SP looks way better than the MP demo.

Just sain', but I think that Crytek will unleash a massive "owned" to some gamers when the game launches next week.
there is tons of 1080p beta footage on youtube for anyone who isnt interested in wallowing in their negativity.
felipepl said:
Everybody seems to forget that reports about the beta version concerning graphics were extremely positive, and that the beta SP looks way better than the MP demo.

Just sain', but I think that Crytek will unleash a massive "owned" to some gamers when the game launches next week.

Again, this isn't just about whether the sequel looks impressive. I am sure it does. This is about the treatment that Crytek gave to the PC version in terms of customization. It's already been confirmed by NVidia that there will be no more customization than gamer, hardcore, etc. settings.
theignoramus said:
OP: mission accomplished. The thread will now be dutch oven central right up to the day the game releases.
150 posts in less than 2 hours, where as the first Crysis thread took 4 and a half days to get that many.

Goes with the expanded audience I guess.


felipepl said:
Just sain', but I think that Crytek will unleash a massive "owned" to some gamers when the game launches next week.

It's the consolisation of the PC version that has stopped me from buying the game and I doubt that's going to change.
Angry Fork said:
Not having DX11 at launch is inexcusable, especially when the previous game had DX10 and was a showcase on PC for years. This is also ignoring the fact that it doesn't have half of the settings the first game had which should be standard on PC games by now. And Crytek likely wouldn't of been able to make a sequel in the first place without the support PC players gave to Crysis. "We'll get DX11 eventually" isn't the point. People don't want to pay 60$ (10 more than it should be) to get something eventually or maybe down the road. It's 4 years after Crysis and PC players got less than what was launched in 2007.

It's ridiculous and the game deserves all the hate it gets. Launching with DX9 in 2011 for CRYSIS 2 is atrocious, period. That's not even including the whole BS about graphical ceiling and all that for consoles when it ends up having meh IQ and 20fps. You spend a year hyping your game up and acting like it's going to be the end-all for everything and it doesn't reach that, then that's your ass and you're going to get a shit storm of hate.

If it was too much work for them or they spread their resources too thin then they should've just shut their mouths and let it launch without the hype and people wouldn't be bitching as much, they'd have lower expectations.
i see a lot of this type of stuff ^

i just wish people would be consistant with their standards. yes, Crysis raised the bar graphically significantly, and little since it has hit that water mark, and yes, it wasn't stupid to presume that Crysis 2 would do the same and have every effect DX11 was capable of...

but not shipping with DX11 just makes Crysis 2 the same as almost every other PC game on the market. if Crysis 2 is atrocious for patching in DX11 later, then so is every game that doesn't have DX11 at launch.

no, you weren't stupid to expect Crysis 2 to have DX11, and you aren't stupid to be upset that it doesn't have it at launch, but if you really think it is 'inexcusable' then you're a moron. i'm sorry.

because Crytek once gave us the most high end PC game ever, that doesn't mean it is any more of a sin for them to ship without DX11 than it is for anyone else.
LovingSteam said:
I believe that for many it isn't about the actual technical issue of whether Crysis 2 is superior but rather about the care that Crytek put into the PC version. Look at the number of customizations in the sequel. For me that is more important than whether the game looks better technically.
No, I agree. Lack of settings was a huge folly...totally inexcusable.

I have a theory on why they did it. For years Crysis had this awful stigma of requiring a $2000 PC to run. People would try to max everything out and watch in horror as their framerates slowed down to a crawl. What they didn't realize was that the game was intentionally made future-proof... that "high" settings, or god forbid "medium" actually still looked fantastic. So this stigma stuck with the game for years because people couldn't completely max it out.

For the sequel, Crytek probably decided hey, why don't we limit the settings to what most setups are capable of in present time then in the future unlock everything as the current super high-end GPUs become more affordable, instead of unlocking it at the start and having that stigma latch on once again.

I don't know if any of that makes any sense? I wish they hadn't gone this way but hopefully someone can create a hack for it.


mxgt said:
It's the consolisation of the PC version that has stopped me from buying the game and I doubt that's going to change.
What do you mean by "consolization", exactly? If lack of graphical options adjustments will prevent you from buying the game even when it still looks good and is fun... then that's just an excuse to your self-proclaimed master race ego.


LovingSteam said:
Again, this isn't just about whether the sequel looks impressive. I am sure it does. This is about the treatment that Crytek gave to the PC version in terms of customization. It's already been confirmed by NVidia that there will be no more customization than gamer, hardcore, etc. settings.
Has it been confirmed that there will not be an options to alter config files in the retail?
felipepl said:
Just sain', but I think that Crytek will unleash a massive "owned" to some gamers when the game launches next week.

I dont think so. I still stand by my opinion from the first day C2 was announced for consoles that the single player maps are going to be tiny. They will in no way compare to the size of the maps in Crysis. I don't gamble, but if I did I would go all in on that fact alone.

Also, going back to what LovingSteam was speaking on, it has already pretty much been confirmed by Nvidia that C2 will have the same graphics options as the multi-player. That means low/medium/high and thats it. Name for me another game that has come out for PC with a more pathetic set of graphics options. Resident Evil 4 is about the only game I can think of with less options. Low, Medium, and High. I'm sorry but there is no other word to describe that except pathetic.
Enosh said:
please link me the video of this, I would like to see your example in action

I can't because it is from the leak - links to pirated material are not allowed. You probably weren't in the leak thread when it happened and screens were posted. Here is one impression that sums up some main points:

Stitch said:
armor mode now drains your suit energy.
maximum speed is gone but sprinting drains your energy. it's still totally slow.
strength gets activated for a short time when you kick a car or hold jump for a moment.

binocular is gone*. there's a mode that tells you where you have to go, where ammo is, where or how you can surprise or avoid the enemy. it basically tells you how to play the game...

*no binocular mode is the only thing that isn't true - it is in the game, but perhaps nobody showed it in any of the streams.

The bolded has been re-iterated several times on message boards all over the internet. It's a "baby mode" as somebody else put it, effectively telling you how to play the game. Sure, it would be good if it can be disabled on a harder difficulty, but part of me feels that this simplified game design is already ingrained in the level design. Level design is absolutely integral for creating the feeling of 'choice' that Crysis' gameplay is know for.

We are comparing a semi-open jungle setting with many paths, many large open areas, bases which can be approached from many angles, and beaches leading into large stretches of water which can be swam across; to city streets and office buildings which by design are a straight line.
felipepl said:
What do you mean by "consolization", exactly? If lack of graphical options adjustments will prevent you from buying the game even when it still looks good and os fun... then that's just an excuse to your self-proclaimed master race ego.
Stripped out visual settings. Less open environments. Streamlined and simplified suit powers. There isn't any reason to buy the game in the first place if you already have Crysis and Warhead. The console audience will probably enjoy it but it won't be anything amazing like Crysis is.
felipepl said:
What do you mean by "consolization", exactly? If lack of graphical options adjustments will prevent you from buying the game even when it still looks good and is fun... then that's just an excuse to your self-proclaimed master race ego.
Lol. Yea because a game like Crysis 2 having less options than a game based on the alien invasion of LA which has 1 hour of gameplay is excusable. So yes, the lossof options is unacceptable.


I <3 Memes said:
I dont think so. I still stand by my opinion from the first day C2 was announced for consoles that the single player maps are going to be tiny. They will in no way compare to the size of the maps in Crysis. I don't gamble, but if I did I would go all in on that fact alone.

Also, going back to what LovingSteam was speaking on, it has already pretty much been confirmed by Nvidia that C2 will have the same graphics options as the multi-player. That means low/medium/high and thats it. Name for me another game that has come out for PC with a more pathetic set of graphics options. Resident Evil 4 is about the only game I can think of with less options. Low, Medium, and High. I'm sorry but there is no other word to describe that except pathetic.
Maybe those are just presets names and individual options could appear with the DX11 patch.
The bolded has been re-iterated several times on message boards all over the internet. It's a "baby mode" as somebody else put it, effectively telling you how to play the game. Sure, it would be good if it can be disabled on a harder difficulty, but part of me feels that this simplified game design is already ingrained in the level design. Level design is absolutely integral for creating the feeling of 'choice' that Crysis' gameplay is know for.
In the preview markao just posted, this mode sounded completely optional.


hide your water-based mammals
Crytek, the tech beasts behind Crysis 1, are expected to deliver at least what's par for the course on PC settings with DX11. It's a big letdown to not see the guys who put out Crysis 1 not give at least a decent PC showing for the sequel. It's a bad defense to say PC gamers are spoiled. When you have so many lesser games coming with support for proper PC settings than Crysis 2, that is a problem. Everything regarding the defense of excluding DX11 is just a bad excuse. It's enough for the game to look different than Crysis but it handles differently as well. Even when going from a pad with 1 to the same setup with 2. I had to DL that special file to fix the FOV and such. Pitty that wasn't the option given from the get go and not by random community folk.


LovingSteam said:
Lol. Yea because a game like Crysis 2 having less options than a game based on the alien invasion of LA which has 1 hour of gameplay is excusable. So yes, the lossof options is unacceptable.
Exactly my point. You see... the game with fewer graphic options is better and looks better.

EDIT - Though yeah, the comparison with B:LA is kinda dumb, but you got it.
Neuromancer said:
In the preview markao just posted, this mode sounded completely optional.
It's not about the mode being optional or not, it's about the impact that even having such a mode has on level and game design at the concept stages.
MickeyKnox said:
It's not about the mode being optional or not, it's about the impact that even having such a mode has on level and game design at the concept stages.
See I wouldn't think of it as being any different than aim assist or anything else to make the game easier for some people. I guess we'll see next week.
Neuromancer said:
In the preview markao just posted, this mode sounded completely optional.
it is, and nobody is refuting the part of the OP that says the levels aren't as open as they were in Crysis.

if that's all people really have to defend that second criticism, that the levels aren't as open, it isn't a second criticism at all and it's just padding the list.
plagiarize said:
it is, and nobody is refuting the part of the OP that says the levels aren't as open as they were in Crysis.

if that's all people really have to defend that second criticism, that the levels aren't as open, it isn't a second criticism at all and it's just padding the list.
Are you talking about my list?

Free form gameplay is referring to the suit abilities, and how they gave you complete tactical freedom to handle any situation as opposed to the supremely dumb'ed down suit powers in the sequel.
MickeyKnox said:
Are you talking about my list?

Free form gameplay is referring to the suit abilities, and how they gave you complete tactical freedom to handle any situation as opposed to the supremely dumb'ed down suit powers in the sequel.
it still has free form gameplay. you still have tactical freedom to approach the situations as you desire. it may not offer as much as Crysis did (and i'm not convinced that's true yet) but it offers more than any other FPS i can think of. it's still the crux of the entire advertising campaign, and that campaign isn't a lie.
MickeyKnox said:
Are you talking about my list?

Free form gameplay is referring to the suit abilities, and how they gave you complete tactical freedom to handle any situation as opposed to the supremely dumb'ed down suit powers in the sequel.
How are they "extremely dumbed down"?

The only one that got severely nerfed is Speed. Cloak, armor, and strength jump are all there.
plagiarize said:
it still has free form gameplay. you still have tactical freedom to approach the situations as you desire. it may not offer as much as Crysis did (and i'm not convinced that's true yet) but it offers more than any other FPS i can think of. it's still the crux of the entire advertising campaign, and that campaign isn't a lie.
fizzelopeguss said:
I love how pc gaf OT's take the piss, while the console ones look like elaborate PR pieces.

The pc way, the way it's meant to be played.

Because they're generally made by people who are looking forward to actually playing the game, not looking to complain about it all the time.

The leaked version looks amazing on youtube and that's only DX9 so I'm not worried about it not having DX11 since that will crush my framerate in half just to make a pebble look slightly more noticeable.
felipepl said:
Exactly my point. You see... the game with fewer graphic options is better and looks better.

EDIT - Though yeah, the comparison with B:LA is kinda dumb, but you got it.

... what? surely you're not being serious that fewer options means the game looks better...
That's one badass op we got here.

Nonetheless, I enjoy the MP. The button mapping is good, the game feels great. Sure it's not that original but the stealth/armor mapped to trigger is a great idea. Design looks better than the original.

I guess the single player must live on but I can predict major disapointement from all the people who legitimately enjoyed the liberty of the first one.


erotic butter maelstrom
wait, it still has lean buttons?

PC version is OK: confirmed

On a different note, I don't mind the setting. Sure, New York isn't as exciting as a fuckin Jungle, but a big city has just as much potential for open ended gameplay as Crysis 1's Jungle. The environment is no excuse for linearity.


^ Why is it so grainy and ... smudged? The edges look like they have some terrible AA that's just there to brute-smooth instead of keeping the crispiness.
Snuggler said:
wait, it still has lean buttons?

PC version is OK: confirmed

It's completely contextual. You cant assign a button to lean left and another to lean right, it's always mouse 2. When you are close enough to an obstacle holding down mouse 2 will either lean you left, right, or over an object. Looks like a complete pain in the ass if you dont actualy want to lean but need to aim down the sights.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
There you go. Name me a PC game that looks better than this.
Please, no modded-to-the-hell Crysis 1 and beautiful beaches please, we're talking graphically, not aesthetically speaking.


Sethos said:
^ Why is it so grainy and ... smudged? The edges look like they have some terrible AA that's just there to brute-smooth instead of keeping the crispiness.
Crysis 1 pics had this smae kind of "problem" if I'm not mistaken.

I'm pretty sure the game will rock, as vanilla Crysis was never an awesome looking game for me in pics, but in motion... oh boy.
felipepl said:
There you go. Name me a PC game that looks better than this.
Please, no modded-to-the-hell Crysis 1 and beautiful beaches please, we're talking graphically, not aesthetically speaking.
To claim that looks anywhere near as good as something like Metro 2033 is pretty mental.

Doesn't look much better than MP to me, to be honest. Those pics don't seem like a good representation though.
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