jetjevons said:Wait I am totally confused. I thought the 360 SKU had a better resolution and smoother frame rate? After all this talk which SKU should I get? I don't have a gaming PC.
It is. Get the 360 version.
jetjevons said:Wait I am totally confused. I thought the 360 SKU had a better resolution and smoother frame rate? After all this talk which SKU should I get? I don't have a gaming PC.
I didn't say there weren't corridors. They're spliced in there but the mini sandboxes are huge, allowing just as much freedom and open-ended gameplay as the original.MickeyKnox said:You mean this corridor that I'm walking through from one arena into the next arena isn't really a corridor?
Heavy said:I didn't say there weren't corridors. They're spliced in there but the mini sandboxesare huge, allowing just as much freedom and open-ended gameplay as the original.
I'm beginning to think people completely erase the second half of Crysis and the entirety of Warhead from their minds when discussing linearity.
Morn said:It is. Get the 360 version.
Zeliard said:Even having auto-aim as a mere option is bad, because why wouldn't a bunch of newbs just turn it on for multi? Keep it entirely out of PC shooters that have multi. If people desperately and incomprehensibly want to use a gamepad to play a multiplayer shooter on the PC, they can instead simply do so on consoles, where they'll only be going up against others on gamepads. Auto-aim has and always will be viewed in PC multiplayer as a form of botting, aka cheating.
Crytek has come to their senses in this regard, at least. But for them to never agree or perhaps never even realize it was an issue until they had mounds of people yelling at them about it is pretty worrisome. This should be one of those things that is plainly obvious.
Dreohboy said:So, through all this personal opinion about PC gamers that prefer using a controller should opt to buy an extra copy of Crysis 2 bullshit, are keyboard guys still getting owned by controller guys?
Not really. The environments aren't as big as the original, but nowhere near as bad as people are making them out to be. Very open, large areas that also have a vertical aspect that was lacking in the original. We're comparing a beach/jungle to a metropolitan city. Seriously, it's fine.schennmu said:Crysis 1 = Deserts
Crysis 2 = Mini Sandboxes
jetjevons said:Does it have stereoscopic 3D?
Outtrigger888 said:Yes it does, can anyone give impressions of 3d
jetjevons said:Wait I am totally confused. I thought the 360 SKU had a better resolution and smoother frame rate? After all this talk which SKU should I get? I don't have a gaming PC.
nib95 said:No it doesn't. It has 3D, but a faked 3D, not stereoscopic as far as I have read.
Dreohboy said:are keyboard guys still getting owned by controller guys?
nib95 said:No it doesn't. It has 3D, but a faked 3D, not stereoscopic as far as I have read.
Shurs said:So, yeah, I hope the AI got brutalized in reviews.
In the part on the pier right after FDR Street:
I was sniping soldiers and, one by one, I'd kill a guy, another soldier would run to the exact same spot, I'd shoot him, another soldier would run out to the exact same spot, I'd shoot him...
I piled up four or five soldiers' corpses in the exact same spot.
HDR doesn't necessarily use GI, actually.pixelbox said:He stated that it was more than Bloom. Yes, HDR is many things that are put together, like GI–-lighting-explained/pixelbox said:You would have to search that out but it's full GI.
This post explains it nicely:pixelbox said:Deferred rendering allows for better shading because most of the shading is done once then placed in a buffer. It is more effiecent in that reguards. MRT make for a simpler shading because it processes 1 effect per buffer. That allows for a faster, more percise render. When all of the MRT are combined, that's where you see the results.
Gurialla's deferred system for Killzone 2 is explained in this great presentation.
In their system the attributes stored in the G buffer are:
* RGBA8 for color
* standard depth/stencil buffer (can be used to derive world position)
* normal
* XY motion vectors
* spec exponent
* spec intensity
* diffuse color
There's a few things immediately obvious that this can't do. There is no floating point color buffer so real HDR is not possible nor things like gamma correct lighting that require higher precision color. Because only spec intensity is stored only grayscale specularity is possible. Since the game looks pretty gray this is likely not a problem for them but it is for other people.
What isn't obvious is the lighting equation has to be the same across all materials. It is likely Phong based. This rules out cool things like hair shaders, anisotropic brushed metal, fake subsurface scattering, fresnel, roughness, fuzz, cloth shaders, etc.
Not on that level, no.pixelbox said:Have you played that Maulr level or the snow scene? No cheating there.
Full res > Quarter respixelbox said:They are "full res" because they are not transparent. Overdraw eats bandwidth.
1) As you're quick to point out, that's nothing new. Even Gears of War 1 used that "technique" (just another texture layer) back in 2006.pixelbox said:2 things, 1. The detail mapping carries normal information, it's not just some texture. 2.even if there were some in C2 it's no where near as detailed.
False. They simply have a good sensorial system. They're not like metal gear NPCs that can't see beyond 3 feet in front of them. They can see you from afar (as long as you're in their field of view) and can hear your actions, like running or shooting.pixelbox said:The a.i. in C2 always know where you are
Raytracing LMAO. You mean "raycasting". They also use waypoints for navigation (pretty common, C2 use them as well)pixelbox said:versus KZ2/3 which uses a ray tracing method and prediction navigate and "see" where the player is.
That doesn't cause clipping. Maybe if they don't use soft particles, though.pixelbox said:See, that's where you're wrong unless you're referring to te clipping of larger particles like smoke which will partially clip other than that KZ2/3 has a set amount of particles to render. It will scale if it's reaching capacity and they are all designed to collide.
Transparency =! Translucency.pixelbox said:Yes, i am aware of what transparences are. I'm saying it's nothing special. And just because it appears to have SSS doesn't mean it is.
LaserBuddha said:To be fair to the sequel, enemies in Crysis 1 would do this if you stayed undetected.
-bakalhau- said:I wish they would've left some kind of... Minimal auto aim on multiplayer. I come from a console background but I felt like I was cheating owning KB&M players on the demo. But absolutely no auto aim doesn't satisfy me, because my camera will be all over the place now. I don't demand console level auto-aim, ala CoD or Halo, or how it was on the demo, but I would love if they'd give me a little assist with my right stick. I'd still have to carefully aim to actually kill someone.
It kinda sucks because I have a gaming PC - I want this title on nothing but my PC for obvious reasons, it's kinda tough to swallow that you have a fantastic controller support for single player, and it's now useless on multi. I don't have the money to get the game for my 360 - and if I own the PC version I don't want to deal with the inferior IQ on the console.
It's more wishful thinking instead of a complaint, because I liked the multiplayer, but I absolutely understand their decision to remove it.
Shurs said:So the original Crysis also had monster closets and dumb AI?
Shurs said:So, yeah, I hope the AI got brutalized in reviews.
In the part on the pier right after FDR Street:
I was sniping soldiers and, one by one, I'd kill a guy, another soldier would run to the exact same spot, I'd shoot him, another soldier would run out to the exact same spot, I'd shoot him...
I piled up four or five soldiers' corpses in the exact same spot.
I've also run into a lot of spots where soldiers would ignore the gunfight that was happening mere feet from them and also guys running in place, head against the wall.
Outtrigger888 said:The blockbuster action game will be the first major video game on multiple platforms to take full advantage of true stereoscopic 3D
Thats a quote from crytek
LaserBuddha said:I think the enemies in the original Crysis could probably read better than you.
Shurs said:What did I miss in your layered and brilliant post?
Were you tacitly suggesting something that went over my head?
LaserBuddha said:I'm saying that I was only referring to the behavior in the text that I quoted. You responded with such a ridiculous straw man that I'm shocked to now see that you were serious.
They are not "mini-sandboxes" they are arenas, and let's not re-imagine history here, Crysis went linear for the last act of the game not half of it, and it was always the weakest element in that game. Warhead was somewhere in between the two designs but apart from the fucking mines, was still much more open than this game.Heavy said:I didn't say there weren't corridors. They're spliced in there but the mini sandboxes are huge, allowing just as much freedom and open-ended gameplay as the original.
I'm beginning to think people completely erase the second half of Crysis and the entirety of Warhead from their minds when discussing linearity.
Tom Penny said:What are all the effects the PS3 versions is supposed to be missing. Looks pretty good to me.
Dreohboy said:Yeah. pisses me off that I've gotta buy two copies of the game to enjoy it the right way (no one will convince me a keyboard is a more enjoyable input device for ME to use)...but, I'm going to buy two copies.
PC version for single player.
PS3 and it's janky DS3 controller for multi.
commedieu said:The framerates are within a 2-3 frames per second differences it appears. Both are boggy horse ass when the engine gets demanding, and as far as feature to feature, the PS3 code seems to have better 'technical' graphical features. Just take a look at the head to head to see which version the other is missing.
Toss up, whomever you have more friends with online, but neither runs a solid 30fps online or off. If thats *REALLY* your deciding factor. The game doesn't run smooth.
nib95 said:Sounds like a lie then, unless something changed. But I was under the impression even the retail copies use S3D and not stereoscopic 3D.
To give you an example of the difference.
KingDizzi said:Does this have an online code? Guessing yes because all EA games seem to as of late but a free trial would be nice, something Hot Pursuit had but Bulletstorm did not.
nib95 said:Sounds like a lie then, unless something changed. But I was under the impression even the retail copies use S3D and not stereoscopic 3D.
To give you an example of the difference.
It's not as costly nearly as costly on hardware, but you don't get the same level of depth and dimension either.
not for me I play REACH all the time so. I think its 90. I don't want playing this effecting Reach. I would like to know if I did them right. the skipintro command doesn't work. I still go through all those logos. :/SapientWolf said:The FOV is going to be too wide at 90, causing it to fisheye. I adjusted mine to 75 for the demo and it looked ok.