Anyone else on PC get instances of soldiers just disappearing? Had two so far where an enemy would be coming at me and they just go *poof* and appear somewhere they were prior
30SomethingGamer said:Im debating on getting this on PC or 360. From what I heard the 360 version looks good enough and the PC has alot of issues. Maybe ill wait a month and get the PC version with the patch, what do u guys think? Also is the PS3 definitely the worst of the bunch?
It's kind of funny that there are apparently over 3700 console vars/commands you can use, but none related to the suit voice, which is apparently controlled by the sound effect volume and cannot be disabled. Maybe you can manually move the sound files or however it's set up, but then presumably you couldn't play multiplayer.Y2Kev said:I AM A ROBOT SUIT
nib95 said:PC without hesitation. Yes the 360 version looks really good (as does the PS3 version, in reality the differences between the two versions are negligible), but the problem with BOTH console versions is that they run choppy and have unstable framerates, especially in the larger areas and when things get busy. PC version on the other hand, is exceptionally well optimised and will run beautifully on most modern or slightly older cards.
LaserBuddha said:Let me ask this: Is PC performance in line with how the demo was?
I'm sure those small MP maps didn't tax the system as much as the campaign will, but does it seem relatively in line with the demo?
I've got a Phenom II x6 1075T (3.0ghz), a Radeon HD 6970, and 8gb ram. I'm hoping to get smooth framerates on Extreme like I did in the demo.
nib95 said:based on what I've read on forums and seen of benchmarks, you should absolutely blitz this game. In other words, run it really well even at the highest of settings.
Dat GI!x3sphere said:
Wut? You can't change the resolution of the console game.anddo0 said:sorry if this has been asked... But the PS3 forces 1080p on startup. What is the best res to play the game in?
ph33nix said:Sorry if this sounds ignorant or was already asked but...why do I only have only 4 servers with people playing on it in the PC version?
--never mind. I had it filtered to just north america.
30SomethingGamer said:yeah im thinking of getting it on steam.
what do you think I can play settings and resolution
E8400 Overclocked to 4.0 ghz
4 gigs of PC6400 ram
260Gtx 216 core overclocked 660/1100
thanks if you have the info
Zzoram said:Only 4 servers for North America is still pathetic.
Y2Kev said:What's the AI like on the harder difficulties? Is it like Delta? I ran out of ammo and had to reload when I was sure I should basically have been shot dead, but the guy stopped shooting and stood there until I reloaded. Polite of him.
heyf00L said:Wut? You can't change the resolution of the console game.
If your TV supports 1080p then set your PS3 to 1080p. That's all.
Wow, thank you for this link.DKo5 said:Find where the game installed (if its from Steam look in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\crysis 2) and open "system.cfg".
Put those lines at the bottom of the file, save + quit. I would recommend r_vsync 1 instead of 0, though. While you're at it, install RivaTuner so you can get D3DOverrider to enable Triple Buffering. See this thread for why:
On 2600K@4.5GHz with ATI 6970, I am getting ~45fps on Extreme 1920X1080 with AMD MLAA enable.Kaako said:Have a Radeon 6870 and i7-950 @ 4GHZ OC'd. I'll be happy if I can get 45fps+ on highest settings (DX11 included later on) with triple buffering.
knitoe said:Bought the PC version and it comes with serial & promo code. Where are you suppose to enter the promo code?
nib95 said:LaserBuddha, according to BETA benchmarks, with your 6970 you'll get approximately 58fps average at 1920x1200 at the highest Hardcore settings. But that's based on the BETA, pretty sure I read somewhere that the final game is even more optimised.
knitoe said:Bought the PC version and it comes with serial & promo code. Where are you suppose to enter the promo code?
On 2600K@4.5GHz with ATI 6970, I am getting ~45fps on Extreme 1920X1080 with AMD MLAA enable.
Don't see it anywhere in game menu or one the website. Can someone give me more detail or point me in the right direction?Zimbardo said:i'm pretty sure i remember an option on the in game menu to put in the promo code and it takes you to the website, where you put in said promo code.
I've had some errors installing RivaTuner. It says that it's unsigned for the driver on my PC or something and to update the version of RivaTuner but it's the newest one straight from their website, version 2.24c. Just ignore this warning? Program starts fine.DKo5 said:Find where the game installed (if its from Steam look in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\crysis 2) and open "system.cfg".
Put those lines at the bottom of the file, save + quit. I would recommend r_vsync 1 instead of 0, though. While you're at it, install RivaTuner so you can get D3DOverrider to enable Triple Buffering. See this thread for why:
In the multi-player menu click on mycrysis and then Redeem Code, then it will close the game and load up the page on where you input the code. You have to have a accountknitoe said:Don't see it anywhere in game menu or one the website. Can someone give me more detail or point me in the right direction?
Sinatar said:Shut off MLAA, the game is already running with Temporal AA, adding MLAA is only going to lower the framerate and make things blurrier.
With those specs you should be getting 60fps. Turn off MLAA first. Do you have the GPU OC'd too? I got my 6950 OC'd to ratings that get me close to GTX 580 performance in many games.knitoe said:Bought the PC version and it comes with serial & promo code. Where are you suppose to enter the promo code?
On 2600K@4.5GHz with ATI 6970, I am getting ~45fps on Extreme 1920X1080 with AMD MLAA enable.
nib95 said:Based on the standard GTX 260 (yours is a better version so will probably get better results), you can play at 1080p (1920x1200) on Advanced settings (one down from max Hardcore setting and with very little difference in IQ) and get approximately 44fps average. Or at 1680x1050 at 52fps average.
LaserBuddha, according to BETA benchmarks, with your 6970 you'll get approximately 58fps average at 1920x1200 at the highest Hardcore settings. But that's based on the BETA, pretty sure I read somewhere that the final game is even more optimised.
knitoe said:Don't see it anywhere in game menu or one the website. Can someone give me more detail or point me in the right direction?
Hahahahahahaahalr1ghtstart said:![]()
this is pretty good. 360 version is pretty decent looking.
DaBuddaDa said:Reposting from many pages back:
LiquidMetal14 said:With those specs you should be getting 60fps. Turn off MLAA first. Do you have the GPU OC'd too? I got my 6950 OC'd to ratings that get me close to GTX 580 performance in many games.
X-Frame said:Is there any good PS3 gameplay posted yet today?
Sinatar said:It's weird that they went with a silent protagonist in this seeing as Nomad talked in the original as did Psycho in Warhead. Usually games go from silent to blabbermouth, not the other way around.
EviLore said:So the SP campaign is good, huh. Blargh, okay, despite going through all the annoyance of cancelling my Steam preorder I guess I'll pick it up. I've really been wanting a graphics whore game for a while now.