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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
jackdoe said:
Splinter Cell became a shooter with Conviction. And I agree. A large variety of the segments felt kind of like Conviction.
im sorry i dont know what that game is rahrahrahrhrahrah


canadian crowe said:
It seems like a toss up. On PS3, somebody in this thread said that there were 16,000 playing. Some games are full, other games only have 6 people in them. I'm not sure if that's a match making problem or a numbers problem.

In terms of gameplay, it's good and bad. I find that there are a lot of cheap deaths, and it's comparable to Black Ops in that regard. There are times when I'm pumping almost a full round of SMG bullets into somebody and they just run up and kill me with 2 shots of a handgun. This might be a lag issue, but it's very frustrating.

The customization aspect seems pretty fun. It's very much like COD, but with less perk redundancy.

Overall, I'd be willing to stick with it if the community stays and they patch up a couple issues.
Only 16k? Wow...I'm on PS3 too. That's pretty piss poor.
Warm Machine said:
Best looking console game/game I have seen especially considering environment sizes. The lighting is spectacular.

The design reminds me a lot of Halo ODST but without the backtracking. I'd love to see this game on a high spec PC without the LOD pops and minor glitches.

As soon as your game takes place in an environment with hard surfaces and predefined geometry memory takes a massive hit. Terrain engines take up a pittance of disk space and render blazingly fast. No matter if this was designed for console or not the choice to move urban (for business and gameplay reasons) required a drastically cut back environment size. Streaming in assets as complicated as prop laden streets and buildings and doing asset juggling on this scale is far more difficult than a jungle or forest environment.

Games that have achieved a streaming urban world typically lose out in visual fidelity that would not hold up in first person view point. GTA IV is a pretty good example as is PGR4. That you can get a city environment to look as good as this in first person and manage an asset load is the best technical graphics achievement of the year.

If this is true and the cityscape of Crysis 2 is far more intensive to render...then you are saying that the PS3 and the xbox 360 would be able to run Crysis 1 at near max settings. I mean since the jungle environment is easier to render. That should mean any system that can run C2 could handle C1 much easier right?

I can tell you this though. My meager quad core and 4850 can barely run C1 maxed at between 25 and 30 fps. I run C2 maxed at between 45 and 50 fps fps. Whats up with that?
mbmonk said:
Strength throw an object at someone, throw and exploding barrel at someone and shoot it, Grab someone by the throat and toss in the air. You had all these other options besides straight "gun on gun" to steal a line from El Presador.
i know the vehicle segments are toned down, but you can still do all the above. i regularly do. i strength throw guys in the air and shoot at them like clay pigeons. i throw handbags at guys to knock them on their ass.

throw exploding barrels and shoot them after? you can do that, and now you can kick cars at them and shoot those as well. there's plenty of options still. if you're just running and gun, then don't!
I <3 Memes said:
If this is true and the cityscape of Crysis 2 is far more intensive to render...then you are saying that the PS3 and the xbox 360 would be able to run Crysis 1 at near max settings. I mean since the jungle environment is easier to render. That should mean any system that can run C2 could handle C1 much easier right?

I can tell you this though. My meager quad core and 4850 can barely run C1 maxed at between 25 and 30 fps. I run C2 maxed at between 45 and 50 fps fps. Whats up with that?

Max settings, no. Texture space at highest res and a 1920x1080 output res would cripple the consoles. I'm saying that there is more memory required to hold the static geo as opposed to terrain of the original and the base rendering of the static geo is harder to do than the terrain. But it was more or less proven that they could run Crysis on either console with their CryEngine 3 demos on the graphics front with certain concessions. Terrain and base environment scale really wasn't a concession.

You have to remember that Crysis 1 on Cryengine 2 wasn't all that well optimized itself with Warhead running better than it though developed later.


Unlimited Capacity
I <3 Memes said:
I can tell you this though. My meager quad core and 4850 can barely run C1 maxed at between 25 and 30 fps. I run C2 maxed at between 45 and 50 fps fps. Whats up with that?

At what resolution?
bj00rn_ said:
Looking at the vs footage I can't get over how remarkably similar the three versions are. Even more so than I thought.

Looking forward to play the game tomorrow.
bwaha. sub HD, 30 fps with drops versus 1080p, 60 fps with superior texture filtering and less jaggies. But I guess on "very high" at 720p with the framerate locked at 30, it would be similar to the console ports


Cretinously credulous
Finished the game and damn if the story isnt the shittiest one in a long time. In fact,
there is no story.
Its just go here, now go there, damn something happened go there and thats is.
Wasnt the writer dissing story of Halo a while back? hahahaha
Dark FaZe said:
Game is fucking meh imo. Completely agree with Evil Lores post...

Same. I was going to give my impressions after playing it tonight but I'm not sur ethe thread needs more of that. It's not a bad game and I will definitely buy it when it drops down to a normal price for PC games, but the gameplay is just so boring and average now. It's gone from maximum gameplay to meh gameplay.

I can see how people who are primarily console gamers who never had a chance to play Crysis 1 might not understand how disappointing this is. Just go back a few pages and ctrl+f for nanosuit ninja and watch his videos. You had the choice in C1 to play stealth, combat, or go completely fuckin nuts like he does in his videos. Now it's just some very light stealth situations and almost entirely forced combat. And it is plodding and slow combat at that. What happened to the speed of the game? Sprinting is sooo slow now. Why slow it down and make it so clunky? The overall production of the game is top notch and the presentation blows C1 away, but the gameplay is just so boring.


plagiarize said:
i know the vehicle segments are toned down, but you can still do all the above. i regularly do. i strength throw guys in the air and shoot at them like clay pigeons. i throw handbags at guys to knock them on their ass.

throw exploding barrels and shoot them after? you can do that, and now you can kick cars at them and shoot those as well. there's plenty of options still. if you're just running and gun, then don't!

I will try that out.

You can kick cars, but not very far at all so it's of very limited use unless I am doing it wrong. You can throw barrels and objects but not with near the velocity or distance like you could in Cry1. So it severly limits it's usefulness as well.

But thanks for posting this I will trying grabbing people etc. Hopefully it will turn the game around for me a bit.


Well I did not like Crysis 1 very much, but I am loving Crysis 2. Don't know if it is because I am mainly a console gamer, but I am loving the game and visually it is very impressive. Playing this on PC at Extreme at 1920x1080 and the game is fantastic looking. I get mainly a solid 60 FPS as reported by fraps, but an ocassional dip for a second or so to 53-55, but hten back to 60fps. Playing with Vsycn on as well... one of the more impressive games visually that I have played.


mbmonk said:
I will try that out.

You can kick cars, but not very far at all so it's of very limited use unless I am doing it wrong. You can throw barrels and objects but not with near the velocity or distance like you could in Cry1. So it severly limits it's usefulness as well.

But thanks for posting this I will trying grabbing people etc. Hopefully it will turn the game around for me a bit.

Hold down the fire button while you're holding them to charge up your throw.


It's no surprise the people are finding the game meh. It's more of a sandbox game. You get out what you put in. If you approach it as a corridor shooter with standard firefights that you just have to get through in order to progress, that's all the game will be. But if you treat it as your playground and try to find creative ways to take our your targets silently or with gusto, it can be that too. You could use a gun. Or you could put C4 on a truck, drive it at the enemy, jump out, and detonate.

My first time through Crysis 1 it took me a while to figure this out.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
EviLore said:
4 hours in now.

This is a game that is highly competent on all fronts, but never exciting, and designed with zero ambition. Crytek went into this desiring to funnel money into a successful, safe "AAA" game and nothing more. And that's fine for them to want to do from a business perspective, since they want to show off the potential of Cryengine 3 for development of typical sorts of games, much like Epic did with Gears of War, but it's very depressing as a fan of the original Crysis (and Far Cry before it).

Hiring Richard Morgan and Peter Watts has to be nothing more than a marketing bullet point, because so far the story amounts to "go here...now go here...now go here...oh shit! go here." There is no story, just a series of very, very thin excuses for traversing the environment from one enemy encounter to the next. I haven't done anything or experienced anything.

That wouldn't be so bad, but the combat is not particularly interesting either (on the highest difficulty). My tactical options are basically flanking with armor mode on or doing hit and run headshots with cloak, or just trying to avoid combat entirely. Everything's been so carefully designed to facilitate a specific set of multiple options in each set piece, and to wave these tactical options in your face (with the awful yellow overlays), that whatever I decide to do never feels like a good decision or a bad decision, but rather just a whim with no particular consequence. It reminds me of Deus Ex: Invisible War's design doctrine in that regard.

Nothing too surprising, considering what I knew going in, but it's still a shame.

Almost my exact thoughts playing Crysis 1 years ago. While Crysis did subvert it's game trappings with beautiful visuals and massive 'arenas', there wasn't much actual choice to approach or combat. Are we really giving Crysis 1 undeserved credit to bemoan the sequel now? What Crysis did all of you play?

My sole hour with C2 thus far feels identical to my experience with the first. Flimsy story, combat that presents the illusion of tactics rather than actual tactical approach. Pretty visuals.
EviLore said:
Calling Crysis 2 a "sandbox game" makes me die a little inside.
Some people refer to Halo games as sandbox games. Although that's probably more correct since Halo has bigger levels and more variety to its gameplay. Hah.
Weenerz said:
How bout a linear box of sand?
Why not just say a line of sand. Or a line in the sand. Or really why not just call it a generic fist person shooter.
It's an arena shooter with sandbox elements. Anyway, I think I'm two thirds of the way through and I'm prepared to say that Warhead had the best story out of all three games. In terms of point to point gunplay, I havnt yet felt the sensation of being hunted down and flushed out. Probably because of the emphasis on verticality. The aliens put up a good fight, but the human soldiers are a joke.
EviLore said:
Calling Crysis 2 a "sandbox game" makes me die a little inside.

I certainly wouldn't call it a sandbox game. ODST is a more "open world" game than this and very similar in some ways and that isn't a sandbox game either.

From what I've played I'd simply suggest it is a well made tactical FPS. It is a much better combat game than SP of COD Black Ops, Homefront, or Killzone 3.

In terms of the actual combat and emergent situations I'd say ODST is actually the better game but I'm still having a good deal of fun with this primarily due to the graphics which do make games more fun when used to make player actions or situations more satisfying.


Sandboxes come in a variety of sizes. It's still true, tho. The whole idea of Crysis is that you can approach and achieve the objective however you want. Yes, it still gives you defined objectives in defined locations. Is it linear? Sure. It's a linear connection of small sandboxes.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
heyf00L said:
Sandboxes come in a variety of sizes. It's still true, tho. The whole idea of Crysis is that you can approach and achieve the objective however you want. Yes, it still gives you defined objectives in defined locations. Is it linear? Sure. It's a linear connection of small sandboxes.

Shooting enemies by the halebales, on top of the west roof, or from the beach does not make this a sandbox and is not real choice.

Even the 'choice' between killing enemies through Maximum power fists or sniping from a distance does not make this, or Crysis 1, emergent game design.


Brandon F said:
Shooting enemies by the halebales, on top of the west roof, or from the beach does not make this a sandbox and is not real choice.

Even the 'choice' between killing enemies through Maximum power fists or sniping from a distance does not make this, or Crysis 1, emergent game design.
How many options do you need before you'd call it choice? You can kill people any number of ways in Crysis. You can throw animals at them if you want. Drive over them. Strap C4 on a box and throw the box at them. Make a house collapse. Knock them off a cliff. Sedate them in water so they drown. Set a claymore and make a noise to lead someone into it. Seems like choice.


Trucker Sexologist
Lostconfused said:
Or really why not just call it a generic fist person shooter.
The suit powers. I don't know how Crysis got the sandbox label. Mercenaries/Crackdown in the Crysis engine would be awesome but Crysis 2 ain't it and neither was the original Crysis, for that matter.


I think that review wrapup quote is more sad. You can tell that the "narrower level design" is flavour of the month to dock points, not that I think the score is wrong, but other very recent games were not slammed for that very thing. It is a case of moving the goalposts for success. If you are going to dock points do it for a lack of variety in enemies and combat situations.
EviLore said:
It reminds me of Deus Ex: Invisible War's design doctrine in that regard.

Sold! Well, that's a lie, already bought the game this afternoon and am installing it now. As a fan of Crysis and Warhead, I really just want to play this game out of morbid curiosity. The contents of the "limited edition", the quotes and awards from the enthusiast press that adorn the box art, the system requirements being less than that of its four year old predecessor, it's all been good for a laugh.


Weenerz said:
Can't check the mycrysis site, but have they fixed the key in use or invalid key error with the PC version?

Not yet I still can't play multi online.

terrdactycalsrock said:
I know it may be a stupid question, but how is the pc version? I've heard that it has a higher frame rate, but are there any downsides to getting the pc version?

Well right now multi player seems busted on the PC (thank you Lamspy), but if this gets fixed I don't see any downside.
Evilore's impressions are killing me a little bit on the inside, because whilst he is sometimes too harsh of a critic, I know he appreciates the best aspects of Crysis which I also look for.

Fuck this thread is confusing me. I just need to play this game already.


I'd be in the dick
Anyone playing on PS3 should definitely set their system to output in 720p and turn off the Threat Tracker. The game looks a ton sharper now and the framerate holds up a lot better.

I've played a lot more and the game has become more restricted, although it's still been fantastic. I'm hoping it opens up more again later.
Ha ha, wow, EA Download Manager? What's this, their own Digital Distribution client? I thought this was an app of some sort meant to manage and download all of the DLC they partition off from their games to use as pre-order incentives, not a full on DD client.
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