Tried out the game last night, replayed the first two levels a few times to see what different option were still possible, thoughts so far:
Lightning stunning, never seen anything like it before, only (guess it is) HDR (bloom) sometimes little too much, in motion lightning looks really good. Animations look good, ANT does a great job, textures strange. You can hide behind something, looking high res. and when standing up to shoot someone, the top of same object has an extreme low res. texture on it, inconsistent is probably the right word. No jaggies, so TAA works, but added blur is kind of annoying, so hope we will see some options in the near future for that.
Gameplay, I tried all kind of different approaches, stealth/Rambo, played and felt different, specially last time when I used almost every gasoline can to throw and blow up people (switch from throw to shoot is to slow, hope super strength fixes this, now throw, fall and then shoot, not in air).
However, why is (almost) every modern (AAA)game, including this one, play-tested by Forest Gump. Every single time you reach an object that you can interact with, it highlights itself and on top of it every single time mentions the button you should use. The first time you stealth kill someone, it is useful to mention the right key, second/third, ok, but why every single time. And the marking of objects (visor) makes it even worse, large blue & yellow text all over the place, enemies highlighted red, why. And dont get me started about the annoying suit voice telling you what to do. I was fooling around, I know what the main goal is, no need to keep telling me it every single minute.
I do understand, specially after reading some reviews, that it might be helpful for some or even many, but just give other gamers the option to enjoy your game. It brakes every form of immersion I have with the beautiful world you created, gameplay is still there, but it is hidden by a layer of annoyance which should not be there
Whats crysis without posting shots, so 2 from the beginning, resized clcik for full.