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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


I believe I'm going to trade in Homefront at lunch for this on 360. Long as the mp seems as entertaining as it looked in GBs quicklook.


PC GAF, please be gentle with me... I think I like the fact that there are only three settings in crysis 2. I'll hopefully be able to run well enough in 1080p at the top one, but don't mind dropping down one if it makes it smoother. I don't actually like fiddling about with 20 different settings, giving hundreds of permutations, trying to find the sweetspot. If the developer has done that for me, great.

(I'll also be playing with a 360 pad...)

Having said that, once the fuss dies down and people have had time to play with the different settings, I'd be happy to try out a preset 'pack' that is recommended by several people.


nib95 said:
Firstly, where did you get those percentages, and is the PS3 version's performance really that bad? I was under the impression on average it only ran 2fps slower than the 360 counterpart. I'd hardly call a 2fps difference "poor performance".

Hypothetical question. Edited to better reflect the nature of the question. It is 25 fps during combat for the 360 and 20-22 for the PS3.


I'd be in the dick
sleepykyo said:
Hypothetical question. Edited to better reflect the nature of the question. It is 25 fps during combat for the 360 and 20-22 for the PS3.
The framerate was only that bad on PS3 early on. I've been in some pretty large battles at the point I'm at in the game and it's usually 30 with some slight dips. Certainly not low-20s.


I'd be in the dick
Lostconfused said:
Hahaha so while you are using a the mounted machine gun you cant use armor mode. Hahaha wow way to make something completely useless.
I've used armor while using a mounted gun.


The way I see it, if you have both consoles, then the 360 version is the one to go for (barring any problem with Live subscription, friends etc.) but if you only have a PS3 then go for it. Simple as that.
RoboPlato said:
I've used armor while using a mounted gun.
Welp I can't. I tried turning it on or using the weapon while in armor mode and it just boots me right out of it. Dead in seconds flat. Have to make sure every enemy is dead before even thinking about going anywhere near it.


Digital Foundry:

While the engine analysis based on like-for-like footage suggests an advantage to the Xbox 360 version of Crysis 2, as we can see in these extensive tests, performance can be very, very variable and the small variations in frame-rate we see previously give way to some much bigger differences, depending on the level of action on-screen. The unavoidable conclusion we came to is that when frame-rate does crash in those affected areas, it's actually Crysis 2 on PS3 that holds up better.

Just as I figured. Both have pretty crappy framerate hovering around 25fps a lot of the times but the PS3 version is slightly better.

Not sure why they said the x360 version is v-synced yet at the same time have screen tearings.


sleepykyo said:
Hypothetical question. Edited to better reflect the nature of the question. It is 25 fps during combat for the 360 and 20-22 for the PS3.

Did you only watch the first 10 seconds of the vid or something? Keep watching. Also notice the video is headed "Performance is much more variable in-game, and in combat situations especially, the frame-rate advantage the 360 version enjoyed in the previous tests seems to evaporate." The whole thing shows much more variable differences. In-fact, in one firefight, the PS3 version drops to the lowest 20fps and the 360 version drops to an impressive 14fps. My guess is lessened stress on the PS3 frame rates during intense firefights is to do with SPE resource allocation. But who knows.

It would be nice to know how often these severe frame rate cutting fire fights occur. "Thankfully these areas don't account for the majority of the gameplay by any stretch of the imagination" doesn't give much away. It is really disappointing the PS3 version is a lower res though.


StevieP said:
Why must you make it so difficult.


Haven't played with mouse/keyboard for ages, and personally with Crysis 1 I found the 360 controller helped mitigate the lack of 60fps with my settings, it smoothed it out somehow.
Lostconfused said:
Hahaha so while you are using a the mounted machine gun you cant use armor mode. Hahaha wow way to make something completely useless.

You can definitely use armor mode with it, just don't attempt to sprint with it.


scitek said:
Also, according to DF, the 360 version is running at full 1280x720, not 1154x720 as we thought. Is that right?

But buttons are not perfectly round as they are in other 720p games. So...


Jenga said:
stallion free is an idiot
Classy. From what I played of the multiplayer demo, the mouse aiming was an unplayable mess, it was really hard to aim and people using controllers did noticeably better. This is in comparison to something like COD where a mouse user would destroy controller users.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
played first hour of this on my cousin 360 call me disappointed :( everything looks great but framerate was bad and ghosting was annoying


Oh god, not this shit again - Doesn't recognize the MyCrysis account I have and everything else, email, usernames etc. is taken.
EekTheKat said:
Had a fairly serious lockup on the PS3 version last night, only "fix" was to apparently delete the saved game from what I could find.

I had died after a certain sequence, the game reloads to the previous checkpoint only to freeze up. Screen is half faded in (it's a whole image, but on the fade in effect it stops before the darkness fully transitions), image on screen is not moving. Powering off the PS3 at that point results in the 3 beeps force quit.

After that, every attempt to resume my campaign loads up the game at that exact same freeze spot.

The sequence/ spot in question :
I was supposed to sneak into a lab by the warehouse to destroy some computer in it before cell nabs all the data. The warehouse turns into a deathtrap with a helicopter flying around shooting the whole place up. I made a mistake, died, and the reload freeze occurred at the elevator on the way up to the terminal I'm supposed to destroy

Having the exact same issue as you on the PS3 version. Honestly thinking about getting rid of the game.


Lostconfused said:
Hahaha so while you are using a the mounted machine gun you cant use armor mode. Hahaha wow way to make something completely useless.

Sure you can. I did use armor and cloak while on a MG many times.


enewtabie said:
I believe I'm going to trade in Homefront at lunch for this on 360. Long as the mp seems as entertaining as it looked in GBs quicklook.

The MP is certainly entertaining. Entertaining enough, that I haven't gone back to SP after taking a break and trying some MP. I was just having way too much fun. There just doesn't seem to be anything like it, especially on consoles. The maps are just so vertical, with a lot of different entry points, and make very good use of the armor abilities.

So far I'm enjoying both Capture the Relay, and Crash Site, as my go to game types when playing some multiplayer. The multiplayer in general is just an insane amount of fun once it all clicks.


Is this the comparison that some here were waiting for? I'm sorry, but Digital Foundry's writeup always seem to be skewed to the 360's favor, regardless of the results. His articles are always seasoned with a bit of bias, so it's hard to take him seriously. In this very article, Leadbetter goes on and on about any advantage the 360 has, take for example what he said about the lighting, he said the 360 has better lighting, however the screenshots he used to indicate that prove that the PS3 has more light sources over the 360.



Leadbetter also makes no mention of the better AF in the PS3 version and some of the slightly better textures in the PS3 version.


Water and shadows are better on the PS3, also, texture filtering is also better on the PS3 as well, but he goes about saying this in the most negative and insignificant way. Interesting that leadbetter never touched on AF which also seem to be better in the PS3 version.

Here's leadbetter explaining a PS3 advantage.....

"The implementation of shadow on the two versions also exhibits some interesting, though minor, differences. Again, there seems to be an off-set issue on the PS3 version which occasionally sees sections of some shadows disappear back the artwork (something we saw on the Xbox 360 of Final Fantasy XIII), however, close up, it's clear that shadows are somewhat more blocky and unattractive on the Microsoft console."

however praising the 360 on a feature, he begins like this.....

"In short, then, Xbox 360 benefits from a 25 per cent resolution boost over the PlayStation 3 version of the game. That's a pretty stark statistic, and while it is true that the action generally looks clearer and not quite so blurred on the Xbox 360, it's also the case that when the game is in full flow, the amount of post-processing effects in play, including camera and object-based motion blur, tends to equalise the visuals somewhat."

According to B3D pixel counters the 360 version is 1152*720, even the dev said that in an interview, but Leadbetter is saying it's 720P native on the 360.

He said that both the 360 and PS3 versions are vsynced, yet, the 360 version tears and he calls that insignificant due to where it tears, which is understandable, but the point is it still tears in comparison to a version which has 0 tearing. Let it be known, that enabling vsync can be somewhat of a resource hog on consoles.

In the end, Leadbetter says that the PS3 version maintains a more constant framerate even in high combat scenarios, yet he says it's all insignificant. The point is, the PS3 version could have the extra 3fps peak if vsync was relaxed, but in the end it has a higher low fps point in contrast to the 360.

I've said all this, mainly because I've read some negatives about LOT in this thread, where some people suggest that DF is better. Leadbetter may use more technical terms, but it's more opinionated than what LOT presents. LOT presents the frame analysis, the tearing percentage and indicates through pics where anyone can judge and see better textures, AF, lighting sources etc....Leadbetter just can't seem to hide his bias and in that regard DF has alot to learn in doing a proper comparison.

Personally, I like the idea of this engine, I hate SUB HD games, but I have made an exception here because I think if this engine is properly optimized for future games it could be the best multiplatform engine this gen. Lighting and effects are already top notch, what the consoles need, especially the PS3 version is to be notched up to 1280*720p, lock the framerate at 30 fps and implement MLAA. Perhaps the next CryEngine 3 game will get there, so I do hope the devs are listening.


Any fix for the excessive CF ( 5970 ) flickering with lights? Someone mentioned renaming .exe to Rift.exe and Steam won't accept that, adding a custom CF profile to Radeon Pro doesn't change anything ...


Hm. GiantBomb Quick Look looked good, and Jeff seems pretty happy with it so I think I'll go and pick this up in the weekend. That is, unless someone can suggest a compelling reason not to (and please do tell if there is such a reason).
Heavy said:
As I and others have said, the game needs to be seen in motion to be appreciated. I don't think there's been a better case of "screenshots don't do this game justice" than with Crysis 2. This goes for all 3 versions. These PC screens that are being posted look a good amount worse than what you see when playing.

You know what would be coOoOoL... 1080p animated gifs lol :D They would probably be like 100 megs though. I'm gonna try to make one later and just link it, not post as an [ img ].
good luck with that, and you're way too optimistic on the file size, and on your hardware/software being able to process it.


Spookie said:
I got mine too. I'm not in work! Lets boot thi-



No offense meant, but I don't know how you put up with regional restrictions like that.

If you bought it, you should be able to play it. If I was in the same boat, I'd find a way to play it while going
"Fuck your release dates"


Okay, anyone having problem with CF Performance / flickering, either use RadeonPro ( Steam users ) and set it to Bioshock profile or retail users can just rename the .exe to Bioshock.exe - Takes care of it all, did for me.


RoboPlato said:
The framerate was only that bad on PS3 early on. I've been in some pretty large battles at the point I'm at in the game and it's usually 30 with some slight dips. Certainly not low-20s.
Well, I've seen and heard enough to pick this up. I just ordered the game on PS3. Should be here Saturday. Can't wait to try it!
Heavy said:
hey, so scitek used
and what's the line for MLAA on? thanks
That's my current autoexec, so far I'm not seeing anyway to turn mlaa on without turning on the wrong prescription contact lens aa.
I'm brute forcing morphological aa through RadeonPro
Nekrono said:
There is no line for MLAA as far as im aware, im pretty sure he's talking about AMD's MLAA filter.
Ohh ok, yeah I don't know much about editing configs lol. I have an AMD card though

MickeyKnox said:
That's my current autoexec, so far I'm not seeing anyway to turn mlaa on without turning on the wrong prescription contact lens aa.
I'm brute forcing morphological aa through RadeonPro
Ok cool thanks. Gonna test it out now


Heavy said:
Ohh ok, yeah I don't know much about editing configs lol. I have an AMD card though

What card do you have? If you have a 5xxx and up card you should have the option to turn on MLAA, with updated drivers that is of course.


Tomorrow arrives mi razer onza pad, im feel bad with k+m in this game, in the mp demo, the keyboard and mouse works fine, but in single player mi feeling is completely diferent, i play very well the SP in ps3 with the dualshock 3, but in pc im totally retarded, i hope the pad works very well in other games too xD.


MickeyKnox said:
That's my current autoexec, so far I'm not seeing anyway to turn mlaa on without turning on the wrong prescription contact lens aa.
I'm brute forcing morphological aa through RadeonPro

Autoexec instead of system.cfg ?

Will those settings work in system.cfg or do I need to put them in autoexec as well?
nib95 said:
I have to say, 15-20fps is a joke lol. Guessing based on the article, only the 360 version reaches those lows? So better average frame rate on the 360, but higher lowest frame rate on PS3. Very strange. Not sure which I'd prefer tbh.

Here, I'll help you -- You prefer the PS3 version.


I'm so glad that ragdoll isn't allowed in Germany, I mean, the alternative is pretty close anyway. ( Yeah he was stuck like that )

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