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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


Stallion Free said:
Those could easily be surpassed if they released the CryEngine 3 editor so I'm not really sure what your point is.

As I said, call me when Crysis 2 looks like that. Or like this:


Playing the PS3 version and I must say i'm loving every second of it. Going to get the pc version down the road when my new rig arrives. What surprised me the most was how things have changed. I wasn't blown away by the first third or so, kinda 'ok' but nothing more then that, but now that i'm being dropped in set-piece after set-piece I am. It's like Crytek really took the criticisms of the first one (namely the lackluster final half of the game) and do something with it.

I also really like how the suit works much better then in Crysis where it was 90% of the time 'MAXIMUM ARMOR' into 'Cloak engaged' into 'MAXIMUM ARMOR'. Here you can really experiment with al the function, cloak into sprint into slide to take out enemy one into 'MAXIMUM ARMOR' taking out the rest feels so good.

Though there are some issues, the AI of the human soldiers is sometimes braindead and seem to mostly involve walls, facing the walls, walking into walls, shooting into walls. The ceph on the other hand are more the capable traversing the terrain with ease, trying to flank you or your friendly npc's. I did experience once or twice the they jumped into, once again, a wall but nothing really bothersome.

The gameplay itself is in my opinion really solid. No, the sandbox isn's as big as those first level's of Crysis. Yes, you still have a shitload of option to take on an situations. As said before the suit itself is a weapon now with the slides and stealth takedowns instead of the more support role it took in Crysis and Warhead. You can stealth your way around a lot of the encounters in the beginning and it gives the cloak sometimes an overpowered feel but really when you get acces to the c4 the fun can begin. Best one yet throwing a teddybear rigged with c4 into a group of enemies. So far I just dont feel i'm missing options I did have in Crysis, in fact with the new nanosuit I only gained more options. It's just so much fun traversing the terrain, stalking your targets and slam down on them, it really makes this shooter stand out from the rest of the pack. I still have to finish the campaign but so far it's been one of the best if not the singleplayer shooter experience i've had this generation.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
StevieP said:
As I said, call me when Crysis 2 looks like that.
You do realize that Crysis 1 (the actual game content) didn't look as good as those right? That those are very carefully set up screenshots? And that that city park shot with the building in the background has already been beaten by the actual game content in Crysis 2?

Lol whoever took that shot failed at using the proper settings for the trees.


I'd be in the dick
Fortinbras said:
This paragraph surprised me a lot. I've been playing the PS3 version and I've seen some pretty extreme framerate fluctuations (mostly on the early chapters) and I assumed that the 360 version was smoother overall. It sounds like it has random framerate crashes like Orange Box PS3.

Digital Foundry said:
While the engine analysis based on like-for-like footage suggests an advantage to the Xbox 360 version of Crysis 2, as we can see in these extensive tests, performance can be very, very variable and the small variations in frame-rate we see previously give way to some much bigger differences, depending on the level of action on-screen. The unavoidable conclusion we came to is that when frame-rate does crash in those affected areas, it's actually Crysis 2 on PS3 that holds up better.

Oh well. It still doesn't change the fact that everyone should play this game.


Had a fairly serious lockup on the PS3 version last night, only "fix" was to apparently delete the saved game from what I could find.

I had died after a certain sequence, the game reloads to the previous checkpoint only to freeze up. Screen is half faded in (it's a whole image, but on the fade in effect it stops before the darkness fully transitions), image on screen is not moving. Powering off the PS3 at that point results in the 3 beeps force quit.

After that, every attempt to resume my campaign loads up the game at that exact same freeze spot.

The sequence/ spot in question :
I was supposed to sneak into a lab by the warehouse to destroy some computer in it before cell nabs all the data. The warehouse turns into a deathtrap with a helicopter flying around shooting the whole place up. I made a mistake, died, and the reload freeze occurred at the elevator on the way up to the terminal I'm supposed to destroy


Are you still able to commandeer random vehicles and switch around between all the seats while changing from first person to third person view? Just curious.


I'd be in the dick
Lostconfused said:
Unless you played Crysis 1. Then it really depends if you can put up with the disappointment.
I played about half of Crysis 1 (the only reason I didn't finish it was because I don't own a gaming PC and was at a friend's), up to the point where you fight the North Korean general in the Nanosuit and I'm enjoying this more. The areas aren't as big but there are still a ton of options and much better pacing and atmosphere.


Honestly, based on the screens on the previous page I'm a bit disappointed with the visuals. Not to turn this in to a comparison thread or anything, but we've come to expect benchmark pushing visuals from the Crysis franchise, as in ahead of it's time sort of visuals. It pains me to say that looking at some of these screens, I feel like at times Mafia II (an actual sandbox game) actually looks comparable. Crysis 2 should have been in a whole different realm visually.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/nchoudhury/Mafia II/m2.jpg

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/nchoudhury/Mafia II/m4.jpg

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/nchoudhury/Mafia II/m7.jpg

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/nchoudhury/Mafia II/m8.jpg

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/nchoudhury/Mafia II/m9.jpg

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/nchoudhury/Mafia II/m11.jpg

Hmmm...I mean, am I going crazy or are the city visuals actually fairly comparable? Heck, I actually think the foliage and grass actually looks better (and more dense) in Mafia II. And Crysis was supposed to be the king of foliage...



Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
how is the retail performance of the 360 version compared to the 360 demo? I don't know but something was just "off" with the demo

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
nib95 said:
Hmmm...I mean, am I going crazy or are the city visuals actually fairly comparable?
I loved how Mafia 2 looks, but it's lighting isn't even in the same universe as Crysis 2's but then again people seem to purposely ignore it.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
nib95 said:
Honestly, based on the screens above I'm disappointed a bit disappointed with the visuals. Not to turn this in to a comparison thread or anything, but we've come to expect benchmark pushing visuals from the Crysis franchise, as in ahead of it's time sort of visuals. It pains me to say that looking at some of these screens, I feel like at times Mafia II (an actual sandbox game) actually looks comparable. Crysis 2 should have been in a whole different realm visually.


I agree, I'm just not seeing these mind blowing GFX everybody else is seeing in C2, maybe in DX11 I'll change my mind a little, I'm only basing this off the MP demo (PC) and pics in this thread mind, I had a little play of Metro 2033 earlier today and that looked a lot more impressive imo, especially the lighting.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
lowrider007 said:
I agree, I'm just not seeing these mind blowing GFX everybody else is seeing in C2, maybe in DX11 I'll change my mind a little, I'm only basing this off the MP demo (PC) and pics in this thread mind, I had a little play of Metro 2033 earlier today and that looked a lot more impressive imo, especially the lighting.
I would be disappointed if I based it off that too.


Truant said:
Anyone else getting slowdown after 5-10 minutes? If I restart the game it jumps back up to 60fps, but after a while, it goes down to 20, and it feels like the game is going into bullet time at random invervals.

Reinstalled the latest driver with a clean install, too.
You running an NVidia card? Make sure your options are set to "prefer maximum performance" instead of "adaptive performance" (or something like that). I was having similar issues with WoW last night due to this.


Stallion Free said:
I loved how Mafia 2 looks, but it's lighting isn't even in the same universe as Crysis 2's but then again people seem to purposely ignore it.
I think the fact that it's a lot less technically impressive than the 2+years older GTA IV might have something to do with that.


I'd be in the dick
lowrider007 said:
I agree, I'm just not seeing these mind blowing GFX everybody else is seeing in C2, maybe in DX11 I'll change my mind a little, I'm only basing this off the MP demo (PC) and pics in this thread mind, I had a little play of Metro 2033 earlier today and that looked a lot more impressive imo, especially the lighting.
I haven't seen the PC version but I've been playing the PS3 version and it looks a ton better in motion than in screens. The fantastic motion blur does a great job of making everything look a lot smoother than it actually is. If you look at your gun while running, it almost looks as if it's 60fps when it isn't. I can't imagine how smooth the PC version must look actually running at higher resolutions.


JoeBoy101 said:
Yeah, but even then, I've hit scripted alternate paths were I cloaked in, and then, while cloaked, "He's in the sewers!", and here comes some grenades to 'flush me out'. What's the point of the stealth route if it ignores your stealth?
Yeah this really annoys me. At one part I'm stealthing past a patrol that's about to run in, and they just magically know that I'm behind them now. Encounters definitely feel very scripted.
sleepykyo said:
There seems to be unusual downplaying or consolatory statments regarding the PS3 version. Instead it is the 360 has 25% more resolution, but it isn't very noticeable in motion. And yes, the 360 is better in every metric, but in those rare instances when everything falls apart, the PS3 runs better.

So. Tiresome.


well, the game looks phenomenal and cryengine 3 is a beast etc. but that 3D effect is a joke.

I'm watching anaglyph 3d screens on DF and the only thing the game does is put HUD on one 2D layer, your weapon on another 2D layer and everything else on a different 2D layer. You basically just end up with 3 2D layers.
Well, I surely hope it doesn't affect performances.


I'd be in the dick
nib95 said:
25%? I thought the 360 version wasn't full 720p either?
I think DF might be wrong. The developers have even said in an interview that the 360 version is 1152x720. That might explain why they were surprised that there seemed to be less of an advantage in clarity on the 360 version over the PS3 version than they expected.


EekTheKat said:
Had a fairly serious lockup on the PS3 version last night, only "fix" was to apparently delete the saved game from what I could find.

I had died after a certain sequence, the game reloads to the previous checkpoint only to freeze up. Screen is half faded in (it's a whole image, but on the fade in effect it stops before the darkness fully transitions), image on screen is not moving. Powering off the PS3 at that point results in the 3 beeps force quit.

After that, every attempt to resume my campaign loads up the game at that exact same freeze spot.

The sequence/ spot in question :
I was supposed to sneak into a lab by the warehouse to destroy some computer in it before cell nabs all the data. The warehouse turns into a deathtrap with a helicopter flying around shooting the whole place up. I made a mistake, died, and the reload freeze occurred at the elevator on the way up to the terminal I'm supposed to destroy



Dyno said:
Once you're fighting the aliens it becomes a different game. Those are the fuckers I want to square off with. I've been stealthing past as many humans as possible because I don't personally think that humans should be murdering each other during an alien invasion. We should rise above our petty squabbles. Aliens on the other hand, fair game.

Anyone else playing with no crosshairs and aim assist disabled? I always do this for every shooter that allows it. Having no crosshairs when you're in the tank and eyeballing missile shots to other tanks and helicopters is strictly for the boss.

You sir are awesome! I been playing L4D2 lately with no crosshairs and it is such a better game for it. I never knew crosshairs pulls you so much out of a game, I have already decided to play every game with crosshairs. Also a biggie, I know see all the work artists put into the source engine when shooting a zombie, the splatters much more clearly. Its awe inspiring stuff!


RoboPlato said:
This paragraph surprised me a lot. I've been playing the PS3 version and I've seen some pretty extreme framerate fluctuations (mostly on the early chapters) and I assumed that the 360 version was smoother overall. It sounds like it has random framerate crashes like Orange Box PS3.

Oh well. It still doesn't change the fact that everyone should play this game.

Ran into a bug last night where the level never loaded it was just player models, no skyscrapers, no textures, no geometry nothing - installed on hdd. It was pretty egregeious.


RoboPlato said:
This paragraph surprised me a lot. I've been playing the PS3 version and I've seen some pretty extreme framerate fluctuations (mostly on the early chapters) and I assumed that the 360 version was smoother overall. It sounds like it has random framerate crashes like Orange Box PS3.

Oh well. It still doesn't change the fact that everyone should play this game.

All that means is the the parts where the framerate really dips the ps3 version holds up slightly better, but generally the 360 version's framerate holds up much better.

Digital Foundry said:
There's little doubt that the Xbox 360 is the cleaner, crisper experience and for the most part it commands a small but significant frame-rate advantage and fewer little glitches; especially outside of combat scenarios, the game just seems to run that much more smoothly

When the ps3 version FINALLY comes from gamefly I'm gonna try to do comparisons for myself.


RoboPlato said:
I think DF might be wrong. The developers have even said in an interview that the 360 version is 1152x720. That might explain why they were surprised that there seemed to be less of an advantage in clarity on the 360 version over the PS3 version than they expected.

So much for DF and/or the Eurogamer team being on the ball. Surely they should fact-check this most simplest of details...


TheExodu5 said:
You running an NVidia card? Make sure your options are set to "prefer maximum performance" instead of "adaptive performance" (or something like that). I was having similar issues with WoW last night due to this.

I changed it to "Maximum Performance" and but it still starts to slow down after five minutes. It's so annoying, because everything moves in slo-mo for like a second, then it runs normal again. It goes on like this for a while, and then it just ends up running at 20fps after 20 minutter.
Fortinbras said:

Performance is ass on both platforms...

there are parts of the game that seem to be brutally unoptimised, bringing the performance level crashing down to the point where the afflicted sections become almost unplayable - a variable 15-20FPS update in an intense fire-fight is hugely disorientating, and this makes Crysis 2 one of the most inconsistent performers released in recent times.


I'd be in the dick
schennmu said:
Performance is ass on both platforms...
My experience on PS3 is that the first few chapters, where DF focused their comparisons, perform dramatically worse than the later ones. The game's performance is fine overall but the first few chapters are definitely beneath the others.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
schennmu said:
Performance is ass on both platforms...

there are parts of the game that seem to be brutally unoptimised, bringing the performance level crashing down to the point where the afflicted sections become almost unplayable - a variable 15-20FPS update in an intense fire-fight is hugely disorientating, and this makes Crysis 2 one of the most inconsistent performers released in recent times.

And the first line of the next paragraph,

"In these situations, it seems that it is the Xbox 360 version that has the most difficulties, though there's no mistaking that both platforms seem to lag badly in much the same areas."

Jadedx said:
All that means is the the parts where the framerate really dips the ps3 version holds up slightly better, but generally the 360 version's framerate holds up much better.

True, but higher minimum frame-rate levels are also very important, especially during heavy action sections.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Mr_Brit said:
I think the fact that it's a lot less technically impressive than the 2+years older GTA IV might have something to do with that.
Huh? I have played through the entirety of GTA4 on 360 and a quarter of it on PC and at no point did the lighting look this good. Not even close.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Sorry for asking again so recently but questions are quickly drowned in the sea of comparisons.

My pcparts are going to be heavily delayed so I'll be wanting to try Crysis 2 on 360 given that the performance has become better since the demo that was released, is this the case?


I have to say, 15-20fps is a joke lol. Guessing based on the article, only the 360 version reaches those lows? So better average frame rate on the 360, but higher lowest frame rate on PS3. Very strange. Not sure which I'd prefer tbh.


I'd be in the dick
Corky said:
Sorry for asking aging so recently but questions are quickly drowned in the sea of comparisons.

My pcparts are going to be heavily delayed so I'll be wanting to try Crysis 2 on 360 given that the performance has become better since the demo that was released, is this the case?
I played the first 360 demo quite a bit and the PS3 version performs better than that so I'm going to guess yes.


lowrider007 said:
True, but higher minimum frame-rate levels are also very important, especially during heavy action sections.

But, those are rare. It is so rare, that certainly wasn't the case in most footage shown. You're really going to prefer poor performance all of the time over decent-mediocre peformance most of the time and exceptionally poor performance in rare instances?
As I and others have said, the game needs to be seen in motion to be appreciated. I don't think there's been a better case of "screenshots don't do this game justice" than with Crysis 2. This goes for all 3 versions. These PC screens that are being posted look a good amount worse than what you see when playing.

You know what would be coOoOoL... 1080p animated gifs lol :D They would probably be like 100 megs though. I'm gonna try to make one later and just link it, not post as an [ img ].


Licorice-flavoured booze?
sleepykyo said:
But, those are even rare. You're really going to prefer poor performance 100% of the time over decent-mediocre peformance 95% of the time and exceptionally poor performance 5%?

Poor performance?


sleepykyo said:
But, those are even rare. You're really going to prefer poor performance 100% of the time over decent-mediocre peformance 95% of the time and exceptionally poor performance 5%?

Firstly, where did you get those percentages, and is the PS3 version's performance really that bad? I was under the impression on average it only ran 2fps slower than the 360 counterpart. I'd hardly call a 2fps difference "poor performance".
Corky said:
Sorry for asking aging so recently but questions are quickly drowned in the sea of comparisons.

My pcparts are going to be heavily delayed so I'll be wanting to try Crysis 2 on 360 given that the performance has become better since the demo that was released, is this the case?

Which demo? They released two of them. The first one had 30 fps and the second demo had a worse framerate. The retail version is like the second demo. Unfortunately...


TheExodu5 said:
Yeah this really annoys me. At one part I'm stealthing past a patrol that's about to run in, and they just magically know that I'm behind them now. Encounters definitely feel very scripted.

How often does this happen? isn't this most likely a bug?
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