Gold Member
- Genre: Run and gun, platformer, co-op
- Platforms: Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4
- Developer: Studio MDHR
- Publisher: Studio MDHR
- Release Date: June 30, 2022
Review Agregator:

Noisy Pixel - 100/100
Gfinity - 100/100Cuphead The Delicious Last Course is one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had, managing to serve as a primarily standalone accompaniment to an already masterful title. It’s emblematic of why I enjoy video games by providing challenges that demand continual and natural player growth, with unquestionably fair enemy design.
GamersRD - 95/100Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course strips away some of the less interesting scenarios and polishes what made it a standout success. It’s a little on the short side given the long wait time, but it’s justified by its bargain price and immediately obvious love and attention for its addictive and fair gameplay loop.
Wccftech- 90/100Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course is a new content that maintains the success formula of the original game. Adding extras, renovating some details and making the game a little better. Despite the fact that it’s really short, it is extraordinary content.
Destructoid - 90/100Cuphead: The Delicious Course is excellent fan service and the perfect continuation of a game that felt almost impossible to replicate. From the new boss designs to the addition of Miss Chalice, there is so much for everyone to enjoy, whether they just want to beat the new challenges or conquer them entirely.
Game Informer - 88/100After all these years there still isn't anything quite like Cuphead.
GameSpew - 70/100The Delicious Last Course sends our jolly beverage containers off on a high note. It offers an entertaining final exam of your skills while also freshening up the original adventure by giving players a cool new character to enjoy. It’s more Cuphead at the end of the day, but I had a great time revisiting Studio MDHR’s wonderful animated universe, testing my mettle against its villains, and feeling fist-pumping triumph all over again.
If you’ve been longing for more Cuphead, then The Delicious Last Course is for you. But if you were, for whatever reason, hoping for a big shake-up in terms of gameplay or difficulty, you’re not going to find it here. Brutal but beautiful, this is simply more Cuphead, be that for better or for worse.
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