crap, ofcourse when someone is actually gunna help me out it breaks, I reorganized the images and broke it, here ya go
edit: now that I am seeing it on my TV screen and not laptop, it doesnt look terrible full view
It's difficult to say whether it'd print acceptably, since everyone has a different tolerance for artifacts and other image quality issues. Personally I think I'd try and find different art at a better resolution.
I don't see the point of putting that black bar in the middle.
Remove that entirely and just have that image in the background, and have the halo 4 logo sitting on the spine.
I believe he's said that he wants all his Halo games to have uniform spines so they look like a set. Personally I think I'd agree with you, but each to his own.
Anyway, someone asked for Tokyo Jungle earlier (though I think the real cover is pretty great):