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Cxllege Fxxtball 2016 Week Thirteen: Whx gets the best lxss?

Velcro Fly

Ohio St. is definitely going to be in. 2 loss big ten champion would be in at the expense probably of Washington unless Clemson loses today.
OSU will get in over a PSU or Wisconsin B1G champion. OSU will bring in more money which will be the primary motivator, but the committee can spin it that Michigan beat Wisconsin and PSU so OSU's late season "win" was enough to propel them in over the B1G champ.

Fair? Probably not, but the world doesn't run on fair (as clearly evident by the earlier game's officiating).


I just think it's shitty that teams like Washington, Clemson, and even Bama have to go out next weekend and put their playoff chances on the line while Ohio State just gets to sit home and get a pass because they blew the right game.

I would comment on this but then I remember i'm from Nebraska.. so I really can't say shit lol


OSU will get in over a PSU or Wisconsin B1G champion. OSU will bring in more money which will be the primary motivator, but the committee can spin it that Michigan beat Wisconsin and PSU so OSU's late season "win" was enough to propel them in over the B1G champ.

Fair? Probably not, but the world doesn't run on fair (as clearly evident by the earlier game's officiating).

Their decision won't come down to sales. Advertisements and Contacts are already set in stone.

But it's crazy how many other things may factor in who goes in.


Playing non-stop puffball after puffball will do that to you. If you can win the game easily at 35% effort it's hard to remember what 100% really is.

Well Bama's D hasn't let up.

Its really the lane(int sp) playcalling .

On top of that just not seeming 100% concentrated.


@LonghornNetwork 2m2 minutes ago
Texas hires Tom Herman, who was 22-4 at Houston. Herman was UT grad asst from '99-2000. Expected to be introduced at press conference Sunday

And now the deal is done.
Go Beavs

Hey man, I'm just saying they do it in every other sport at every other level. If you don't want more good football games (and it would make sense that you don't as an SEC fan), do you.

There have been 6 playoff games. Exactly 2 of them have been good.

What are you talking about lmfao

Velcro Fly

Things would be really fucked if Michigan had not lost to Iowa. You could potentially have three teams in the East all with one conference loss with a rock/paper/scissors scenario. How do you even tie break that?
OSU will get in over a PSU or Wisconsin B1G champion. OSU will bring in more money which will be the primary motivator, but the committee can spin it that Michigan beat Wisconsin and PSU so OSU's late season "win" was enough to propel them in over the B1G champ.

Fair? Probably not, but the world doesn't run on fair (as clearly evident by the earlier game's officiating).

If we're talking money, sure I agree, OSU's a lock. If it's about merit, I don't think you can put OSU in over the B1G champ this year. The extra win mitigates the extra loss. I would think if OSU doesn't win the B1G they'd need upsets in the ACC or PAC.

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