Cyberpunk 2077 HypeTrain | Just breathe (No leaks)

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  • PC

    Votes: 612 50.1%
  • PS4 Amateur

    Votes: 84 6.9%
  • PS4 Pro

    Votes: 139 11.4%
  • XBox 1

    Votes: 12 1.0%
  • Xbox 1 X

    Votes: 130 10.6%
  • Waiting for the next gen

    Votes: 377 30.9%
  • Stadia

    Votes: 13 1.1%

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Hey, just for funsies, don't get mad at me!



Gold Member
Has a game ever actually gotten it's reviews affected by reviewers for some woke controversy?

I feel like they usual suspects would just not review it and post an article damning CDPR instead which won't affect scores.
Days gone had some of the lowest score from ultra woke shitty journalist like the one at gamespot or waypoint (or ign i don't remember).

You can bet your ass that if you release a triple A game with a dude whitest than milk with a lot of naked and sexy women with sexist jokes some "journalist" are gonna score your game lower because soy reasons...

That's why only trusting in reviews is the stupidest thing that you can do, almost as bad as putting your dick into an alligator mouth.
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Has there ever been a direct correlation between controversy and review scores? Because two recent big games with a lot of controversy around it, RDR 2 and TLOU 2 both have some of the best scores of this generation.

I think CP2077 will end up with something around the 92 that The Witcher 3 got. It will probably be a good a better game er than TW3, but expectations are waaaaay bigger now than they were for that 5 years ago and that is bound to give some bias to reviewers.

Never seen this footage shown fully before, animations look great, it's all in Italian though.

It's the same clip that first debuted at TGS as part of the Japanese NCW and was also seen in the Russian NCW. Lip synching looks glorious.
Has there ever been a direct correlation between controversy and review scores? Because two recent big games with a lot of controversy around it, RDR 2 and TLOU 2 both have some of the best scores of this generation.

I think CP2077 will end up with something around the 92 that The Witcher 3 got. It will probably be a good a better game er than TW3, but expectations are waaaaay bigger now than they were for that 5 years ago and that is bound to give some bias to reviewers.

It's the same clip that first debuted at TGS as part of the Japanese NCW and was also seen in the Russian NCW. Lip synching looks glorious.

Less controversy if no one cares about a game
What are the first things you’ll do when you’re able to freely explore Night City for the first time? I’ll probably look for a nightclub or something and try and score some hallucinogenic drugs. My aim is to recreate that scene in Altered Carbon where Takashi is tripping balls and exploring the city for the first time.

Honestly I don't even know which path too choose yet. If reviewers are being honest and Night City is full of details, CP2077 is gonna last a long while for me. The setting has so much untapped potential.

And then Imagine the expansions...


So who do you guys think she is?

She could be Saburo Araska’s granddaughter Michiko.

According to lore sheis quite old. But you already know in 2077 60yo is the new 30😄

There’s also the possibility of her being Michiko’s daughter. A new character.

She’s so much more interesting than Judy for me.

Mhmmm 2077

I remember investors asking if they can make the game get 95 metacritic score, since The Witcher 3 had "only 93" metascore... I expect that it will get around 92-93.


Gold Member


So who do you guys think she is?

She could be Saburo Araska’s granddaughter Michiko.

According to lore sheis quite old. But you already know in 2077 60yo is the new 30😄

There’s also the possibility of her being Michiko’s daughter. A new character.

She’s so much more interesting than Judy for me.
Is it better to know all this lore stuff before playing the game? I don't know anything from the cyberpunk universe...
Is it better to know all this lore stuff before playing the game? I don't know anything from the cyberpunk universe...

I’m a shameless lore junkie. I would always say yes lol

I’ve seen some YouTube videos about the lore but they’re not really that good I don’t recommend them. They’re really not good.

I‘m going to write a summary for you and those who are interested about the lore. I try to cover everything for you from the start until start of the game in 2077.

If you find them interesting and want to dive deeper I strongly suggest to avoid the YT videos.
Instead pick up the “Worlds of Cyberpunk” book and source books. They are all available digital.
The Worlds book is the best. It has gorgeous arts and good lore tidbits.


Is it better to know all this lore stuff before playing the game? I don't know anything from the cyberpunk universe...

I'd say so. I didn't know much about the cyberpunk universe before too but I read up on it during the last couple of months.

The game is based on a RPG that has tons of lore and interesting characters and it's certain that we'll see some of them in the game.

Data Ghost

I’m a shameless lore junkie. I would always say yes lol

I’ve seen some YouTube videos about the lore but they’re not really that good I don’t recommend them. They’re really not good.

I‘m going to write a summary for you and those who are interested about the lore. I try to cover everything for you from the start until start of the game in 2077.

If you find them interesting and want to dive deeper I strongly suggest to avoid the YT videos.
Instead pick up the “Worlds of Cyberpunk” book and source books. They are all available digital.
The Worlds book is the best. It has gorgeous arts and good lore tidbits.

I'd like this. I think the game looks awesome, but I'll be honest I know nothing about Cyberpunk.

As for console of choice, even though I have a PS4 Pro and an XB1X at the moment I will likely be playing this through on one of the next gen consoles. Again I'm getting both but I have gone with Xbox Series X as the platform of choice for this one.
Guy named Richard Night bought up a bunch of shitty property in California that no one wanted and decided to make a city.


It was gonna be named something I can't remember. The mob killed him because lmao construction + mob. The city was renamed after him (NightCity) and his wife finished its construction.

Meanwhile the Eurozone is formed (the EU) and completely destroys America in an economic war after America tries to blockade them and apply extremely stiff tariffs.

American collapses. Russia also collapses and is taken over by Petrochem.

Eurozone prospers to hilarious levels and looks down on everyone else as retarded backwater morons. They make Ireland (I shit you not) into a tourist attraction.

America fractures into several different states. The NUSA is formed.

Japan, Australia, and New Zealand continue to prosper.

Johnny Silverhand gets sent down to South America as a young soldier to fight in a proxy war. Hates it. Bails. It's just Vietnam + Iraq.

Arasaka meanwhile has setup shop with a number of other conglomerates inside of Night City.

Saburo Arasaka runs Arasaka, he came up with a plan during the Allied Occupation that he was going to do everything he could to make America pay for the TWO NOOKS. Hates America completely and utterly.


Militech and Arasaka start to get into increasingly more dangerous proxy battles.

Johnny becomes a Rockerboy after hanging out with the Aldecaldos for a few years. Is an instant success with his band SAMURAI.


Meets a girl named Alt Cunningham, she's a Netrunner. Comes up with an impossible program called Soulkiller that lets you move your consciousness (not copy - but move) to a digital format.


Everyone takes an interest in this. Alt realizes how dangerous this is and destroys the code.

Kei Arasaka (Saburo's oldest son) tracks down the remnants of the code and notes, utilizing this he has it recreated but wants a better version.


Militech and Arasaka conflict firing on all cylinders


Kei is in charge of Arasaka's America holdings. His younger brother, Yorinobu, hates his father and brother and rebels. Forms the Steel Dragons, a gang that is rivals with the Arasaka backed Tyger Claws.

Kei tries Soulkiller out on Yorinobu after kidnapping him and throws his mind into a digital locker.


Kei then tracks down Alt and kidnaps her. Uses Soulkiller on her and says he will return her back to her body if she makes a new version of the program. She has no choice, so agrees to do this.

The NUSA throws its lot in with Militech and decides to openly declare war on Arasaka.

Meanwhile a guy named Rache Bartmoss exists who is the world's greatest Netrunner, he came up with a ton of hacking programs, bunch of other shit.

Is incredibly dangerous since he refuses to work for the government or any corporation, lives in a pod that has round the clock life support so he never has to leave the Net.

Has a deadman's switch that, upon his death, will release the worst of the worst shit he's stashed away upon the Net.

Johnny meanwhile learns of where Alt is being held, Arasaka Tower, and creates a team of Edgerunners (Mercs, Netrunners, etc.) to attack Arasaka Tower to get back Alt. Morgan Blackhand is there, Mike Pondsmith's OC and the best Solo alive.

Morgan has an insane nemesis by the name of Adam Smasher, the giant robot man in The Gig trailer. He works for Arasaka and hates Morgan for reasons.

Militech meanwhile learns of the attack that Johnny is planning and decides to "support" them by slipping in a team carrying a nuke without telling anyone.

They attack the tower after a giant concert by Johnny (Never Fade Away played during this). Check the song on YT.

Most important people actually on the team besides Morgan and Johnny are is a FBC cyborg (fully-body conversion) named Shaitan and a Solo named Rogue.
Rogue in 2077:


Johnny is killed during the assault by Adam Smasher.

Rogue fucks off to try and save Alt while Shaitan holds off Adam Smasher.

They find a brain box with a lot of people on it, but not Alt. This had Yorinobu in it.

Find Alt's body, and start to try and get Alt off the computer but Arasaka attacks them and they have to bail. Alt is left behind unknowingly.

Rogue and co. escape. They do not go back for Johnny.

Militech detonates their nuke in the tower.

Morgan and Adam have a duel on the top of Arasaka Tower like it's fucking MGRR.


Tower collapses. Alt's body is destroyed. Alt is trapped on the Net. Morgan is MIA. Johnny is KIA.

Rache is attacked by an orbital bombardment and his apartment building is destroyed, activating his dead man's switch and killing him in the process.

The entire Net gets absolutely ass raped over the next few days.

During this though, Rogue and Shaitan go to Kei's luxury Yacht.

Kei comes to terms with having failed to defeat Militech and Arasaka is now in shambles.

Spider uses the last copy of Soulkiller on Kei and puts his mind in a box that's supposed to be eternal hell 24/7.

Alt and Netwatch see what's just happened to the Net, and erect the Blackwall together (THIS IS IMPORTANT - REMEMBER THIS WHEN PLAYING THE GAME).

Time passes. Arasaka eventually, kinda, fixes itself, and comes back to Night City after being forced to leave.

They cuck the NUSA with a massive show of force, and functionally control the city along with Night Corp.
Guy named Richard Night bought up a bunch of shitty property in California that no one wanted and decided to make a city.


It was gonna be named something I can't remember. The mob killed him because lmao construction + mob. The city was renamed after him (NightCity) and his wife finished its construction.

Meanwhile the Eurozone is formed (the EU) and completely destroys America in an economic war after America tries to blockade them and apply extremely stiff tariffs.

American collapses. Russia also collapses and is taken over by Petrochem.

Eurozone prospers to hilarious levels and looks down on everyone else as retarded backwater morons. They make Ireland (I shit you not) into a tourist attraction.

America fractures into several different states. The NUSA is formed.

Japan, Australia, and New Zealand continue to prosper.

Johnny Silverhand gets sent down to South America as a young soldier to fight in a proxy war. Hates it. Bails. It's just Vietnam + Iraq.

Arasaka meanwhile has setup shop with a number of other conglomerates inside of Night City.

Saburo Arasaka runs Arasaka, he came up with a plan during the Allied Occupation that he was going to do everything he could to make America pay for the TWO NOOKS. Hates America completely and utterly.


Militech and Arasaka start to get into increasingly more dangerous proxy battles.

Johnny becomes a Rockerboy after hanging out with the Aldecaldos for a few years. Is an instant success with his band SAMURAI.


Meets a girl named Alt Cunningham, she's a Netrunner. Comes up with an impossible program called Soulkiller that lets you move your consciousness (not copy - but move) to a digital format.


Everyone takes an interest in this. Alt realizes how dangerous this is and destroys the code.

Kei Arasaka (Saburo's oldest son) tracks down the remnants of the code and notes, utilizing this he has it recreated but wants a better version.


Militech and Arasaka conflict firing on all cylinders


Kei is in charge of Arasaka's America holdings. His younger brother, Yorinobu, hates his father and brother and rebels. Forms the Steel Dragons, a gang that is rivals with the Arasaka backed Tyger Claws.

Kei tries Soulkiller out on Yorinobu after kidnapping him and throws his mind into a digital locker.


Kei then tracks down Alt and kidnaps her. Uses Soulkiller on her and says he will return her back to her body if she makes a new version of the program. She has no choice, so agrees to do this.

The NUSA throws its lot in with Militech and decides to openly declare war on Arasaka.

Meanwhile a guy named Rache Bartmoss exists who is the world's greatest Netrunner, he came up with a ton of hacking programs, bunch of other shit.

Is incredibly dangerous since he refuses to work for the government or any corporation, lives in a pod that has round the clock life support so he never has to leave the Net.

Has a deadman's switch that, upon his death, will release the worst of the worst shit he's stashed away upon the Net.

Johnny meanwhile learns of where Alt is being held, Arasaka Tower, and creates a team of Edgerunners (Mercs, Netrunners, etc.) to attack Arasaka Tower to get back Alt. Morgan Blackhand is there, Mike Pondsmith's OC and the best Solo alive.

Morgan has an insane nemesis by the name of Adam Smasher, the giant robot man in The Gig trailer. He works for Arasaka and hates Morgan for reasons.

Militech meanwhile learns of the attack that Johnny is planning and decides to "support" them by slipping in a team carrying a nuke without telling anyone.

They attack the tower after a giant concert by Johnny (Never Fade Away played during this). Check the song on YT.

Most important people actually on the team besides Morgan and Johnny are is a FBC cyborg (fully-body conversion) named Shaitan and a Solo named Rogue.
Rogue in 2077:


Johnny is killed during the assault by Adam Smasher.

Rogue fucks off to try and save Alt while Shaitan holds off Adam Smasher.

They find a brain box with a lot of people on it, but not Alt. This had Yorinobu in it.

Find Alt's body, and start to try and get Alt off the computer but Arasaka attacks them and they have to bail. Alt is left behind unknowingly.

Rogue and co. escape. They do not go back for Johnny.

Militech detonates their nuke in the tower.

Morgan and Adam have a duel on the top of Arasaka Tower like it's fucking MGRR.


Tower collapses. Alt's body is destroyed. Alt is trapped on the Net. Morgan is MIA. Johnny is KIA.

Rache is attacked by an orbital bombardment and his apartment building is destroyed, activating his dead man's switch and killing him in the process.

The entire Net gets absolutely ass raped over the next few days.

During this though, Rogue and Shaitan go to Kei's luxury Yacht.

Kei comes to terms with having failed to defeat Militech and Arasaka is now in shambles.

Spider uses the last copy of Soulkiller on Kei and puts his mind in a box that's supposed to be eternal hell 24/7.

Alt and Netwatch see what's just happened to the Net, and erect the Blackwall together (THIS IS IMPORTANT - REMEMBER THIS WHEN PLAYING THE GAME).

Time passes. Arasaka eventually, kinda, fixes itself, and comes back to Night City after being forced to leave.

They cuck the NUSA with a massive show of force, and functionally control the city along with Night Corp.

I'm collaborating on the CP2077 OT.
Is it ok if I reference some of this there?


Gold Member
I’m a shameless lore junkie. I would always say yes lol

I’ve seen some YouTube videos about the lore but they’re not really that good I don’t recommend them. They’re really not good.

I‘m going to write a summary for you and those who are interested about the lore. I try to cover everything for you from the start until start of the game in 2077.

If you find them interesting and want to dive deeper I strongly suggest to avoid the YT videos.
Instead pick up the “Worlds of Cyberpunk” book and source books. They are all available digital.
The Worlds book is the best. It has gorgeous arts and good lore tidbits.
Thanks for the great work dude.


I'm getting the PC version, along with Valhalla, November will be the best gaming month for me personally in quite a long time.


I’m a shameless lore junkie. I would always say yes lol

I’ve seen some YouTube videos about the lore but they’re not really that good I don’t recommend them. They’re really not good.

I‘m going to write a summary for you and those who are interested about the lore. I try to cover everything for you from the start until start of the game in 2077.

If you find them interesting and want to dive deeper I strongly suggest to avoid the YT videos.
Instead pick up the “Worlds of Cyberpunk” book and source books. They are all available digital.
The Worlds book is the best. It has gorgeous arts and good lore tidbits.

The Gamespot lore vids are pretty okay, right?

Love your write-up btw :)


Do you reckon there will be "old city" style alleys for some variation from all the neon signs and screens?

I also heard this crazy rumor that
:messenger_sunglasses:I'm playing it on Stadia :messenger_sunglasses:
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Fun fact:

This is the gun Johnny has on stage. He's had it since 2020, it was also hilariously useless against Adam Smasher despite him specifically asking Malorian to make him something that could stop a cyberpsycho bogged out fan at 20 yards.

He shot Adam with it once, the bullet deflect straight off, and Smasher used his Helix to shoot Johnny in half:messenger_grinning_sweat:

Another fun fact:

Remember my previous post about Arasaka’s granddaughter Michiko?

She has slept with Adam Smasher😄

Daffy Duck

I've been loving reading the World of Cyberpunk book, the art work is fantastic. It's really been ramping up my hype for the game.
Guy named Richard Night bought up a bunch of shitty property in California that no one wanted and decided to make a city.


It was gonna be named something I can't remember. The mob killed him because lmao construction + mob. The city was renamed after him (NightCity) and his wife finished its construction.

Meanwhile the Eurozone is formed (the EU) and completely destroys America in an economic war after America tries to blockade them and apply extremely stiff tariffs.

American collapses. Russia also collapses and is taken over by Petrochem.

Eurozone prospers to hilarious levels and looks down on everyone else as retarded backwater morons. They make Ireland (I shit you not) into a tourist attraction.

America fractures into several different states. The NUSA is formed.

Japan, Australia, and New Zealand continue to prosper.

Johnny Silverhand gets sent down to South America as a young soldier to fight in a proxy war. Hates it. Bails. It's just Vietnam + Iraq.

Arasaka meanwhile has setup shop with a number of other conglomerates inside of Night City.

Saburo Arasaka runs Arasaka, he came up with a plan during the Allied Occupation that he was going to do everything he could to make America pay for the TWO NOOKS. Hates America completely and utterly.


Militech and Arasaka start to get into increasingly more dangerous proxy battles.

Johnny becomes a Rockerboy after hanging out with the Aldecaldos for a few years. Is an instant success with his band SAMURAI.


Meets a girl named Alt Cunningham, she's a Netrunner. Comes up with an impossible program called Soulkiller that lets you move your consciousness (not copy - but move) to a digital format.


Everyone takes an interest in this. Alt realizes how dangerous this is and destroys the code.

Kei Arasaka (Saburo's oldest son) tracks down the remnants of the code and notes, utilizing this he has it recreated but wants a better version.


Militech and Arasaka conflict firing on all cylinders


Kei is in charge of Arasaka's America holdings. His younger brother, Yorinobu, hates his father and brother and rebels. Forms the Steel Dragons, a gang that is rivals with the Arasaka backed Tyger Claws.

Kei tries Soulkiller out on Yorinobu after kidnapping him and throws his mind into a digital locker.


Kei then tracks down Alt and kidnaps her. Uses Soulkiller on her and says he will return her back to her body if she makes a new version of the program. She has no choice, so agrees to do this.

The NUSA throws its lot in with Militech and decides to openly declare war on Arasaka.

Meanwhile a guy named Rache Bartmoss exists who is the world's greatest Netrunner, he came up with a ton of hacking programs, bunch of other shit.

Is incredibly dangerous since he refuses to work for the government or any corporation, lives in a pod that has round the clock life support so he never has to leave the Net.

Has a deadman's switch that, upon his death, will release the worst of the worst shit he's stashed away upon the Net.

Johnny meanwhile learns of where Alt is being held, Arasaka Tower, and creates a team of Edgerunners (Mercs, Netrunners, etc.) to attack Arasaka Tower to get back Alt. Morgan Blackhand is there, Mike Pondsmith's OC and the best Solo alive.

Morgan has an insane nemesis by the name of Adam Smasher, the giant robot man in The Gig trailer. He works for Arasaka and hates Morgan for reasons.

Militech meanwhile learns of the attack that Johnny is planning and decides to "support" them by slipping in a team carrying a nuke without telling anyone.

They attack the tower after a giant concert by Johnny (Never Fade Away played during this). Check the song on YT.

Most important people actually on the team besides Morgan and Johnny are is a FBC cyborg (fully-body conversion) named Shaitan and a Solo named Rogue.
Rogue in 2077:


Johnny is killed during the assault by Adam Smasher.

Rogue fucks off to try and save Alt while Shaitan holds off Adam Smasher.

They find a brain box with a lot of people on it, but not Alt. This had Yorinobu in it.

Find Alt's body, and start to try and get Alt off the computer but Arasaka attacks them and they have to bail. Alt is left behind unknowingly.

Rogue and co. escape. They do not go back for Johnny.

Militech detonates their nuke in the tower.

Morgan and Adam have a duel on the top of Arasaka Tower like it's fucking MGRR.


Tower collapses. Alt's body is destroyed. Alt is trapped on the Net. Morgan is MIA. Johnny is KIA.

Rache is attacked by an orbital bombardment and his apartment building is destroyed, activating his dead man's switch and killing him in the process.

The entire Net gets absolutely ass raped over the next few days.

During this though, Rogue and Shaitan go to Kei's luxury Yacht.

Kei comes to terms with having failed to defeat Militech and Arasaka is now in shambles.

Spider uses the last copy of Soulkiller on Kei and puts his mind in a box that's supposed to be eternal hell 24/7.

Alt and Netwatch see what's just happened to the Net, and erect the Blackwall together (THIS IS IMPORTANT - REMEMBER THIS WHEN PLAYING THE GAME).

Time passes. Arasaka eventually, kinda, fixes itself, and comes back to Night City after being forced to leave.

They cuck the NUSA with a massive show of force, and functionally control the city along with Night Corp.

I'm loving the dark lore of Cyberpunk. Thanks for creating this. 🙏
Isnt it sonys fault? Many games on ps 4 are bound to one VO option im my region

Idk honestly but I think they add different VOs for download later down the line

I'm loving the dark lore of Cyberpunk. Thanks for creating this. 🙏

I’m happy you like it😊
I try to be more active in this thread. I’m more active elsewhere but I want to change that. I just love talking and speculating about Cyberpunk and hope you guys do too🤘🏻🍻


Guy named Richard Night bought up a bunch of shitty property in California that no one wanted and decided to make a city.


It was gonna be named something I can't remember. The mob killed him because lmao construction + mob. The city was renamed after him (NightCity) and his wife finished its construction.

Meanwhile the Eurozone is formed (the EU) and completely destroys America in an economic war after America tries to blockade them and apply extremely stiff tariffs.

American collapses. Russia also collapses and is taken over by Petrochem.

Eurozone prospers to hilarious levels and looks down on everyone else as retarded backwater morons. They make Ireland (I shit you not) into a tourist attraction.

America fractures into several different states. The NUSA is formed.

Japan, Australia, and New Zealand continue to prosper.

Johnny Silverhand gets sent down to South America as a young soldier to fight in a proxy war. Hates it. Bails. It's just Vietnam + Iraq.

Arasaka meanwhile has setup shop with a number of other conglomerates inside of Night City.

Saburo Arasaka runs Arasaka, he came up with a plan during the Allied Occupation that he was going to do everything he could to make America pay for the TWO NOOKS. Hates America completely and utterly.


Militech and Arasaka start to get into increasingly more dangerous proxy battles.

Johnny becomes a Rockerboy after hanging out with the Aldecaldos for a few years. Is an instant success with his band SAMURAI.


Meets a girl named Alt Cunningham, she's a Netrunner. Comes up with an impossible program called Soulkiller that lets you move your consciousness (not copy - but move) to a digital format.


Everyone takes an interest in this. Alt realizes how dangerous this is and destroys the code.

Kei Arasaka (Saburo's oldest son) tracks down the remnants of the code and notes, utilizing this he has it recreated but wants a better version.


Militech and Arasaka conflict firing on all cylinders


Kei is in charge of Arasaka's America holdings. His younger brother, Yorinobu, hates his father and brother and rebels. Forms the Steel Dragons, a gang that is rivals with the Arasaka backed Tyger Claws.

Kei tries Soulkiller out on Yorinobu after kidnapping him and throws his mind into a digital locker.


Kei then tracks down Alt and kidnaps her. Uses Soulkiller on her and says he will return her back to her body if she makes a new version of the program. She has no choice, so agrees to do this.

The NUSA throws its lot in with Militech and decides to openly declare war on Arasaka.

Meanwhile a guy named Rache Bartmoss exists who is the world's greatest Netrunner, he came up with a ton of hacking programs, bunch of other shit.

Is incredibly dangerous since he refuses to work for the government or any corporation, lives in a pod that has round the clock life support so he never has to leave the Net.

Has a deadman's switch that, upon his death, will release the worst of the worst shit he's stashed away upon the Net.

Johnny meanwhile learns of where Alt is being held, Arasaka Tower, and creates a team of Edgerunners (Mercs, Netrunners, etc.) to attack Arasaka Tower to get back Alt. Morgan Blackhand is there, Mike Pondsmith's OC and the best Solo alive.

Morgan has an insane nemesis by the name of Adam Smasher, the giant robot man in The Gig trailer. He works for Arasaka and hates Morgan for reasons.

Militech meanwhile learns of the attack that Johnny is planning and decides to "support" them by slipping in a team carrying a nuke without telling anyone.

They attack the tower after a giant concert by Johnny (Never Fade Away played during this). Check the song on YT.

Most important people actually on the team besides Morgan and Johnny are is a FBC cyborg (fully-body conversion) named Shaitan and a Solo named Rogue.
Rogue in 2077:


Johnny is killed during the assault by Adam Smasher.

Rogue fucks off to try and save Alt while Shaitan holds off Adam Smasher.

They find a brain box with a lot of people on it, but not Alt. This had Yorinobu in it.

Find Alt's body, and start to try and get Alt off the computer but Arasaka attacks them and they have to bail. Alt is left behind unknowingly.

Rogue and co. escape. They do not go back for Johnny.

Militech detonates their nuke in the tower.

Morgan and Adam have a duel on the top of Arasaka Tower like it's fucking MGRR.


Tower collapses. Alt's body is destroyed. Alt is trapped on the Net. Morgan is MIA. Johnny is KIA.

Rache is attacked by an orbital bombardment and his apartment building is destroyed, activating his dead man's switch and killing him in the process.

The entire Net gets absolutely ass raped over the next few days.

During this though, Rogue and Shaitan go to Kei's luxury Yacht.

Kei comes to terms with having failed to defeat Militech and Arasaka is now in shambles.

Spider uses the last copy of Soulkiller on Kei and puts his mind in a box that's supposed to be eternal hell 24/7.

Alt and Netwatch see what's just happened to the Net, and erect the Blackwall together (THIS IS IMPORTANT - REMEMBER THIS WHEN PLAYING THE GAME).

Time passes. Arasaka eventually, kinda, fixes itself, and comes back to Night City after being forced to leave.

They cuck the NUSA with a massive show of force, and functionally control the city along with Night Corp.

If they translate this type of stories, lore to the game, it can be however sunny they want. What I mean, this type of shit makes the game dark. More than rain and neons, though those are geat to.
Guy named Richard Night bought up a bunch of shitty property in California that no one wanted and decided to make a city.


It was gonna be named something I can't remember. The mob killed him because lmao construction + mob. The city was renamed after him (NightCity) and his wife finished its construction.

Meanwhile the Eurozone is formed (the EU) and completely destroys America in an economic war after America tries to blockade them and apply extremely stiff tariffs.

American collapses. Russia also collapses and is taken over by Petrochem.

Eurozone prospers to hilarious levels and looks down on everyone else as retarded backwater morons. They make Ireland (I shit you not) into a tourist attraction.

America fractures into several different states. The NUSA is formed.

Japan, Australia, and New Zealand continue to prosper.

Johnny Silverhand gets sent down to South America as a young soldier to fight in a proxy war. Hates it. Bails. It's just Vietnam + Iraq.

Arasaka meanwhile has setup shop with a number of other conglomerates inside of Night City.

Saburo Arasaka runs Arasaka, he came up with a plan during the Allied Occupation that he was going to do everything he could to make America pay for the TWO NOOKS. Hates America completely and utterly.


Militech and Arasaka start to get into increasingly more dangerous proxy battles.

Johnny becomes a Rockerboy after hanging out with the Aldecaldos for a few years. Is an instant success with his band SAMURAI.


Meets a girl named Alt Cunningham, she's a Netrunner. Comes up with an impossible program called Soulkiller that lets you move your consciousness (not copy - but move) to a digital format.


Everyone takes an interest in this. Alt realizes how dangerous this is and destroys the code.

Kei Arasaka (Saburo's oldest son) tracks down the remnants of the code and notes, utilizing this he has it recreated but wants a better version.


Militech and Arasaka conflict firing on all cylinders


Kei is in charge of Arasaka's America holdings. His younger brother, Yorinobu, hates his father and brother and rebels. Forms the Steel Dragons, a gang that is rivals with the Arasaka backed Tyger Claws.

Kei tries Soulkiller out on Yorinobu after kidnapping him and throws his mind into a digital locker.


Kei then tracks down Alt and kidnaps her. Uses Soulkiller on her and says he will return her back to her body if she makes a new version of the program. She has no choice, so agrees to do this.

The NUSA throws its lot in with Militech and decides to openly declare war on Arasaka.

Meanwhile a guy named Rache Bartmoss exists who is the world's greatest Netrunner, he came up with a ton of hacking programs, bunch of other shit.

Is incredibly dangerous since he refuses to work for the government or any corporation, lives in a pod that has round the clock life support so he never has to leave the Net.

Has a deadman's switch that, upon his death, will release the worst of the worst shit he's stashed away upon the Net.

Johnny meanwhile learns of where Alt is being held, Arasaka Tower, and creates a team of Edgerunners (Mercs, Netrunners, etc.) to attack Arasaka Tower to get back Alt. Morgan Blackhand is there, Mike Pondsmith's OC and the best Solo alive.

Morgan has an insane nemesis by the name of Adam Smasher, the giant robot man in The Gig trailer. He works for Arasaka and hates Morgan for reasons.

Militech meanwhile learns of the attack that Johnny is planning and decides to "support" them by slipping in a team carrying a nuke without telling anyone.

They attack the tower after a giant concert by Johnny (Never Fade Away played during this). Check the song on YT.

Most important people actually on the team besides Morgan and Johnny are is a FBC cyborg (fully-body conversion) named Shaitan and a Solo named Rogue.
Rogue in 2077:


Johnny is killed during the assault by Adam Smasher.

Rogue fucks off to try and save Alt while Shaitan holds off Adam Smasher.

They find a brain box with a lot of people on it, but not Alt. This had Yorinobu in it.

Find Alt's body, and start to try and get Alt off the computer but Arasaka attacks them and they have to bail. Alt is left behind unknowingly.

Rogue and co. escape. They do not go back for Johnny.

Militech detonates their nuke in the tower.

Morgan and Adam have a duel on the top of Arasaka Tower like it's fucking MGRR.


Tower collapses. Alt's body is destroyed. Alt is trapped on the Net. Morgan is MIA. Johnny is KIA.

Rache is attacked by an orbital bombardment and his apartment building is destroyed, activating his dead man's switch and killing him in the process.

The entire Net gets absolutely ass raped over the next few days.

During this though, Rogue and Shaitan go to Kei's luxury Yacht.

Kei comes to terms with having failed to defeat Militech and Arasaka is now in shambles.

Spider uses the last copy of Soulkiller on Kei and puts his mind in a box that's supposed to be eternal hell 24/7.

Alt and Netwatch see what's just happened to the Net, and erect the Blackwall together (THIS IS IMPORTANT - REMEMBER THIS WHEN PLAYING THE GAME).

Time passes. Arasaka eventually, kinda, fixes itself, and comes back to Night City after being forced to leave.

They cuck the NUSA with a massive show of force, and functionally control the city along with Night Corp.

Spoiler free to read? If so, I'm a sucka for anything CyberPunk.
So i listen to this podcast about Cyberpunk 2077 and this black dude actually played preview version of Cyberpunk 2077

I'm really concerned now because apparently, Cyberpunk 2007 is nothing like GTA V and it's not as colorful as on the trailers. And it's RPG in its core?? Guys im really thinking about canceling my preorder now
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Also just bought the art book. Goddamn if this game doesn't have the best art direction since ever. I'll be soaking in the atmosphere of the game SO much. It's been too long since there's been a proper grimey, shadey, seedy, dystopic game world. Last one was maybe Vampire: the Masquerade? I honestly hope most NPC's are immoral scumbags. It fits the scene. Fuck, I can't wait.
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So i listen to this podcast about Cyberpunk 2077 and this black dude actually played preview version of Cyberpunk 2077

I'm really concerned now because apparently, Cyberpunk 2007 is nothing like GTA V and it's not as colorful as on the trailers. And it's RPG in its core?? Guys im really thinking about canceling my preorder now

That's amazing news and I'm completely opposite. Thanks for reassuring for keeping my pre-order what we knew all along.

I was looking Nothing less but a gritty, very dark themed mature room for GTA garbage in CDPRs feel me.

Pre-order kept like a mutha@#$%&..nnneeexxxxxt!!
Also just bought the art book. Goddamn if this game doesn't have the best art direction since ever. I'll be soaking in the atmosphere of the game SO much. It's been too long since there's been a proper grimey, shadey, seedy, dystopic game world. Last one was maybe Vampire: the Masquerade? I honestly hope most NPC's are immoral scumbags. It fits the scene. Fuck, I can't wait.

Enjoy reading it 🍻 The book exceeded my expectations big time.

May I also suggest you to check out the Trauma team comic? 2 vols out of 4 are out



8/10 comic for me.
Also just bought the art book. Goddamn if this game doesn't have the best art direction since ever. I'll be soaking in the atmosphere of the game SO much. It's been too long since there's been a proper grimey, shadey, seedy, dystopic game world. Last one was maybe Vampire: the Masquerade? I honestly hope most NPC's are immoral scumbags. It fits the scene. Fuck, I can't wait.
My art book just arrived this morning. Don't know whether to open it now or wait for the game. So excited!
I think the 49.94 pre-order sale ended. Both PS4 and Xbox versions are sold out on Walmart. When I check the game out on Amazon, they are still in stock but going for 59.99 again. I'm so happy I pre-ordered when I did, looks like people are really getting amped for Cyberpunk.
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