Cyberpunk 2077 HypeTrain | Just breathe (No leaks)

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Gold Member
Guy named Richard Night bought up a bunch of shitty property in California that no one wanted and decided to make a city.


It was gonna be named something I can't remember. The mob killed him because lmao construction + mob. The city was renamed after him (NightCity) and his wife finished its construction.

Meanwhile the Eurozone is formed (the EU) and completely destroys America in an economic war after America tries to blockade them and apply extremely stiff tariffs.

American collapses. Russia also collapses and is taken over by Petrochem.

Eurozone prospers to hilarious levels and looks down on everyone else as retarded backwater morons. They make Ireland (I shit you not) into a tourist attraction.

America fractures into several different states. The NUSA is formed.

Japan, Australia, and New Zealand continue to prosper.

Johnny Silverhand gets sent down to South America as a young soldier to fight in a proxy war. Hates it. Bails. It's just Vietnam + Iraq.

Arasaka meanwhile has setup shop with a number of other conglomerates inside of Night City.

Saburo Arasaka runs Arasaka, he came up with a plan during the Allied Occupation that he was going to do everything he could to make America pay for the TWO NOOKS. Hates America completely and utterly.


Militech and Arasaka start to get into increasingly more dangerous proxy battles.

Johnny becomes a Rockerboy after hanging out with the Aldecaldos for a few years. Is an instant success with his band SAMURAI.


Meets a girl named Alt Cunningham, she's a Netrunner. Comes up with an impossible program called Soulkiller that lets you move your consciousness (not copy - but move) to a digital format.


Everyone takes an interest in this. Alt realizes how dangerous this is and destroys the code.

Kei Arasaka (Saburo's oldest son) tracks down the remnants of the code and notes, utilizing this he has it recreated but wants a better version.


Militech and Arasaka conflict firing on all cylinders


Kei is in charge of Arasaka's America holdings. His younger brother, Yorinobu, hates his father and brother and rebels. Forms the Steel Dragons, a gang that is rivals with the Arasaka backed Tyger Claws.

Kei tries Soulkiller out on Yorinobu after kidnapping him and throws his mind into a digital locker.


Kei then tracks down Alt and kidnaps her. Uses Soulkiller on her and says he will return her back to her body if she makes a new version of the program. She has no choice, so agrees to do this.

The NUSA throws its lot in with Militech and decides to openly declare war on Arasaka.

Meanwhile a guy named Rache Bartmoss exists who is the world's greatest Netrunner, he came up with a ton of hacking programs, bunch of other shit.

Is incredibly dangerous since he refuses to work for the government or any corporation, lives in a pod that has round the clock life support so he never has to leave the Net.

Has a deadman's switch that, upon his death, will release the worst of the worst shit he's stashed away upon the Net.

Johnny meanwhile learns of where Alt is being held, Arasaka Tower, and creates a team of Edgerunners (Mercs, Netrunners, etc.) to attack Arasaka Tower to get back Alt. Morgan Blackhand is there, Mike Pondsmith's OC and the best Solo alive.

Morgan has an insane nemesis by the name of Adam Smasher, the giant robot man in The Gig trailer. He works for Arasaka and hates Morgan for reasons.

Militech meanwhile learns of the attack that Johnny is planning and decides to "support" them by slipping in a team carrying a nuke without telling anyone.

They attack the tower after a giant concert by Johnny (Never Fade Away played during this). Check the song on YT.

Most important people actually on the team besides Morgan and Johnny are is a FBC cyborg (fully-body conversion) named Shaitan and a Solo named Rogue.
Rogue in 2077:


Johnny is killed during the assault by Adam Smasher.

Rogue fucks off to try and save Alt while Shaitan holds off Adam Smasher.

They find a brain box with a lot of people on it, but not Alt. This had Yorinobu in it.

Find Alt's body, and start to try and get Alt off the computer but Arasaka attacks them and they have to bail. Alt is left behind unknowingly.

Rogue and co. escape. They do not go back for Johnny.

Militech detonates their nuke in the tower.

Morgan and Adam have a duel on the top of Arasaka Tower like it's fucking MGRR.


Tower collapses. Alt's body is destroyed. Alt is trapped on the Net. Morgan is MIA. Johnny is KIA.

Rache is attacked by an orbital bombardment and his apartment building is destroyed, activating his dead man's switch and killing him in the process.

The entire Net gets absolutely ass raped over the next few days.

During this though, Rogue and Shaitan go to Kei's luxury Yacht.

Kei comes to terms with having failed to defeat Militech and Arasaka is now in shambles.

Spider uses the last copy of Soulkiller on Kei and puts his mind in a box that's supposed to be eternal hell 24/7.

Alt and Netwatch see what's just happened to the Net, and erect the Blackwall together (THIS IS IMPORTANT - REMEMBER THIS WHEN PLAYING THE GAME).

Time passes. Arasaka eventually, kinda, fixes itself, and comes back to Night City after being forced to leave.

They cuck the NUSA with a massive show of force, and functionally control the city along with Night Corp.
Literally me after reading this



Writes a lot, says very little
Im sure they’ll miss the whole 14 outraged peoples sales from the other place...

This will sell 10 million copies in less than two weeks.

Predicting a 94 metacritic.

I disagree. I think it will move more in less time. I think this IP right now has what it takes to do 12 million, 1 week (ie a few days). A few things might suggest this.

Fallout 4 12 million copies in 24 hours.

Consider a few things, yes Fallout is an established IP, but this game also released in 2015, only a few years into the new generation and was able to move such numbers, Cyberpunk is coming literally at the very end with max install bases. Though its not as established as Fallout, its pooling in lots of the same consumers. With Fallout 76 kinda leaving a void in that market for those looking for a single player western focused RPG, Cyberpunk very much can share that install base if not even feasibly surpass it. The install base exist to support it, the fans base hungry for a Fallout like RPG (ie me...) and that trailer with the cars shows me it might get a more broad appeal.

Never underestimate the consumer that might buy this game not giving a fuck about any of the RPG or sci fi stuff any of us care about, they might see a trailer with explosions, guns and cars and buy it based on that alone or something. With several large install bases, Fallout fans and RPG fans looking for that fix and a wide base to market to with its design, concept etc, I think it can pull it off.

I also disagree with Metacritic. I think it might be lower because some of those removed features, being GTA light in a world and design trying to even be high tech and advance while lacking many basic GTA features will draw out some criticism. Some of the logical things that exist in GTA, that don't in Cyberpunk I believe will be talked about as some of those features are not really tied to the concept of GTA, simply things you'd find in a world like that in general. ie custom cars, owning different apartments, riding the train etc. Shit, I would go as far as to say I'd expect that sort of thing in a RPG LIKE THIS before I would GTA, yet GTA has some of those features dating back to 2001.

As hype as I am for Cyberpunk 2077, I'm more hype for its sequel when they actually add those logical things at all. If games can have scores effected based on a removed features, this game isn't immune to that and I believe its score will reflect how the game was first shown, marketed and what was the final product.


Writes a lot, says very little
They should have an option to keep Johnny Silverhand's dialog to English (Keanu Reeves), regardless of what language you pick...

Sorta like Tekken series with all the different ethnicities and nationalities? I personally always loved that about the series. It made the characters more real, like you can imagine they have their own life else where, yet come to this tournament to change their lives.

That being said, I didn't know they changed the dialog based on that. I mean it kinda makes sense as he is suppose to be completely fictional in that game, maybe how he sounds like isn't as relevant as we think when it comes to other countries or something.
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Im sure they’ll miss the whole 14 outraged peoples sales from the other place...

This will sell 10 million copies in less than two weeks.

Predicting a 94 metacritic.
People can protest all they want. CDPR is walking their sweet ass to the bank with this game. Personally, I don't believe that a company would go to such great lengths to alienate people. This is a fucking video game, not the Handmaidens Tale.
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People can protest all they want. CDPR is walking their sweet ass to the bank with this game. Personally, I don't believe that a company would go to such great lengths to alienate people. This is a fucking video game, not the Handmaidens Tale.

Of all the games they chose to get upset about as well is one where there’s never been more diversity in genders, looks and sexualities. Proof positive these people will get upset no matter what you do...


I hope that there's the ability in the character creator to save your build profile. Similar to what you could do in Mass Effect (at least one of them IIRC) so that albeit you might start a fresh game you can at least carry across the visual appearance.
Is it me or cyberpunk looks like it's going to be a big dissapointment? The fact that they had to include Keanu Reeves to get people's attention it's telling.
They didn't have to get Keanu they did it and it helped but he doesn't alter the core gameplay mechanics lol. Every journalists that played the first few levels said it was great. The only think that would hold it back is if it's buggy or extremely stiff.


Gold Member
Anyone know how this game runs on Series S?
I don't think we even know how it runs on PC at this point since they never clarified whether the requirements were for 30fps or 60fps. You'd assume there will be a 1080p/30fps/Medium settings build for the PS4. Maybe a 4K/60fps patch for next-gen systems with no visual changes? That would put XSS at either 1080p/60fps or 1440p/60fps.


Is it me or cyberpunk looks like it's going to be a big dissapointment? The fact that they had to include Keanu Reeves to get people's attention it's telling.

I'm a miserable bastard these days with regards to new games ergo I'm totally on board with the anti-hype deflation train. I expect a smallish open world shooter with lots of NPC "go there do this for me" missions, not-so-great controls, laughably bad AI, a totally forgettable main storyline, inventory management & rpg upgrades which send me to sleep, ugly characters, bad dialogue & best of all absolutely dogshit performance on consoles (especially the base ps4 & One, whilst the One X & Pro will have higher res but this will be offset by awful performance as well). It'll get 9's & 10's from reviewers with occasional points removed for "insensitive" content which offends the politics of the certain media outlets, some bullshits controversies as well but very little will be said about the technical & gameplay merits (or lack thereof). See Red Dead 2's reviews which mentioned the most immersive, realistic "living" open world ever. In reality it was "follow yellow line in & do not deviate" game structure with the usual open world sandbox filled with braindead npc's & fauna all squashed into a pretty small map.

But I'm hoping my low expectations with Cyberpunk mean I'll be happily surprised & actually enjoy this thing.
I hope CDPR gives away some info about the expansions like they did with TW3 before the launch

Can you imagine how nuts this game will be with all it’s expansion?:messenger_open_mouth:

there are a few interesting places in the lore, it could go a few different locations

my ideas for DLC would be shit like:

•night city underground

•some nearby island for rich corpos

•the space station is pretty obvious

•some badlands ruin with raider/nomad societies

•an island around Great Britain or generally some place in Europe would be really cool for variety but probably to much work

•an expansion set in the past, possibly via a braindance which would give them a few convenient excuses, set sometime after the red

They could always do some expansion that transforms the city in some way, for an instance a new corop trying to force its way into the city and fighting with Arasaka and maybe Militech, SovOil might be up for that possibly maybe

Endless possibilities...


Writes a lot, says very little
Of all the games they chose to get upset about as well is one where there’s never been more diversity in genders, looks and sexualities. Proof positive these people will get upset no matter what you do...

I agree, but can be stated about both sides tbh. We are talking about folks that think hair color, the size of someone's jaw etc must mean a secret political sign to take over the world. So we've seen some very um "slow" people get triggered over anything.

From what I've seen, neither side even makes up enough to do shit to theses game sales anyway.


And the attention to detail! Visible especially in the ineriors.

However, I do not really understand the single headlight approach :D

Data Ghost

Guy named Richard Night bought up a bunch of shitty property in California that no one wanted and decided to make a city.


It was gonna be named something I can't remember. The mob killed him because lmao construction + mob. The city was renamed after him (NightCity) and his wife finished its construction.

Meanwhile the Eurozone is formed (the EU) and completely destroys America in an economic war after America tries to blockade them and apply extremely stiff tariffs.

American collapses. Russia also collapses and is taken over by Petrochem.

Eurozone prospers to hilarious levels and looks down on everyone else as retarded backwater morons. They make Ireland (I shit you not) into a tourist attraction.

America fractures into several different states. The NUSA is formed.

Japan, Australia, and New Zealand continue to prosper.

Johnny Silverhand gets sent down to South America as a young soldier to fight in a proxy war. Hates it. Bails. It's just Vietnam + Iraq.

Arasaka meanwhile has setup shop with a number of other conglomerates inside of Night City.

Saburo Arasaka runs Arasaka, he came up with a plan during the Allied Occupation that he was going to do everything he could to make America pay for the TWO NOOKS. Hates America completely and utterly.


Militech and Arasaka start to get into increasingly more dangerous proxy battles.

Johnny becomes a Rockerboy after hanging out with the Aldecaldos for a few years. Is an instant success with his band SAMURAI.


Meets a girl named Alt Cunningham, she's a Netrunner. Comes up with an impossible program called Soulkiller that lets you move your consciousness (not copy - but move) to a digital format.


Everyone takes an interest in this. Alt realizes how dangerous this is and destroys the code.

Kei Arasaka (Saburo's oldest son) tracks down the remnants of the code and notes, utilizing this he has it recreated but wants a better version.


Militech and Arasaka conflict firing on all cylinders


Kei is in charge of Arasaka's America holdings. His younger brother, Yorinobu, hates his father and brother and rebels. Forms the Steel Dragons, a gang that is rivals with the Arasaka backed Tyger Claws.

Kei tries Soulkiller out on Yorinobu after kidnapping him and throws his mind into a digital locker.


Kei then tracks down Alt and kidnaps her. Uses Soulkiller on her and says he will return her back to her body if she makes a new version of the program. She has no choice, so agrees to do this.

The NUSA throws its lot in with Militech and decides to openly declare war on Arasaka.

Meanwhile a guy named Rache Bartmoss exists who is the world's greatest Netrunner, he came up with a ton of hacking programs, bunch of other shit.

Is incredibly dangerous since he refuses to work for the government or any corporation, lives in a pod that has round the clock life support so he never has to leave the Net.

Has a deadman's switch that, upon his death, will release the worst of the worst shit he's stashed away upon the Net.

Johnny meanwhile learns of where Alt is being held, Arasaka Tower, and creates a team of Edgerunners (Mercs, Netrunners, etc.) to attack Arasaka Tower to get back Alt. Morgan Blackhand is there, Mike Pondsmith's OC and the best Solo alive.

Morgan has an insane nemesis by the name of Adam Smasher, the giant robot man in The Gig trailer. He works for Arasaka and hates Morgan for reasons.

Militech meanwhile learns of the attack that Johnny is planning and decides to "support" them by slipping in a team carrying a nuke without telling anyone.

They attack the tower after a giant concert by Johnny (Never Fade Away played during this). Check the song on YT.

Most important people actually on the team besides Morgan and Johnny are is a FBC cyborg (fully-body conversion) named Shaitan and a Solo named Rogue.
Rogue in 2077:


Johnny is killed during the assault by Adam Smasher.

Rogue fucks off to try and save Alt while Shaitan holds off Adam Smasher.

They find a brain box with a lot of people on it, but not Alt. This had Yorinobu in it.

Find Alt's body, and start to try and get Alt off the computer but Arasaka attacks them and they have to bail. Alt is left behind unknowingly.

Rogue and co. escape. They do not go back for Johnny.

Militech detonates their nuke in the tower.

Morgan and Adam have a duel on the top of Arasaka Tower like it's fucking MGRR.


Tower collapses. Alt's body is destroyed. Alt is trapped on the Net. Morgan is MIA. Johnny is KIA.

Rache is attacked by an orbital bombardment and his apartment building is destroyed, activating his dead man's switch and killing him in the process.

The entire Net gets absolutely ass raped over the next few days.

During this though, Rogue and Shaitan go to Kei's luxury Yacht.

Kei comes to terms with having failed to defeat Militech and Arasaka is now in shambles.

Spider uses the last copy of Soulkiller on Kei and puts his mind in a box that's supposed to be eternal hell 24/7.

Alt and Netwatch see what's just happened to the Net, and erect the Blackwall together (THIS IS IMPORTANT - REMEMBER THIS WHEN PLAYING THE GAME).

Time passes. Arasaka eventually, kinda, fixes itself, and comes back to Night City after being forced to leave.

They cuck the NUSA with a massive show of force, and functionally control the city along with Night Corp.
Thanks for this. Sounds ridiculous but lots of key info to be aware of!


I really don't have a lot of time to play video games anymore, I've been playing red dead 2 for two years now and I just hit the epilogue. I think Cyberpunk is going to be another one of those games that will stick with me for a couple of years. I just own a base ps4 now and I did preorder the ps5, but, I'm just not sure to just play it on ps4 or spend money on ps5. I don't know if it's worth spending all that money just for extra fluff in terms of graphics
They didn't have to get Keanu they did it and it helped but he doesn't alter the core gameplay mechanics lol. Every journalists that played the first few levels said it was great. The only think that would hold it back is if it's buggy or extremely stiff.

I don't trust journalists. Every video we've seen looks extremely generic. Story doesn't look good and gunplay looks ass.


Tag, you're it.
I am unbelievably hyped for this game.

The incredible looking cars.
The graphics.
The huge open world and mission variety.

It's my dream futuristic Grand Theft Auto.

Anyone know how this game runs on Series S?

People waiting for this game to be GTA 2077 are gonna be so disappointed.

A quote from a preview (around 22 minutes)
"I don't really like the way the game is marketed, I think people are going to be very surprised when they launch Cyberpunk 2077, it's a lot darker than what people realize or what the trailers show.
The game is very adult. Even Jackie, in the trailers, seems to be this cool, funny guy, that's not the case at all or what this game is and you're going to find that out pretty quickly while playing.
I keep telling people all the time, this isn't GTA 2077, it's an RPG in its essence. The gunplay at the start won't be transcendent because you have to level up. I find that the RPG aspect is not shown enough "

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People waiting for this game to be GTA 2077 are gonna be so disappointed.

Agreed. I think they're losing sight of the fact that it's ostensively an open-world RPG with stats behind everything versus an OpenWorld free roamer like GTA series. It's looking dope (Edge Lord opinions aside) but the FP view maybe setting some people up for disappointment


Gold Member
Is it me or cyberpunk looks like it's going to be a big dissapointment? The fact that they had to include Keanu Reeves to get people's attention it's telling.
People would be hyped as fuck even without that guy, i personally don't give a fuck about him, and i'm pretty sure that most people in here don't give a fuck either.
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Tag, you're it.
Agreed. I think they're losing sight of the fact that it's ostensively an open-world RPG with stats behind everything versus an OpenWorld free roamer like GTA series. It's looking dope (Edge Lord opinions aside) but the FP view maybe setting some people up for disappointment

This, I hope we will get a deep and complex RGP that allows a lot of different build and experimentation

People would be hyped as fuck even without that guy, i personally don't give a fuck about him, and i'm pretty sure that most people in here don't give a fuck either.

It's cool Keanu is in the game, but it's absolutely not a reason for me to buy this game.
On the other hand, I'm not a fan of adding streamers to the game. I just hope it gets done right and that they don't take me out of the game.


Gold Member
This, I hope we will get a deep and complex RGP that allows a lot of different build and experimentation

It's cool Keanu is in the game, but it's absolutely not a reason for me to buy this game.
On the other hand, I'm not a fan of adding streamers to the game. I just hope it gets done right and that they don't take me out of the game.
Look at the bright side, you can shoot or run over with your car every digital streamer that you hate in the game.

I would like to have some streamers in rdr2 too, alligators and bears have to eat too you know?!
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Data Ghost

People waiting for this game to be GTA 2077 are gonna be so disappointed.

A quote from a preview (around 22 minutes)
"I don't really like the way the game is marketed, I think people are going to be very surprised when they launch Cyberpunk 2077, it's a lot darker than what people realize or what the trailers show.
The game is very adult. Even Jackie, in the trailers, seems to be this cool, funny guy, that's not the case at all or what this game is and you're going to find that out pretty quickly while playing.

Thats sold it to me even more, the darker the better. I want crime, prostitution, and cyborg lesbians. Anything less and its pre-order cancelled!


People waiting for this game to be GTA 2077 are gonna be so disappointed.

A quote from a preview (around 22 minutes)
"I don't really like the way the game is marketed, I think people are going to be very surprised when they launch Cyberpunk 2077, it's a lot darker than what people realize or what the trailers show.
The game is very adult. Even Jackie, in the trailers, seems to be this cool, funny guy, that's not the case at all or what this game is and you're going to find that out pretty quickly while playing.
I keep telling people all the time, this isn't GTA 2077, it's an RPG in its essence. The gunplay at the start won't be transcendent because you have to level up. I find that the RPG aspect is not shown enough "

But that's exactly what attracts me to the game's setting, as oppose to GTA, let alone Saints Row.


Writes a lot, says very little
But that's exactly what attracts me to the game's setting, as oppose to GTA, let alone Saints Row.

I don't disagree with you, but that trailer is still going to get folks thinking its like GTA and having some expectations of similar features. Many of the things in GTA imho are evergreen concepts that by default make sense in a game refrencing any actually modern or even futuristic world.

I think the game might be setting itself up for having a expectation of something it simply can't deliver like a GTA.
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