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Cyberpunk 2077 is EVERYTHING I Needed it to Be


It's something every gamer has to face: a game you really enjoy isn't thought of as fondly. I've been there with shadows of the damned. It'll never be enjoyed by the masses but I know it's a game I love.
With cyber punk the technical bugs are impeding on the enjoyment so it's not even a 7. Cyber punk can be fun, have a good story, but still be a husk of what was promised. Fable 1 went through the same thing and it's still fairly beloved.
I liked 2016 No Mans Sky, so i know that feeling veeeeery well.
Though i don't think it applies much to cyberpunk since majority of the problems are related to either bugs or poor performance on last gen consoles
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Well... You want people to pretend that there are no issues with the game...

Imagine buying car, that is quite cool.. but don't have breaks and you only get to know about that while driving it.

Still.. it's a cool car I guess?

This game on PS4 and One is basically Skyrim on the PS3... Maybe even worse.. And since most gamers have a ps4 or xone... It's kinda hard to ignore all the glaring issues.

Comparing it to TW3 is kinda even worse, because TW3 didn't have next gen consoles to show how badly the current gen versions perform... Also... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well... Let's just say that people hates acknowledging their mistakes.

I don't want to pretend there are no issues, I want to get past discussing the same issues everyone won't stop complaining about.

Comparing it to Skyrim is interesting, one of the most beloved and most successful games ever.

Witcher III had PC to show how poorly your versions performed, not that you should need to see PC to be okay with sub-30 FPS. Who felt fooled by Witcher III, though on this forum? It won GOTG.

Why are you so upset that this game is underwhelming some gamers?

I'm not, I want to know what they think is better at doing the same things it is while getting past the bugs/old gen perf.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
My expectations were very low going into it, and I still came away disappointed. I don't like The Witcher 3. I don't like first person games. I don't like GTA and never bought GTA V. I do like sci-fi and cyberpunk though.

Basically all I was expecting was great art design, decent music, decent story. I never expected good gameplay, and it's probably going to be reliant on a mini-map and going from A to B all day.

If the writing is pretty good, then that's a plus for me. I have a PS5 though and still don't want to play this because the only other thing I was even looking forward to was the art style, and it's hidden currently behind poor image quality and a total lack of next gen lighting or ray tracing.

So maybe in several months I'll get to enjoy the graphics, and see if the writing is decent. That's about all I'm expecting. I played the intro to Street Kid for like 30 minutes and it looked awful on PS5, and then I sat in a car some NPC drove around, doing nothing while looking at completely empty streets.
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I don't want to pretend there are no issues, I want to get past discussing the same issues everyone won't stop complaining about.

Comparing it to Skyrim is interesting, one of the most beloved and most successful games ever.

Witcher III had PC to show how poorly your versions performed, not that you should need to see PC to be okay with sub-30 FPS. Who felt fooled by Witcher III, though on this forum? It won GOTG.

I'm not, I want to know what they think is better at doing the same things it is while getting past the bugs/old gen perf.
Cyberpunk 2077 is an "open world action adventure story" and the game ultimately falls flat on the open world aspect. They ultimately said they wanted to be the next rockstar, but they should focus on beating ubisoft open worlds first.
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The thing that irks me the most is the fucking montage with Jackie in the beginning

We saw that in their markerting trailers, and I thought, this is all the cool shit you could do in the game

Turns out they just took a fucking cutscene from the game to use in their marketing.
Yeah the whole prologue part felt rushed, playing as a Nomad I thought there would be a long introduction where you do nomad stuff but nope, 30 minutes and you're in Night City already.

The game really picks up after Chapter 1 though.


Thanks for beta testing it. I appreciate you.
Thanks for avoiding how you're wrong on the game being "broken". Appreciate you.

Glitches don't make a game broken btw, by that standard every game is broken, hell Spider-Man Remastered and Miles were breaking PS5s on launch, now that's a broken game.

Many people on PC and next gen are having amazing experiences with the game, no major bugs, smooth and beautiful.
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Yeah the whole prologue part felt rushed, playing as a Nomad I thought there would be a long introduction where you do nomad stuff but nope, 30 minutes and you're in Night City already.

The game really picks up after Chapter 1 though.

Reading the different reviews saying the prologue is about 6 hours or so completely led me astray.

I thought they were just talking about the lifepaths. I can't believe none of them actually talked about dissapointing they actually were


While it’s still enjoyable, it’s also pretty disappointing, other than the atmosphere and visuals , other aspects is just ok, AI, level level design is actually worse than deus ex. Story is pretty linear for the most part as well. Open world AI is also way worse than GTA. If it takes them 5.5 years just to make this, perhaps they should just learn Ubisoft’s way of assembly line open world production, at least I get to play a trilogy within 6 years. I’m not waiting another 5.5 years for a game with little 0 breakthrough in gameplay experience. If development takes that long, there better be very diverse and reactive AI to various players actions, destruction physics gotta be much dynamic and the story narrative better be a lot more diverse and open than this, otherwise I don’t see why it can’t be done in Ubisoft’s way, just pump them out quicker so I at least have more games to play.
Do you really believe this isn't something special in terms of characters/choices/storytelling? What games are? I keep wanting to know what games are as ambitious as this while being better.

It's honestly not. On top of my head, the Deus Ex games are something special in terms of what you mentioned. Planescape Torment is another one. Age of Decadence, Tyranny, Underrail are some more.


Reading the different reviews saying the prologue is about 6 hours or so completely led me astray.

I thought they were just talking about the lifepaths. I can't believe none of them actually talked about dissapointing they actually were

When people were saying they finished the main story in 20 hours or so I was thinking hey that's not bad, since each new life path would be 5-10 hours of unique storylines and quests.

Maybe I didn't check enough reviews, but the ones I did made no mention of that. Did most people already know it was going to be essentially nothing?


Thanks for avoiding how you're wrong on the game being "broken". Appreciate you.

Glitches don't make a game broken btw, by that standard every game is broken, hell Spider-Man Remastered and Miles were breaking PS5s on launch, now that's a broken game.

Many people on PC and next gen are having amazing experiences with the game, no major bugs, smooth and beautiful.
Whatever makes you feel like your purchase was justified.

I've seen loads of posts by PC players and PS5 players saying the game is in dog shit condition.

Anybody with sense knew to wait. Fact is that CDPR have done irreparable damage to their reputation and this is release is a stain on them.
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When people were saying they finished the main story in 20 hours or so I was thinking hey that's not bad, since each new life path would be 5-10 hours of unique storylines and quests.

Maybe I didn't check enough reviews, but the ones I did made no mention of that. Did most people already know it was going to be essentially nothing?

I certainly didn't after how much they were hyping them up.

I thought they were going to be something akin to Dragon Age's origin stories at the very least
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I don't want to pretend there are no issues, I want to get past discussing the same issues everyone won't stop complaining about.

Comparing it to Skyrim is interesting, one of the most beloved and most successful games ever.

Skyrim was my favorite game ever at the time, despite its issues. I love the fact NPC's all had a job, all lived in their towns & most of them (except children because we're not psychos, right?) could get murdered by dragons spawning in the town once the player character becomes dragonborn. It really was an attempt to create an immersive world. Witcher 3 didn't have that. They were all just empty people without names or purpose. So I was personally (despite the fact I also love Witcher 3) not exactly on board with anyone who said Witcher 3 crapped all over Skyrim. Both games has their strengths & I enjoyed both for what they were... but both also had issues.

So I'd say the part I'm absolutely most disappointed with Cyberpunk so far (I don't have the game but I've seen it in motion) is the lack of interaction with the NPC world. It's (from clips) just window dressing. I hated GTA 5 because it's one of the most shallow, pointless experiences out there where the player cannot ever influence the world around him. So when I see how the AI in Cyberpunk cannot turn their cars around a parked player car, or how the cops spawn magically just to shoot the player, I say no thanks. I've often been a proponent of games with different worlds separated by loading screens (even Witcher 3 did this) & I believe Cyberpunk could have benefitted from scaling back the "open world" aspect & focusing on their strong points, i.e. making an RPG shooter with story choices & a kick-ass cyberpunk artstyle.

For example I still love Deus Ex Human Revolution with its hub levels (packed with different routes & distinct artstyles). I don't need one giant GTA 5-esque open world to make it great. It's just sad (at least from my point of view) that so much great stuff in Cyberpunk is ruined (yep, ruined) by a total lack of focus on what works, what doesn't & toning down the scope to make sure what they do deliver is 100% top-notch.


Its a good solid game for sure, and anyone saying otherwise is wrong, but at the same time its certainly not 'Welcome to the next generation of open world games' like it was advertized as.
For me the bugs are too much. Some people say they havent noticed too many, but i have had to reload saves 8 or 9 times from stuff like getting stuck on scenary and not being able to move, or simply stuff not triggering, but it will trigger after a reload.
Also what they did in regards to zero base console footage being shown, or allowed to be shown, and reviewers locked out of the console version, well its just a very scummy thing to do imo.

Its a fun and pretty deep open world game, with amazing graphics on PC. I just expected more after the hype.
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Neo Member
Fuck what you need.

Cyberpunk fanboys are already worse than TLOU2 fanboys, and this shit just released. Your experience isn't everyone's, so stop being a bitch about it. It's a mess that doesn't even work for some people. The 0s and 1s are earned. You wouldn't complain about Madden or 2K getting 0s and 1s for being inoperable.


Just wanted to chim in and agree with you OP . Gonna stop looking at those negative stuff and just enjoy the game . I'm afraid this is going to happen more often with upcoming blockbuster games .
This game on PS4 and One is basically Skyrim on the PS3... Maybe even worse.
Oh, it's definitely worse. I played Skyrim without the patches from start to finish on PS3 (the patches existed but I had no internet at the time) and while it was pretty bad it was fine when you first started the game, it crept in slowly over the course of a play session until you had to restart it. In the case of Cyberpunk its performance is dogshit right from the word go.


Gold Member
It's a fun game, but overall, I'm a touch disappointed. My interest is already starting to wane.

It has two strengths.

1) Night City itself is a wonderful place to spend time.
2) Audio design on the guns is stellar. It makes shooting fun.

But, a lot of stuff is Bethesda bad, or rather average. The combat AI is non-existent. The stealth is fun, but naff. The map is too bloated, as is the skill tree.

Still, having fun. But it feels like a solid 8/10.


Do I personally think it lives up 100% to the hype? 20 hours in and I’m going to say no. But am I having a great time? Yes. It’s really as simple as that.

my complaints so far are the loot system - just looting everything feels cumbersome and isn’t as enjoyable as it was in the Witcher. Crafting seems kind of pointless so far. I would have liked something similar to the special armor sets in the Witcher 3.

gunplay feels good and is fun but cover shooting doesn’t work very well.

personal preference but I would have preferred a silent protagonist for this game.



My criticisms so far besides unintentional bugs.

1. The initial life path is very weak, I wish it were explored further similar to Dragon Age Origins.
2. There needs to be more body type height in this game for variety.
3. Seeing the same ad over and over again feels very copied and paste, would love to see more variety patched in on billboards that rotate ads.
4. Need more hairstyles.
5. Need the ability to customize your V's face again.
6. The number of saves for consoles is limited and it doesn't segregate between characters and lumps it in as one list. Would have preferred Skyrim or
Dragon Age: Origin saves that filter between different characters made.

Overall great game, but I wanted more out of it.


Gold Member
my complaints so far are the loot system - just looting everything feels cumbersome and isn’t as enjoyable as it was in the Witcher. Crafting seems kind of pointless so far. I would have liked something similar to the special armor sets in the Witcher 3.

The inventory is almost as abysmal as it was in Witcher 3.

The thing is, it's remarkable similar to that game. A good story in an amazing world with quite a bit of jank and too much bloat.

I already know I'll play through it and then forget about it. This doesn't feel like a game that will demand repeat playthroughs.


The GTA comparisons are nonsense.

This is the worst AI i've seen in a AAA game in years. Before achieving GTA or RDR levels of AI, they'd need to meet the basic standard first. Which they've completely failed to do.

I play on Very Hard and I'm mostly getting by through sneak executions. Starting a gunfight is super difficult and usually leads to death within seconds. It's challenging.


I play on Very Hard and I'm mostly getting by through sneak executions. Starting a gunfight is super difficult and usually leads to death within seconds. It's challenging.
When people are complaint about AI I'm pretty sure most if not all are referring to the world, not the linear quests.


The inventory is almost as abysmal as it was in Witcher 3.

The thing is, it's remarkable similar to that game. A good story in an amazing world with quite a bit of jank and too much bloat.

I already know I'll play through it and then forget about it. This doesn't feel like a game that will demand repeat playthroughs.

Yeah, the best way I can explain it is that in the Witcher 3 it was just much more relaxing running around looting stuff. I don’t quite get the same feeling here. Maybe it has to do with the setting.


This game has more varied NPCs/fashion variety in the first 10 minutes than most games have spanning fucking trilogies.
Which makes the limited player character design choices so annoying. One single body type for each gender, what’s up with that? I literally have more choice how the dick should look than the characters body. Bah! A woman with hips and thighs and a man with a belly or muscles would be nice. It’s first person I know but I’m just bored at these skinny main characters in all games. :/

(The game is still a GOTY contender though)


Why are you still here and not in your safespace?

Because I like reading discussions about the game Im currently playing, positive or negative.

Thats the whole reason why I did not put you on ignore yet, Im hoping that one of these days you can actually make some legitimate points.

Although that hope is getting weaker every day.
Because I like reading discussions about the game Im currently playing, positive or negative.

Thats the whole reason why I did not put you on ignore yet, Im hoping that one of these days you can actually make some legitimate points.

Although that hope is getting weaker every day.

If you like discussions then act like it and stop being a salty little fucker
If you did then I guess I missed them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I will wait for the next one them.

The GTA comparisons are nonsense.

This is the worst AI i've seen in a AAA game in years. Before achieving GTA or RDR levels of AI, they'd need to meet the basic standard first. Which they've completely failed to do.
The thing that irks me the most is the fucking montage with Jackie in the beginning

We saw that in their markerting trailers, and I thought, this is all the cool shit you could do in the game

Turns out they just took a fucking cutscene from the game to use in their marketing.
Reading the different reviews saying the prologue is about 6 hours or so completely led me astray.

I thought they were just talking about the lifepaths. I can't believe none of them actually talked about dissapointing they actually were
I certainly didn't after how much they were hyping them up.

I thought they were going to be something akin to Dragon Age's origin stories at the very least

Just admit negative critique triggers you, put me on ignore and then move on with your life
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Just admit negative critique triggers you, put me on ignore and then move on with your life

What triggers me is when someone is using hyperbole just to drive home his point. Like you first post about the AI.

But the other points are legitimized critique that I actually do agree with.
I guess that terrible discussion you had in review thread make me mentally skip your posts.

Not gonna put you on ignore and will hope you can be less hyperbolic in the future.
I would say that CDPR's marketing was off the mark honestly. Almost everyone i knew that was interested in the game in real life thought it was a GTA game, having no clue it's an RPG.

But for the informed gamers, we got exactly what we expected from a tabletop Cyberpunk RPG to the videogame. It's an immersive sim, Deus Ex like in a fucking jaw-dropping open world.

CDPR are very good with supporting and patching games, i have no doubt that things will get better in the next 6 months, but even as is, the city is simply the most mind blowing experience i've ever seen in gaming. I want to thank all the artists behind the creation of that city, it's a work of art.

I'll say this though, Rockstar is on a level of it's own with the open world physics, AI and reactions to events. But they basically invented the genre and they have many games under their wings now. This is CDPR's first "city" open world, which is vastly different in interactions than a country side RPG like the Witcher. I think they have room for improvement, but it's an amazing start.
Agree. For a deus ex fan, you look at that skill tree how can you not sit down in awe. I poke at the system for hours seeing what builds are possible for my future V playtroughs. Casuals can get fucked, we finally got our massive open world.
What triggers me is when someone is using hyperbole just to drive home his point. Like you first post about the AI.

But the other points are legitimized critique that I actually do agree with.
I guess that terrible discussion you had in review thread make me mentally skip your posts.

Not gonna put you on ignore and will hope you can be less hyperbolic in the future.

There's nothing hyperbolic about it. The AI in this game is genuinley some of the worst i've experienced in modern AAA gaming.

They clearly wanted to do something revolutionary, and ended up just being something you'd find from the 7th gen of consoles, if not even before that.

As far as the review thread goes, well, I only get like that when I run into someone as retarded as that neo member
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You bring up AI and explain why its not bad, but ok here's a quick test for you to do. Go shoot someone and duck behind some boxes and do nothing, now time how long it takes for the enemy to kill you.

Now boot up CoD set it to the easiest difficulty and do the same thing and come back and tell me which one takes longer to kill you.

The fact that AI is so brain dead and not a threat means that a majority of the skill tree is useless, the fact the AI guards during stealth are on these retarded set paths that never deviate unless you have a terminal means you can crouch walk up to anyone mid combat and shotgun them to the floor point blank and reload before they can get up and do it again, until dead.

I'm not saying its a bad game, but even if the bugs where all fixed its below average in terms of pretty much everything outside of graphics. The campaign missions are fun, however choice barely matters as do the skill trees or crafting or pretty much any mechanic the game throws at you, you actively have to play the game in a way that makes it harder on purpose to actually have it be a challenge.

When GTA4 has superior NPC AI and was released 12 years ago, you have problems. This is not an issue with "patches will fix the bugs" the core gameplay underneath this is an ocean wide, but as deep as a puddle.

the witcher 3 didn't have better NPC AI than GTA IV either. that's not the priority in design, this is an RPG, not a story driven sandbox.

GTA V didn't have better NPC AI than GTA IV either. what the fuck do you value in RPG's? key word: RPG
Why are you so upset that this game is underwhelming some gamers?

why are you clearly biased against the game despite not even being on act 2. when i talked to you like a bro in the other thread, and told you how the exclamation points and question marks are better than some main quests in other games, and that you need to do them. just like the witcher 3. (you told me you havent done any) you disappeared.

and instead of concededing you havent experienced everything at all yet, you come into another thread to portray dismay. that is fucking bias dude, and you havent even gotten through the prologue

Cyberpunk 2077 is an "open world action adventure story" and the game ultimately falls flat on the open world aspect. They ultimately said they wanted to be the next rockstar, but they should focus on beating ubisoft open worlds first.

they never said that, and the fact that you think that tells me you are processing this game completely wrong. once again. you aren't past the prologue and disappeared when someone gave you information that should excite you, you do not want to like this game. clearly. you didn't even want to engage in a conversation that potentially caused you to conceded you didn't know something about it. why are you doing this?
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