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Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| The Future Is Now

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Deleted member 801069

Unconfirmed Member
I've got to admit, after 6hrs, I've got no fucking idea what is going on.

I feel like I've been dropped into a foreign country and I've no idea what they are talking about, they are slinging nomenclature around like I should know what they are talking about, I don't, I feel like I should know who these people are, I don't.

It's really quite overwhelming, I see icons over people's head, I've no idea what the fuck they mean, I can talk to people who don't have a talk prompt, I can't talk to people who do, some people just start talking without any prompting, some people talk to you when you are talking to someone 10 metres away.

I've no idea how some events work, sometimes I get the police rain down on me for nothing, sometimes I can murder an entire block of people and not get any heat.

There are a million systems that I've no idea about.

I don't know, many I am thick or maybe I am missing something !
Took me close to 10 hours to get the hang of things, and I’m still figuring shit out as I go (now 23 hours in)

so I would say what you are experiencing is normal. After a while you just sorta get the hang of things.

they could have done a better job explaining a lot of the mechanics


I’m 100 percent sure I never shot anyone, since I’m trying to do a non lethal play through. I went up and punched one of the gangmembers and then got a warning that I was breaking the law and had a bunch of cops and drones shooting at me. It wasn’t the cop that were in the gunfight that came after me either. Those cops stuck around to fight the gang members and ignored me. I got hit by the cops who were patrolling or called in as reinforcements.
Happens to me too, I've come to the conclusion something is broken with the law system
PS5 checking in. It looks fantastic in certain instances but for the most part it’s underwhelming, needs a next gen patch and quick.

As many have pointed it it’s a buggy mess. I’ve never played a game thats launched in this condition before. The story, aesthetic and world are just dripping with style, which counter balances everything. That being said it does break the immersion quite often which is a huge bummer.

It’s obvious they wanted that holiday cash and to avoid any more bad pr because as most have said this 100% should of been delayed again.

Still pushing forward, playing and enjoying so far . Gonna do one play through as a corpo and save the two others for the next gen update.

Has anyone found any good settings for leds like the x900f? The hdr is a total mess lol

It's strange because I am playing on PS5 and have had virtually no bugs. I have one hard crash but that's it.

Deleted member 801069

Unconfirmed Member
I’m 100 percent sure I never shot anyone, since I’m trying to do a non lethal play through. I went up and punched one of the gangmembers and then got a warning that I was breaking the law and had a bunch of cops and drones shooting at me. It wasn’t the cop that were in the gunfight that came after me either. Those cops stuck around to fight the gang members and ignored me. I got hit by the cops who were patrolling or called in as reinforcements.
Some neighborhoods don’t allow violence, period

you caneven have your weapons drawn, let alone attack people in front of police

the game is weird, I don’t know how to tell when I’m in such area. Maybe they do that as part of the immersion. You’ll get warnings every now and then if you pull your weapons in some parts of town. I got killed for cycling through my weapons about an hour ago cuz a cop saw it

edit: can’t, not can
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I just bought BOTH new consoles so I could tell myself I’d never need to spend close to two grand on a “future proof” gaming rig. 😂

They just need to juice up the game for PS5/XSX ASAP.

Fair enough! That was my plan too. Not sure if I’m gonna be upgrading my PC any further. Cost me ~4K to build it and I can’t keep dropping that kind of money.

I agree, once they release updates for current gen they will run and look great. Shit, probably better than what my PC can do :)


Throwing my hat into the “confused” ring. Went to the Ripperdoc and realized the various systems are confusing the fuck out of me. lol


It's strange because I am playing on PS5 and have had virtually no bugs. I have one hard crash but that's it.

Mines only crashed twice but the bugs are everywhere so you’re lucky lol at one point a certain character was removing a chip from his head to give it to me but then it glitched into a pistol as he went to grab it so the pistol was just poking out of both sides. That was quite funny but it’s just one among so many.

It just needed more polish to iron out the kinks and tighten up the controls/ gunplay a game like this deserves to be released properly .


It's strange because I am playing on PS5 and have had virtually no bugs. I have one hard crash but that's it.

I’ve had more than a few visual bugs. When driving towards the border security checkpoint the car being inspected ahead of mine magically materialized into view from just 6 feet away.

Jackie also walked right through the elevator doors. Had a fair amount of pop-in/LOD issues.

It definitely looks like a PS4 game that launched with a lot of bugs. Which is a shame.


There's dumbed down, and there's.......(very early game spoilers)

Go to a bar the game tells me, I go, doorman is going on about a brain dance, now I've not really seen any pre release preamble, so I've no idea what a brain dance is, apparently it's a major part of the game, but I didn't know that, but the bouncer won't let me in until I agree to do something I've no idea what it is.

I head to a NCPD event, the game says that there is an evidence crate I need to get after killing all the npcs, I kill them, open the crate and nothing, so I look around for about half and hour, can see anything, hop up onto a roof, can't see anything, game doesn't say I'm in combat, area is normal (which is one of those things that leads to the police (sometimes) raining down) I'm up on the roof and notice an antenna, wtf is that I say, Jack in, oh, apparently that's how you earn money, who knew, anyway, still trying to figure out how to conclude this event, turns out there is a hostile area 100m away from the hud icon (incidentally another broken thing, try getting it to track the first boxing mission) where there are more enemies, and another 2 evidence caches.

Event still doesn't end until I login to a (broken) laptop!.

So, yeah, it smacks of a game that has been played by someone for 8 years, who knows it intimately and just assumes everyone else will.

I don't mind games that push you to find things out, but Jesus christ, this is in a different league.

Edit, oh yeah, I also spent 15mins trying to figure out how to 'equip' fists, and also that the game doesn't differentiate between unarmed combat and blunt melee combat
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Well, I can stand some bugs but I can't stand broken HDR. So I will definitely put the game on hold.
I need to find a PS5 now. Or AC: Valhalla on PC maybe. 🤔
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Playing this on a base PS4 is like trying to run it on a Radeon 7850. Possible, sure, just not enjoyable.
jup.. I quit playing :( I was so excited for this game, counting down the days to release but i dont wanne play it this way its just horrible on base ps4. IF you really wanne experience it go for it, but if you want the true experience dont play on ps4 for the first time it is absolutely horrible


Phenomenal game that is being held back by ridiculous bugs and bad optimisation. Managed to maintain 90-100fps and I’ll take it
No one saw the console version.

Gamesindusty.biz is a very... Progressive... outfit so this is part of the hard lefts retaliation against CDPR for perceived slights to The Party but I do hope the console version isn’t *too* awful.

I would say the PC version is well within tolerable limits for a released product.

It's not like marketing is going to show the worst version. Actually if 343 had of actually focused on the PC version and put their best foot forward then Craig would never have happened. I like CDPR's approach and I've got both the Series X and PC versions.


I'm the type that w/ open world games, I generally avoid the main quest, or circle back for a small section of MQ now & then. Cyberpunk, tho, until my last few hrs of play, I was beelining that MQ. It's got me hooked big time. Part of it is the story itself, but a larger part is, I think, that I've been surprised several times. Yet, I know what CDPR & reviews have said wrt the 'real' side quests, how much they can play into the MQ...I'm so torn /woeisme

Praise aside, I've had a few visual glitches, nothing horrendous by any means, but worse (seemingly) random crashes (this started in Act II). Just go from doing pretty much anything - driving, looting, standing in an elevator - & no freezing, no stuttering, no BSOD, just whatever, then a split second later, o hai desktop. Had about 7 crashes in 5hrs of playtime yesterday, stopped playing after two of those were in fifteen min. Verified files on Steam, pushed a cpl Win updates (I did d/l Nvidia drivers when they were released), then went to sleep. Hope it eases up as I have until Tues. off.

Also, curious if anyone knows if there's a way to switch off the auto-center camera whilst driving?


Gold Member
Some questions for those who are or up to the point where you interview Forrest in the Moxes club

Are things meant to go to shit? I broke a door behind the office and took out the guy in the server room. Asked a few questions and we ended up rumbling. Also, the fight felt comical and a bit difficult. Like a tiny room ducking behind desks, him having insane heal power and me with a shitty tech weapon that did hardly any damage. I'd secured another elevator which was now on lockdown and then just ended up in a massive firefight. All my fallback options were kinda nerfed, there were no quickhacks that were effective and I ended up just running past 5/6 enemies and finishing the quest.

Up till then I'd been quickhacking all cameras etc. like a proper stealth run. So I'm a bit flummoxed with wtf happened.

That's what I'm struggling with at the moment, like I'm not sure if things deliberately go to shit or because it's I've made a bad call. I can follow the story threads so far mind.


PLaying on Pc I'm experiencing some glitches here and there but nothing so big as many ppl stated, most of the time it is just some random npc moving weird.

This city is so crowded that I'm surprised it works on the base ps4 and xbox


Pre-ordered the digital version on my ps pro. Started playing as soon as the clock clicked over. I took the day off work yesterday to engross myself in what I was hoping to be a masterpiece that I’d been eagerly awaiting for what seemed like forever. Oh boy what a disappointment 😞
Firstly the hard crashes. Which happened 5 times during the day.
Then there’s the incidental stuff that happens around the city which just completely vanishes while I’m doing it.
Side quest that I know I didn’t do saying they’re complete and to go to a place to collect my reward, only to find there no reward there.
Other side quests breaking while on them (like the one to round up all the robot taxi’s) it ok for the taxi to destroy everything (including cops) to try and get to you but the moment I do anything hostile to it I get killed by cops.
UI issues with information boxes not appearing sometimes when you highlight stuff. Messy UI to navigate around especially when it comes to missions.
Inconsistency with the lip syncing, some have it others don’t.
Bikes just stopping for no reason like they hit an invisible wall when you’re riding them. After which they only drive backwards.
Broken animations, characters sliding around or popping into idle poses for brief moments.

It definitely isn’t a finished product and could have done with more time in the oven.
Question to people who were skeptical about FPP. Now that you played it, do you see the benefits of this perspective over TPP in terms of immersion and world interaction?
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Gold Member
The amount of calls you get at the start of Act 2 from fixers and other random people I've never met is just insane.

The game dogpiles SO MUCH STUFF on you it's completely overwhelming. I absolutely hate how the game "introduces" some kind of gameplay mechanic by pausing and having this wall of text, and afterwards you're like "wait, what?"

I still haven't found how I can read/hack shards. It's literally impossible for me to find.

And I don't ever want to see someone talk shit about Assassin's Creed and map markers, because holy shit this game's map is absolutely crazy.


6 hrs in with mixed feelings. Its good but I think it struggles heavily under the weight of its own ambition and also under the weight of (to be fair, extremely high) expectations. I think I might end up appreciating it more over time though.


Question to people who were skeptical about FPP. Now that you played it, do you see the benefits of this perspective over TPP in terms of immersion and world interaction?

I was convinced before after initial scepticism, and after playing few hours it I think they made a good choice. But others were sceptical right to the end so their perspective is more interesting.


Oh fuck me. Everything was great on PRO limited to 1080p for the last two hours, running all smooth, pop in free, glitch free and I was really getting into it. I get in my car to drive back to one of the main quests I've been avoiding and like a house of card the world comes crashing down around me and all the pop in, crappy textures, frame rate hitches among other little annoying things come back all at once along with the PRO's fan sounds. Hard re-setting the console again like fucking clock work and my personal settings will have to be redone. It's infuriating cause that session was fucking amazing strolling around doing side stuff, crimes and falling into emergent stuff and it was all crapped on cause the visual went down the toilet in a short car ride. Fucking pity about this game optimization.

EDIT: From the other thread for context. I keep mixing these threads up, there are so many.

I've figured the timing out now, you get between 90 minutes and 2 hours of play on PRO before you have to turn the console on again. Somethings, like pop in gradually start to get closer and the texture pop in and bugs start to stack on top of each other over time. After 2 hours, without a restart of the console, it's like looking at the outer worlds visually, I tried to push it last night past 2 hours and couldn't, it's just not worth it and waiting the five minutes to get things running again wasn't palatable cause the settings all reset, including HDR and have to all be set back after every restart of the console which is the worst glitch I've encountered so far. I can't exactly say yet, if the game is worth all this, played about 9 hours no but in small chunks, at the start I was getting overwhelmed by all the systems so I'd turn it off for a break, now i'm turning it off as the texture pop in gets closer. I've also started ditching cars for the moment cause they are almost certain to bring on the issues earlier and sometimes right away after a hard reset if you get in one and try and change the camera view which is a sure way to trigger the graphical and visual glitches, maybe cause a crash. It's kind of hard to give an opinion on the game underneath when you can't play it for more than 90 minutes at a time or less it an acceptable state but I'd say there is something really decent at the very least if a bit shallow and care in places you'd expect it not to be, a bit like the witcher 3 in that regard. It's certainly not GOAT but it's definitely better than the last game we got like this which was the outer worlds, i just wish it wasn't drawing so many similarities visually to that game right now. Might finish a quick playthrough and wait for a next gen patch and my ps5 next year or the year after.

Turning it to 1080p from the console menu helps nearly eliminate these issues building up though and you don't loose much resolution nor does the HUD change, you also don't get the roaring fans.
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The more I play of this game the more I have to wonder if CDPR did the right thing by trying to market it as GTA: Cyberpunk to the masses.

It's a great game, but it's a slow, complex burn like Deus Ex. It's also really dark and uncompromising. Honestly, considering the average gamer out there, this type of game is actually pretty damn niche.


Sorry if it's covered elsewhere, but is it a viable approach to play as Netrunner-type, or does one get punished too much for not being able to shoot/slash folks to death?


I don't know if I have the self-discipline to put this down for like a month or 2.
This game will be the best thing ever.... in March 2021, but I expect 2-3 patches and some enhancements (barber shops?) are needed.


I don't know if I have the self-discipline to put this down for like a month or 2.
This game will be the best thing ever.... in March 2021, but I expect 2-3 patches and some enhancements (barber shops?) are needed.
You’re holding out so your character can grab a haircut? It’s a first person game. You see your character every blue moon. The hell you or anyone cares how short or long their hair gets? 😂🤣😂
This game is absolutely amazing I do not get all the whining. It's no more glitchy and unpolished than any major Bethesda game at launch and I don't remember this level of whining about those. I remember years of everyone saying Skyrim was the best game ever made in the backlash was weirdly late not when it launched poorly. people didn't give a crap what state at launched and they just wanted to play that s***. And honestly if anyone here was among the people complaining about the delays and now complaining about the state at launched in then you are your own worst enemy. I don't know maybe there's no crossover between those two types of people but in the delay threads always saw where people complaining and now in the launch threads all we see are people complaining so I find it hard to believe there's no crossover there. For me personally I can wait I was one of the people who every time they delayed I didn't care cuz I had other games to play when they delayed it from the spring I said that's okay more time for doing maternal then they delayed it again and I once again said that's okay I've got other games to play. but they were getting so much s*** from so many people can you really blame them for launching it like this? Especially since it is 100% good enough at launch on PC. We all know the problem is the last gen consoles. They literally told us after the last delay that the problem is last gen consoles and getting it to work on them. I was with many other people with the idea that they should have just ditched the last gen versions at least then we wouldn't have to hear so much complaining about how it runs on those ancient pieces of s*** hardware.


I have no sympathy for these screeching console players. you shouldn’t have pre ordered. it’s shitty CDPR put the game out in this state on consoles but it’s not their fault you decide to blindly hand over your money.
Brand loyalty is a hell of a drug lol


Darkness no more
Am I suposed to be able to buy a car at the start of act 2? It cost 12k and I had 2k starting out. I found a quest in my log where someone owed me money and got up to 5.5k now. Money is really slow to come in this game. I will have to steal cars for now.


Gold Member
Sorry if it's covered elsewhere, but is it a viable approach to play as Netrunner-type, or does one get punished too much for not being able to shoot/slash folks to death?

Im not that far in, but I think it's a case of getting enough points to spend on useful hacks. Like disabling cams is 1 point but then you might need 5 points for another stealth hack. Ive been forced into combat a couple of times but nothing a decent weapon and good statted armour couldn't force through


Gold Member
20h in, XsX.

One word: depressing.

The game is a mind-blowing, truly revolutionary concept for an RPG, delivered in a state of a janky, ugly, every step of the way semi-broken clusterfuck of immersion killing bugs and constantly feels like the dev taking a bite on more than they can chew.
20h in, XsX.

One word: depressing.

The game is a mind-blowing, truly revolutionary concept for an RPG, delivered in a state of a janky, ugly, every step of the way semi-broken clusterfuck of immersion killing bugs and constantly feels like the dev taking a bite on more than they can chew.
well the good news for you Series x owners is that you're going to get a next-gen upgrade in 2021. It definitely pays to be patient.


Armor direction is stupid and lame. Armor ratings for baseball caps and basketball shorts... gimme a break here. They dropped the bank with armor that’s for sure.


Junior Member
Sony and MS should be more strict with the quality of the shit that is shoveled in their stores. I understand this is easy money for them, but right now I see them as guilty as cdpr of this bait and switch goatfuck.


Strictly in regards to PS5/XSX is seems to be a mixed bag on this forum. Some say it’s amazing and runs great etc

Others disagree

perhaps those that disagree expected 4K/60 or something? (Through BC mode)

Those who says it looks good and HDR is good just don't have an eye for this things.

First thing I noticed was weird resolution and artifacting and I was right. Game got fucked up TAA that creates strong ghosting effect. In motion it makes screen looks like blurred mess.

Initially I thought it's some kind of checkerboard rendering artifacts but DF confirms it's TAA

My own screenshot

And DF wideo time stamped.

I also pointed out bad HDR implementation (greyed out image) and guess what... HDR is fucked up too. Vincent from HDTV confirms it.

On top of that aiming on pad is fucked up too.

It's beyond me how anyone can defend it and I am from Poland where everybody loves Reds.
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Gold Member
Maybe you have to read in incognito if you ran out of Bloomberg Credits. I think an Early Access feature for this game would have helped.

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Gold Member
well the good news for you Series x owners is that you're going to get a next-gen upgrade in 2021. It definitely pays to be patient.

The way the game runs non-optimized for 2020 hardware has very little to do with it.

Everyone is somehow focused on framerates, LODs etc, while the real problem here is buggy and severely undercooked scripting, animation, physics, some of the combat mechanics, hilariously bad enemy AI, and companion AI somehow even worse. You know, the gameplay stuff.

And that's too bad 'cause some stuff about the flexibility of character building and the world is just amazing, I really like the story and I am having a lot of fun just doing my best to look past this shit but more often than not it's just too much.
Am I suposed to be able to buy a car at the start of act 2? It cost 12k and I had 2k starting out. I found a quest in my log where someone owed me money and got up to 5.5k now. Money is really slow to come in this game. I will have to steal cars for now.
Can you rob stores?
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