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Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| The Future Is Now

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So now there's a new update being pushed out on PS4 - 17.7GB, a substantial one, but it sure is needed. I used to think that Wasteland 3 was the buggiest release in ages, but this takes the cake, easily. As the game just crashed on me (yet again), I'll wait for the update. But seriously, what the actual fuck is going on with this game.

Although now that one CDPR employee tweeting he's spent over 170 hours in a single playthrough makes so much more sense. It's not he was going for a completionist run. Rather, he was just trying to complete the bloody thing.
Welp patch completely broke the lighting in my game, everything looks blown out :messenger_confused:



Neo Member
I'm not sugar coating. Look above, I'm ripping this game a the big hole it deserves and have lost faith in CDPR but instantly when I seen your post, I knew you were one of the "it's transphobic" crowd. I've combed through enough of that shit in the past few days to spot it, you aren't being sincere and know you are just piling on the hate for the sake of it. You might have nuked you're account but in such a few short words I knew you were a user there. Try harder with your "criticism".

I'm not on the stupid transphobia train and FYI I was literally a lurker there, but keep on your stupid ERA charade. Lastly, maybe try going to youtube and seeing all the videos about the NPC AI or when you play it try testing it on your own.


In all fairness, the ambient NPC AI can be pretty dumb (or possibly broken). Lol
It's one thing I've found to not be the case. Had a many a fight now and they cover, flank, react and use cyberware etc. Had a fight with a decked out cyber psycho boss in a tight area on hard difficulty and it was intense.


I am also playing on base PS4, its by far the worst looking and performance AAA game I ever played on PS4, but the point is, aside the technical problems, the game is mediocre at best on its core, people just complaint about graphics and bugs because its the first thing you will notice, but when you spent time playing the flaws is everywhere, I can't believe the same dev delivered one of the best games of this gen with The Witcher 3 and now did this.
Eh, you can't really judge this game if you are playing it on a base PS4. You are literally playing an extremely bad Switch port. Of course you're gonna hate everything. Playing this at 60fps 4K RTX and it's impossible not to be utterly swept away with every screen.


I'm not on the stupid transphobia train and FYI I was literally a lurker there, but keep on your stupid ERA charade. Lastly, maybe try going to youtube and seeing all the videos about the NPC AI or when you play it try testing it on your own.
My apologies, I spent a night combing ERA after the Cyberpunk migration and i've started to see ERA users everywhere now. It's my bad and I'm tense and tired atm. Again, I apologize, even if you were an ERA user I shouldn't have drived by you and lashed out.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Got to Act 1. In the courtyard w/ Jackie about to go to a job. I got some signs of motion sickness (common on FPS games for me, unfortunately). Looks like I will be playing in 1 hour chunks. Trying some ginger tea now to see if it helps.

Really enjoying the game and definitely getting Deus Ex vibes. Texture loading is painful having this on my HDD. I might transfer the game over to my SSD this weekend to see how much that will help.


Gold Member
Got to Act 1. In the courtyard w/ Jackie about to go to a job. I got some signs of motion sickness (common on FPS games for me, unfortunately). Looks like I will be playing in 1 hour chunks. Trying some ginger tea now to see if it helps.

Really enjoying the game and definitely getting Deus Ex vibes. Texture loading is painful having this on my HDD. I might transfer the game over to my SSD this weekend to see how much that will help.

It should help immensely!


Gold Member
The further in game I get, the more janky missions become.

I just did a mission where I'm 100% sure the difficulty bugged out to ultra hard or something, the difficulty spike was insane.

I can 100% understand people being upset with the state of the game, there's just soo much unfortunate stuff happening all over the place. But goddamn if it isn't extremely addictive to just drive around and soak up the atmosphere. Can't stop playing!
First and foremost, I want a mod that does something about the inventory situation. No, I don't need that stapler. No, I don't need another $50 gun. I would pay 100k for some cyberware that would filter out all of the junk I don't need to bother with by throwing up a giant red X or just not highlighting it at all.


So I downloaded the update, and at least so far (on a Pro FWIW) it does what it used to - it resets the settings whenever there's a crash or I close the game manually. So I get to invert-Y and do my audio/HDR settings yet again. GG CDPR.
Cyberpunk 2077 is doing something that no other major game has ever done, and demanding something of its players that even the industry's most famously consumer-unfriendly publishers have never quite dared to;
it's asking a very large proportion of its customers to buy the game sight unseen. Pre-launch, not a single outlet -- traditional press, streamers, YouTubers, nobody -- received code for the console versions of the game.
Those who reviewed the PC version, meanwhile, signed an NDA which meant that they couldn't upload any footage in their video reviews other than the b-roll provided by CDPR itself.
It's happening because CDPR knows it'll get away with it. If EA, Activision or Ubisoft did something like this, consumers would be up in arms, but the fuzzy warm of everyone's affection for The Witcher 3 surrounds CDPR like a snug blanket it like they can't do no wrong. I mean seriously, if literally any other studio released a game in this state or manipulated their consumers in this manner there would be riots.
CDPR should be held accountable. They have blatantly lied to us consumers, claiming that "The Game Ran surprisingly well on Older Gen consoles". This combined with intentionally not letting people review last gen console versions of the game despite knowing its abysmal state just comes off so bad, no matter how you spin it.
They delayed the game for almost a year, stating, in their own words that "...postponing the launch will give us the precious months we need to make the game perfect."
Did they just decide to not commit to this promise that they have told us multiple times throughout the last year? Is it unreasonable to ask that they don't give deadlines they can't commit to, and don't make promises they clearly don't plan on upholding?
If Bethesda pulled this shit (which they have in past.) they would be memed to oblivion and rightfully so. Fallout 76 is a far superior game then it was at launch but that games entire legacy is tarnished, as it should be, due to it's complete failure to live up to its promises and its buggy launch. I see no reason why CD Project Red should be treated differently.
It is frustrating. If these issues are just accepted silently, you end up with companies like EA who don't give a shit. CDProjectRed can't fix or improve on things they don't see the community talk about. Granted, people could definitely do with being more mature with some criticisms, but the frustration is completely valid.

One of my many issue other than the already stated lies and misleading advertisement for the game and the bugs and glitches and horrendous frame rates on base console are also
the terrible AI system and wile Night City is beautiful their literally nothing to do let me explain.
Los Santos in GTA 5 is a more living open world than Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. There's mini games, you can hang out with story characters, NPC's respond dynamically depending on location & who you're using, you can get haircuts, tattoos, go shopping, play golf with other mini games etc... Wile in Cyberpunk you get none of that for such a big open world to be so damn empty with nothing to do between mission and quest is horrible.
Another thing is the AI and police crime system is so bad Cops appear out of nowhere and disappear out of nowhere.
I can just killed someone in their apartment room and literally 3 cops magically appeared right behind me, in that same room. Then I can run outside the door, hide behind a vending machine, lost my wanted level, came back in and they will magically be gone in a room with only one exist. There's also no police car chases in open world free roaming gameplay.
The AI is so bad I was going to a weapons shop and had to walk past a cop to get in, and as soon as i got near him he shouts FUCK YOU and kills me. Seriously, how did this stuff get past the studio dev?
You can literally try and kill a random homless person with nobody anywhere near him yet all the police force suddenly know that you kill him despite no witnesses. The crime system is actually atrocious.
The AI also don’t know how to react to gunshots and fights, they run a couple of meters and then cower there. Had to shoot some guys in a bar for a side quest and an NPC blocked my way to the objective because he was cowering in the door, I tried to shoot next to him, but he never reacted, had to reload an older save to progress. The bartender never even cared and just stood in his place while I shot 3 ppl next to him.

It feels like CDPR spent most of the time and money on art direction, story and graphics that they forgot to make it an actual game.
I love the story and characters and writing, but the combat, loot and open world aspects feel so tacked on and cheap.
I feel so disconnected while walking around the world it feels like I’m watching a tv show. Sometimes while I’m driving around I forget I can actually get out of my car and walk around, but when I do I realize there’s pretty much no meaningful way to actually interact with the world.
Enemy AI is just terrible and clunky, I kill one person in the middle of the desert and cops somehow know about it and appear out of nowhere.
It just somehow feels like they spent the last 8 years making an interactive story, then tried to make it an open world RPG at the last minute.
This is not the most believable city in open world gaming. It isn't even close. It feels more like you're in the Truman Show.
Immersion involves things reacting the way that you expect them to. Nothing in this game reacts the way you would expect them to.
Nothing is interactable. There are no activities you can do to experience the culture of a dystopian city, Cyberpunk culture, or just a city in general. You cannot even alter your cosmetics, in a setting where cosmetic enhancement and fashion are integral. Not even a tattoo or haircut.
You shop for cars via receiving random texts from NPCs. You can't go to the bar and have a drink. NPC AI is atrocious. No AI is capable of anything beyond their scripted events. A guy is banging on a vending machine for eating his money, you hack it so it despenses all the food, and he continues to bang on the vending machine. Cops spawn out of nowhere and then despawn if you crouch in a corner for long enough. "Random assaults" are just a small group of gangsters standing over 1 dead guy. Arcade machines are everywhere but you cannot play them. Cars follow 1 scripted path and just stop working altogether if you park in front of them, and then when you turn away, they disappear and are replaced with a different car.
Nothing in this world is believable, and exploring the city is empty and shallow. You never feel like the world would continue living without you, you feel as if they'd despawn when you leave. These are issues that aren't going to be fixed by patches. These are issues that will hold the game back from being great forever.


Cyberpunk 2077 is doing something that no other major game has ever done, and demanding something of its players that even the industry's most famously consumer-unfriendly publishers have never quite dared to;
it's asking a very large proportion of its customers to buy the game sight unseen. Pre-launch, not a single outlet -- traditional press, streamers, YouTubers, nobody -- received code for the console versions of the game.
Those who reviewed the PC version, meanwhile, signed an NDA which meant that they couldn't upload any footage in their video reviews other than the b-roll provided by CDPR itself.
It's happening because CDPR knows it'll get away with it. If EA, Activision or Ubisoft did something like this, consumers would be up in arms, but the fuzzy warm of everyone's affection for The Witcher 3 surrounds CDPR like a snug blanket it like they can't do no wrong. I mean seriously, if literally any other studio released a game in this state or manipulated their consumers in this manner there would be riots.
CDPR should be held accountable. They have blatantly lied to us consumers, claiming that "The Game Ran surprisingly well on Older Gen consoles". This combined with intentionally not letting people review last gen console versions of the game despite knowing its abysmal state just comes off so bad, no matter how you spin it.
They delayed the game for almost a year, stating, in their own words that "...postponing the launch will give us the precious months we need to make the game perfect."
Did they just decide to not commit to this promise that they have told us multiple times throughout the last year? Is it unreasonable to ask that they don't give deadlines they can't commit to, and don't make promises they clearly don't plan on upholding?
If Bethesda pulled this shit (which they have in past.) they would be memed to oblivion and rightfully so. Fallout 76 is a far superior game then it was at launch but that games entire legacy is tarnished, as it should be, due to it's complete failure to live up to its promises and its buggy launch. I see no reason why CD Project Red should be treated differently.
It is frustrating. If these issues are just accepted silently, you end up with companies like EA who don't give a shit. CDProjectRed can't fix or improve on things they don't see the community talk about. Granted, people could definitely do with being more mature with some criticisms, but the frustration is completely valid.

One of my many issue other than the already stated lies and misleading advertisement for the game and the bugs and glitches and horrendous frame rates on base console are also
the terrible AI system and wile Night City is beautiful their literally nothing to do let me explain.
Los Santos in GTA 5 is a more living open world than Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. There's mini games, you can hang out with story characters, NPC's respond dynamically depending on location & who you're using, you can get haircuts, tattoos, go shopping, play golf with other mini games etc... Wile in Cyberpunk you get none of that for such a big open world to be so damn empty with nothing to do between mission and quest is horrible.
Another thing is the AI and police crime system is so bad Cops appear out of nowhere and disappear out of nowhere.
I can just killed someone in their apartment room and literally 3 cops magically appeared right behind me, in that same room. Then I can run outside the door, hide behind a vending machine, lost my wanted level, came back in and they will magically be gone in a room with only one exist. There's also no police car chases in open world free roaming gameplay.
The AI is so bad I was going to a weapons shop and had to walk past a cop to get in, and as soon as i got near him he shouts FUCK YOU and kills me. Seriously, how did this stuff get past the studio dev?
You can literally try and kill a random homless person with nobody anywhere near him yet all the police force suddenly know that you kill him despite no witnesses. The crime system is actually atrocious.
The AI also don’t know how to react to gunshots and fights, they run a couple of meters and then cower there. Had to shoot some guys in a bar for a side quest and an NPC blocked my way to the objective because he was cowering in the door, I tried to shoot next to him, but he never reacted, had to reload an older save to progress. The bartender never even cared and just stood in his place while I shot 3 ppl next to him.

It feels like CDPR spent most of the time and money on art direction, story and graphics that they forgot to make it an actual game.
I love the story and characters and writing, but the combat, loot and open world aspects feel so tacked on and cheap.
I feel so disconnected while walking around the world it feels like I’m watching a tv show. Sometimes while I’m driving around I forget I can actually get out of my car and walk around, but when I do I realize there’s pretty much no meaningful way to actually interact with the world.
Enemy AI is just terrible and clunky, I kill one person in the middle of the desert and cops somehow know about it and appear out of nowhere.
It just somehow feels like they spent the last 8 years making an interactive story, then tried to make it an open world RPG at the last minute.
This is not the most believable city in open world gaming. It isn't even close. It feels more like you're in the Truman Show.
Immersion involves things reacting the way that you expect them to. Nothing in this game reacts the way you would expect them to.
Nothing is interactable. There are no activities you can do to experience the culture of a dystopian city, Cyberpunk culture, or just a city in general. You cannot even alter your cosmetics, in a setting where cosmetic enhancement and fashion are integral. Not even a tattoo or haircut.
You shop for cars via receiving random texts from NPCs. You can't go to the bar and have a drink. NPC AI is atrocious. No AI is capable of anything beyond their scripted events. A guy is banging on a vending machine for eating his money, you hack it so it despenses all the food, and he continues to bang on the vending machine. Cops spawn out of nowhere and then despawn if you crouch in a corner for long enough. "Random assaults" are just a small group of gangsters standing over 1 dead guy. Arcade machines are everywhere but you cannot play them. Cars follow 1 scripted path and just stop working altogether if you park in front of them, and then when you turn away, they disappear and are replaced with a different car.
Nothing in this world is believable, and exploring the city is empty and shallow. You never feel like the world would continue living without you, you feel as if they'd despawn when you leave. These are issues that aren't going to be fixed by patches. These are issues that will hold the game back from being great forever.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Is HDR turned on in your windows setting? Also I could not get it to take my hdr signal because I was using a display port cable. Switched to hdmi, fixed All my issues.
ahh that was it: but is it normal for all my desktop and all things to go very dim when HDR is just allowed in settings? I'm used to how it works on PS4, just turning on when required (using a KS8000, the TV then adjusts to 20 backlight by itself).


So I downloaded the update, and at least so far (on a Pro FWIW) it does what it used to - it resets the settings whenever there's a crash or I close the game manually. So I get to invert-Y and do my audio/HDR settings yet again. GG CDPR.
You should turn off HDR anyways because it is completely broken. Game actually looks better without HDR. Vincent from HDTest did a video on it and it is broken and he recommends playing the game without HDR for now.
Cyberpunk 2077 is doing something that no other major game has ever done, and demanding something of its players that even the industry's most famously consumer-unfriendly publishers have never quite dared to;
it's asking a very large proportion of its customers to buy the game sight unseen. Pre-launch, not a single outlet -- traditional press, streamers, YouTubers, nobody -- received code for the console versions of the game.
Those who reviewed the PC version, meanwhile, signed an NDA which meant that they couldn't upload any footage in their video reviews other than the b-roll provided by CDPR itself.
It's happening because CDPR knows it'll get away with it. If EA, Activision or Ubisoft did something like this, consumers would be up in arms, but the fuzzy warm of everyone's affection for The Witcher 3 surrounds CDPR like a snug blanket it like they can't do no wrong. I mean seriously, if literally any other studio released a game in this state or manipulated their consumers in this manner there would be riots.
CDPR should be held accountable. They have blatantly lied to us consumers, claiming that "The Game Ran surprisingly well on Older Gen consoles". This combined with intentionally not letting people review last gen console versions of the game despite knowing its abysmal state just comes off so bad, no matter how you spin it.
They delayed the game for almost a year, stating, in their own words that "...postponing the launch will give us the precious months we need to make the game perfect."
Did they just decide to not commit to this promise that they have told us multiple times throughout the last year? Is it unreasonable to ask that they don't give deadlines they can't commit to, and don't make promises they clearly don't plan on upholding?
If Bethesda pulled this shit (which they have in past.) they would be memed to oblivion and rightfully so. Fallout 76 is a far superior game then it was at launch but that games entire legacy is tarnished, as it should be, due to it's complete failure to live up to its promises and its buggy launch. I see no reason why CD Project Red should be treated differently.
It is frustrating. If these issues are just accepted silently, you end up with companies like EA who don't give a shit. CDProjectRed can't fix or improve on things they don't see the community talk about. Granted, people could definitely do with being more mature with some criticisms, but the frustration is completely valid.

One of my many issue other than the already stated lies and misleading advertisement for the game and the bugs and glitches and horrendous frame rates on base console are also
the terrible AI system and wile Night City is beautiful their literally nothing to do let me explain.
Los Santos in GTA 5 is a more living open world than Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. There's mini games, you can hang out with story characters, NPC's respond dynamically depending on location & who you're using, you can get haircuts, tattoos, go shopping, play golf with other mini games etc... Wile in Cyberpunk you get none of that for such a big open world to be so damn empty with nothing to do between mission and quest is horrible.
Another thing is the AI and police crime system is so bad Cops appear out of nowhere and disappear out of nowhere.
I can just killed someone in their apartment room and literally 3 cops magically appeared right behind me, in that same room. Then I can run outside the door, hide behind a vending machine, lost my wanted level, came back in and they will magically be gone in a room with only one exist. There's also no police car chases in open world free roaming gameplay.
The AI is so bad I was going to a weapons shop and had to walk past a cop to get in, and as soon as i got near him he shouts FUCK YOU and kills me. Seriously, how did this stuff get past the studio dev?
You can literally try and kill a random homless person with nobody anywhere near him yet all the police force suddenly know that you kill him despite no witnesses. The crime system is actually atrocious.
The AI also don’t know how to react to gunshots and fights, they run a couple of meters and then cower there. Had to shoot some guys in a bar for a side quest and an NPC blocked my way to the objective because he was cowering in the door, I tried to shoot next to him, but he never reacted, had to reload an older save to progress. The bartender never even cared and just stood in his place while I shot 3 ppl next to him.

It feels like CDPR spent most of the time and money on art direction, story and graphics that they forgot to make it an actual game.
I love the story and characters and writing, but the combat, loot and open world aspects feel so tacked on and cheap.
I feel so disconnected while walking around the world it feels like I’m watching a tv show. Sometimes while I’m driving around I forget I can actually get out of my car and walk around, but when I do I realize there’s pretty much no meaningful way to actually interact with the world.
Enemy AI is just terrible and clunky, I kill one person in the middle of the desert and cops somehow know about it and appear out of nowhere.
It just somehow feels like they spent the last 8 years making an interactive story, then tried to make it an open world RPG at the last minute.
This is not the most believable city in open world gaming. It isn't even close. It feels more like you're in the Truman Show.
Immersion involves things reacting the way that you expect them to. Nothing in this game reacts the way you would expect them to.
Nothing is interactable. There are no activities you can do to experience the culture of a dystopian city, Cyberpunk culture, or just a city in general. You cannot even alter your cosmetics, in a setting where cosmetic enhancement and fashion are integral. Not even a tattoo or haircut.
You shop for cars via receiving random texts from NPCs. You can't go to the bar and have a drink. NPC AI is atrocious. No AI is capable of anything beyond their scripted events. A guy is banging on a vending machine for eating his money, you hack it so it despenses all the food, and he continues to bang on the vending machine. Cops spawn out of nowhere and then despawn if you crouch in a corner for long enough. "Random assaults" are just a small group of gangsters standing over 1 dead guy. Arcade machines are everywhere but you cannot play them. Cars follow 1 scripted path and just stop working altogether if you park in front of them, and then when you turn away, they disappear and are replaced with a different car.
Nothing in this world is believable, and exploring the city is empty and shallow. You never feel like the world would continue living without you, you feel as if they'd despawn when you leave. These are issues that aren't going to be fixed by patches. These are issues that will hold the game back from being great forever.
Found the autist.


Cyberpunk 2077 is doing something that no other major game has ever done, and demanding something of its players that even the industry's most famously consumer-unfriendly publishers have never quite dared to;
it's asking a very large proportion of its customers to buy the game sight unseen. Pre-launch, not a single outlet -- traditional press, streamers, YouTubers, nobody -- received code for the console versions of the game.
Those who reviewed the PC version, meanwhile, signed an NDA which meant that they couldn't upload any footage in their video reviews other than the b-roll provided by CDPR itself.
It's happening because CDPR knows it'll get away with it. If EA, Activision or Ubisoft did something like this, consumers would be up in arms, but the fuzzy warm of everyone's affection for The Witcher 3 surrounds CDPR like a snug blanket it like they can't do no wrong. I mean seriously, if literally any other studio released a game in this state or manipulated their consumers in this manner there would be riots.
CDPR should be held accountable. They have blatantly lied to us consumers, claiming that "The Game Ran surprisingly well on Older Gen consoles". This combined with intentionally not letting people review last gen console versions of the game despite knowing its abysmal state just comes off so bad, no matter how you spin it.
They delayed the game for almost a year, stating, in their own words that "...postponing the launch will give us the precious months we need to make the game perfect."
Did they just decide to not commit to this promise that they have told us multiple times throughout the last year? Is it unreasonable to ask that they don't give deadlines they can't commit to, and don't make promises they clearly don't plan on upholding?
If Bethesda pulled this shit (which they have in past.) they would be memed to oblivion and rightfully so. Fallout 76 is a far superior game then it was at launch but that games entire legacy is tarnished, as it should be, due to it's complete failure to live up to its promises and its buggy launch. I see no reason why CD Project Red should be treated differently.
It is frustrating. If these issues are just accepted silently, you end up with companies like EA who don't give a shit. CDProjectRed can't fix or improve on things they don't see the community talk about. Granted, people could definitely do with being more mature with some criticisms, but the frustration is completely valid.

One of my many issue other than the already stated lies and misleading advertisement for the game and the bugs and glitches and horrendous frame rates on base console are also
the terrible AI system and wile Night City is beautiful their literally nothing to do let me explain.
Los Santos in GTA 5 is a more living open world than Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. There's mini games, you can hang out with story characters, NPC's respond dynamically depending on location & who you're using, you can get haircuts, tattoos, go shopping, play golf with other mini games etc... Wile in Cyberpunk you get none of that for such a big open world to be so damn empty with nothing to do between mission and quest is horrible.
Another thing is the AI and police crime system is so bad Cops appear out of nowhere and disappear out of nowhere.
I can just killed someone in their apartment room and literally 3 cops magically appeared right behind me, in that same room. Then I can run outside the door, hide behind a vending machine, lost my wanted level, came back in and they will magically be gone in a room with only one exist. There's also no police car chases in open world free roaming gameplay.
The AI is so bad I was going to a weapons shop and had to walk past a cop to get in, and as soon as i got near him he shouts FUCK YOU and kills me. Seriously, how did this stuff get past the studio dev?
You can literally try and kill a random homless person with nobody anywhere near him yet all the police force suddenly know that you kill him despite no witnesses. The crime system is actually atrocious.
The AI also don’t know how to react to gunshots and fights, they run a couple of meters and then cower there. Had to shoot some guys in a bar for a side quest and an NPC blocked my way to the objective because he was cowering in the door, I tried to shoot next to him, but he never reacted, had to reload an older save to progress. The bartender never even cared and just stood in his place while I shot 3 ppl next to him.

It feels like CDPR spent most of the time and money on art direction, story and graphics that they forgot to make it an actual game.
I love the story and characters and writing, but the combat, loot and open world aspects feel so tacked on and cheap.
I feel so disconnected while walking around the world it feels like I’m watching a tv show. Sometimes while I’m driving around I forget I can actually get out of my car and walk around, but when I do I realize there’s pretty much no meaningful way to actually interact with the world.
Enemy AI is just terrible and clunky, I kill one person in the middle of the desert and cops somehow know about it and appear out of nowhere.
It just somehow feels like they spent the last 8 years making an interactive story, then tried to make it an open world RPG at the last minute.
This is not the most believable city in open world gaming. It isn't even close. It feels more like you're in the Truman Show.
Immersion involves things reacting the way that you expect them to. Nothing in this game reacts the way you would expect them to.
Nothing is interactable. There are no activities you can do to experience the culture of a dystopian city, Cyberpunk culture, or just a city in general. You cannot even alter your cosmetics, in a setting where cosmetic enhancement and fashion are integral. Not even a tattoo or haircut.
You shop for cars via receiving random texts from NPCs. You can't go to the bar and have a drink. NPC AI is atrocious. No AI is capable of anything beyond their scripted events. A guy is banging on a vending machine for eating his money, you hack it so it despenses all the food, and he continues to bang on the vending machine. Cops spawn out of nowhere and then despawn if you crouch in a corner for long enough. "Random assaults" are just a small group of gangsters standing over 1 dead guy. Arcade machines are everywhere but you cannot play them. Cars follow 1 scripted path and just stop working altogether if you park in front of them, and then when you turn away, they disappear and are replaced with a different car.
Nothing in this world is believable, and exploring the city is empty and shallow. You never feel like the world would continue living without you, you feel as if they'd despawn when you leave. These are issues that aren't going to be fixed by patches. These are issues that will hold the game back from being great forever.




Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Damn, I am now in "the outback" and it looks X360 level terrible, I don't believe that resolution is higher than 1080p, everything is smeared in this blurry shit, damn.... Maybe I head up to city going to do side quest and wait for the patch.

XSX if anyone interested.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Performance seems worse after the performance improvement patch, but it’s tolerable. Did a bunch of side gigs in Act 2 and hit level 12. The inventory management is becoming a real chore (needs a way to mark and lock valued gear so you can’t disassemble it), but otherwise it’s good fun cruising around and taking out enemy hideouts and cyber psychos. Some of the side quests have been memorable and there’s a clear distinction between story type ones and the generic ones for money.

Crafting appears to be useful for keeping gear in your level range since it’s really a crapshoot as to what you’ll get off enemies.


Gold Member
ahh that was it: but is it normal for all my desktop and all things to go very dim when HDR is just allowed in settings? I'm used to how it works on PS4, just turning on when required (using a KS8000, the TV then adjusts to 20 backlight by itself).

Yes that's normal. Or as normal as HDR gets in Windows. I love PCs but I'll be the first to admit HDR has been at best serviceable, at worst completely broken and always a case-by-case basis.

If HDR is causing fuckery with a specific game Ive just been saying screw it and disabling it rather than going through the troubleshooting which usually will never fix the issue.

Windows and HDR has long been a source of ire.


Performance seems worse after the performance improvement patch, but it’s tolerable. Did a bunch of side gigs in Act 2 and hit level 12. The inventory management is becoming a real chore (needs a way to mark and lock valued gear so you can’t disassemble it), but otherwise it’s good fun cruising around and taking out enemy hideouts and cyber psychos. Some of the side quests have been memorable and there’s a clear distinction between story type ones and the generic ones for money.

Crafting appears to be useful for keeping gear in your level range since it’s really a crapshoot as to what you’ll get off enemies.

What are you playing on?

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Cyberpunk 2077 is doing something that no other major game has ever done, and demanding something of its players that even the industry's most famously consumer-unfriendly publishers have never quite dared to;
it's asking a very large proportion of its customers to buy the game sight unseen. Pre-launch, not a single outlet -- traditional press, streamers, YouTubers, nobody -- received code for the console versions of the game.
Those who reviewed the PC version, meanwhile, signed an NDA which meant that they couldn't upload any footage in their video reviews other than the b-roll provided by CDPR itself.
It's happening because CDPR knows it'll get away with it. If EA, Activision or Ubisoft did something like this, consumers would be up in arms, but the fuzzy warm of everyone's affection for The Witcher 3 surrounds CDPR like a snug blanket it like they can't do no wrong. I mean seriously, if literally any other studio released a game in this state or manipulated their consumers in this manner there would be riots.
CDPR should be held accountable. They have blatantly lied to us consumers, claiming that "The Game Ran surprisingly well on Older Gen consoles". This combined with intentionally not letting people review last gen console versions of the game despite knowing its abysmal state just comes off so bad, no matter how you spin it.
They delayed the game for almost a year, stating, in their own words that "...postponing the launch will give us the precious months we need to make the game perfect."
Did they just decide to not commit to this promise that they have told us multiple times throughout the last year? Is it unreasonable to ask that they don't give deadlines they can't commit to, and don't make promises they clearly don't plan on upholding?
If Bethesda pulled this shit (which they have in past.) they would be memed to oblivion and rightfully so. Fallout 76 is a far superior game then it was at launch but that games entire legacy is tarnished, as it should be, due to it's complete failure to live up to its promises and its buggy launch. I see no reason why CD Project Red should be treated differently.
It is frustrating. If these issues are just accepted silently, you end up with companies like EA who don't give a shit. CDProjectRed can't fix or improve on things they don't see the community talk about. Granted, people could definitely do with being more mature with some criticisms, but the frustration is completely valid.

One of my many issue other than the already stated lies and misleading advertisement for the game and the bugs and glitches and horrendous frame rates on base console are also
the terrible AI system and wile Night City is beautiful their literally nothing to do let me explain.
Los Santos in GTA 5 is a more living open world than Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. There's mini games, you can hang out with story characters, NPC's respond dynamically depending on location & who you're using, you can get haircuts, tattoos, go shopping, play golf with other mini games etc... Wile in Cyberpunk you get none of that for such a big open world to be so damn empty with nothing to do between mission and quest is horrible.
Another thing is the AI and police crime system is so bad Cops appear out of nowhere and disappear out of nowhere.
I can just killed someone in their apartment room and literally 3 cops magically appeared right behind me, in that same room. Then I can run outside the door, hide behind a vending machine, lost my wanted level, came back in and they will magically be gone in a room with only one exist. There's also no police car chases in open world free roaming gameplay.
The AI is so bad I was going to a weapons shop and had to walk past a cop to get in, and as soon as i got near him he shouts FUCK YOU and kills me. Seriously, how did this stuff get past the studio dev?
You can literally try and kill a random homless person with nobody anywhere near him yet all the police force suddenly know that you kill him despite no witnesses. The crime system is actually atrocious.
The AI also don’t know how to react to gunshots and fights, they run a couple of meters and then cower there. Had to shoot some guys in a bar for a side quest and an NPC blocked my way to the objective because he was cowering in the door, I tried to shoot next to him, but he never reacted, had to reload an older save to progress. The bartender never even cared and just stood in his place while I shot 3 ppl next to him.

It feels like CDPR spent most of the time and money on art direction, story and graphics that they forgot to make it an actual game.
I love the story and characters and writing, but the combat, loot and open world aspects feel so tacked on and cheap.
I feel so disconnected while walking around the world it feels like I’m watching a tv show. Sometimes while I’m driving around I forget I can actually get out of my car and walk around, but when I do I realize there’s pretty much no meaningful way to actually interact with the world.
Enemy AI is just terrible and clunky, I kill one person in the middle of the desert and cops somehow know about it and appear out of nowhere.
It just somehow feels like they spent the last 8 years making an interactive story, then tried to make it an open world RPG at the last minute.
This is not the most believable city in open world gaming. It isn't even close. It feels more like you're in the Truman Show.
Immersion involves things reacting the way that you expect them to. Nothing in this game reacts the way you would expect them to.
Nothing is interactable. There are no activities you can do to experience the culture of a dystopian city, Cyberpunk culture, or just a city in general. You cannot even alter your cosmetics, in a setting where cosmetic enhancement and fashion are integral. Not even a tattoo or haircut.
You shop for cars via receiving random texts from NPCs. You can't go to the bar and have a drink. NPC AI is atrocious. No AI is capable of anything beyond their scripted events. A guy is banging on a vending machine for eating his money, you hack it so it despenses all the food, and he continues to bang on the vending machine. Cops spawn out of nowhere and then despawn if you crouch in a corner for long enough. "Random assaults" are just a small group of gangsters standing over 1 dead guy. Arcade machines are everywhere but you cannot play them. Cars follow 1 scripted path and just stop working altogether if you park in front of them, and then when you turn away, they disappear and are replaced with a different car.
Nothing in this world is believable, and exploring the city is empty and shallow. You never feel like the world would continue living without you, you feel as if they'd despawn when you leave. These are issues that aren't going to be fixed by patches. These are issues that will hold the game back from being great forever.
You stole a lot of this text directly from this article.

Also, shame on you for trying to stir the shit with someone else’s point of view.

This is the purest form of shit-posting.


Two friends playing on PC just uninstalled the game. I’m kinda shocked because their hype was gigantic. They cited the bugs, loot system and inventory. Also, the game is extremely demanding, one of them that has a 3080 said.


I had a bit of jank with my environments earlier too, everything was in like a yellow haze but when I rebooted from my save, it cleared up and was a bright sunny day, heh.
That's a weather effect. I've had it a few times now randomly and it seems to be their take on the scene from Blade runner 2047. It's looks pretty cool but makes no sense to be a random weather effect.


Over 13hrs. Nomad lvl 10. Did couple main missions and then just exploring streets around helping pll killing bad guys helping police with bad guys. Shooting a lot taking their cars bikes plenty loot selling loot puting on new gear clothes and so on. Its amazing. After kinda slow and borimg prologue now this is game i wanted. Superb. Those not even side missions as they not on journal they just random stuff i find in map and just drive there.
Looting everything and i mean everything that is there.. even ashtrays.. omg why hes taking ashtrays from street ?? Why? I have collection of ashtrays now... damn lol
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Xaero Gravity

Cyberpunk 2077 is doing something that no other major game has ever done, and demanding something of its players that even the industry's most famously consumer-unfriendly publishers have never quite dared to;
it's asking a very large proportion of its customers to buy the game sight unseen. Pre-launch, not a single outlet -- traditional press, streamers, YouTubers, nobody -- received code for the console versions of the game.
Those who reviewed the PC version, meanwhile, signed an NDA which meant that they couldn't upload any footage in their video reviews other than the b-roll provided by CDPR itself.
It's happening because CDPR knows it'll get away with it. If EA, Activision or Ubisoft did something like this, consumers would be up in arms, but the fuzzy warm of everyone's affection for The Witcher 3 surrounds CDPR like a snug blanket it like they can't do no wrong. I mean seriously, if literally any other studio released a game in this state or manipulated their consumers in this manner there would be riots.
CDPR should be held accountable. They have blatantly lied to us consumers, claiming that "The Game Ran surprisingly well on Older Gen consoles". This combined with intentionally not letting people review last gen console versions of the game despite knowing its abysmal state just comes off so bad, no matter how you spin it.
They delayed the game for almost a year, stating, in their own words that "...postponing the launch will give us the precious months we need to make the game perfect."
Did they just decide to not commit to this promise that they have told us multiple times throughout the last year? Is it unreasonable to ask that they don't give deadlines they can't commit to, and don't make promises they clearly don't plan on upholding?
If Bethesda pulled this shit (which they have in past.) they would be memed to oblivion and rightfully so. Fallout 76 is a far superior game then it was at launch but that games entire legacy is tarnished, as it should be, due to it's complete failure to live up to its promises and its buggy launch. I see no reason why CD Project Red should be treated differently.
It is frustrating. If these issues are just accepted silently, you end up with companies like EA who don't give a shit. CDProjectRed can't fix or improve on things they don't see the community talk about. Granted, people could definitely do with being more mature with some criticisms, but the frustration is completely valid.

One of my many issue other than the already stated lies and misleading advertisement for the game and the bugs and glitches and horrendous frame rates on base console are also
the terrible AI system and wile Night City is beautiful their literally nothing to do let me explain.
Los Santos in GTA 5 is a more living open world than Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. There's mini games, you can hang out with story characters, NPC's respond dynamically depending on location & who you're using, you can get haircuts, tattoos, go shopping, play golf with other mini games etc... Wile in Cyberpunk you get none of that for such a big open world to be so damn empty with nothing to do between mission and quest is horrible.
Another thing is the AI and police crime system is so bad Cops appear out of nowhere and disappear out of nowhere.
I can just killed someone in their apartment room and literally 3 cops magically appeared right behind me, in that same room. Then I can run outside the door, hide behind a vending machine, lost my wanted level, came back in and they will magically be gone in a room with only one exist. There's also no police car chases in open world free roaming gameplay.
The AI is so bad I was going to a weapons shop and had to walk past a cop to get in, and as soon as i got near him he shouts FUCK YOU and kills me. Seriously, how did this stuff get past the studio dev?
You can literally try and kill a random homless person with nobody anywhere near him yet all the police force suddenly know that you kill him despite no witnesses. The crime system is actually atrocious.
The AI also don’t know how to react to gunshots and fights, they run a couple of meters and then cower there. Had to shoot some guys in a bar for a side quest and an NPC blocked my way to the objective because he was cowering in the door, I tried to shoot next to him, but he never reacted, had to reload an older save to progress. The bartender never even cared and just stood in his place while I shot 3 ppl next to him.

It feels like CDPR spent most of the time and money on art direction, story and graphics that they forgot to make it an actual game.
I love the story and characters and writing, but the combat, loot and open world aspects feel so tacked on and cheap.
I feel so disconnected while walking around the world it feels like I’m watching a tv show. Sometimes while I’m driving around I forget I can actually get out of my car and walk around, but when I do I realize there’s pretty much no meaningful way to actually interact with the world.
Enemy AI is just terrible and clunky, I kill one person in the middle of the desert and cops somehow know about it and appear out of nowhere.
It just somehow feels like they spent the last 8 years making an interactive story, then tried to make it an open world RPG at the last minute.
This is not the most believable city in open world gaming. It isn't even close. It feels more like you're in the Truman Show.
Immersion involves things reacting the way that you expect them to. Nothing in this game reacts the way you would expect them to.
Nothing is interactable. There are no activities you can do to experience the culture of a dystopian city, Cyberpunk culture, or just a city in general. You cannot even alter your cosmetics, in a setting where cosmetic enhancement and fashion are integral. Not even a tattoo or haircut.
You shop for cars via receiving random texts from NPCs. You can't go to the bar and have a drink. NPC AI is atrocious. No AI is capable of anything beyond their scripted events. A guy is banging on a vending machine for eating his money, you hack it so it despenses all the food, and he continues to bang on the vending machine. Cops spawn out of nowhere and then despawn if you crouch in a corner for long enough. "Random assaults" are just a small group of gangsters standing over 1 dead guy. Arcade machines are everywhere but you cannot play them. Cars follow 1 scripted path and just stop working altogether if you park in front of them, and then when you turn away, they disappear and are replaced with a different car.
Nothing in this world is believable, and exploring the city is empty and shallow. You never feel like the world would continue living without you, you feel as if they'd despawn when you leave. These are issues that aren't going to be fixed by patches. These are issues that will hold the game back from being great forever.


I actually agree with a lot of that, even though I'm still really enjoying my time with the game. I just wanted to post that lol
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Also navigation is completely ficked, the piece of code which should decide on what floor certain shit is, is such a piece of shit, it's incredible....


Yep putting this away. On my PC the performance just drops every half hour into 25 FPS mode in areas where I usually get 40. Restart from main menu fixes everything. It's like the game just keeps calculating stuff on GPU for no reason the longer I play. Didn't experience it in the beginning of the game so it's time to set it aside and wait for some patching work.
You stole a lot of this text directly from this article.

Also, shame on you for trying to stir the shit with someone else’s point of view.

This is the purest form of shit-posting.
It true though i love CDPR but they need to be called out i have seen all that in my play through.

Kagey K

First and foremost, I want a mod that does something about the inventory situation. No, I don't need that stapler. No, I don't need another $50 gun. I would pay 100k for some cyberware that would filter out all of the junk I don't need to bother with by throwing up a giant red X or just not highlighting it at all.
There’s a perk that automatically breaks down all the junk into crafting materials.

It’s not quite what you are looking for but it’s better than nothing. 😉


Gold Member
This game released on the 10th, I'd say have a little patience if you're on the base systems. If you have RTX you're golden from my experience.
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