I agree. I liked that game a lot but I distinctly remember the combat being shit, tons of bugs and it having things like your horse continuously running when it got to walls etc. It wasn't polished.
That CDPR tried to do Night City with this sort of AI is a crime though -- Knowing full well they would be compared to GTA they just didn't seem to want to even attempt it. The AI in Goldeneye was better than this.
It's abysmal, and the shooting hovers between being piss easy and one shot you're dead annoying. They really don't know what they're doing.
the combat ai is not bad. random npcs walking on the street are bad. and the shooting is better than every rpg i've played
I love ACGs reviews but I think he was very harsh on this one. Bad textures? awful pop in? terrible rain effects? I just don't agree.
to me it sounds like the hate train is rolling so let's destroy this game nitpicking every single thing we can because "fuck cdpr for releasing a broken game" is the trend right now. many youtubers went from "cdpr can do no wrong i love them" to "CDPR DID EVERYTHING WRONG THEY ARE THE WORST DEVELOPER IN THE WORLD" hyperbole everywhere because outrage sells.
of course crashes. awful performance and game breaking bugs are important. but things i've never seen being criticized before are being pointed out like they are super important and broken when nobody really gives a crap about them in the first place and they are actually not as bad as they sound. especially compared to other games of the same genre.
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