I just bought it too. I'm waiting for a slim Xbone so it'll be a while before I get to play it though.
I just bought it too. I'm waiting for a slim Xbone so it'll be a while before I get to play it though.
Sweet, I'm home and ready to play!Yes!
Does anyone know what piece of clothing you need to wear for the Avant-garde side quest?
When to go buy it and it turns out i had 50 bucks in Xbox money already logged in. I forget when I even added that.
You were destined to have the game no matter what
The stealth launch / pushing out the door by MS.. why couldn't they have tried a bit more?
But yeah, buying this well in advance of my One purchase later this year. Gotta hope they're able to do more episodes.
My only criticism so far is the game doesn't encourage exploration. The mechanic where you lose stamina for walking around and also using your vision means you have to keep buying stuff or hunt it down. I really didn't like that in the plane episode.
Have you been exiting the dive to get a free meal from Kaysen? That's what I did for most of Episode 1. I exhausted most of my stamina on the plane, then once it was as low as like 5, I went back to the apartment and had Kaysen cook for me, filling my stamina back up to max for free. I was able to do this twice to get two different meals from Kaysen. I think he might even give you more, but it'll be the same meals.
My only criticism so far is the game doesn't encourage exploration. The mechanic where you lose stamina for walking around and also using your vision means you have to keep buying stuff or hunt it down. I really didn't like that in the plane episode.
Wait you could go back WTF! I didn't know that. Definitely need replay game again.
Avant Garde!
Anyone else having issues playing with the controller and the game picking up some movement or command which it interprets as you trying to switch to Kinect controls? I have no idea what I'm doing but it keeps popping up in the corner of the screen every few seconds.
The signal for switching is to either put the sontrol down, or raise your hand over your head.
Scratching your head or putting the controller down can trigger these to prompt.
I think you can turn these off in tions if they annoy you too much, but I'm glad it has a timer.
Telltale broke me when it comes to waiting for episodic content. As a result, doesn't matter how good D4 is, I'm waiting until the episodes are all out. Rather than get fucked around like Telltale did to its customers for Walking Dead Se2 and Wolf Among Us.
Is there only 1 episode?.
Alright, is this game worth my hard earned 15$? I would play it with the kinect.
Telltale broke me when it comes to waiting for episodic content. As a result, doesn't matter how good D4 is, I'm waiting until the episodes are all out. Rather than get fucked around like Telltale did to its customers for Walking Dead Se2 and Wolf Among Us.
Is there only 1 episode?.
Alright, is this game worth my hard earned 15$? I would play it with the kinect.
There's a prologue and 2 full length episodes. It's considered Season One.
Like PC-style adventure/visual novel games? Fan of quirky, cool Japanese games? Dig Swery's style? For $15, there's quite a bit on content and reasons to replay the game. Game's chock full of sidequests and collectables. The presentation is phenomenal and it's classy/stylish as shit. This is the most passionate $15 experience I've ever taken part of.