One has to consider too that at this point, Munakata is targeting
everyone. The Future arci s going to get really, really intense with the next episode. Juzo vs. Munakata and Izayoi vs. Munakata.
Juzo will heel-face turn to work alongside Makoto, Miaya, Asahina, Kyoko, and Ryota (maybe Ando will have joined the group too by now), and Izayoi will fight Munakata, be pretty cool, but ultimately lose and die (but not before giving someone, likely Ando, information that he obtains from the secret room).
EDIT: Also, much thanks for the reminders on Nekomaru, Hiyoko, and Ibuki. Now I am convinced that Koichi is the villain of the entire franchise who is trying to get people who have the seeds of despair planted in them into the school. You can even see it in 78:
1. Sayaka is terrified of losing her status
2. Leon is dissatisfied with his talent
3. Mukuro is Despair
4. Junko is Despair
5. Chiaki has a secret that he finds shameful
6. Mondo got his brother killed
7. Kiyotaka has no friends and a lot of pressure
8. Celestia has a bog-standard name (and possibly life?)
9. Kyoko has father issues
10. Hiro has financial issues
11. Toko is a serial killer
12. Byakuya participated in a killing game before
The only ones I can't think of having a "seed of despair" are Hina, Sakura, and Hifumi (Makoto I left out because he wasn't scouted by Koichi).
It'd be so lame, though. He's been very clearly antagonistic since the very beginning and has always been totally ready to kill everyone present because he's that much of an extremist. I'd sooner think they'd try to redeem Juzo by having him oppose Narukami after seeing what a mess he turned out to be. We at least know his heart is sort of in the right place, sometimes? Though his methods are... questionable. He was trying to protect Hajime when he beat him up and spit on him and really cemented his decision to go through with the project, but to be fair he didn't know that and is also a big fucking moron.
Narukami directly conflicts with Naegi. To redeem him as a good guy you'd have to either go back on DR1 establishing Naegi as the ideal version of Ultimate Hope, one that seeks to eliminate despair not with despair but with hope, or have Narukami embrace a less radical way of thinking, which would go against his whole character up until now. Neither of them seems like someone willing to meet the other halfway. Naegi doesn't want to sacrifice anyone. Narukami has no problems sacrificing anyone... apart from the very specific people he cares about, which Tengan called out as being hypocritical. This will probably come into play later, which makes me think that if Narukami is redeeming himself at all, it'll probably be through him sacrificing his life towards the end. I don't think he's making it out of this alive, but his death will come late and it'll be dramatic as all hell.
Yup. Munakata is either dying a hero or a villain. Killing Tengan was a Despair Event Horizon moment for me so I doubt it's the former.