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Danganronpa Mafia |OT| Grin and Bear It


And of course, I posted this:

I think if you read your PM again you will see that it is impossible for one of us to be Despair. I realize I've become a lot like Crab, but I gotta free the rest of the students from Despair and no one else was setting the agenda.


So here's a summary:

I'm on team Hope and I'm Super High-School Level Lucky Student. But then launchpad is like "wtf dude i thought we already had another lucky student, weird dawg".

Then launchpad tells me "yo dawg, you can survive as many attempts on your life during the night, but it won't save your ass during a regular lynch. But hey, there's two lucky students in the game, ain't that cool? If the other lucky student gets hits during the night, you'll both get notified. "

So at this point, I'm like neat. But then launchpad does that "upuupuu" shit and says there's a big catch. He tells me "if you or the other student is lynched, then you transform."

If Makai is lynched, I become Super High-School Level Hope. And vice versa.

This new role is neutral. This role wins if this person is able to kill two remnants of despair. If there's not enough despair left (aka less than two), then the role can win by simply surviving to the end of the game.

In this role we can PM launchpad "KILL: <player name>" or "KILL: <location name>".

Is that what you wanted Makai?


if I become serial killer, i promise to put the names of whoever is left on a dartboard

i will close my eye and let my trusty dart decide


To anyone wondering why I was so sure Kingkitty was Hope:

It would make no sense for him to start out as Despair and then transform into a Serial Killer whose win condition is to kill two Despair.


Well, that happened. I'm still not sure where I sit with you two but..

So town, here are your choices:

Lynch Swamped
Lynch Kingkitty. I become Hope-aligned SK. I kill Swamped.

Sounds good to me. It gets two birds with one stone. We Lynch King which let's us confirm the whole lucky buddy thing as well as King's alignment. If they are telling the truth than this would leave Makai as the serial killer and allow you to get Swamped tonight, clearing Swamped of whatever her alignment is. We would basically clear up the 2 people on the suspicion list.

However the problem is this leaves a lot of power to Makai if he is telling the truth about everything. So it would be on blind trust that you would go after Swamped and not someone else.


We actually don't have a lot of bodies left to waste a lynch on me.

Arguably we do. One of you guys in the top are Despair unless we have a ninja around. So we Lynch you and you either end up Despair ( yay!) or Hope ( you died for the greater good.) and this will give Makai the ability to kill at Night. He uses this, kills Swamped, and we find out if she is the killer or not. If she is the killer then we found out our Despair! If not it means Zipped is a Godfather and is our killer.

So the worst outcome of this is we lose 2 Hope ( King and Swamped) but it confirms Zipped is the Despair on the top row.

Middle case scenario is we lose 1 Hope for 1 Despair. King is Despair and Swamped is Hope or vice versa.

Best case is we catch both Despair. Both King and Swamped are liars and we win.


I still rather keep 2 bulletproof, hope students over making Makai a serial killer who doesn't technically need the town to win.

I don't agree at all with this. It's a safer decision to keep two bulletproof.


I still think Role Godfather is absurd. I'm going after Sawneeks if the game isn't over after killing Swamped and Christina


I still rather keep 2 bulletproof, hope students over making Makai a serial killer who doesn't technically need the town to win.

I don't agree at all with this. It's a safer decision to keep two bulletproof.
Can the Ultimate Hope win with Despair?


If you believe there isn't 3 despair left.

Then we kill swamped or whoever, and if that person flips despair, then you cannot say that both me and makai are despair as well, since that would add up to three despair.

And there would be no split alignment shenanigans because we both knew about the other part of our role pm that makes it weird if either of us was despair.


Alright, swamped it is. If swamped turns hope (which I hope is not true), then we have to kill zipped the next day.

So in an unfortunate, but still OKAY scenario:

Day 9

Kill Swamped, flips hope.

Despair kills an innocent.

Day 10

Then we have 5 people left, with hopefully only 2 despair left. Then it will be confirmed that zipped had a way to fool AB's investigation. So we kill zipped, who flips despair.

Despair kills an innocent.

Day 11

We have 3 people left, and likely 2 of those will be lucky students. Which then we've won.

vote: swamped


If Swamped is Hope, we should kill Sawneeks. It's at least possible (just really unlikely) that she bussed *Splinter. Zipped was cleared by AbsolutBro.


When were CzarTim and "Kalor" seen? It was CornBurrito that floated the every-other-night ninja theory, although I thought it was preposterous at the time.


Being a Serial Killer would be fun, though



I swear this role is among the greatest ever created. Thanks, Launch.

It's so good I knew if I came clean with the entire ability list I would get hammered in under ten minutes.


Kingkitty fibbed a bit in his summary. The transformation also happens if the other buddy gets targeted for night kill. I had the unfortunate thought a few days ago about what I would do if I transformed too early after my buddy blocked a night kill. If I transformed on the wrong day, I would have to choose between killing Sawneeks or getting exposed as a hall wanderer. Little did I know, Rest was ready to expose me as well.


tbh at the beginning, i thought about not giving you a signal, letting you get lynched since you had no lucky partner to support your claim, and then take that sweet serial killer power for myself.


tbh at the beginning, i thought about not giving you a signal, letting you get lynched since you had no lucky partner to support your claim, and then take that sweet serial killer power for myself.
It was a big relief when you discretely revealed yourself. The first three days were really lonely.


Oh yeah. Zipped was saying early on that our role didn't fit the source material. I think it will make more sense now.


Going to sleep now! You know what to do, Town. Kill Kingkitty so I can get those juicy night kills and win with either side Swamped


hmmhmm so besides swamped, there's me...and zipped (if he had an ability to fool AB's investigation) who could have killed cornburrito without being seen by pau. But what about christina? I'm looking at the map...could she kill cornburrito without being seen? shrug I don't know.

Anyways, time to head out and eat a bagel, brb in 15 hours.
I don't have a rule against paraphrasing or pretending to paraphrase, but this is really close to game breaking and it's kind of dumb. I tried to keep it kind of open ended, but I would like any information that has been attributed to me as a source to be altered or deleted. That means post #4905, and anything that refers to some supposed PMs between Makai and myself, such as #4904.

Sorry, I don't like to have to do this, but this is a bit out of hand.
I don't believe this...

This role is game breaking, unless one of you does have a different second part.

I.e. If a certain one of you died they become ultimate hope, if the other dies they become ultimate despair. It's the only way this role pairing isn't completely game breaking.

It's still doesn't fit source material unless you both have different roles makai...


It's probably swamped is despair, but I have to put you two to the test. Yes we can stand to lose additional people, but If you are going to become OVerpowered super student role, we might as well make it happen. At least then I know...

If you two are despair, then you should have killed me last night instead of terra...


I've known since Day 4 that he can't be Despair or transform into Ultimate Despair. The phrases he used then preclude it.
I've known since Day 4 that he can't be Despair or transform into Ultimate Despair. The phrases he used then preclude it.

If we really have extra days then I say we get our OP super student serial killer. It's not hard if you know the source material and already know who the other lucky student is too fake being the hope lucky. The first person who comes out likely will be the hope lucky, so just mini I their posting, try to act hope and agree with them. Help them get out despair and then when push comes to shove vote them out.

Of course, everything except the "wait till the other one gets outed first" but allies to you.

One-shot bulletproof makes the role a bit less OP, but I still feel it's too easy a role for despair to fake.

If one of you flips hope, then the other targets swamped after transformation, then you realize I really was cleared by AB and we go after other people.
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