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Danganronpa Mafia |OT| Grin and Bear It

The phrases he used then preclude it.

Another reason why I don't like this. I've used similar phrases throughout the game. I would like that these phrases not be used as evidence of anything, because they are not.

I know you're not doing so intentionally Makai, but you're pushing the seams of the game :/
If we really have extra days then I say we get our OP super student serial killer. It's not hard if you know the source material and already know who the other lucky student is, and fake being the hope lucky. The first person who comes out likely will be the hope lucky, so just minimize their posting but always respond to the other lucky, try to act hope and agree with them. Help them get out despair and then when push comes to shove vote them out.

Of course, everything except the "wait till the other one gets outed first" also applies to you.

One-shot bulletproof makes the role a bit less OP, but I still feel it's too easy a role for despair to fake.

If one of you flips hope, then the other targets swamped after transformation, then you realize I really was cleared by AB and we go after other people.

Quote correcting to fix my terrible typing and grammar.
The role makes no sense if one of is Despair. Not at all.

A single shot bullet proof pairing, one becomes night time serial killer that wins when scum dies, the other becomes aligned with scum. It allows a severely weak scum team to "recruit" unintentionally.

They become activated if the other dies.

How does this not sound like a role that can actually occur in a Mafia game?
Either way, it's cool if we lynch Kingkitty. It's the same difference, just an extra step.

Unless King kitty flips weird, I think we need to lynch swamped tomorrow (unless she dies in the night). Sorry for forcing the extra step, but your roles sounded too good to be true.

At the end of the day we will know and then we will be able to take it down


100 pages of Mafia. 100 pages. So who volunteers to go back and reread it all?

A single shot bullet proof pairing, one becomes night time serial killer that wins when scum dies, the other becomes aligned with scum. It allows a severely weak scum team to "recruit" unintentionally.

They become activated if the other dies.

How does this not sound like a role that can actually occur in a Mafia game?

Going by this reasoning then we absolutely should not Lynch them. If killing either let's Despair recruit the other then it makes almost no sense to give them that option. Why even back a vote under that logic? If we had time to Lynch both I would say sure, give it a shot, but we don't have 2 days to really waste on this.

I still don't see a Swamped vote but it's a way better venture than voting King/Makai that could lead to possible recruitment for Despair.


Just so you guys are aware of the ...


Swamped (3)

kingkitty (3)
Christina Mackenzie

Currently no active vote:

4 Votes are needed for a majority
100 pages of Mafia. 100 pages. So who volunteers to go back and reread it all?

Going by this reasoning then we absolutely should not Lynch them. If killing either let's Despair recruit the other then it makes almost no sense to give them that option. Why even back a vote under that logic? If we had time to Lynch both I would say sure, give it a shot, but we don't have 2 days to really waste on this.

I still don't see a Swamped vote but it's a way better venture than voting King/Makai that could lead to possible recruitment for Despair.

The problem with that is both of them could be totally bullshitting us. Every other despair we have found has been top of the posters, in your face, leading conversations, and on most of the other games those players get free passes from town. Posting they have an awesome night ability that prevents their death means that it's convenient that scum doesn't target them (and they stay alive despite their posting proliferation).

That's why I have to test. Now as to why I am voting for kingkitty over makai? (Assuming they aren't Mafia) I think makai legitimately believes that kingkitty has the exact same role as he does, and the way he has "got out in front" makes me believe that his role transforming into a ultimate hope is legit.

The despair recruitment is worst case scenario, it really is, but it's a risk I think we have to take...
Just so you guys are aware of the ...


Swamped (3)

kingkitty (3)
Christina Mackenzie

Currently no active vote:

4 Votes are needed for a majority

I do find it funny that both of our "not cleared folks" and myself are the only kingkitty votes... I see why you all think if anyone cleared is scum it's me.


VOTE: Kingkitty

Sorry, bud. You wanted this as badly as I do.


Unleash the no one!


Coming to you from my phone in a stinky lab...

Wow, a lot happened, but now our roles make more sense.

From the very beginning I knew there was something fishy about the Lucksters, especially considering my role and the lack of SKs.

I'm the Super Duper High School Team Manager. I'm a mountain of strength. I'm a one-shot BP. My partner is ninja watcher who does not remain in her room at night (she spies on rooms/facilities the entire night).
You should have transformed when the other two were still alive ^^

So Makai, don't waste your kill. If you want to win by killing the two remaining Despairs, it will take you multiple nights to achieve your win condition. If you want to win tonight all you have to do is kill Goshu. I will kill Zipped. We don't even have to play D10. At the start of D10 there will be 2 Despair, 1 neutral, 1 Hope. We can win together as neutral and Despair.

Oh, and if you don't comply, Makai, we will kill you N10.

If Makai was lying about becoming a neutral SK with KK's lynch...well, gg Hope, well played :). I was going to get lynched D10 regardless!


I don't know for sure that it's Christina. Could just as easily be Zipped or even you.

Swamped said 'she' in her post so that narrows it down pretty easily. I helped lead the way for Splinter the Despair Mimic to be lynched and Christina, well...

It's obvious who it is.
Coming to you from my phone in a stinky lab...

Wow, a lot happened, but now our roles make more sense.

From the very beginning I knew there was something fishy about the Lucksters, especially considering my role and the lack of SKs.

I'm the Super Duper High School Team Manager. I'm a mountain of strength. I'm a one-shot BP. My partner is ninja watcher who does not remain in her room at night (she spies on rooms/facilities the entire night).
You should have transformed when the other two were still alive ^^

So Makai, don't waste your kill. If you want to win by killing the two remaining Despairs, it will take you multiple nights to achieve your win condition. If you want to win tonight all you have to do is kill Goshu. I will kill Zipped. We don't even have to play D10. At the start of D10 there will be 2 Despair, 1 neutral, 1 Hope. We can win together as neutral and Despair.

Oh, and if you don't comply, Makai, we will kill you N10.

If Makai was lying about becoming a neutral SK with KK's lynch...well, gg Hope, well played :). I was going to get lynched D10 regardless!

yeah Christina Mackenzie and where sawneeks will be are both known and as long as that info is Known I think hope has a shot.

If I ruined any possibility of hope winning then damn it
Good good :3

We're going to kill you otherwise <3. We both lose or we both win!

Lies! You lose if you help them. The only way they stop you is if they kill you tonight, and they can't risk that. Take out swamps BP, or kill The other despair. Don't target a hope, don't fall for their lies


Lies! You lose if you help them. The only way they stop you is if they kill you tonight, and they can't risk that. Take out swamps BP, or kill The other despair. Don't target a hope, don't fall for their lies

Exactly! Take out Christina tonight, we lynch Swamped tomorrow leaving you still alive. You still win with Hope!
Day 9 Ends
kingkitty said:
kingkitty returned to the courtroom, a half eaten bagel in one hand. In between bites, he began, “‘ey guys they ‘ot dis raspberry spread…” He was cut off as the rest of the students turned to him. Before he could say anything else, the rope materialized around his neck and dragged him into the adjacent room. What greeted him was a contraption straight from the depths of hell…


Monokuma explained how the contraption worked. Reluctantly, kingkitty walked onto the platform and pushed down the first plunger. A click wentoff, but nothing happened. Then Monokuma went up, pushed down the purple plunger. A click wentoff, but nothing happened. kingkitty repeated the process on the green plunger; again, nothing. Monokuma went up again… the white plunger caused a click but nothing happened. Finally, gulping down the bit of the raspberry cream cheese spread stuck on his throat, kingkitty walked up onto the stage. He approached the final plunger, the yellow plunger. Meanwhile, Monokuma had pulled out two corks and used one in each ear, presumably to block the ensuing noise, and waddled off a safe distance away. kingkitty finally pressed down the plunger… there was a click, then nothing. Finally opening his eyes a moment, kingkitty peered at the large Monokuma face to see if there was something wrong, when the giant head finally exploded in a bright, hot light. When the students dared open their eyes again, kingkitty was nowhere to be seen, possibly disintegrated in the explosion.

kingkitty got blown the fuck up.

“You idiots,” a voice from the back of the small group spoke. As the students turned to look at the source, a hysterical cackling began from the same direction. When the students’ eyes finally landed on Makai, his eyes carried a look they had seen far too many times already.


“The Despair are right in front of you and you guys won’t do a thing about it. Ah, well, I’ll have to take matters into my own hands now…” He walked off, continuing to cackle and leaving the students to ponder what his true intentions were...

Welcome to Despair Academy!

You are the Super High-School Level Lucky Student!

You are aligned with the Hope. You win when only Hope-aligned players remain.

Hmm. Wait, that’s weird. I thought there was already another Lucky Student? What, are you some kind of imposter or something? Oh well.

You can survive one attempt on your life during the night phase. This ability is activated automatically when you are targeted. After that, you will become an ordinary student. However, there are two Lucky Students in this game. If a murder is attempted on the other Lucky Student or punished by voting, you will be notified and your role will change to the following.

You are the Super High-School Level Hope!

You are aligned with the no one. You win when you’ve successfully eliminated two Remnants of Despair through night killing. If there are not enough Remnants of Despair remaining, you instead win by surviving until the end of the game.

You’ve taken it upon yourself to free the rest of the students from despair. However, you know with your extreme methods, that you’ll only end up alienating them; so, you work at night to fulfill your goals.

To do so, you’ve resorted to attempting to find and murder the remaining Remnants of Despair. During the night phase, you can choose a player dorm or other location to target for murder by PMing me the command KILL: <player name>. Conversely, if you wish to target a location, you can send me the command KILL: <location name>. Any players in that location will, under normal circumstances, be murdered.

Feel free to PM me any questions about your role.

For final votes, please refer to the third OP.

Night Phase 9 ends in:

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