Well, I was going to post this image as a response regardless of character...
lol He's good too. I think of him as me though while I'm playing, so he doesn't count.
Well, I was going to post this image as a response regardless of character...
lol He's good too. I think of him as me though while I'm playing, so he doesn't count.
I really need to get back into playing DanganRonpa. I stopped at Chapter 2 but so far I am really liking it.
It's a game that made me happy I own a Vita for. So far I am liking all the characters so far and I can't wait for the second game.
Guess you guys will have to settle things like jintomen.Jinto
Junior Member
(Today, 08:12 AM)
Hey, there's only room for one Ultimate Jint around here
Guess you guys will have to settle things like jintomen.
Refresh my memory since I can't remember nor find info about it. Didn't NISA said they had the rights to one other Danganronpa novel or something and were planning on translating it with the sequel? Am I thinking of Zero? Trying to remember since it hit me that a short novel would make for a good LE item.
Junior Member
(Today, 08:12 AM)
Hey, there's only room for one Ultimate Jint around here
Guess you guys will have to settle things like jintomen.
Refresh my memory since I can't remember nor find info about it. Didn't NISA said they had the rights to one other Danganronpa novel or something and were planning on translating it with the sequel? Am I thinking of Zero? Trying to remember since it hit me that a short novel would make for a good LE item.
Yeah, that's what it was. I was trying to find it on here, but couldn't. I just remember a light novel that was being translated since NISA got the rights & figured that would probably be included with the DR2 LE, which I'm sure they'll do if the first game got one.It was mentioned (I'm going to have to dig for the actual quote from the NISA forum again) that Danganronpa IF will be included with the second game.
Nothing about Danganronpa Zero since it's a completely separate license and a whole new ball game for NISA (since it's a light novel).
lol He's good too. I think of him as me though while I'm playing, so he doesn't count.
I suggest that we refer to Jintor as the Rated-R Jinto that lights himself on fire for tags.
And the other Jinto will now be referred to as Jinto Jr. Because he's a junior member still.
Yea, I see what you mean. They really made the investigation sections feel like nothing.It gets more and more rushed as you get more episodes in, I thought it started pretty good too.
Yea, I see what you mean. They really made the investigation sections feel like nothing.
Though I think the last episode was pretty good and a good adaptation of the final part of the game.
Just finished the main story. This game is fantastic! It's my first VN, and I was blown away. I've had VLR for awhile, but I didn't play it, because I didn't have 999. I ordered it off Amazon a few days ago because of this game. Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Ghost Trick, Ace Attorney Series
Are they all stand alone? Is there a good starting point?
Ghost Trick looks like it can be bought for cheap. I'll pick it up, thanks! As for Ace Attorney, seems like there are a lot of games. Are they all stand alone? Is there a good starting point?
All of them, in order. No exceptions. Check the AA5 OT for an AA game playing guide.
Ghost Trick was made by the same person behind the Ace Attorney series, by the way. The court and investigation segments of Danganronpa are basically what Ace Attorney is, but AA obviously does it so much better since court drama and investigations are what it's all about.
Go in order for preference. They're like $20 each on amazon or you can buy the shitty terrible iOS versions (or the shitty terrible 3-in-one compilation thing they're doing later this year)
Just finished the main story. This game is fantastic! It's my first VN, and I was blown away. I've had VLR for awhile, but I didn't play it, because I didn't have 999. I ordered it off Amazon a few days ago because of this game. Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Depending on how well you can handle.... certain things, Saya no Uta.
What exactly are you looking for in a new VN? I recommended this before but if you want something more horror heavy and darker without quite Saya No Uta levels afaik (haven't actually played that) Corpse Party for PSP/Vita is a fun little title for your highschool kid killing needs. And it's cheap at least in EU psn store. Gameplay is a lil different from AA/DR since it only has the exploration/adventure element with some light puzzles. Just don't be afraid to ask for help/look at a guide if you get stuck from all bad ends in the game (tho one of the fun parts is collecting them all lol).Hm, did a quick search, and doesn't really seem like my cup of tea. I might give it a shot later. Thanks though.
What exactly are you looking for in a new VN? I recommended this before but if you want something more horror heavy and darker without quite Saya No Uta levels afaik (haven't actually played that) Corpse Party for PSP/Vita is a fun little title for your highschool kid killing needs. And it's cheap at least in EU psn store. Gameplay is a lil different from AA/DR since it only has the exploration/adventure element with some light puzzles. Just don't be afraid to ask for help/look at a guide if you get stuck from all bad ends in the game (tho one of the fun parts is collecting them all lol).
But I also recommend doing 999/VLR first.
Time Hollow and Lux Pain are also good VNs, but the latter has one of the worst localizations I have ever seen.
As for what I'm looking for, basically something with a really good story without being too tedious. It can be totally different than DR. Maybe something less serious, or with more romance. Just so I can play something different after I'm done with 999, DR, VLR, etc.
But I also recommend doing 999/VLR first.
You really think they'd go to all of that effort to make the blood red just for the English localization of the game?
The pink blood is pretty much a part of Danganronpa now, even though it was originally only for censorship. There would be even bigger outcry if they changed it to red in the Western release.
The pink blood is really stupid. Hope they make it red for DR2 in the Fall.
The pink blood is really stupid. Hope they make it red for DR2 in the Fall.
On ch 3 now - just got to the investigation part. Really interested to see how this trial goes... gonna be a doozy!
Ehh I wouldn't. The writing is pretty bad, the characters aren't interesting & VLR is like 20 hours too long. I'd suggest Ghost Trick if you haven't played that one.
Can't be too much work, right? I imagine the VA, translation, etc are more intensive than editing some of the screens. I could be wrong, though.
I think the pink blood makes it more appealing and easier for people to get into. And since it makes it easier for people to get into, I'm perfectly fine with it having pink blood.
I would have also preferred red blood. Also, for some reason sometimes the blood appears to be red. Which doesn't make sense.It's here to stay, but I would also have preferred red blood. Now I'm just reluctantly used to the pink blood.
I would have also preferred red blood. Also, for some reason sometimes the blood appears to be red. Which doesn't make sense.
The pink blood will never go away because it's what keeps the games from receiving the equivalent of an AO rating in Japan.
The pink blood will never go away because it's what keeps the games from receiving the equivalent of an AO rating in Japan.
I still don't really understand how something like Corpse Party can get away with a Cero D while this can't because of blood color.
I think it's the way some of the executions take place.The culprit in chapter 1 is essentially gunned down which I could see helping it get a stricter rating in Japan. It's also the reason SDR2 has a lesser rating than DR1 in Japan since the executions are more tame.
SDR2 having a lesser rating makes no sense to me at all really
was surprised to see Giant Bomb reviewed it and while I don't agree with the score it's good for the game to get more exposure