You know, one thing that bugged about DR1 was how needlessly redundant it got at times. I mean there was usually a Non-stop debate for everything.
Hiro: So where were you at 8:45 last night?
Aoi: I dunno... I went to go use the bathroom?
Hiro: Is that where you really went?
Aoi: Yes!
(Non-stop trial begins)
Hiro: Hina's the killer! She killed the victim, then stuffed hid their body in the bathroom!
Aoi: No! I just went to the bathroom and that's it!!!
Hiro: So...! Number 1 or Number 2?
Aoi: You're foul!
Byakuya: ...Idiots.
Makoto: (I just have to prove that Hina went to the bathroom, oh I know I'll just use that piece of testimony)