Woah, there more of these, or at the very least the suggestions for executing the other characters? I heard about one for Chihiro.
Woah, there more of these, or at the very least the suggestions for executing the other characters? I heard about one for Chihiro.
Woah, there more of these, or at the very least the suggestions for executing the other characters? I heard about one for Chihiro.
Yeah, every single character has an execution designed, hell even some of the DR2 culprits have alternate executions (for some reason Makoto's execution was grouped with the DR2 cast's and no that doesn't mean anything spoilery before anyone asks). The unused one for the DR2 main character is somehow even more nonsensical than Mondo's if you can believe that.
Sadly I think that's the only unused execution that has a fananimation like that.
Edit: Ok, almost all of the DR2 cast, like 5 people don't have an execution for some reason.
Wait, why is it switching between Mukuro and Junko?
oh hey me too
And everyone's favorite meme.
Mine was bowling. >_>
Some Mukuro, because she's awesome.
And everyone's favorite meme.
This is the superior form of the DR version of this meme. Who needs Naegiri when you have Naekuro or however you call the ship
This is the superior form of the DR version of this meme. Who needs Naegiri when you have Naekuro or however you call the ship
What's the divergence point in DRIF? Spoiler it or PM me if you want.
It's coming with DR2 right
Yeah, but what is the difference
shit, that's awesome.
now i want to read it ;__;
shit, that's awesome.
now i want to read it ;__;
Hard to have both while Mukuro is as dead as a doornail.
Things I don't get :
- Is that an explosion when they finally open the door ?
- That last scene : does it mean the true mastermind is the headmaster ?
- What is this "what if mode" ?
Naegi gets the Escape Switch from the Monomono Machine right at the beginning when they're exploring Hope's Peak. However, it's a dummy that triggers the return of his stolen memories.
Man anything could become a meme these days :\Mine was bowling. >_>
Some Mukuro, because she's awesome.
And everyone's favorite meme.
Read through IF, and there's a (minor?) spoiler for something non-Danganronpa 1 near the end. People trying to go into the second game blind should just avoid it until the official release.
Thought it was amusing that due to the fan translation being based on the Korean version of the story, there's no honorifics and the translator added them in later whenever he or she could. Some people crave that Authentic Japanese Experience, I suppose. Pretty darn readable otherwise though.
It's kind of amazing to see how popular Mukuro is considering how little of her is actually in the game.
It's mostly coming from IF, where she is the main character.
I read it, but I can't recall any spoiler that someone would want to avoid.
#1 girl if Junko hadn't offed her so soon ;_;
How they'll have to return to the school eventually for the memory cure.
Ah. Though it's not clear that it's a spoiler, but I'm completely ignorant of Danganronpa 2. And even then, IF is bundled with DR2, reading it first is probably fine.
I'm very curious as to what Mukuro and Junko's home life was like (especially given Mukuro took time off to go be the ultimate soldier as well)
I tried imagining it and the whole thing seemed sort of unusual and out there for me. I mean, they're the Despair twins, they only see and desire despair, etc......shouldn't their parents do something about that? Why did no one notice this and do something about it before they did what they did? I might be missing something, or maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
if they were the ultimate emos, they really did a great job hiding it