I have an 8gb 2080, and it's starting to be a poor performer. I'm planning on buying a laptop some time later this year if I can save enough, and I was looking at 8gb 4060 machines. I can barely afford $1k for an 8 gig vram laptop, I'd never be able to afford $3000 for a laptop with 16gb vram.
I hate to be that guy but that's a side grade at best, and a downgrade depending on the wattage of that 4060 (depends on the laptop). 4060 is one of the worst price / performance cards made recently. Do you need a laptop? With a 1,000 or less budget just swapping your current 2080 to a better card will get you better results.
Techpowerup average results for 1080p and that's the desktop variant of the 4060, the laptop one is at minimum 10% slower.

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