88. I'm a mixture of both. Soul arrows and +10 magic uchi.What's your current Agility?
Are you magic or melee based?
Anyways I beat Rotten boss just now. Putting all those points to Adaptability.
88. I'm a mixture of both. Soul arrows and +10 magic uchi.What's your current Agility?
Are you magic or melee based?
88. I'm a mixture of both. Soul arrows and +10 magic uchi.
Anyways I beat Rotten boss just now. Putting all those points to Adaptability.
I already have her stuff, so I want to do it alone (also I can't be bothered clearing all those water enemies). The pyros just keep dodging my lightning spears.
Shotels can stun lock can't they?Jesus.would fucking destroy Yurt and Lautrec.Licia
Thoroughly explore Heide's Tower of Flame.
Hi all.
New to Gaf and to this topic
I got a question for the Blue Sentinels covenants : is anyone have ever reach level 2 or 3?
The amount of victory needed is insane...
I've been summoned only 5 times during my first playtrough.
And only one time during my new...(already at 40+h) it's seems to take forever and all i do is keep waiting.
I put my summon sign to help with some bosses (to obtain Token of Fidelity -for the dueling-), but the result is the same : waiting and waiting.... and nothing.
Any idea?
Jesus, dark chasm of old is tough. Can't see shit and super powerful phantoms. 4 times I entered- 3 times I fell, once 3 phantoms ganged up on me. Wasted 4 human effigy too.
Holy shit... My Dark Zweihander (AR of 530) was doing ~16 damage per hit to a Havel -_-
Yep. I did some tests the other day with a friend and the general conclusion was the split damage weapons are the ones that are penalized the most against high defense.
Pure physical weapons rule.
They go through two types of defense so they end up weaker.Interesting, is this a new thing due to a recent calibration/patch? I thought that most infusions were simply better than pure physical.
They go through two types of defense so they end up weaker.
2? I've been in Blue Sentinels for a total of maybe 100 hours over several characters and I haven't reached rank ONE.Hi all.
New to Gaf and to this topic
I got a question for the Blue Sentinels covenants : is anyone have ever reach level 2 or 3?
The amount of victory needed is insane...
I've been summoned only 5 times during my first playtrough.
And only one time during my new...(already at 40+h) it's seems to take forever and all i do is keep waiting.
I put my summon sign to help with some bosses (to obtain Token of Fidelity -for the dueling-), but the result is the same : waiting and waiting.... and nothing.
Any idea?
I just joined the covenant in NEW GAME + as I wanted to rank it up to +3, but like you said it's pretty insane so I don't think I'll do it.
I think you can have the miracles that you get when you reach +3 in it by going into New Game ++ and buying them from the chancellor in Drangleic Castle, and you can get the Blue Sentinels armor by killing the covenant dude (Targrey or something like that).
So I don't think you have to get 500 kills in order to get the Miracles and stuff...that would just be insane![]()
2? I've been in Blue Sentinels for a total of maybe 100 hours over several characters and I haven't reached rank ONE.
It's really more of doing co-op to get tokens and then winning your points through the arena. (edit: Or well, I guess you can go counter-invading by farming the blue crystals too, though that requires a lot of patience as well). I haven't transitioned into NG+ yet though, maybe it was a fluke but I seemed to be getting more blue summons towards the endgame.
There's still split damage even against low defenses.Well, it depends doesn't it? If your target has barely any defense against your infused damage type I imagine you would gain damage.
Interesting, is this a new thing due to a recent calibration/patch? I thought that most infusions were simply better than pure physical.
Hi all.
New to Gaf and to this topic
I got a question for the Blue Sentinels covenants : is anyone have ever reach level 2 or 3?
The amount of victory needed is insane...
I've been summoned only 5 times during my first playtrough.
And only one time during my new...(already at 40+h) it's seems to take forever and all i do is keep waiting.
I put my summon sign to help with some bosses (to obtain Token of Fidelity -for the dueling-), but the result is the same : waiting and waiting.... and nothing.
Any idea?
This is interesting, I didn't realise we knew the exact break points for i-frames now. I'm almost afraid to ask this but is it affected at all by framerate, i.e do you have longer invincibility if you're running at a lower framerate?
Jesus.would fucking destroy Yurt and Lautrec.Licia
Holy shit... My Dark Zweihander (AR of 530) was doing ~16 damage per hit to a Havel -_-
Her spell is absolutely broken. WotG.
Basically one shots anything, and the roll doesn't have enough invincibility frames to ever make rolling viable against it.
Her spell is absolutely broken. WotG.
Basically one shots anything, and the roll doesn't have enough invincibility frames to ever make rolling viable against it.
Yep. I did some tests the other day with a friend and the general conclusion was the split damage weapons are the ones that are penalized the most against high defense.
Pure physical weapons rule.
Hi all.
New to Gaf and to this topic
I got a question for the Blue Sentinels covenants : is anyone have ever reach level 2 or 3?
The amount of victory needed is insane...
I've been summoned only 5 times during my first playtrough.
And only one time during my new...(already at 40+h) it's seems to take forever and all i do is keep waiting.
I put my summon sign to help with some bosses (to obtain Token of Fidelity -for the dueling-), but the result is the same : waiting and waiting.... and nothing.
Any idea?
Noob question: Is there any use infusing my shield, since I don't use it for attacking. Ordinary upgrade raises stability, isn't it enough? Also can multiple infusion be performed on a weapon?
Is drakekeeper shield, a good lightweight shield?
I want a good <6 shield.
Drake keeper shield is a superior drangelic shield. It's like a mini greatsheild really.Noob question: Is there any use infusing my shield, since I don't use it for attacking. Ordinary upgrade raises stability, isn't it enough? Also can multiple infusion be performed on a weapon?
Is drakekeeper shield, a good lightweight shield?
I want a good <6 shield.
I m using drangelic shield now, but to upgrade u need twinkling titaniteDrake keeper shield is a superior drangelic shield. It's like a mini greatsheild really.
I m using drangelic shield now, but to upgrade u need twinkling titanite.
Any other cool light weight shields?
Drakekeeper and old knight are two standard sheilds on the normal upgrade path that are alright. I prefer drakekeeper though.I m using drangelic shield now, but to upgrade u need twinkling titanite.
Any other cool light weight shields?
Sweet Gwyn...NG+ is full of invasions...insane. I was invaded like 3 times in NG and did a very lenghty playthrough...and now just in the forest of giants I was constantly being invaded.
Any reason for this?
IIRC in Dark Souls 1 invasions were much more common in NG
Her spell is absolutely broken. WotG.
Basically one shots anything, and the roll doesn't have enough invincibility frames to ever make rolling viable against it.
Your soul memory range is within that of the invaders so you will get invaded more often.Sweet Gwyn...NG+ is full of invasions...insane. I was invaded like 3 times in NG and did a very lenghty playthrough...and now just in the forest of giants I was constantly being invaded.
Any reason for this?
I've been looking at getting that fifth soul without going through the tedium of AD and apparently, you should use the ascetic on the first bonfire, not the hidden one.
I was about to do it myself.
Edit: just did it, I can confirm it works on 1.03.
I made it to rank 2 (150 wins) with only being summoned twice. Once I got my character and equipment to the levels I wanted, I spent all my souls on cracked blue orbs which you can buy from the man in the cathedral. You can also farm blue orbs from the knights in Heide's tower. When low on souls I would put my white sign down, usually at the guardian dragon at Aldia's Keep, and I was usually summoned right away. I would then spend my tokens in the sparring arena. Also use bonfire ascetics at places that you can easily beat to farm souls.
I tried praying at Amana Shrine, but that didn't restore my humanity. It says "alas, nothing happened". Why?
Does it restore humanity, only if we have no effigies?
Anybody else noticed those creepy laughs at building with the first Milfanito in Shrine of Amana.
Are those sounds from her???
Edit. Maybe that curse jar... Never noticed that sound before :O
Noob here, just bought Dark Souls II from the Xbox marketplace. *waves*
I have played Dark Souls 1 but was a melee build, this time I want to be a sorcerer.
To all you sorcerers on GAF, what advice would you give to a complete beginner when it comes to magic? What stats should I be focusing on early game? Etc.
Her spell is absolutely broken. WotG.
Basically one shots anything, and the roll doesn't have enough invincibility frames to ever make rolling viable against it.
Her WoTG is actually 100% physical, unlike the ones we can cast. Just go in with a 100% phys shield, block it when you see her animation to cast and you should be golden. Minimal stamina drain too.
I find her instacast Heals the most annoying aspect of her repertoire. Stop. Healing. Yourself.
Didn't quite one-shot me, so it wasn't that horrible, but still pretty bad.
Shit I never once tried to block when fighting her. I've gotten so used to dodging instead.
On the subject, those whole game I've been rolling a DEX build focusing on endurance with 100 agility. I'm finding I almost never block at all and am actually still using the hard leather shield which only blocks 90% physical damage. Should I just chuck it and dual wield or two-hand?