Feels like a whole different game, right? Co-op is my favorite thing about DS2.
yup. so much better than 24fps lagathon.
Is there any implementation of sweetfx that doesn't fuck the ui? Does durante's thing have something?
Feels like a whole different game, right? Co-op is my favorite thing about DS2.
This one is pretty good I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayDrTngtGL0This might of been asked so sorry but as someone who put maybe 5 hours into DS1 and no hours into demons, is there a good maybe 30-40 minute introduction video to dark souls 2? Something that can explain some of the classes and how they play or just tips for beginners because i know the lady in the beginning gives you a flask if you do something and i probably would of just walked right on past.
I am not looking for a straight playthrough just something to help a terrified noob out to maybe help me understand some mechanics or something before i dive in.
So the update to WMP on 8.1 windows works, but there's no fix for Windows 7 yet. I wonder if you can work your magic again, Durante!
If you can start the game, but after clicking on new game the screen turns black, then you probably a N version of Windows without Windows Media Player.
To fix this download Media Feature Pack for Windows 7 N with Service Pack 1 and Windows 7 KN with Service Pack 1 (KB968211) .
Thats it. Well done FROM...
How worried should I be about focusing on upgrading one weapon vs. multiple weapons?
I remember reading upgrade materials were a lot more rare and finite this time around...
This didn't work?
I mean the PS3 has 256MB of RAM and can be had for $150 or less on ebay. Let that sink in when comparing it to the PC version lol. It's not even a handheld by today's standards.Ineed. Xbox 360 got released in late 2005 but its tech existed a full decade ago in early 2004. PS3 is more or less just as old really, difference being a matter of months not years.
Muchos gracias, my friend.This one is pretty good I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayDrTngtGL0
Spoiler-tagged just in case:
Normal titanite is rare at first, but you eventually get infinite sources (except slabs, but they are fairly common compared to past games).
For twinkling, however, be very choosy, because they are rare and there isn't an infinite vendor. It can be farmed but it's a pain in the ass and I would recommend using it only on a weapon you really want.
Ditto for upgrades for boss soul weapons. Their upgrade materials are rare.
Ah nope. Multiple users responding that it "doesn't work with their version of Windows". Which is the same error I get when I try to install. Which means we're trying to apply a fix to a version of Windows that already has WMP installed. With the extras!
I have problems with screenshots in GEDOSATO
When i press DIVIDE or MULTIPLY keys the game crashes.
Anyone else?
Geez, where is the second bonfire in the Wharf area? D:
How the heck do I get rid of the mouse cursor every time I bring up the menu
How the heck do I get rid of the mouse cursor every time I bring up the menu
Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Dark Souls II\Game\movie
Then open the movie with Windows Media Player, does it play?
edit: You could also ask someone to create a save game for you...
Okay this first ogre thing is fucking bullshit.
In one of the houses in majula
Okay thanks! It says its not downsampling, looking through the ini doesn't seem to have a true or false unless I missed something.
It does, yes. I'm considering just waiting to see if a fix arises. Which REALLY sucks.
Has anyone gotten this to work with a DS3 controller yet? I used MotioninJoy for DS1 and it was totally fine, this is getting nothing.
Welp, no idea then.
I recommend acquiring a newly created save file... good luck!
Interesting, getting some pretty serious slowdown in Heide's. SLI GTX 670 4GBs and downsampling at 1560p... might have to lower it.
Guess I'm out of practice then![]()
Got easier when I got the flame sword and actually started doing some damage (fuck you broken sword).
so the pursuer, fuck that guy
Getting an issue where the game crashes on launch. Getting a white windowed screen and then "Dark SOuls 2 has stopped working".
Anyone else having this problem? Any solutions?
Your bit didn't work at all for me by the way.