Wallachia said:Anor Londo:
I am knee deep in endless tries on Ornstein and Smough. Fun pair they are. So I try to help other players beat them (to get humanity for my own summonings) but die there too. Love the game mechanics though. And that Giant Blacksmith is awesome. I was hoping he would have a deep voice, dumb kiddie attitude.. and he does. Bravo, From. Talk no good, Work good. haha
I have like 5 boss souls, but the Giant won't upgrade any of them. Do ALL weapons need to be at +10 to be upgraded elementally? Nevermind, found this: http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/Boss+Soul+Weapons
Yeah, if I remember correctly, all boss weapon/soul upgrades need to be done on a +10 weapon/shield. As for O/S, I just used the Crystal Ring Shield and spammed em both to death. I'm not sure if the update has hit the US yet. If it hasn't, just use that. Even at its base state (non upgraded), you'll take each one day super fast if you just use that shield's parry move.