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Dark Souls |OT3| This thread moves faster than the Blighttown framerate

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Giard said:
So..is it worth trying to farm clams for Twinkling Titanite? All my armor and my shield need it.
No. superfluous farming is an annoying part of this lovely game I have little recommendation for, unless you're a noob and need reps to learn. Just do the sparkly glitch if you can....if you already maxed out your moss etc. then just wait for the patch. Prior patch though, all twinkling stones best go to the antiquated skirt. I really want my magic character to be able to have the trident........could care less about platinum.....My sttreegth character got one without trying (just dying lots in duke's) but that is one I may have to farm. Anyone have one they would like to trade? SL 116.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I saw in a video someone climbed on the Taurus Demon's head and stabbed him. How on earth do you do that?


140.85 said:
I saw in a video someone climbed on the Taurus Demon's head and stabbed him. How on earth do you do that?

You don't climb on his head, you drop down on his head and press R1 to do a drop attack.

There is a ladder by that entrance you can climb, with 2 hollow soldiers at the top. When you trigger Taurus, run back to the ladder and climb up, then drop down and R1 to do a drop attack and take out ~1/3 of Taurus' HP.


worldrevolution said:
Solaire on Gaping was so worthless..he got owned so quickly and he doesn't even really distract it that much considering it will always run past you.
Lautrec was wayy better...took both with me as not a lot of action...already soloed gaping before so wanted to have fun seeing what they could do.....not much.......the overhead reach of my chaos ggreat scythe made it so much easier to get the tail though....helped some other guy get the tail in his game but we almost missed it owing to killing him too fast! Prolly already had one I guess and he didn't care...I just can't do a boss without trying for the tail irrespective of whether I need the drop or not. TAIL TAIL TAIL! straight to quellag. Mildred never showed...killed her neaar the bonfire, took humanity, recharged at bonfire, got human, dropped sign, no takers, no droppers, so went to door....no mildred. Soloed queelag.......didn't lose even a sliver of health..for some reason she was intent on spewing laval continuously....so just went to town on her side and ass......got tired of swatting her ass with my moonlight sword so stood back and spammed the magic....she rolled over darn fast once the crystal magic showed up. Yawn. Guess I'm going to have to start a new character to keep interested....only thing is I would prefer to be way lower SL to work up through tthe ranks...already have the requirements and more than enough sunlight medals, and am prepared to go to gywndolin before doing the bulk of anor londo so he/she doesn't get pissed. Should I try sunlight first before darkmoon? Both use miracles for the faith based character I want, but which would be the best order? Getting tired of magic, vow of silence and lingering dragon crest ring is mandatory equip me thinks.

as for the quellana saga....maxed the empty pyro flame from ng+ asylum (started as pyro and therefore glove shows up each playthrough..... he heehheeheheh sparkly glitch for an extra red SLAB.....next time...the longer the patch stays away the more tempting it is to glitch to the max...too bad fire weapons are kind of redundant and easy to protect against.) Anyway queelana showed the minute I maxed out the glove after queelag...not a minute sooner, nor later, had laurentius up at firelink but he didnt mention the depths or queelana.


Zzoram said:
The mods didn't want this thread embarrassing the others by getting to OT10.
I think skyrim is steering a lot of people away now.....all the friends list gang I made pvping on the PSN are still online often but are almost ALL on skyrim now.

I will get skyrim, but since there is no unique online what's really the point of doing the main story half assed? I would much rather do it with ALL the add ons available at once...none of this spoiling the usefulness of a certain strategic weapon in one area by completing the main story too early and not being able to have a nouveau strategy come to fruition?!?!?!!!!

Dark souls did this to us a little...I wish I would have started my whole dark experience either with faith based darkmoon or sunlight. Would have been so much fun to "figure out|" a way to get those fog ring twop, magic shield guys during the nouveau run. Chaos servant and darkwraith was fun...but for some reason the faith would have been the best I think...maybe grass is always greener.


2AdEPT said:
I think skyrim is steering a lot of people away now.....all the friends list gang I made pvping on the PSN are still online often but are almost ALL on skyrim now.

Put Dark Souls online + melee combat into Skyrim and you'll have the ultimate video game.

That's my dream for Elder Scrolls VI, which should be on the next gen consoles and a new engine too so they can stop with that gimpy terrible loading screen at every door.
Zzoram said:
Put Dark Souls online + melee combat into Skyrim and you'll have the ultimate video game.

I think Dark Souls also has better graphics, better environments, better sound, better voice acting, and better enemies, but I get your meaning. :p

With respect to the thread's pace, there's also the patch factor. I know a couple people on my friends list who are waiting, and with my playing Skyrim lately I've kinda fallen into that trap, too: "might as well wait for the patch and start afresh" kinda thing.


I think Dark Souls also has better graphics, better environments, better sound, better voice acting, and better enemies, but I get your meaning. :p

With respect to the thread's pace, there's also the patch factor. I know a couple people on my friends list who are waiting, and with my playing Skyrim lately I've kinda fallen into that trap, too: "might as well wait for the patch and start afresh" kinda thing.

Ya Dark Souls melee combat sounds are so good. Voice acting is surprisingly good too, and enemies are way more varied in combat style.

Elder Scrolls games are usually great but everything about their combat is always trash.
IrishNinja said:
/forum ghetto confirmed.

for real, why is this here and Demons Souls out in gaming again?

I agree and am also disappointed we have been relegated to the community forum, but this thread will have long legs. Just the fact that the Demon Souls OT is not only still getting posts 2 years later, but REGULAR posts tells me this thread could still get to OT10!


DigitalDevil said:
I agree and am also disappointed we have been relegated to the community forum, but this thread will have long legs. Just the fact that the Demon Souls OT is not only still getting posts 2 years later, but REGULAR posts tells me this thread could still get to OT10!

I'm disappointed because this is really the kinda game where anyone not in "our little community" could have a quick question they wanna ask, and have no idea where the hell the thread is/assume there isn't an active one.


Unconfirmed Member
Too right, let's keep the flame of this thread alive for good, so the world might be mended.
I would much prefer to come in here and chat, receive hints (and hopefully give them in time) with fellow players than read through a dry (sometimes incomplete) Wiki. Also, reading about some folks experiences is pretty great, provided they're relatively spoiler-free.

I'm all a-flutter after a mad session after ringing the bell in Quelaag's Lair (thanks for all the help on here for dealing with her!) and setting foot in Sen's Fortress for the first time. I still can't get over how massive this seamless world is! And so varied - something different at every turn. I'm loving this more 'environmental stronghold' type of level. Feels like a proper old school deathtrap dungeon from the 16bit era.

Anyway, after one surprise death, some close calls and a lot of panicking, I reached the top of some towers where
massive boulders and bombs were being chucked about by giants. Fought a guy whose name escapes me, but he dropped a Rapier. I then opened two chests and caught my breath.

Decided it was high time to use a Homeward Bone for the first time. I had 15k souls, zero flasks and less than 10% health. Back to the Bonfire outside the gates and off for the night. What a rush! Tomorrow: take two!
catashtrophe said:
Made massive progress and finished Darkroot basin/gardens, catacombs, Dukes Archives, Crystal Caves, Tomb of the Giants, New Londo and now almost at the end, I'm in the Demons Ruins at the moment but honestly what a crap area full of cut n paste enemies. This along with the great hollow and Ash lake let the game down.

Anyway I've upgrade Quelaags fury sword to +5, can this be upgraded any further for a best weapon trophy?

I need loads of white Titanite and Blue Titanite chunks to upgrade my Enchanted/Divine weapons. Wheres best to go and farm them?

Yesterday I finally finished the game for the first time clocking at 99+ hours (although you can take about 8 hours or so since I went ahead and did bunch of other stuff when I realized I only had the final boss left)

The game is looooooooong, my Demon's Souls first playthrough was about 38 hours. 2 Things made my first playthrough much long than demons:

1- I got stuck because when I went to Anor Londo I didn't notice the beam that leads you to the chapel (in my defense that beam looked low res so I thought it was part of the background), as such I never got the Lord Vessel so I had to go back and figure out where I should go next which lead me to clear some big and long areas only to be blocked my Orange portals (Anor Londo - Demon's Ruins - Catacombs/Tomb of The Giants) or to just face a dead end (New Londo Ruins), so after being completely lost as to what I should be doing I asked gaf and they pointed out the beam which made me feel real dumb after that.

2-Biscally the game is just bigger and has more content (I really thing it's double but that will be hard to actually calculate that), each time I thought I've seen it all another big area pops up out of nowhere, it's amazing how much FROM Software manged to include in this sequel

In general I think the game was a bit easier, and I say that because Demon's Souls had Flamelurker and when he get's his life under 25% he turn his "fuck you" mode and goes ahead and crush you

I will leave the game for a while so I won't burn myself too fast by it and I want to play my NG+ or new character when the patch finally hits
Foliorum Viridum said:
Okay guys, I'm level 20. What do I do:

Gargoyle bosses, Capra boss or explore down below in that forest place?

The two bosses have been kicking my ass :(

Throw a lightning resin on your weapon and go to town on the first boss. You're actually at a pretty high level for those fools.

Level doesn't mean as much compared to strategy. Well, it does sometimes


Get to the kiln, you'll be swimming in chunks. Before they're too much effort to collect imo

Boss weapons only go to +5
Yesterday, darkmoon invaded some dude with two fellow white phantoms in New Londo Ruins. One of the most satisfying invasion yet.

They were almost at the level end just before the abyss stairs. I rush head-on and for whatever reason, they decide to get me. I use strong magic shield ( my only available cast as I equip the Tin Crys. Catalyst ), manage to poke the host ... after a bit one white phantom backstabs me just before SMS ends. Panicked, I decide to retreat, and the follow me. They agro two darkwraith soldiers, and start to kill them in the little basin while I cast crystal soul mass. I creep in, bang, 1 white dead. The other tries to attack, bang soul spear (he died). The host finally retreats and goes toward the fog. He manages to dodge a crystal soul spear but not the second. He dies. "Come at me bro" gesture. Felt so good man!

I am not sure I want the next two patches ;)

Overall invasions, my LV 85 sorcerer's absolute weaknesses are pyromancy and faith builds. I'll get a dark knight shield +5 just for the fire absorbtion... I also lack vitality I guess.


Whew! Almost done with playthrough 1. SL75 here.
Farming Titanite Chunks in the last level before I go take on the last boss - it's been a fantastic game so far, but I have a few gripes:

- The Centipede boss. WTF. He wasn't terribly difficult, but the fight would have been much better if the camera wouldn't constantly get stuck on the wall. I think you being stranded on a platform in the middle of the lava would have been a better idea. I must have died like 5 times because I had no idea where I was.

- I know the game is designed to not really give out information, but I wish there were at least clues here and there for some things. How are you supposed to know that Reah and Logan go to
the place where you first fight Seath and the jail in the Archives

- The second half of the game's bosses are seemingly much easier than the first half. Once you get past S&O, they're pretty simple. I don't think I had nearly as many problems as some people did with Four Kings, and I'm a strictly DEX melee build.

- Been beaten to death, but online needs to be fixed, as well as the exploits in PvP. Fog Ring/TWOP/etc. Just wasn't fun at all. The only way I got my Fog Ring was because I ended up invading someone who had another invader already and we tag-teamed him...3 times.

Other than that, I can't wait to do NG+!
catashtrophe said:

human form +30 humanity and equip covetous serpent ring.

Blue Chunks - The grassy area outside the crystal caverns. Rest at the bonfire there, run and drop off the ledge and kill the 8-10 crystal golems in that area.

Titanite Chunks - The darkwraiths in New Londo. Rest at Firelink, take the elevator down, when you step off the elevator, get on it again then quickly roll back off so the platform rises back to Firelink. Run through the ghosts after the bridge, take the first platform on your left down, kill the 10 darkwraiths, use homeward bone to return to Firelink. Repeat.
Ourobolus said:
Whew! Almost done with playthrough 1. SL75 here.
Farming Titanite Chunks in the last level before I go take on the last boss - it's been a fantastic game so far, but I have a few gripes:

- The Centipede boss. WTF. He wasn't terribly difficult, but the fight would have been much better if the camera wouldn't constantly get stuck on the wall. I think you being stranded on a platform in the middle of the lava would have been a better idea. I must have died like 5 times because I had no idea where I was.

- I know the game is designed to not really give out information, but I wish there were at least clues here and there for some things. How are you supposed to know that Reah and Logan go to
the place where you first fight Seath and the jail in the Archives

- The second half of the game's bosses are seemingly much easier than the first half. Once you get past S&O, they're pretty simple. I don't think I had nearly as many problems as some people did with Four Kings, and I'm a strictly DEX melee build.

- Been beaten to death, but online needs to be fixed, as well as the exploits in PvP. Fog Ring/TWOP/etc. Just wasn't fun at all. The only way I got my Fog Ring was because I ended up invading someone who had another invader already and we tag-teamed him...3 times.

Other than that, I can't wait to do NG+!

I completely skipped over the centipede boss thanks to the chaos covenant shortcut, and I'm glad too! Those half-dino's freaking SUCK.


DigitalDevil said:
I completely skipped over the centipede boss thanks to the chaos covenant shortcut, and I'm glad too! Those half-dino's freaking SUCK.

Yeah they do but they give a ton of souls and aren't really that difficult to kill with a little bit of patience and a bow and/or magic. I imagine fighting them as a straight up melee would be terrible though because of the way they like to jump around.
toasty_T said:
Throw a lightning resin on your weapon and go to town on the first boss. You're actually at a pretty high level for those fools.

Level doesn't mean as much compared to strategy. Well, it does sometimes
Yeah it seems like the
were the right choice. I used the drake sword and firebombs and it ripped through them once I realised how I needed to dodge them! :)

One bell down!


Looking for meaning in GAF
Tip for those having trouble with parrying G
wyn: One of his attacks has a little bit of windup, so just parry that normally. He has another attack that has super fast startup though, so try to BLOCK the first hit and then parry the second hit in that string. I saw the speedrun guy doing it and realized how much easier it is to do that. You can also parry the jumping slash he does at the start of the fight. For more parrying practice, just parry the black knights on the way there. You'll get a lot of titanite chunks in the process.

Beat the gargoyles yesterday on NG+. You guys are right; the health boost in NG+ means your weapons aren't so godlike anymore, so you don't always oneshot enemies with backstabs/ripostes. I almost died, if not for Solaire's help. I was facing off against one of the gargoyles when a lightning bolt flew over my shoulder and finished it off. XD

Still not so sure on weapon. I'm having trouble breaking 1.1k or so in ripostes/backstabs, even with Hornet ring. I'm toying with the idea of getting a bigger weapon, but I can't seem to find one with a moveset that I like.


I just had something really cool happen. Solaire actually survived the Gaping Dragon fight! I started the fight off spamming Great Heavy Soul Arrow and it got his attention and after I ran out of those I switched to Chaos Fireballs and Great Fireballs. I still had to resort to some melee to finish the beast off but the Gaping Dragon was so busy following me around he never got around to killing Solaire. Plus 1 medal for me!


matmanx1 said:
I just had something really cool happen. Solaire actually survived the Gaping Dragon fight! I started the fight off spamming Great Heavy Soul Arrow and it got his attention and after I ran out of those I switched to Chaos Fireballs and Great Fireballs. I still had to resort to some melee to finish the beast off but the Gaping Dragon was so busy following me around he never got around to killing Solaire. Plus 1 medal for me!
Nice job, poor sunbro only seems to survive the gargoyle fight and sometimes Gwyn for me. His AI against the Gaping Dragon always makes me shake my head and laugh.
Filthierich Rich Bantegui
Going to have some good news for the #DarkSouls fans out there - I'll keep you all posted!

Filthierich Rich Bantegui
@DetectiveE I have an update coming very soon -

Looks like the patch is coming very soon


Nora Kisaragi said:
Filthierich Rich Bantegui
Going to have some good news for the #DarkSouls fans out there - I'll keep you all posted!

Filthierich Rich Bantegui
@DetectiveE I have an update coming very soon -

Looks like the patch is coming very soon

Announcement of an announcement of a .01 patch release date.


Hopefully NA/EU go straight to 1.05

better item drop rates and higher soul drops from enemies should dramatically reduce time spent farming


So anyone rocking Priscilla's Dagger? It's got 110 divine damage and 50% bleed damage in addition to it's A scaling with DEX. Seems like it would make a good fast weapon.
Had to kill phantom sunbro during a blue orb invasion the other day. He sure takes a lot of hits but he's pretty terrible at fighting players. Felt like fighting a blind man.


Is Solaire's Shield good enough to warrant his murder?

hmm after wiki, it looks like it's not.

I'm probably going to go for a Silver Knight's Shield as my main, and maybe Crest Shield as my alternate when fighting mages.
I know this is pretty much a myth, but there is absolutely no way to spare Sif right? One of the wikis was saying if you're a Forest Covenant member, you can spare him. The only problem is that you need to kill him to beat the game lol.
Zzoram said:
Is Solaire's Shield good enough to warrant his murder?
Yes it is. Only killed him once for his items. I co-op where people would just wear his entire gear.
Anyone using the Iron Round Shield that Shiva drops? I notice its the only medium shield that causes weapon deflection like the great shields do. Seems like it would be nice having that along with the ability to parry.


Air Zombie Meat said:
Anyone using the Iron Round Shield that Shiva drops? I notice its the only medium shield that causes weapon deflection like the great shields do. Seems like it would be nice having that along with the ability to parry.

What is deflection?


Junior Member
The guy I pvp'ed that messaged me saying I was the toughest opponent he's had in his hours and hours of PvP finally uploaded the video of us fighting.

I think it's pretty poor fight by me. I'm just on my way to making my ultimate build, which I now have - +15 Uchi with CMW at SL120. I was like SL100 when I fought him, and I'm also making a bandit's dagger + CMW and parrying dagger as backup, so I was practicing parrying, trying to bait him to attack, then try and parry - which is why I roll so much.

But it was a fun fight! Awesome to be honored by someone else like this, too.


Check it out :)


Broseybrose said:
So no one can beat the Red Dragon in Burg?

Zzoram said:
Sure you can, if you have Homing Crystal Soul Mass and 50 INT.

Actually, you can do it with something like 24 int and great heavy soul arrow. However, you need to stand to the left (facing inward) of where the rats are under the bridge and aim upward towards his head. Having a bow helps even if you can't wield it - just need it for aiming. Once you can get solid hits on his head, it'll only take a few casts to kill him in NG. You'll need to wait after each shot for him to return to his perch and resume his idle animation prior to each cast.


Junior Member
Zzoram said:
What is deflection?

It's nothing, really. It's just a factor of stability. If an enemy attack is interrupted, it's because of high stability, so a medium shield like Hollow Soldier Shield does that more easy than most other shields
Zzoram said:
What is deflection?

It's when an enemies attack bounces off your shield, leaving them staggered for a second or so.

Septimius said:
It's nothing, really. It's just a factor of stability. If an enemy attack is interrupted, it's because of high stability, so a medium shield like Hollow Soldier Shield does that more easy than most other shields

Thats not true. Shields have a hidden deflection stat as well. Thats why the eagle shield can deflect blows that the hollow shield can't despite having the same stability. Round Iron Shield is the only medium shield that deflects black knight attacks for example despite having relatively low stability. Stability is just how much stamina you lose on block, it has nothing to do with deflections.


Junior Member
Air Zombie Meat said:
Thats not true. Shields have a hidden deflection stat as well. Thats why the eagle shield can deflect blows that the hollow shield can't despite having the same stability. Round Iron Shield is the only medium shield that regularly deflects black knight attacks for example despite having relatively low stability.

Hmm, probably true. I was basing it on the fact that the higher upgraded a shield is, the better deflection it does, too.


electricpirate said:
Man, the 360 version has been a ghost town since Skyrim came out :(.

PS3 is still active, although definitely less summons. 1.05 should address a lot of the online issues.

I wouldn't be surprised though if the Dark Souls community returns after this crazy holiday season of multiple AAA games comes to an end. I'm sure a lot of the players who played it in October rushed through the latter half of the game just to finish it off so they have time for Skyrim/Arkham City/Uncharted, etc. The game has a lot more replayability than all the other above AAA games, which imo are one-and-done, beat it and put it away types. Plus it has better PvP. There's also those just waiting on the patch to fix all the major issues with the game.

Honestly, Namco was pretty smart in releasing this game in October, despite all the online issues and some of the later zones feeling rushed. Despite the cult following, I don't think this game would've had its time in the spotlight if it was released in November in direct competition with all the other AAA games.
Broseybrose said:
So no one can beat the Red Dragon in Burg?

Actually you can beat him with melee only (and quite a bit of patience). I did it twice.

See the stairs in the middle of the bridge where the ennemies are ? Go up and run out till you reach the small wall on the side (facing him). He'll start to spit some fire but you'll be protected by the wall. Now if you wait a bit longer he'll fly down to you. Here's your opening to have a swing at its head (just one!). The timing after that is critical : roll back to the stairs then down to the safety of the below room before he hits you.

Rinse, repeat.

It takes a bit of time and practice but with a good weapon it's totally feasible. Having your equip weight under 25% helps tremendously. Even with iron flesh and flash sweat and your best fire protection he'll toast you anyway... so there's no reason not to be able to roll quickly.
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