What? THere is a secret path I have not found? You realize he is on the bonewheel skeleton area which leads to a.) couple ladders that only fall back down to the pit eventaully, b. TOTG and pinwheel, which only leads back to this same pit, and the blacksmith, no way up. Are you sure you cvan get out of there? Please be more descriptive if indeed you know what you aretalking about??!!?
I thought his comment about bridges was irrelevant becuase I could'nt even get that far up to be even able to use any bridge, spiked or not...sounds like you are talking about the wall to the darkmoon seance ring area.
My only answer for the guy was to level up as much as possible down there and clear TOTG, as I have never found a way out of there without using homeward, or warp....but a secret wall somewhere would be VERY USEFUL! Usually the guide is bang on explaining secret panels etc, but perhaps they missed this one?