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Dark Souls |OT4| Victory achieved for Scamco, text defeated

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Thanks a lot guys! I finally got past the part I was stuck at and made it to the next fire. I have a few questions that I am not sure about though.

Is the giant enemy after the blacksmith supposed to be fought later on? My attacks barely do anything. If it is, then why are the enemies in the area after relatively easy?

You can fight it now but it's not really worth the trouble. I usually go back once I have a good weapon. You're meant to run past it the first few times.

Do weapons eventually break? How do I know when they need to be repaired?

Yes. There's a durability number you can see when you equip the weapons. In general, it's worth repairing your main weapons and armor every time you visit a blacksmith.

I know humanity turns you back into a human, but what are the benefits of doing that?

Being able to summon helping players and NPCs for boss fights is the main advantage. Being vulnerable to invasions is the disadvantage, but it's normally worth the effort anyway.

How can I tell what stats I need to increase in order to wield weapons to their full benefit?

Great guide to the equip page here: http://akanah.blogspot.se/2012/05/dark-souls-equipment-stats-explained.html

I keep seeing messages about illusory walls. What are those?

The game hides a lot of important stuff behind walls that you need to strike for them to disappear. If you see a message, try hitting a wall nearby.

A lot of questions, I know. But I've been wondering about most of them for a while. Thanks to anyone who knows the answers!


I did not take the Master Key as a starting gift. Is there any way that I can get it or an appropriate substitute now. I am currently on my first play through around in Undead Burg.
I did not take the Master Key as a starting gift. Is there any way that I can get it or an appropriate substitute now. I am currently on my first play through around in Undead Burg.

Yes the guy under the bridge/tunnel in the main area sells it (post patch 1.05 I think)
Waiting for someone to invite me in Parish so I can give them 10 shards. There really isn't much to waste them on when you're not levelling.

I got my Claw to Lightning +5 so it's finally doing some decent damage. But I don't plan to finish the game. Maybe I'll go Darkwraith and gank some...


GAF, you're making me want to pick this game back up... I have a few characters kind of far into the game, but I want a fresh start..

gimme a class(anything but deprived..not ready for that yet) and a build to go along with it. I want to get back into this game.

I remember I stopped playing the first time because
Nito destroyed me :(
I always start with sorcerer now as it has the least resistance stat...you get 6 points of magic, 3 points of extra magic you may not want, but early on the magic is useful adn I would rather waste three points in magic than resisitance in ANY other class. Ultimately these 3 points take away from my health and/or endurance, but the tradeoff is worth it to me as early on is where these points make a difference...by the time you get 20-30 heatlh or endurance its like two notches on your bar difference....miniscule in other words. The extra attunement is always useful. The only other one I would suggest to noobs is the pyromancer as you get a glove inthe tutorial....make sure to get the master key. You can get a max pyro/magic char. started and decide later whether you take him to dex vs. strength, or holdback on these until you deided about fatih vs. magic. Let the equipment you get early help your decision.

My favourite is a Darkmoon build. take faith to 30. dex to whatever you wnat for weapons, one of which should probably be a longbow which you can convert to darkmoon bow later, and just enough strength to two hand the washing pole. Use emit force (must do the siegermayer path), both lightning spears from the solaire covenant, and then swicth to Darkmoon...later you can decided whether you wan tto pump vitality, dex, or faith. I fyou go faith though you may wan tot substitute out the darmoon blade and use snlightblade instead, then take faith to 50 for sunlight spears once you kill gwynn. Gwynn souls port via BB glitch...just saying.
Well, door is locked there. And a monster that throws soul arrows at me will close the gap and kick my ass while I can deal barely any damage to him with the Drake Sword. :/
You can explore the area just before you get to the door by turning right down a path there...there is ultimately a lot of stuff in that area, most importnat of which IMO is a poise granting ring. Alternatively, You can get the souls needed to open that door by helping on the gargoyles or taurus boss...just drop your sign...thereis no ppenalty for dying here and lots of rewards if you actually make it. Alternatively, you can take a right hand turn after the titanite demon near the blacksmith entrance and go up the ladder near the hydra(you can also get there by beating or tricking and running by havel in undead burg tower)...you can run by hydras water attacks.....then you have ot dodge some more tree creatures to come in the back door so to speak...but if you cross the bridge you will face some very tough enemies, which can be cheesed using a secret safe spot strategy i have never seen posted, but am willing to share via PM...hard to explain unless i can speak to you directly though...in fact it would be easier to SHOW you but I'm not sure multi would be allowed there (actually It would work as it is connected to SIF area at that point but we would have to get to that point first before summoning as the door is closed right).....just don't go accross the bridge for now. You come inthe back way to where the door is but if you die its a LONG way back...so only go this way if you intend to run by all the forest guardians, [chesse them by
having them run off the cliff while you hide on the backside of the rock, or run all the way to alvina who will let you join the covenenant and the guardians will be your friends and de-aggro.
its hard ot do them one guardianat a time if you don't know where they spawn...talk about horror game, but is possible. Probablly easier to paythe 20000 souls....but I didn't last playthrough until 20,000 was a drop in the bucket and experienced an awesomely difficult to figure out but rewarding path I obviously did not try as a noob....I did both of the chees methods above, used homeard bones ot get out...but then after cheesing had enough souls to openthe gate!!!.

You will at minimum wan tot spend enoughtime inteh garden to get enough purple moss clumps for blightown....get 10 purples and 5 bloomings.

Thanks a lot guys! I finally got past the part I was stuck at and made it to the next fire. I have a few questions that I am not sure about though.

Is the giant enemy after the blacksmith supposed to be fought later on? My attacks barely do anything. If it is, then why are the enemies in the area after relatively easy?

Do weapons eventually break? How do I know when they need to be repaired?

I know humanity turns you back into a human, but what are the benefits of doing that?

How can I tell what stats I need to increase in order to wield weapons to their full benefit?

I keep seeing messages about illusory walls. What are those?

A lot of questions, I know. But I've been wondering about most of them for a while. Thanks to anyone who knows the answers!
You want to lose the idea that you have to do things a certian way at a certain time...teh world is wide open, you will face varying degrees of difficulty, but mostly based on things other than progressing linearly through stages...there is a small difficulty curve from ringing the bells to the end game, but not much...the game is consistently hard and yet there are always ways to beat the things in your way. That titanite demon can be ranged to death with arrows, firebombs, magic or pyro....or you can learn its moves and go in with a badit knife if you want...it'l just tke too long to make it worth it. MOst do run by it but don't feel you have to just becuase others do it.....if you want to do something...don't let others tell you what to do...figure out a strategy for yourself...very rewarding.
I did not take the Master Key as a starting gift. Is there any way that I can get it or an appropriate substitute now. I am currently on my first play through around in Undead Burg.
This is a tough one as by the time you get to the depths and the guy comes under the bridge near firelink, this means most of the benefit of the key is lost anyway as it allows you to MISS the depths and save it and capra till later. Start over...you really won't lose much as you have already learned how to esily get back to where you are at. If you don't wnat to start over, all the doors that the master key opens will also be able to be opened by other keys......or ingenious use of hidden pathways and interconnected areas will enable you to get the same advantage as having the mater key to miss the depths and capra til later....but without a wiki these will be hard to get to...starting over you get to these access points much closer to firelink.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
At the locked door, take a hard right.

Er-I don't see a path? You mean the bridge with a dude there and the locked door a floor up from the Blacksmith in Undead Parish, right? Because I see nothing but walls and rails preventing me from getting down there. I can run past the dude that kicks my ass, but...?
Kind of difficult to understand where you are/have been. Directly left across from the huge locked door in the Garden is a bonfire, opposite of that is a path to the
Moonlight Butterfly
. If you're coming from Undead Parish there's really only two ways into Darkroot, I think.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Kind of difficult to understand where you are/have been. Directly left across from the huge locked door in the Garden is a bonfire, opposite of that is a path to the
Moonlight Butterfly
. If you're coming from Undead Parish there's really only two ways into Darkroot, I think.

Wiki said:
The Old Chruch
At the end of this passage you'll enter an old church and down the stairs here you will find a bonfire (which is worth kindling as you will use this one a lot throughout the game) and a doorway leading to the currently locked gates of Sen's Fortress, but if you go up to them you'll meet Siegmeyer of Catarina - a jolly soul wearing rather cumbersome looking onion-shaped armour. He's waiting patiently for the gates to open and you'll meet him again inside Sen's Fortress once you open the gates. Down the stairs at the bonfire you'll meet Blacksmith Andrei of Astora (He can ascend and upgrade weaponry on the standard, raw, divine and occult paths, once you obtain the correct embers) and another doorway leading down to Darkroot Garden, although this way is guarded by a Titanite Demon - we'll be coming here later in the game if you want to leave it for now.

That's what I'm talking about. I don't see a route down? And the demon there kicks my ass unless I run past him which makes me eat a heal to continue...


Er-I don't see a path? You mean the bridge with a dude there and the locked door a floor up from the Blacksmith in Undead Parish, right? Because I see nothing but walls and rails preventing me from getting down there. I can run past the dude that kicks my ass, but...?

no he means go down to the titanite demon on the lowest floor, run by demon, go throught the archway behind him, follow path to the left, kill one tree monster THEN you can take a right out of there.....OR ....continue on path kill three more tree creatures then turn right just before the door that we thought you meant (BUT maybe you were talking the sens door NOT the garden door) and there is another area there. In total, garden has two bosses, lotsof armour and a key ring, accesspoints to undead burg (2) and vlley of the drakes (which connect to blightown back way), 1 covenant, 2 embers, and at least three NPC's with whom you can converse.

What level are you??? IF you are on PSN message me at:

I'm going in!!!!!!! and have a SL20 or 28 character I can help with...I will follow you and not spoil things unless asked.....vicarious noobing the area would be a thrill for me.

edit:eek:ops may have ot wait a bit kids are on the ps3.........;(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You might want to wait for a bit. I'm got a few things to do and I'm waiting for Toonami to air tonight. Tomorrow would be good as it's my day off so I'm good any time.


New dragonhead glitch can be used with spells somehow. pvp keeps getting worse. I'm holding down square as I type this, and nearing 5 million souls.

DLC has to patch some of this stuff, but I really like having unlimited consumables. Divine blessing is the only real gamebreaking aspect of that.


New dragonhead glitch can be used with spells somehow. pvp keeps getting worse. I'm holding down square as I type this, and nearing 5 million souls.

DLC has to patch some of this stuff, but I really like having unlimited consumables. Divine blessing is the only real gamebreaking aspect of that.

you say "new" glitch...you mean its just the old glitch that WAS patched out but people are just circumventing the patch by resetting their machines? Divine blessings are more convenient than humanity in that they also cure ailments, but I wear armour that never allows me to get affected....lst guy that tried ro poison me barely put up a sliver of poison on my bar......two or three poison knives later I could hear his health wooooshing off....not that game breaking, but I ould rather use blessings mostly becuse I hate driving my humanity levels up higher than necessary. I don't mind grinding a but for humantiy as I like invading inthe depths (depsite that it is moslty farmers waiting for me down there.)


This new one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXQ-nR9NupA - I had around 12 million souls just by holding square for a few minutes and using a Hero Soul. When you do it with throwing daggers you'll just spew a steady stream of infinite daggers without any animation. It does use the item, but as long as you switch back to the Stone, it'll keep going for as long as you hold down the button.

Divine Blessings are cheap since you can use them so quickly mid fight compared to humanity. I don't want the bottomless box dupe to go since I hate farming humanity, but infinite DB can really break pvp.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
This new one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXQ-nR9NupA - I had around 12 million souls just by holding square for a few minutes and using a Hero Soul. When you do it with throwing daggers you'll just spew a steady stream of infinite daggers without any animation. It does use the item, but as long as you switch back to the Stone, it'll keep going for as long as you hold down the button.

Divine Blessings are cheap since you can use them so quickly mid fight compared to humanity. I don't want the bottomless box dupe to go since I hate farming humanity, but infinite DB can really break pvp.

Awwww... too bad it'll probably take me forever to get those two items. Would be nice to have infinite souls to use for upgrades and item buying over leveling up. :/ Two rings want 20K souls which is WTF.


Just got this game a couple days ago - really fun stuff. The satisfaction from winning a good fight is similar to what I feel when I beat a monster in Monster Hunter. Very nice.

Oh man, was just about to have an honorable duel but I accidentally dodged behind the guy while he was enchanting; he interpreted it as if I was going to backstab him, and he jumped off the bridge. Feel so bad about that

Just lost 5k souls though. I'll take it.


Awwww... too bad it'll probably take me forever to get those two items. Would be nice to have infinite souls to use for upgrades and item buying over leveling up. :/ Two rings want 20K souls which is WTF.

thatis nothing later on.....in the garden you can get 9000 in 45 secs cheaply, or if you help on bosses its fun and you get lots of souls...later one sgive you 60,000 for 2 minutes of helping some noob. Souls are never a problem...that is why the glitch isn't so bad...eventhe DB's isn't that bad really..............a decent player can find a fractionof a seconf ot get the humanity pressed instead of instantaneous DB.....if a player really needs these crutches ..........power to them.

Just got this game a couple days ago - really fun stuff. The satisfaction from winning a good fight is similar to what I feel when I beat a monster in Monster Hunter. Very nice.

Oh man, was just about to have an honorable duel but I accidentally dodged behind the guy while he was enchanting; he interpreted it as if I was going to backstab him, and he jumped off the bridge. Feel so bad about that

Just lost 5k souls though. I'll take it.

pretty sure the ony wway you lose souls in mulitiplayer is if the person does not get back to their bloodstain...was invading last night and despite losing a lot I never lost a soul or any humanity ....despite that I am ure tonnes of guys farmed my totals for sure..I hate farmers all the same though....obvious its about the killing someone else and seeing their pain as opposed ot getting souls which can be glitched or gotten other cheap methods than terrorizing or ganking lower players.


Just got this game a couple days ago - really fun stuff. The satisfaction from winning a good fight is similar to what I feel when I beat a monster in Monster Hunter. Very nice.

Oh man, was just about to have an honorable duel but I accidentally dodged behind the guy while he was enchanting; he interpreted it as if I was going to backstab him, and he jumped off the bridge. Feel so bad about that

Just lost 5k souls though. I'll take it.

Is Monster Hunter similar in gameplay ?


105 million souls is only enough for sl 330 or so. Yeeesh. It took about 10 minutes to get that 105 million, too. You'd probably have to hold the glitch for an hour or two to go all the way to 710.

I thought with Darkwraiths invading up I'd get twinks invading in the Burg or Parish. I waited around about half an hour with nothing. I switched over to a sl 10, and was invaded near instantly. Hrm. I know there isn't suppose to be a cap, but not sure what else affects it. Plenty of invaders in the forest, but most were derpy. Maybe they were all other people trying out the glitch or something. Getting 600k souls per kill was funny, but not like souls mean all that much at that point.

Anyhow, it was fun to dick around with, but not much else.


Is Monster Hunter similar in gameplay ?

Well, it's the closest thing I can think of when I play Dark Souls. All about figuring out how to beat enemies, using blocking/dodging correctly, different weapons having different strategies, etc. Oh, and both are hard.
Having a difficult time with Four Kings, SL lvl 58. melee build advice?
as long as you have a good weapon you should be able to kill them fairly quickly and avoid being gangbanged. learn how to dodge so that way you can 2h. max queelags, or any fire+9 or lightning+4 weap should be sufficient. or any of the bk weaps if you have those.

his attacks iirc are:
single swing: dodge left, wait to confirm if there is a second swing then attack.
double swing: dodge left, after confirming 2nd swing, dodge right then attack.
slow stab: dodge left or right, its very slow giving you plenty of time to attack.
charge up explosion: dodge back x2. then make sure to run back in. only have time for a quick attack.
grab move: dodge back (sometimes x2) to make space for his dash, then dodge right to dodge the actual grab animation.
fireball: its hard to dodge this, gotta bait it by getting close. just keep moving. if you're not comfortable just block it. fortunately, he only uses this if you're far away and you should always stay close as a melee.

most importantly, you want to stay at his front. this will give him a higher chance of using his normal swing attack. after he swings, and you dodge, you usually end up at the side so you want to reposition yourself to his front. otherwise he might go for his explosion more often. you want to kill him as fast as you can, but be careful not to be too aggressive because eating an explosion or grab is usually bad news.


You can still poisetank them, just dump on some cheap poise gear like Havel's or Giant's, make sure you have a good amount of flasks, and then hop in.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Defeated the butterfly, thanks to a summon that failed and gave me a full pyromancy again.

Where do I go now? The Basin? Last time I went there the Knight kicked my ass.

At least I have a Pyromancer Flame +9 now. Another 12000 souls I should get it to +10.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, in any case, explored a bit. Darkroot Basin: Pyromancied the Knight kicking my ass->Bonfire. Activated the lift, Valley of Drakes. NOPE.avi'ed it out of there. Went up the hill, opened a locked door with the Master Key. Died to the Golem Knight about 20 times until I finally got him to stay on the stairs and eat my Pyromancy. Gave me this godly ring in his death. 35.7/52.0 became 35.7/72.0. It's hilarious to see my burdened and not able to roll heavy armor character NOW able to roll like he's nude.

Got this as well and I feel like death incarnate.

Should I do the Hydra? I'm not sure if I should go back to Blighttown and finally do it or defeat the boss here in Darkroot Basin while ignoring the boss in Darkroot Forest right now.


There's a second before quite close to the one in the hub,
just after the dragon flies to infront of you in Undead Burg

Check the wiki or just try around. You'll get the hang of it soonish.
I guess this game really just isn't for me. I see how it could be fun for others, but I played for another half hour and can't seem to find the next campfire. So once again I didn't really make any progress (I know you get new items, I just really hate having to do the same thing over and over and over again). I'm also getting pretty frustrated with the camera and the way it's intent on targeting the guy that's furthest away and makes you turn your back to the monster right in front of you.
I probably have to check a guide, but it's sort of my pet peeve that any game that makes you resort to a guide is fundamentally broken for me.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I guess this game really just isn't for me. I see how it could be fun for others, but I played for another half hour and can't seem to find the next campfire. So once again I didn't really make any progress (I know you get new items, I just really hate having to do the same thing over and over and over again). I'm also getting pretty frustrated with the camera and the way it's intent on targeting the guy that's furthest away and makes you turn your back to the monster right in front of you.
I probably have to check a guide, but it's sort of my pet peeve that any game that makes you resort to a guide is fundamentally broken for me.

Duuuude... It's to the left of the first sniper!

You're talking Firelink->Undead Burge, right? You've gone up the stairs, killed the three skeletons. Killed the skeleton throwing a firebomb at you, you go up the stairs. You have two skeletons an archer/sniper attempting to hit you. You take those skeletons out. You take the other skeleton out. You rush up the stairs and kill the Sniper.

Okay, you're there. Now look left. You see that "bridge"/hole? THERE'S A CAMPFIRE! Light it up. *GASP!*

If you aren't patient and able to explore areas, then the game isn't for you yeah.


Ah yes I must've passed that area six times already XD. I think I expected the bonfire to be in a central clearing or lit up, just like the other ones?

But it's true, I have precious little patience. So I knew beforehand this wasn't a game for me, just wanted to try it out.
edit: hehe, too late :p

I guess this game really just isn't for me. I see how it could be fun for others, but I played for another half hour and can't seem to find the next campfire. So once again I didn't really make any progress (I know you get new items, I just really hate having to do the same thing over and over and over again). I'm also getting pretty frustrated with the camera and the way it's intent on targeting the guy that's furthest away and makes you turn your back to the monster right in front of you.
I probably have to check a guide, but it's sort of my pet peeve that any game that makes you resort to a guide is fundamentally broken for me.

That's pretty weird because, not meaning to sound douchy or anything but, the first camp fire in Undead Burg is near impossible to miss, Are you sure you are going to right direction?! The place is filled with "bonfire ahead" signs pretty much always.

Enter Undead Burg, go through the first fog gate, up the stairs, a big ass dragon flies in front of you, you fight of some enemies, go up the stairs and kill the archer and the campfire is on that same platform, in a room. In other direction some mobs start firebombing you on a bridge.


Yeah I know the spot exactly, I'm definitely going to try again tomorrow, it really helps knowing that bonfires can also be in rooms or tucked away spots. Thanks!
Could it be a problem for this game that I don't have Gold, so don't get to read other people's signs?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Yeah I know the spot exactly, I'm definitely going to try again tomorrow, it really helps knowing that bonfires can also be in rooms or tucked away spots. Thanks!
Could it be a problem for this game that I don't have Gold, so don't get to read other people's signs?

Wait, what? Silver XBL users can't read the soulsigns? That sucks.

Also prepare for "hidden walls." There's a bonfire/campfire that's hidden behind one later in the game, for instance.

You really really need to take it slow, explore areas to the best of your ability and you'll over come it. Once you find a new bonfire you're pretty much set in that area because so long as you sit down near it, it'll be your new "checkpoint" so you can die over and over and over again while exploring an area and not really care too much.

Yo Gotti

I decided to jump back into this game and make it interesting by doing an SL5 run. It's been at least 6 months since I've played the game at all so I've forgotten where pretty much everything is, boss attack patterns, etc.

I added 2 points to Strength to get it from 10 to 12, and I won't be leveling any other stats through the rest of this playthrough, or at least until the DLC comes out.

- No leveling past SL5
- No summons, CPU or Human
- No boss exploits
- No going Human (mostly to avoid invasions, I want this to be as solo as possible)
- No Drake Sword

- Any weapon/armor upgrades, and anything that can be purchased is allowed.

It's a lot of fun playing with the priority being spending your Souls on weapon upgrades and some items like Throwing Knives & Firebombs, as well as balancing your weight since you're not freakishly strong. So far I've only taken down the Gargoyles and Capra Demon. On my way to Darkroot Garden now to fight the Moonlight Butterfly and clean that area up.

Current Equipment:
Bandits Knife +5
Spear +5
Wanderer Set + Thiefs Mask

Coming fresh off of 80 hours of Dragon's Dogma and 130 hours of Skyrim not too long before that, Dark Soul's is still as fun as ever.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Fuck, I think Lautric's gone from my game. He died in the Vagina Dragon battle, but I didn't notice him being gone until today. :/
Regardless if Lautrec's phantom dies at a boss, he doesn't die from the whole game. But he'll appear and disappear at certain times from his spot in Firelink. Until you ring the 2nd bell.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Somehow, I've made it to Blighttown's bonfire. Problem is, I'm now stuck in Blighttown by that stupid sniper going down the ladder, dying from the fall, and can't get back up from the bonfire and out of Blighttown. Joy.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Nevermind. Made it to the bottom. Kindled bonfire there. Humanity restored, killed the NPC invader there for later benefits. Now to get the Poison Cloud spell to abuse and use possibly on bosses if it's cheeseable like it was in Demon's Souls.

But for that... I have to *gasp* cross 5-2...er-the poison swamp. My hell from Demon's Souls returns with a vengeance. The true Dark Souls starts here?


I'm doing a deprived run. I tried a few times - inspired by Oracrest's amazing Demon's Souls barbarian playthrough - to just rush Quelaag in the beginning of the game, with starting level and equipment, and I came really close, but the fight takes forever and invariably I would mess up. Plus I know I don't have the patience to tackle other bosses/areas with a starting club. Queelaag for example is exponentially easier with even a Club +5.

My 'rules' for this playthrough -

No armor
No rings except for the necessary ones
No magic
Plank shield and club only. Club upgraded only on the physical path.
Only level strength, endurance, vit. I think even without any armor, resistance is still useless to upgrade.
Consumables allowed. I haven't used any resins yet, but I probably will against four kings etc.

Beat everything up to Iron Golem with a +5 club or less so far. Beat gaping dragon with the channeler still alive :) I went back to Andre and upgraded my club to +10, and went to Anor Londo. Saw a summon sign at the bridge and summoned a phantom without thinking about it. We tore through the level and destroyed O&S. It was fun - co-op in anor londo is one of the biggest highlights of the game for me - but in retrospect I wish I'd done it myself, because I definitely could have. Not a very hard run so far, would obviously be harder if I wasn't allowing myself to level. Another reason to go through the game again, I guess. :shrug:. But there is some challenge with having really low resistances and a nearly useless shield. I'm making it a point to go to the optional areas and not just run past enemies. Hydra is just a cumbersome fight with melee and thats why I avoid it on many playthroughs.. with just a club it's pretty annoying to get the last couple of heads. It's also been a while since I was in the giant cat part of the forest. Interesting that they are only in that one area, I wonder if we will see them in the DLC. I tried doing the first half of blighttown without having any moss, bad idea for a naked dude. I'll hit it up later.

Nevermind. Made it to the bottom. Kindled bonfire there. Humanity restored, killed the NPC invader there for later benefits. Now to get the Poison Cloud spell to abuse and use possibly on bosses if it's cheeseable like it was in Demon's Souls.

But for that... I have to *gasp* cross 5-2...er-the poison swamp. My hell from Demon's Souls returns with a vengeance. The true Dark Souls starts here?

Nah the swamp isn't as bad as 5-2, you can move much more quickly in it. And if you have the rusted iron ring you can move normally. Plus the boss in blighttown is really good, unlike the lame bosses of 5-1 an 5-2 in Demon's.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I don't have the rusted ring or a good poison resist equipment. Which is why I'm fearing it. The goal is to go to the water wheel and then head "north"/south of it and then hang a left and enter the poison swamp again to quickly grab the poison cloud pyromancy.


I don't have the rusted ring or a good poison resist equipment. Which is why I'm fearing it. The goal is to go to the water wheel and then head "north"/south of it and then hang a left and enter the poison swamp again to quickly grab the poison cloud pyromancy.

most bosses arn't poison cloudable in daS....haven't tried much but I can't think of any really.

The poison is no big deal in the swamp...you don't even need purple clumps really...just keep going back ot the bonfire when you run out of estus....tehn when its time ot do the boss use one purple clump....there is an armour set down there somewhere that is resisitant to poison as well.....plus if you time it right you can island hop adn miss the poison build up regardless.
I can check if I have a character around that level, in that case I'll be on the first landing with all the hollows (MikeProtagonist).

Edit: nevermind, there's some maintenance stuff going on with PSN so I can't sign in.

Edit 2: well, heading there with my 64 knight now.

Edit 3: and now I noticed you wanted help hours ago. Oh well, I went and did them myself so it wasn't a waste of game time :)
Continued my lvl1 playthrough today and got into all kinds of trouble. First I had to backtrack to Andre from the 2nd AL bonfire to upgrade my Battle Axe to +6 (thought I was supposed to do it with Giant BM, I always forgot), then I accidentally used all my Large Titanite so I had to grind for some souls and now I finally got a Lightning Battle Axe +1 (no Chunks for +5 :( ).

Discovered a cool "short cut" to the beginning of Sen's, well not a short cut but the place with Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring I have gone to from some weird route instead of the proper one.

LVL1 solo Smough and Ornstein are kinda a bitch even when my weapon is pretty good. The problem being getting asswhooped on the first part, only managed to get to the second part three times and every single time I died on some stupid mishap like getting stuck on a wall and getting combo killed by Smough.

Oh well, I know I can beat them if I just try enough, I am in no hurry. Got halfway through the 2nd part anyway already.
Sorry guys, I fell asleep before confirming I found help for someone on the DarkSouls wiki chat window. We had fun going at it. I just had my reveal of stuff from Kaathe(by the way dayum) and I sided with him. Going to Duke Archives on my next day off.
I can't stop playing DS even though I started Dragon's Dogma recently, it's just not clicking with me a great deal, so I find myself going back to DS just to troll invaders in dark Anor Londo. It's a great one player game, but it is really the multiplayer that gives the game legs for me.

These tales of lvl1 characters has perked my interest in doing the same with a deprived - I wouldn't have thought of doing this on Demon's, but thinking about it Dark Souls is the easier game - I'm pretty sure I could make it to at least the Dukes Archives without too many problems. I'd guess the frustration might set in once you reach TotG, 4 Kings and Seath.


I can't stop playing DS even though I started Dragon's Dogma recently, it's just not clicking with me a great deal, so I find myself going back to DS just to troll invaders in dark Anor Londo. It's a great one player game, but it is really the multiplayer that gives the game legs for me.

These tales of lvl1 characters has perked my interest in doing the same with a deprived - I wouldn't have thought of doing this on Demon's, but thinking about it Dark Souls is the easier game - I'm pretty sure I could make it to at least the Dukes Archives without too many problems. I'd guess the frustration might set in once you reach TotG, 4 Kings and Seath.

I have thought about doing SL 1 runs myself and will do it....but I think I will have to up the ante....watching on youtube, the rules are not very tight.....fully upgraded lightning reinforced club is not much different than other maxed weapons...same with the armour....the only real difference is character's physical defense and vitality etc. menaing, if you don't get hit much on regualr game....there is not going to be much difference.....

now starting on level one and not allowing weapon or armour upgrades, or even limiting the typeof weappon to the lowest damage....not sure which you can hold that is actually the crapisest other than the broken hilt etc.

I am not sure anyone has figured out what the % difference between SL1 and 70 is, but my assumption is that with maxed armour and weapons it isn't as useful as people think. I get through mostof teh game on level 20-30 for example and don't even notice I am so low level compared ot 50 or 60 sometimes until i hit a boss perhaps or start dying to those bird things in painted world when noramlly I would not..
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