Is there a detailed analysis available of the weapons on Dark Souls and how their scaling effects each one?
I'm still toting around my trusty Black Knight Sword +5, and with around 30 strength it is doing decent damage especially when 2H. However according to wikis, forums, etc, the BKS is a decent/powerful early to mid game weapon. This implies that it should be replaced in the mid to late game, but I'm having trouble finding something to replace it with. At +5 it is 330 phys damage. Even many the larger weapons at +15 don't come up to 330.
I've been browsing the wiki(s) but this seems really hard to beat. The unknown is the scaling... is a 150 damage weapon with A str scaling better than the 330 damage one with C scaling? I have no idea. I assume there must be some point where I have enough strength that the "weaker" weapon with higher scaling would do more damage, but at what point?