P.S. Any tips on killing the bridge dragon (red one) as I need to join the covenant with the new miracles I am after.
Like Deified said, you can just run past him after luring him onto the bridge, but if you want to kill it with melee, here's how I usually do it. Fast rolling and a strong but decently fast-swinging weapon help immensely.
- Start in the stairs leading to the bridge. Two-hand your strongest weapon.
- When you get on the bridge, he'll probably breathe his fire (unless you're really fast), so run up to the "cover" between the stairs and that wall, it's safe there. Orient your character to face the other side of the bridge (perpendicular to the bridge length).
- Wait a few seconds there (maybe 10 secs, not very long). The drake will suddenly leap onto the bridge. Don't use lock-on.
- Immediately run towards the bridge centre when the drake leaps and do your strongest attack on its head. If you positioned your character correctly, you will hit the drake's head perfectly.
- Roll away and run back down the stairs. Wait for it to breathe its fire and return to its initial perch.
You might get hit by its swipe or even by fire a few times if you mess up your timing. That's ok, just keep retreating downstairs and drink a flask. Rinse, repeat until dead. I killed it with a level 1 character using a reinforced club+5, it took a while but it wasn't even that bad, even by getting hit a few times I still had estus to spare.
Note, this is how
I do it when using melee, I never used a guide or anything. There might be a better, faster or more optimal way to kill the red drake that I don't know about. Maybe there's a way to do it without having to retreat to the safe spot, but I found that I always get hit by the fire if I don't do that (the "cover" areas don't work when he's belching fire when he's on the bridge, they only work when he's perched up high) but I could be doing something wrong. ^^ Anyway, that's my method and it works fairly well. With a stronger weapon he'll go down in just a couple of hits to the head.