Whoops, I accidentally killed the dude at the bottom of the bell tower, after the gargoyle boss. Hope he wasn't important..
e: oh my god hahaha, he even dropped an item called the book of the guilty
fuck you dark souls! :V
e2: ohhhhh he's the only way to make hostile npcs happy again? great. well then, guess i just have to avoid hitting people with my sword from now on!
Anyone want to darkmoon in anor londo right now? A couple of really annoying gankers there at the moment...
The shotel guy?
No, it's the same dudes I ran into the other night. Mindgamingmantis and calculator. The host just sits back to take pot shots at you with dark magic while you fight against his phantom. And if he sees that you're actually pummeling him he will just chug estus. After winning they keep spamming stupid emotes like a bunch of douchebags.
I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading this post.
It's been an interesting start for sure. I'm in a kind of irritating situation, I haven't put THAT many hours in the game yet so I could restart but on the other hand, it still took a whole day to get that far. Guess I'll continue, more fun this way. I'm not actually expecting to finish the game, I'm here to see just how far in I can get before I hit a wall :V
For better or for worse, I'm doing my first playthrough on offline mode. I kind of want to turn it online now for I don't know, the added insanity I guess, but I'm not sure if it's possible. Anyone know if I can take my offline profile's save data, copy it to my online profile's folder and continue online like nothing happened?
Also, am I supposed to go to that skeleton area now that I rang the first bell? I mean goddamn, those motherfuckers hit HARD. I remember there was this thief area with a boss I haven't killed yet, maybe I should go there first? Not sure if I can find it again though lmao
I think you can use your offline. I don't think it makes a difference.
I'd avoid the skeletons for the mo. Have a chat with the Crestfallen dude, he should point you in the right direction.
Oh man running around has never been so much fun!
He just keeps laughing at my hollow face. So I assume the second bell is somewhere in the zombie area too.
In your face skeletons
Crash and burn Capra Demon, crash and fucking burn. Took a few tries and I finished him practically half dead. Onwards to the depths, I'll check out that spoiler of yours if this place leads nowhere.
Crash and burn Capra Demon, crash and fucking burn. Took a few tries and I finished him practically half dead. Onwards to the depths, I'll check out that spoiler of yours if this place leads nowhere.
Wow, this game is good at making you feel like an idiot. A goddamn RAT killed me. It was a very clever rat though, I have to give it that. It was hiding in a box, waiting for me.
Well, more clever than the other rats anyway, they don't seem to mind at all when a big ass guy comes down with a big ass sword and kills all their rat friends.
I am absolutely LOVING the exploration, it's just sooo goooooood. I don't even really mind dying, I mean, I usually have only a tiny amount of souls anyway :V
Now I only need a blacksmith and a few levels of strength to start swinging that black knight greatsword around
e: Found a sack
Pretty sure I'm ready to save the world now
e2: wow yeah, those are some critters alright. i don't think i've ever seen a more disturbing frog.
e3: mental note: the sack does not protect against dragons, especially ones with mouths where their bodies are supposed to be
That's one hell of an impression when you see that thing crawling up in the intro eh?
To say the least, I don't think any other game has made me say nopenopenope out loud lol
Round two! I noticed you can get a Dragon King Greataxe for cutting off its tail, worth it?
Haha, there are dumbasses invading from the beginning of the area? Waste of time and it damages your armour way too fast overtime. I always spawn either on the platform above the bonfire, or at the boss fog gate.
Great after work news, I'll jump right back into it.Patch is out
Flickering gone
I'm playing online for the first time, having just bought the PC version...
What is the typical level range for Undead Parish? I'm SL16, and tried placing my summon sign to co-op the gargoyles, but nothing.
By the way, I have noticed fog gates going up from time to time, I assume from being invaded, but no invasion message appears and I never run into anyone.
Does anyone have a Steam character around level 75? I don't want to fight Manus alone anymore and can't for the life of me find someone to summon (besides Sif)
My GFWL is chasechasechase
Just got past Blighttown and defeatedQuelaag
Since I'm not sure of the spoiling rules, I'll just mark this whole instead.
I felt really, really angry when going through that section, way too many falls, the fucking poison and hard to hit mosquitos, but after you beat Queelag and trackback to get to Firelink Shrine, you get to see how fucking simple that level is, I don't know how I missed so many ladders and kept plummeting to my death. Feeling incredibly stupid now.
Just got a pyro spell as well, yay.
Just got past Blighttown and defeatedQuelaag
Since I'm not sure of the spoiling rules, I'll just mark this whole instead.
I felt really, really angry when going through that section, way too many falls, the fucking poison and hard to hit mosquitos, but after you beat Queelag and trackback to get to Firelink Shrine, you get to see how fucking simple that level is, I don't know how I missed so many ladders and kept plummeting to my death. Feeling incredibly stupid now.
Just got a pyro spell as well, yay.
The only reason I actually really hated Blighttown was the horrible framerate. Which is hilarious, I'm on a pretty powerful PC. I can't believe they greenlighted that area, hope DSII won't have anything like it.
Still, I made it, and I'm now staring right into the face(s) of a goddamn hydra and I'm too afraid to do anything
e: holy shit i thinks it's getting closer
e2: hydra down, i fucking love the music in ash lake. if you can call that music. turns the atmosphere pretty ominous.
Is the Europe PS3 version not patched yet? Just started a new character today and ran into the flicker bug.
Started a new bandit. Got quite far into the game before but stopped for a while and didn't feel like continuing. Going for a dex build, enjoying it so far. Bandit feels kinda overpowered, but yet so good.
is there a noobie starting class / general direction of areas I should head to to start.
I'm just....I'm so close to quitting. I'm in blighttown right now after taking out the gargoyles. I have a drake sword, slightly upgraded elite knight set and healing and force miracles.
And I just feel so weak. I don't even know if I'm going where I should.
I feel like if I had some form of sorcery or pyromancy things would be so much easier.
You got through Blighttown without ever meeting Andre?Anyway, AT LAST I found a blacksmith. I have literally come this far without a single glimpse of one. Felt a bit dumb but I had to think for a few seconds as to what button I had to press again to talk to him and to not hit him.
is there a noobie starting class / general direction of areas I should head to to start.
I'm just....I'm so close to quitting. I'm in blighttown right now after taking out the gargoyles. I have a drake sword, slightly upgraded elite knight set and healing and force miracles.
And I just feel so weak. I don't even know if I'm going where I should.
I feel like if I had some form of sorcery or pyromancy things would be so much easier.
You got through Blighttown without ever meeting Andre?![]()