Playing a Boxer build and man, did it take a while to punch the Iron Golem to death. Felt good when I did it, though.
Boxers are awesome fun to play, especially when an invader pops up. The success is so rewarding.
Playing a Boxer build and man, did it take a while to punch the Iron Golem to death. Felt good when I did it, though.
That's not the problem, it's the totally different playstyle. It's harder than I expected after doing stuff like lvl 1 runs. Maybe I am just rusty.
I feel like sorcery starts off hard, but then becomes way too easy and overpowered (for PVE).
I'm thinking about starting a new game (even if I haven't finished the last one) because I played the game again after a long time and I don't like so much the character I had done. I wanna try a dex build with a katana, what's the best choice?
yeah I know, it's a uchigatana, my question was about which katana in the game is the best to level upHobobloke said:You can kill the first merchant for a katana early on.
yeah I know, it's a uchigatana, my question was about which katana in the game is the best to level up
yeah I know, it's a uchigatana, my question was about which katana in the game is the best to level up
Quick probably annoying question: I only played Demon's Souls. Was thinking about getting this on PC in hopes to play with a friend. Is this viable or is it difficult to play with friends in the PC version?
yeah I know, it's a uchigatana, my question was about which katana in the game is the best to level up
Washing Pole has the highest AR of all the Japanese swords with 40 dex and 40 str (or 27 str 2H).
It's a bit slower than Ushigatana/Iaito/Chaos Blade but has an insane reach.
Washing Pole has the highest AR of all the Japanese swords with 40 dex and 40 str (or 27 str 2H).
It's a bit slower than Ushigatana/Iaito/Chaos Blade but has an insane reach.
6 AR more than Uchi/Iaito isn't worth investing 24 extra Str. Make it elemental and call it a day.
Thanks to everyone that answered me, one more noob question: what's AR for? Attack Range?
Might as well post here, since the LTTP is dead.
I came back to firelink and the fire is out of my bonfire and the woman is dead...
Remember someone hanging out near her?
The golden dude?
Thanks to everyone that answered me, one more noob question: what's AR for? Attack Range?
6 AR more than Uchi/Iaito isn't worth investing 24 extra Str. Make it elemental and call it a day.
Of course it's worth it because there are other awesome weapons you can use efficiently with these stats. Quality build is for pure physic damage. I made all sort builds and tried every weapon but ended up coming back to my quality build, simply because it's the most efficient.
Goddamn it.... now getting to the valley of the drakes is a bitch without the firelink on that spot...
If you're going for a Quality build which can use lots of weapons, sure. But if you're specializing in certain types of weapons, like Katanas as he is, and trying to keep in co-op/PVP range, those 24SL can easily turn into ~300 extra health. Or some extra spells or whatever. Point being: For him, the 6 extra AR isn't worth pumping Str to 40.
Even for other builds, 40Vit/End/Str/Dex is gonna land you into ~115SL, which leaves you with only a few levels to play around with if you want to stay in range for Online. Great for physical melee but that's about it.
With 28 str and 40 dex you're left with a lot of point to distribute as you like:
I thought we were talking about going full-hog with 40Str/40Dex to squeeze that extra AR out of the Washing Pole, 28 sounds much more reasonable. Unless, again, you're going with weapon types without Str scaling.
2H my friend. I rarely attack 1H these days, especially in PvP. 2H is so OP especially for weapons that have str scaling (even those which doesn't, they have a hidden flat bonus damage).
27 is enough but I add 1 point to be able to 1H Murakumo because that weapon is so awesome.
That Poise break from 2H is delicious, especially with the heavy weapons. Damn hard to land a hit with those though, everyone's just flipping everywhere and fishing for stabs every time my heavy guy gets to fight.
What's the general consensus on SL limit these days? I've been trying to keep at a flat 100, but I've seen anywhere between 100 - 120 floated around.
Just joined the forest covenant, got the ring and almost instantly invaded another players.
Maybe it's my bad luck, but is there a reason to always run into people that have ridiculously overpowered weapons? I was wearing the Havel armor (I'm a warrior with focus on strenght) and I got horribly one shotted by almost everyone who I invaded. I'm guessing armor means jack shit in PVP?
I think I might avoid PVP completely, I never won a match out of like...50 or so in Demon's Souls. @_@ Most of them were in 3-3. Everyone steamrolled me and got that world cleared, you're welcome, strangers.
I need help. Just after the second bonfire in the Tomb of Giants, I see a glowing item up on a ledge but havent figured out how to reach it. Any hints?
Also, Gatdamn those little buggers further on with those magic flame shooting bastards.
The cat covenant ring allows you to invade anyone that's a higher level than you so occasionally you're going to be invading high level hosts
There is a way to reach it from slightly further back in the level which involves falling off a ledge onto another platform then going round to reach that item. To be honest I'd use a YouTube video for guidance unless you want a lot of total and error leaps of faith.
I was under the assumption that the ring allows invasion of anyone, regardless of SL, that isn't in the covenant who's in the forest as human.
Edit: Just read up on it, and the formula seems to be normal Co-op range below and anything above your SL. So if you're 100, you can invade 80 to 713.
And here's the video:
Thanks guys. Guess I had the right idea backtracking until I died and stopped for the night.There is a way to reach it from slightly further back in the level which involves falling off a ledge onto another platform then going round to reach that item. To be honest I'd use a YouTube video for guidance unless you want a lot of total and error leaps of faith.
Gamertag SSolitare on PS3.
Can anyone hook me up with a Black Knight Great Axe or help me transfer please?
SL 100 is char with equip, wanna transfer to SL36.
Yeah it's fixed now.did the new patch fix the flickering issue?
I, my girlfriend and a buddy had a dark souls session about a couple weeks ago and it wasnt fun at all :-/
Yeah it's fixed now.
I wasn't planning to, but I kept playing in NG+ for a bit. Holy shit I got invaded like three times in the Undead Burg. I won once!
Then I died many times trying to kill the red dragon at the bridge. I figured at SL110 and with a big melee build it'd be easier taking him down. I guess it wasn't. Does it give you something nice if you kill him?
Quick probably annoying question: I only played Demon's Souls. Was thinking about getting this on PC in hopes to play with a friend. Is this viable or is it difficult to play with friends in the PC version?
The netcode in this game...... Americans roll after the act on all my strength weapons and euros are immune to damage more or less, lol.