I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just boring. I don't think this is a game where you need to farm to progress. So if someone's just killed the Gargoyles I wouldn't tell them to go to Darkroot and farm souls, because why?
First, the poster specifically asked if he should open the door or SAVE the souls...obviously having the door open is more convenient and being able to earn back the souls quickly makes the specific answer to the question an obvious one.
who said anything about a glitch? you can straight out kill the forest people and practice one on one battles....although inexperienced players may take longer than I said it would take for an experienced player I was careful not to mention any cheap tactics...those are best discovered on ones own.
of course this is a farming game.....Demon's was also. Except for when doing a SL1 no upgrades run, its all about getting your equipment leveled early. You know invaders are going to be buff, and why help new players as a phantom unless you can hit hard? I have done a SL1 no-upgrades run, and never upgrade vitality anymore to stay low level to help....so I enjoy to be glass cannon. This is so much more fun than 90% of the tank styles I see waddling around....and yet that is a viable play style so by all means choose what you will.
early game ...and I mean early....like right out of firelink...there is no better place to start getting your equipment going...especially with Shiva's locker at your disposal when you leave. To me it wouldbe boring to grind souls for stones any other way unless co-op was hot...most of the time it has not been on PC but you make a good point for recently, as the sale and DSCFIX has helped that. Once you get proper equipment co-op and other places like painted world, the anor Londo main hall, etc are better for farming for sure....but the forest is less boring..the AI for those NPC characters is more diverse than the grunts in painted and anor londo.