I tried showing the Mushroom what a real punch looks like. He wasn't pleased.
Oh wow, that's absolutely amazing.
Dark Souls gifs are best gifs.
I tried showing the Mushroom what a real punch looks like. He wasn't pleased.
I love the zweihander, but would i benefit from magic or enchanted? Stats are
16 vit
17 end
24 pwr
3 att slots
14 dex
I would try the gs of artorias or whatev but its not worth 14 levels in faith/dex. Dont like the moonlight gs, its boring to me. Zwei just has dat range, its quick for what it is, and stunlocking to no tomorrow never gets old on huge enemies. But i wonder if my crap stats for the weapon would actually benefit from an enchantment?
I just hit the minimums to wield it, im near the end game, just need to do the dlc and some random cleanups
I like CMW it just lastsbso short even with the lingering ring. I use repair magic when trying mlgs but i just dont dig it, the melees felt like the claymore and wasnt a big fan of the magic blasts, id rather rip shit in half with zwei slams.Level your STR to 27 for 2 handed scaling, upgrade the Zwei to +15 and buff it with Crystal magic weapon. I dont understand how the moonlight greatsword could be boring with those R2 blasts. Buy some Repair Powder and fling some magic around. An enchanted +5 Zwei will do a lot of damage as well, but you can't buff enchanted weapons, and you already have a lot of STR, close to the 2 handed scaling hard cap.
If you want to do an illegal amount of damage, 2 hand a +15 Great Club with 27 STR and buff it with Crystal Magic weapon. Add Power Within to stack some more damage for 1000+ damage per hit.
You should level your Vit and Endurance more as well. Unless you are comfortable with low stats, the DLC will knock you around a bit with that low of Vitality.
I like CMW it just lastsbso short even with the lingering ring. I use repair magic when trying mlgs but i just dont dig it, the melees felt like the claymore and wasnt a big fan of the magic blasts, id rather rip shit in half with zwei slams.
27 str will do me more dmg than current stats w magic or enchanted zwei? Ill do that then i guess, cmw just lasts so short lol i wish i could buy 2 on pthru 1. Can u get a 2nd zwei somewhere?
I only need enough end to 2hand heavy the zwei twice in a row, in fact i prob couldve leveled end less since thats all the end i feel i neeed. Vit might get some points to avoid okos but i personally dont like having much more vit that my estus will fill bc its a waste unless getting okoed (i use ring of favor too bc, reasons, lets me be more crazy w stats outside of end/vit)
Yeah, they can be pretty tricky. There are a few routes through The Painted World that avoid most of them. If you can find it, then things should be easier, and you can come back later when you're stronger to get the cool loot you might have missed.
Mash the attack buttons to get you out of their grab a little quicker (also works with other grabs like mimic, darkroot tree enemies).
They are annoying when there's more than one, but a decent weapon 2-handed should slay them in 3-4 hits, they stagger pretty easy.
You can also reduce their numbers by going up to the earliest encounter with them, not far from the bonfire where you drop down to get the dried finger, trigger the first two by walking over on the roof to where the item was/is - Then after dealing with the first two, use a bow to hit the other two across the distance (the area where the vow of silence miracle is) and they will come over to you. It gets rid of two of them from across the way at least - sometimes I roll off the steps by accident over where they are originally because of lock on spaz out.
You can bait them over to the first tower with pharis bow (or other bow with hawk ring) and arrows ...the first two will be easy to separate by aggroing one to follow you and then retreating down the stairs. I farmed theses bastards at low level so i could do low level darkmoon stuff and eventually learned how to fight them one on one (dodge forward to avoid them landing on your head.)
I tried showing the Mushroom what a real punch looks like. He wasn't pleased.
WTF. Am I the only one who has never seen the Centipede Demon throw magic(?) AoE bombs before? They were kind of like the Moonlight Butterflies slow magic blobs, but bigger - it threw two of them and as they landed they exploded in an AoE similar to the Demon Firesage's (et all) blasts.
I was literally one hit away from killing it when it jumped back into the lava and lobbed a couple of sets of these at me. Never seen them before @_@
Up to that point he hadn't even got a hit on me, I thought it was going far too good to be true!
Shhhhhh! The upper level of the O&S room is one of my favourite hiding places from invaders!There's always something new to learn in DaS. I recently found out that you can be invaded in Anor Londo after you've killed O&S, but not Gwyndolin,and can even go to the Princess's Chamber with your summons and invaders. Weirded me out something awful.
Yep, it doesn't have to be exactly five just at least +5.If you're over the +5 requirement for Fire enchantment, can you still ascend the weapon to fire?
Finally beat Dark Souls yesterday. My playtime for my first run was somewhere around 103 hours. I'm really happy that new game plus allows me to keep experience and items, now I can run through faster and upgrade my weapons even further, and experiment with other weapons as well. Seems like it's going to be a bit easier though in new game plus. Maybe it will get harder late in the game.
How do people spend that long on the first playthrough. More than 60 hours is stretching it, but 100+ hours?
How do people spend that long on the first playthrough. More than 60 hours is stretching it, but 100+ hours?
It doesn't get harder until Oreos and S'mores, then it gets really annoying with Four Kings. I don't like New Game Plus so much because it just turns the game into a boss challenge. Standard enemies kill you in one hit, but also die in one hit.
I'm also doing base-level base-equipment playthroughs, starting with Bandit. Probably not going to do Thief because I've played through the game with just a dagger and it's not that thrilling.
I could see taking 100 hours the first time through - I think I was around 70 or so when I finished my first run. Would have been longer to make boss weapons but I screwed up and got the Giant Blacksmith killed by Bat Demons.
NG+ runs were much quicker - finishing the game 2 more times and then getting back up to Anor Londo to make the Artorias Greatshield/get the Platinum at just under 120 hours total.
I made the Scythe into a boss weapon, but found it to be a piece of shit because it inflicted large amounts of curse buildup with each hit. The extra potential power gain wasn't worth it. I de-evolved it back to just the Great Scythe and leveled it up to 15. I'm sure there are items that help with that like the cursebite ring, but I don't have it at this point and don't want to fuck around with curse. Maybe I'll pick it up on New Game plus and see if it's worth it with a second Scythe.
I'm thinking this time I want to get my strength up and ascend a Black Knight Halberd.
I just stuck with the Silver Knight Spear + 5 for pretty much the entire time...playing around with the Uchigatana +14/15 on the last one.
It's not the most powerful thing but the range and the ability to poke from behind the shield kept making me go back to it.
Yeah, that spear is actually quite good. Once I picked up a Silver Knight Straight Sword, I ascended it to +5 and used that for the rest of the time until I started upgrading the Scythe. Oh yeah, I also upgraded the Zweihander to...can't remember what level, but a Raw Zwiehander with 300 attack. Pretty beastly weapon.
About the Silver Knight you know if you can upgrade them past +5? Once I got the Straight Sword to +5 it disappeared from any of the upgrade lists.
I built a Lifehunt Scythe build once. It's really powerful, but you have to use the Blood Shield and that one ring or you bleed to death way too easily. I assume that's what you meant, right? I don't remember there being a curse weapon?
Yeah, the Lifehunt Scythe. Yeah, I guess it was bleeding, I thought it was curse for some reason. Well, bleeding is a little bit better, ha. But still it's kind of a pain. Maybe next time I'll tinker with it and see if I can reduce the amount inflicted. It is strong though.
The trick with the Lifehunt Scythe is that it doesn't actually build up as much bleed on you as it does on your opponent, so as long as you can keep pressure on them it's really powerful. Bleed is a percentage damage, which means it absolutely demolishes bosses.
Rebought after a 6 month break for $5, defeated that bastard Iron Golum (he made me stop playing) and got to Anor Londo.
Holllllyyyyy shiiiiieeeeettt.
Welcome back, enjoy the view!
for now
Can somebody remind me real quick... will quitting to the menu save your progress on certain enemies in an area or will they be back when I come on later.
They stay dead. They only revive when you use a
Can somebody remind me real quick... will quitting to the menu save your progress on certain enemies in an area or will they be back when I come on later.
Quitting will save your state exactly as is. When you boot the game up again you will be exactly where you were before, with the enemies you killed still dead.
They stay dead. They only revive when you use a bonfire.
Rebought after a 6 month break for $5, defeated that bastard Iron Golum (he made me stop playing) and got to Anor Londo.
Holllllyyyyy shiiiiieeeeettt.
Nope. And being a Sunbro doesn't increase your chance of getting summoned either.Does being a darkwraith decrease your chances of getting summoned (like being a sunbro increases those chances)?
So, yeah. Now I have a level 1 dickwraith. I've been 'boxing' with new players, giving them a fighting chance and sending messages with tips and dropping some items here and there if they play nice.
And in the red corner: Divius the level 1 boxing Dickwraith
I try to invade a few and then do a summon where I help someone out, but getting summoned takes forever.
Does being a darkwraith decrease your chances of getting summoned (like being a sunbro increases those chances)?
How do people spend that long on the first playthrough. More than 60 hours is stretching it, but 100+ hours?
Rebought after a 6 month break for $5, defeated that bastard Iron Golum (he made me stop playing) and got to Anor Londo.
Holllllyyyyy shiiiiieeeeettt.
Did From patch out the Ceaseless Discharge trick?
Nope, still works as intended.