So I've been playing the game as a first timer for a while. Level 90. What's the best place to get good PvP fights as a Blade of the Darkmoon on the PC version? I like that covenant because you're kind of like a good-guy invader (not invading those who just play the game peacefully). So far I've gotten the most action in the forest hunter place and 80% of the people there bow (like me) before fighting. Sometimes there are multiple invasions and I just stand and watch. Are there more, or better spots than these? I basically use the Blue Eye Orb every minute or so while having the game alt-tabbed until there is a different screen. On average I'd say 1 duel every 10-15 minutes. I've heard Oolacile (sp?) is good but I've never been there. Is it a better place for duels?