Okay, mini rant here.
Me and my buddy are playing through the game at SL5 (because why the fuck not), which means that equipment is incredibly important. We literally can't survive essentially anything without +9 armor (fuck slabs).
However, we both are using the Elite Knight armor, both at +9, though I sometimes swap out for +9 Thief set for weight. It'd be nice if one of us like, looked different from the other, so I started looking at some of the other armors.
And holy shit.
It seems like literally, if it isn't a starting armor, everything gets absolutely roflstomped by a combo of Thief/Elite Knight, simply because anything that isn't a starter armor uses Twinkling Titanite, and thus can only ever go up to +5. It's absolutely embarrassing that, for example, the Chester armor fully upgraded is 2 points heavier and, on average, 30% weaker in every defensive category. And the Elite Knight is similar in all comparisons to anything within 15 points of its weight. Hell, it compares almost favorably to Havel's, poise aside.
Seriously. Unbalanced as hell.
Are there any exceptions?
EDIT: Mannerbot, me and my friend always do Smough first, because you CAN actually survive a hit from Super Ornstein at SL5. If Smough hits you it's just over, unless you go down and kill Ingward, steal his key, and farm for Titanite Chunks to upgrade your armor to +9.