Sunbro covenant is relatively easy to max, if you stay low enough level for long enough. Around 20SL in Gargoyles or 50SL for Fats & Slim should get you pretty fast medals. As a last resort, the Chaos Bug farm is always there for you.
Major problem with sunbro is that you need a minimum of 25 faith to even JOIN the covenant (used to be 50!), but it is reduced by 5 for every successful time someone summons you and you help them kill a boss. So if you are not playing a faith character and didn't realize/decide to get the trophy until later in the game or even NG+ when it is much rarer to be summoned for co-op, it can be annoying. Or if, like me, you rolled an int character then decided to get the trophy, but are forced to play offline because of school internet! Hooray for an int character with 25 faith.